Python27 Is it able to make timer without thread.Timer? - multithreading

So, basically I want to make timer but I don't want to use thread.Timer for
Python produces thread by itself, it is not efficient and better not to use it.
I search the essay related to this. And checked It is slow to use thread.
e.g) single process was divided into N, and made it work into Thread, It was slower.
However I need to use Thread for this.
class Works(object):
def __init__(self):
self.symbol_dict = config.ws_api.get("ASSET_ABBR_LIST")
self.dict = {}
self.ohlcv1m = []
def on_open(self, ws):
everytime I get the message form web socket server, I store in self.dict
def on_message(self,ws,message):
message = json.loads(message)
if len(message) > 2 :
ticker = message[2]
pair = self.symbol_dict[(ticker[0])]
baseVolume = ticker[5]
timestmap = time.time()
except KeyError as e:
self.dict[pair] = []
'baseVolume' : baseVolume,
def run(self):
ws = websocket.WebSocketApp(
url = config.ws_api.get("WEBSOCK_HOST"),
on_message = self.on_message,
on_open = self.on_open
ws.run_forever(sslopt = {"cert_reqs":ssl.CERT_NONE})
'once in every 60s it occurs. calculate self.dict and save in to self.ohlcv1m
and will sent it to db. eventually self.dict and self.ohlcv1m initialized again to store 1min data from server'
def every60s(self):
threading.Timer(60, self.every60s).start()
for symbol in self.dict:
tickerLists = self.dict[symbol]
"V": sum([
float(ticker['baseVolume']) for ticker in tickerLists]
#self.ohlcv1m will go to database every 1m
self.ohlcv1 = [] #init again
self.dict = {} #init again
if __name__ == "__main__":
t1 = threading.Thread(
t1.daemon = True
(sorry for the indention)
I am connecting to socket by running run_forever() and getting realtimedata
Every 60s I need to check and calculate the data
Is there any way to make 60s without thread in python27?
I will be so appreciate you answer If you give me any advice.
Thank you

The answer comes down to if you need the code to run exactly every 60 seconds, or if you can just wait 60 seconds between runs (i.e. if the logic takes 5 seconds, it'll run every 65 seconds).
If you're happy with just a 60 second gap between runs, you could do
import time
while True:
If you're really set on not using threads but having it start every 60 seconds regardless of the last poll time, you could time the last execution and subtract that from 60 seconds to get the sleep time.
However, really, with the code you've got there you're not going to run into any of the issues with Python threads you might have read about. Those issues come in when you've got multiple threads all running at the same time and all CPU bound, which doesn't seem to be the case here unless there's some very slow, CPU intensive work that's not in your provided code.


python - lock process accessing queue queue while queue.put() for n seconds

I have the following code (simplified):
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
def f1(queue):
while True:
# do some stuff and get a variable called data
# ...
def f2(queue):
while True:
if not queue.empty():
data = queue.get(timeout=300)
print('queue data: ' + str(data))
if __name__ == '__main__':
q = Queue()
p1 = Process(target=f1, args=(q,))
p2 = Process(target=f2, args=(q,))
The problem I'm facing is that I don't know how to lock the queue in f1 in order to keep putting data for n seconds, before f2 is able to read it.
I tried with timeouts but of course, it didn't work. Basically, the expected behaviour would be that f1 keeps appending data into the queue and after n seconds, f2 can get what's in that queue. So, summarising, f1 should be running continuously, f2 should be running continuously too but accessing the queue every n seconds.
I can think of not so elegant ways of doing this with the time library, but I guess it has to be other way. Maybe the code's approach is wrong and I shouldn't be using Process and Queue but Pipelines or something else.
Thanks in advance!
For this particular case in which I was using the multiprocessing library, instead of threading or asyncio, I found the best way to do this by using a simple sleep, so the f2() will end up like:
def f2(queue):
while True:
time.sleep(300) # sleep for 5 minutes before POSTing
if not queue.empty():
data = queue.get(timeout=300)
print('queue data: ' + str(data))
Of course, after importing time.
As I said, maybe not the most elegant solution but I couldn't come up with anything better for the time being (and this particular use case).

Memory efficient massive http requests

I need to do an unlimited HTTP requests from a web API one after another and make it work efficiently and quite fast. (I need it for a utility so it should work no matter how many time im using it, also it should be able to be used on a web server(people use at the same time))
right now I'm using a threading with a queue but after a while of doing it I'm getting errors like:
'cant start a new thread'
or it may work a bit, but pretty slow.
this is a part of my code:
concurrent = 25
q = Queue(concurrent * 2)
for i in range(concurrent):
t = Thread(target=receiveJson)
t.daemon = True
for url in get_urls():
*get_urls() is a simple function that returns a list of urls(unknown length)
this is my recieveJson(thread target):
def receiveJson():
while True:
url = q.get()
res = request.get(url).json()
The problem is coming from your Threads never ending, notice that there is no exit condition in your receiveJson function. The simplest way to signal it should end is usually by enqueuing None:
def receiveJson():
while True:
url = q.get()
if url is None: # Exit condition allows thread to complete
res = request.get(url).json()
and then you can change the other code as follows:
concurrent = 25
q = Queue(concurrent * 2)
for i in range(concurrent):
t = Thread(target=receiveJson)
t.daemon = True
for url in get_urls():
for i in range(concurrent):
q.put(None) # Add a None for each thread to be able to get and complete
There are other ways of doing this, but this is the how to do it with the least amount of change to your code. If this is happening often, it might be worth looking into the concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor class to avoid the cost of opening threads very often.

