Sublime Text Font from file - sublimetext3

I have ST as a portable version and use a custom font, but don't have admin rights at my work place to install it. Can you somehow point "font_face": to a local .ttf file?
I'm aware of the possibility regfont, but that's a clunky hack.
For my build system I use "cmd" : ["${packages}/../../../MSYS2/mingw64/bin/gcc", but such a path doesn't work with font_face as it seemingly doesn't accept .ttf

Sublime doesn't load font files directly in any way, it uses the face name you use in the setting to look up the appropriate font in the OS's font catalog (in a manner that depends on the operating system it's running on) so that it can use that font for rendering.
As such if you want to use a font in Sublime I believe your only option is to use some utility such as the one you mentioned in your question to temporarily register a font with your OS so that Sublime can see it.


Same executable with different icons

I want to open a pdf-viewer (okular) with different icons from the gnome-console.
Basically I want to differentiate between pdfs I am reading. Some would have the default okular icon, but I would like to have a different/special icon for the pdf generated by the LaTeX document I am editing.
Thinking about how to do this, I realized that I am not sure how gnome knows what icon to use when I execute /usr/bin/okular from the console. How is that bin related with an icon, no .desktop file involved right?
Applications set their icon at launch, to a compiled-in value. Most do it using the API of their graphics toolkit (Gtk provides various forms of the gtk_window_set_icon API call), but it has its roots in an X Windows window-manager property that's as old as dirt — which is why, for example, okular still has an application icon in Gnome Shell even though it's a KDE application.
You can see a grayscale representation of the icon(s) an application is exporting if you type xprop in a terminal, then click the application's window. (You need to have the correct utilities package installed, it's called xorg-x11-utils in Fedora.)
The application icon doesn't depend on Gnome or on the .desktop file under any circumstances.
(In fact, you could create your own $HOME/.local/share/applications/okular.desktop file that represented the application with a different icon, and launch it by clicking that icon, but it would be ignored in favor of the one that's compiled in to the application once it started. I have some custom launchers in my Favorites panel for different VNC sessions, using a different icon for each, but they all show up as TigerVNC with the standard icon when launched.)
AFAIK the only way to do what you want would be to compile your own separate version of okular with the icon changed to something else. That's just not the way application icons were meant to be used, sorry.

Change font style in terminal to a specified .ttf file

I am creating a terminal game which uses a specific font to display graphics. The problem is that it is inconvenient to manually have to switch font every time the game is started and stopped. The game should run on OS X and Linux and should mainly support xterm. Is there any hack which allows this to be automated?
No, there is no generally applicable way of doing this. Sorry.
I can think of a couple specific awful hacks that you could use to change the user's font in specific environments -- for instance, if the user is using macOS and running, you could use Applescript to alter the font. However this trick wouldn't work even if the user were using another terminal in macOS, let alone on Linux.
If you need a specific font, you should write your game to run as a graphical desktop application, rather than in a terminal.

where is Fixed[Misc] font

In kate (or QtCreator), I've a font named "Fixed[Misc]". I'd like to retrieve the font file(s) but I didn't find them:
in my font directory, I've a "misc" directory, but I can't find exactely the font I've in kate...
could you give me some informations on how it works and how to get the glyphs I've in kate ?
Fixed[Misc] is the default monospace font of the legacy core fonts subsystem of x-windows
You do not want to dig into this, this subsystem is a mess of legacy fonts in weird pre-opentype multi-file formats and incomplete unicode coverage which are quasi unmaintained and have been on the killing block for about a decade (and wayland/mir will finish them up soon).
I'm not sure if kate is even supposed to show you those fonts if a modern font systems like fontconfig is activated (this may be distribution dependent) but if you're only seeing core fonts in your apps you have a deployment problem because QT and KDE do know how to do better when built/deployed properly.

Is it possible to change the color of the scrollbars in gVim / Vim in windows os

As the title says, was it possible for gVim editor to have customize scrollbars in windows OS? If it wasn't natively supported are there workaround to achive this?
You either have to modify the GUI widget styling directly in the source code and build your own version of the Vim executable, or use a Windows tool (if such exists; I remember something called Window Blinds that allowed custom styling) that can tweak the appearance of arbitrary Windows applications.
The latest source code and runtime files can be downloaded via FTP or retrieved from Mercurial; see for details.

Can't get Terminus to work with PHPStorm

The original Terminus just does not appear available in PHPStorm.
I tried installing Terminus.ttf but this one has different sizing and literally broke the look and feel of the whole system (e.g., code in browser is not readable). Besides this Termius in PHPSotrm is not as accurate as the original one.
Is there any way to make the original Terminus work under PHPStorm?
I'm using Debian testing.
JVM supports only TTF and OTF fonts (OTF since 1.7), so you need a version of Terminus in the compatible format. Original one will not work.
I've made a TTF version of Terminus many years ago, but it's far from perfect. Probably there is a better one now somewhere.
It may help if you change the font name with a font editor so that it doesn't conflict with the original one (like TerminusTTF). Use the TTF font in the IDE and the original font in the system.
Also check this issue, it has some details in the latest comments how font appearance can be improved in Java applications on Linux.
