How to manage CosmosDB Stored procedures, Function and Triggers as like SQL DB project - azure

I am developing a Saas based application which has hybrid DB architecture (Azure SQL Server and Azure Cosmos DB).
To manage SQL Server Tables, Stored procedures, triggers and functions we will create a SQLDB project (.sqlproj). Also we can generate .dacpac and deploy in the sql server.
As like SQL, we will have collections, stored procedures, triggers and functions in Azure CosmosDB.
How to manage CosmosDB collection, procedure, trigger? Is there any project templete available to manage? Suggest a solution to proceed.

Based on my experience with CosmosDb, I believe there is nothing sort of project templates available for CosmosDb. Because it is not as easy as SQL Db project.
I suggest you will have to store them as json files in local solution version control and version them accordingly.
You could write necessary programming logic to execute these scripts/cosmos DB logic using SQL API for .NET or another platform. This way you are controlling the collections, udf, triggers etc from your code, and you can version your code accordingly.
More references here:

Azure CosmosDBs can be managed through ARM templates. You can use these to version your databases/collections/etc. See Microsoft.DocumentDB resource types documentation.


Cross Database Insert in Azure?

Is it possible for me to insert some data from one database to another in Azure sql?
Let's say I have a trigger in db1 that updates some values in db2.
I read about elastic queries but it seems like they are read-only so they don't solve my problem.
You can't use cross-database in Azure Sql Server because databases can't see eachother physically , you could use elastic pools but they are Read Only.
A solution is to use SQL Managed Instance to upload your instance . This supports cross-database queries but it was expensive.
There was some previous discussion here about doing similar:
C# Azure Function trigger when SQL Database has a new row added without polling
There is also the Azure SQL Bindings for Azure Functions but they are input bindings and not triggers and they're still in preview and limited to C#, JavaScript and Python.
Azure SQL bindings for Azure Functions overview (preview)
There was a new announcement last week after MS Build however for Azure SQL Database External REST Endpoints Integration (hopefully they don't refer to it as ASDEREI) but this is currently in preview under Early Adoption Program (EAP).
Announcing the “Azure SQL Database External REST Endpoints Integration” Early Adoption Program

Upload SQL Database and its Data to Azure

I created an SQL database using ASP.NET Core 1.1 Migrations.
After I created the database I added some data to the database.
What options do I have to upload this database to Azure?
I need to send the Scheme and the initial data.
Is it possible to run Entity Framework migrations on Azure?
This article describes the possibilities to migrate an existing database to SQL Azure.
However, in your scenario, this might be overkill to go through the steps of realy doing a migration.
If your number of tables and data is rather small, why not create a SQL script to create the tables & insert the data?
Connect to your SQL Azure using SQL Server Management Studio and execute the script.
As for the Entity Framework, yes, you can run those on SQL Azure as well.

Azure Table Storage and ADO.NET for CRUD operations

If there is any guidance available on how to use ADO.NET for CRUD Operations on Windows Azure Table Storage?
Table Storage is sometimes a confusing name as it has nothing to do with a relational tables based database like for example SQL Server.
If you want to get your hands dirty with Table Storage then follow How to Use the Table Storage Service. Another way is to make use of for example Simple.Data.Azure which you can install as a Nuget package.
However if you want to keep on making use of ADO.NET to a relational database like you're used to now then take a look at SQL Databases: How to Use SQL Database in .NET applications.

ORM code for Azure Dev storage emulator

Tricky question - Does anyone know where the ORM SQL code lives that the Azure Dev storage emulator uses for Table Storage?
I'm wanting to implement a SQL version of Azure Table storage for use on-premises (outside of Azure).
And before explaining to me the differences between a relational db like SQL Server and a NoSQL key/value store like Azure Table storage - I know already, thanks :)
Go to the SQL server you installed the Storage Emulator. You will see a database called "DevelopmentStorageDb20110816" if you have installed the Azure SDK v1.5+ (It was a different date previous to that - something like DevelopmentStorageDb20090919 I think).
In that database you will find all the tables, stored procedures and functions needed to emulate Windows Azure storage.

Alternative to Windows Azure tables out of the cloud

I'm developing a .NET app, which needs to run both on Azure and on regular Windows Servers(2003). It needs to store a few GB of data and SQL Azure is too expensive for me, so I'll use Azure tables in the cloud version. Can you recommend a storage solution, which will run on standalone servers and have an API and behavior similar to Azure tables? From what I've seen Server AppFabric does not include Tables.
If you think what Windows Azure Table Storage is, it is a Key-Value pair based non-relational databse which is accessible through REST API. Please download this document about Windows Azure and NoSQL database details.
If I were in your situation, my approach would have been to find something similar to Azure Table Storage which I can access over REST and have similar accessibility API. So if you try to find the similar database to run on a machine you really need to look for:
Key Value Pair DB
Support for basic operations i.e add, delete, insert, modify an entity
Partition Key and Row Key based Accessibility
RESTful Interface to connect
If you would want to try something you sure can look at:
DBreeze (C# based Key Value Pair NoSQL DB) I just saw it and looks exciting
Googles LevelDB (Key Value Pair DB, open source and available on Windows) I have no idea about API
Redis (Great Key-Value Pair DB but not sure for Windows compatibility and API)
Here is a list of key/value databases without additional indexing facilities are:
Berkeley DB
Tokyo Cabinet/Tyrant
If none works, you sure can get any of open source DB and modify to work for your requirement and then make that available to others as your contribution to community.
Now you can use Windows Azure Virtual Machine to run any kind of Key-Value pair DB on Linux or Windows Machine and connection with your application.
I'm not sure which storage solution to recommend, but just about any database solution would work provided that you write an Interface to abstract all your data storage code. Then write implementations of that interface for Azure Table storage and whatever other database you want to use on the non-cloud server
You should be doing that anyway so that your code isn't tightly coupled with Azure Table Storage APIs.
If you combine coding against that Interface with an IoC container, then a single line of code or a single configuration setting would enable you to switch between data implementations based on which platform the code is running on.