How to set timeout for a block of code which is not a function python3

After spending a lot of hours looking for a solution in stackoverflow, I did not find a good solution to set a timeout for a block of code. There are approximations to set a timeout for a function. Nevertheless, I would like to know how to set a timeout without having a function. Let's take the following code as an example:
print("Doing different things")
for i in range(0,10)
# Doing some heavy stuff
print("Done. Continue with the following code")
So, How would you break the for loop if it has not finished after x seconds? Just continue with the code (maybe saving some bool variables to know that timeout was reached), despite the fact that the for loop did not finish properly.
i think implement this efficiently without using functions not possible , look this code ..
import datetime as dt
print("Doing different things")
# store
time_out_after = dt.timedelta(seconds=60)
start_time =
for i in range(10):
if > time_started + time_out:
# Doing some heavy stuff
print("Done. Continue with the following code")
the problem : the timeout will checked in the beginning of every loop cycle, so it may be take more than the specified timeout period to break of the loop, or in worst case it maybe not interrupt the loop ever becouse it can't interrupt the code that never finish un iteration.
update :
as op replayed, that he want more efficient way, this is a proper way to do it, but using functions.
import asyncio
async def test_func():
print('doing thing here , it will take long time')
await asyncio.sleep(3600) # this will emulate heaven task with actual Sleep for one hour
return 'yay!' # this will not executed as the timeout will occur early
async def main():
# Wait for at most 1 second
result = await asyncio.wait_for(test_func(), timeout=1.0) # call your function with specific timeout
# do something with the result
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
# when time out happen program will break from the test function and execute code here
print('lets continue to do other things')
Expected output:
doing thing here , it will take long time
lets continue to do other things
now timeout will happen after exactly the time you specify. in this example code, after one second.
you would replace this line:
await asyncio.sleep(3600)
with your actual task code.
try it and let me know what do you think. thank you.
read asyncio docs:
update 24/2/2019
as op noted that introduced in python 3.7 and asked for altrnative on python 3.6 alternative for python older than 3.7:
with this code for older version (i think 3.4 to 3.6)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
You may try the following way:
import time
start = time.time()
for val in range(10):
# some heavy stuff
if time.time() - start > 3: # 3 is timeout in seconds
print('loop stopped at', val)
break # stop the loop, or sys.exit() to stop the script
print('successfully completed')
I guess it is kinda viable approach. Actual timeout is greater than 3 seconds and depends on the single step execution time.

Thread objects not freed from memory

I wrote a continuous script that collects some data from the internet every few seconds, keeps it in memory for a while, periodically stores it all to db and then deletes it. To keep everything running smoothly I use threads to collect the data from several sources at the same time. To minimize db operations and to avoid conflict with other db processes, I only write every now and then.
The memory from the deleted variables is never returned and eventually becomes so large the script crashes (shown by tracemalloc and pympler). I guess I'm handling the data coming out of the threads wrong but I don't know how I could do it differently. Minimal example below.
Addition: I don't think I can use a queue because in reality multiple functions are threaded from this point, modifying different local variables.
import threading
import time
import tracemalloc
import pympler.muppy, pympler.summary
import gc
def a():
# collect data
collection.update({int(time.time()): list(range(1,1000))})
collection = {}
threads = []
start = time.time()
cycle = 0
while time.time() < start + 60:
cycle += 1
t = threading.Thread(target = a)
for t in threads:
if t.is_alive() == False:
# periodically delete data
delete = []
for key, val in collection.items():
if key < time.time() - 10:
for delet in delete:
print('DELETING:', delet)
del collection[delet]
print('CYCLE:', cycle, 'THREADS:', threading.active_count(), 'COLLECTION:', len(collection))
all_objects = pympler.muppy.get_objects()
sum1 = pympler.summary.summarize(all_objects)

How can I control traffic, when I use "for" in locust?

When I use "for" in locust, I do not know why the "req/s" is too high.
class UserBehavior(TaskSet):
def start_congche(self):
filename = 'D:\测试\项目\精励评分\从车评分/阳光压力测试数据.csv'
with open(filename) as f:
reader = csv.DictReader(f)
for test in reader:"/DataPreFillServer/DataPreFillProductService", first +test["vin"] + vincode +test["vehicle_code"] + vehicleCode + end)
class WebsiteUser(HttpLocust):
task_set = UserBehavior
host = ""
min_wait = 1000
max_wait = 1000
But, if I do not use "for", everything is ok....
class UserBehavior(TaskSet):
def start_congche(self):"/DataPreFillServer/DataPreFillProductService", first + vincode + vehicleCode + end)
use the class of queue..
each time from the queue to take the value.
user_data_queue = queue.Queue()
filename = 'XXXXXXXX.csv'
with open(filename) as f:
reader = csv.DictReader(f)
for test in reader:
data = {
"vin": test["vin"],
"vehicle_code": test["vehicle_code"],
data = self.locust.user_data_queue.get_nowait()
except queue.Empty:
I believe the reason why you are seeing 20 requests/second in the first approach is the for loop is executing multiple post requests each time one of the five Locust users attacks the system. Depending how large the file is, let's say its 20 iterations, that means each user executed likely in parallel 20 times and it the test ended.
Take a look at your start and end times, the first test finishes in ~8 seconds while the other one takes around 30 something.
In the second test, five locust users execute a single post request per user and has to go back and continue executing one at a time until 100 requests are satisfied.
