Docusign tab auto-population (\\*) populating wrong tabs - docusignapi

When using the auto-populate feature I noticed that it was auto-populating tabs that I thought it should not have been.
E.g. I have two tabs PhoneNumber and AdditionalPhoneNumber. I want to populate all occurrences of the PhoneNumber tab in the envelope. I set the value for PhoneNumber in the request using the tab label \\*PhoneNumber but I see that AdditionalPhoneNumber is also getting populated. I think that it should not have been since they are two different tab labels.
(Docusign documentation: under the Automatically Populating Tabs section)
Thanks in advance for any help

if I'm not mistaken the problem is that you are using a wildcard (\PhoneNumber) which means you want to match any field that ends with "PhoneNumber". If you remove the \ you should get only fields named exactly PhoneNumber.


Displaying different values in same DocuSign tab

Is there any way to pre populate a locked text tab with different values for different recipients using docusign-api?
I passed the same tab with different values for different recipients but the values just overlap each other
You can use the document visibility feature for this.
That would require the document to be duplicated for each user and then the tabs for each document would be only visible for the user that can view that document.

sharepoint custom list: multi-line field content is blank when person/group field has multiple values

I have a custom list with the following fields:
Title: Single line of text
Description: Multiple lines of text
Remarks: Multiple lines of text
Recipient: Person or Group
Whenever I input two or more people in the Recipient field, in View Item page (Display form), contents of Description and Remarks becomes blank/empty.
Contents are displayed okay on the main view of custom list, and in EDIT mode.
If I input a single person only in the Recipient field, the contents for Description and Remarks are displayed in Display form.
Note: Recipient field is set to accept multiple values. I'm using Sharepoint 2013.
I am new to Sharepoint and I'd like to know a way on how to troubleshoot/debug this matter. Or are the multi-line fields somehow connected to the person field? Or any setting that I need to setup? How can I check?
I tried to search but I found no same situation as far.
If there is no customization in Display form, it should work fine. If it works for Single User in Recipient, It should work for multiple users too.
For further troubleshooting, You can create a test list and create same type of columns in it. Then see if the Display form works fine in that test list. It will let you know if the issue is related to the specific list or it's generic. You can then narrow down your troubleshooting options based on this result.

Remove "Fields" column from DocuSign UI

Is there a way to permanently remove the "Fields" column from the DocuSign form shown here:
I feel like the behavior here is spotty. Sometimes when I'm testing, I get this column where the user can drag and drop these fields. Other times, I get what I want, which is to just have the one "Sign" tab and a pre-filled date. I have looked high and low and cannot figure this out. Any help would be greatly appreciated...
If a signer sees these icons to drag/drop, then you are in 'free form signing'. This happens when the sender does not designate/assign any tabs to the recipient.
In order to avoid this, ensure that the recipient has at least one DocuSign tab assigned.

Gravity forms - merging values

Need some help with Gravity forms. I need to have a field, that is a merge of values ,that user has previously selected.
So, if a user has selected 3 different fields wth values of 1)XYY, 2)YYX,3)YYZ I do not need a sum, just a plain merge, in form of XYY.YYX.YYZ, or anything like that.
Could that be acomplised with some merging tags, or dynamically population?
Of course;
You should create two different forms.
Collect data with field1-field2-field3, they can be single line text, number, date or anything. In the advanced tab of field settings, write a parameter name for each one, like field1-field2-field3.
In the second form create a single line text, in the advanced tab of field settings check "dynamically populate field" and write your parameters like field1.field2.field3.
In form1 settings->confirmations->redirect URL line, write your form2 page url where you added form2. Select "Pass field data via query string" and add your parameters like field1={fieldname:1}&field2={fieldname:2}&field3={fieldname:3}
When you submit form1, your form2->single line text field will capture the parameters as you wish.
This is possible with Gravity Forms Populate Anything by...
Add whatever type of field you'd like to use to capture the combined.
Set the Default Value to the merge tags of your 3 fields: #{Field A:1}.#{Field B:2}.#{Field C:3}.
That's it.
Edit: Updated screenshot for Gravity Forms 2.5 and updated merge tags to use the # to make them "live".

How to remove Text field from Form in J2ME

Hey Hi Friends,
I have created one application where in one text field i am getting input from user as id and according to id i am displaying the information. At run time i am adding another text fields but suppose user inserting wrong id then i want remove all text fields from Form. it is possible to remove text fields which added previously.
I am not sure what you are trying to achieve here but Form.delete(int itemNum) and Form.deleteAll() will allow you to delete Items that have been added to a Form.
See Form documentation.
