In vim editor, when I try to divide numbers using the command
<C-r>= 320 / 1024
I get 0. How to fix it?
You have to have one of the numbers as a float one:
320 / 1024.0 will give what you want. More info here
What you're trying to do is integer division. While doing integer division some sample results are as follows:
1/3 = 0
5/3 = 1
but converting either the numerator/denominator to a floating point value will return a floating point result.
1.0/3 = 0.333333
5/3.0 = 1.666667
Therefore what you're looking for is 320/1024.0 or 320.0/1024 or 320.0/1024.0
The result of which is 0.3125
To my great surprise, I found that rounding a NaN value in Haskell returns a gigantic negative number:
round (0/0)
The same thing happens with floor and ceiling.
What is happening here? Is this behavior intended? Of course, I understand that anyone who doesn't want this behavior can always write another function that checks isNaN - but are there existing alternative standard library functions that handle NaN more sanely (for some definition of "more sanely")?
TL;DR: NaN have an arbitrary representation between 2 ^ 1024 and 2 ^ 1025 (bounds not included), and - 1.5 * 2 ^ 1024 (which is one possible) NaN happens to be the one you hit.
Why any reasoning is off
What is happening here?
You're entering the region of undefined behaviour. Or at least that is what you would call it in some other languages. The report defines round as follows:
6.4.6 Coercions and Component Extraction
The ceiling, floor, truncate, and round functions each take a real fractional argument and return an integral result. … round x returns the nearest integer to x, the even integer if x is equidistant between two integers.
In our case x does not represent a number to begin with. According to 6.4.6, y = round x should fulfil that any other z from round's codomain has an equal or greater distance:
y = round x ⇒ ∀z : dist(z,x) >= dist(y,x)
However, the distance (aka the subtraction) of numbers is defined only for, well, numbers. If we used
dist n d = fromIntegral n - d
we get in trouble soon: any operation that includes NaN will return NaN again, and comparisons on NaN fail, so our property above does not hold for any z if x was a NaN to begin with. If we check for NaN, we can return any value, but then our property holds for all pairs:
dist n d = if isNaN d then constant else fromIntegral n - d
So we're completely arbitrary in what round x shall return if x was not a number.
Why do we get that large number regardless?
"OK", I hear you say, "that's all fine and dandy, but why do I get that number?" That's a good question.
Is this behavior intended?
Somewhat. It isn't really intended, but to be expected. First of all, we have to know how Double works.
IEE 754 double precision floating point numbers
A Double in Haskell is usually a IEEE 754 compliant double precision floating point number, that is a number that has 64 bits and is represented with
x = s * m * (b ^ e)
where s is a single bit, m is the mantissa (52 bits) and e is the exponent (11 bits, floatRange). b is the base, and its usually 2 (you can check with floadRadix). Since the value of m is normalized, every well-formed Double has a unique representation.
IEEE 754 NaN
Except NaN. NaN is represented as the emax+1, as well as a non-zero mantissa. So if the bitfield
represents a Double, what's a valid way to represent NaN?
That is, a single M is set to 1, the other are not necessary to set this notion. The sign is arbitrary. Why only a single bit? Because its sufficient.
Interpret NaN as Double
Now, when we ignore the fact that this is a malformed Double—a NaN– and really, really, really want to interpret it as number, what number would we get?
m = 1.5
e = 1024
x = 1.5 * 2 ^ 1024
= 3 * 2 ^ 1024 / 2
= 3 * 2 ^ 1023
And lo and behold, that's exactly the number you get for round (0/0):
ghci> round $ 0 / 0
ghci> negate $ 3 * 2 ^ 1023
Which brings our small adventure to a halt. We have a NaN, which yields a 2 ^ 1024, and we have some non-zero mantissa, which yields a result with absolute value between 2 ^ 1024 < x < 2 ^ 1025.
Note that this isn't the only way NaN can get represented:
In IEEE 754, NaNs are often represented as floating-point numbers with the exponent emax + 1 and nonzero significands. Implementations are free to put system-dependent information into the significand. Thus there is not a unique NaN, but rather a whole family of NaNs.
For more information, see the classic paper on floating point numbers by Goldberg.
This has long been observed as a problem. Here're a few tickets filed against GHC on this very topic:
Unfortunately, this is a thorny issue with lots of ramifications. My personal belief is that this is a genuine bug and it should be fixed properly by throwing an error. But you can read the comments on these tickets to get an understanding of the tricky issues preventing GHC from implementing a proper solution. Essentially, it comes down to speed vs. correctness, and this is one point where (i) the Haskell report is woefully underspecified, and (ii) GHC compromises the latter for the former.
I am writing a program to approximate the golden ratio to the largest amount of precision possible. It works, but when I tell it to round to more than 16 decimal places, it just doesn't go past 15. This is my code:
# Using fractions to approximate the Golden Ratio
a = 1
b = 1
while b < 1000000000000000:
g = a + b
h = g / a
print (round(h, 20))
b = a
a = g
I realize that the while loop probably isn't the best way to do this, so if there is a more efficient way, please inform me of that. But my main question is is this rounding issue fixable? Or will I just have to settle for 15 decimal places? Thank you!
float doesn't have more than about 15 actual decimal places. Rounding it to more is pointless, since they don't exist.
If you really care about precision, I believe you should be using Decimal numbers instead of integers and floats.
Regardless of the type you use, be sure that you are formatting your string the way you want, and not just using print's default.
I have user input in two cells, named "UpperRangeHigh" and "UpperRangeLow". I have the following code:
dRangeUpper = [UpperRangeHigh] - [UpperRangeLow]
lLines = Int(dRangeUpper * 100 / lInterval)
The user inputs 120.3 and 120 into the input cells respectively. lInterval has the value 10. VBA produces the result of 2 for lLines, instead of 3.
I can overcome this problem by adding 0.000000001 to dRangeUpper, but I'm wondering if there is a known reason for this behaviour?
This appears to be a problem with Excel's calculation and significant digits. If you do:
=120.3 - 120 and format the cell to display 15 decimal places, the result appears as:
Here is a brief overview which explains how Excel uses binary arithmetic and that this may result in results divergent from what you would expect:
You can overcome this by forcing a rounded precision, e.g., to 10 decimal places:
lLines = Int(Round(dRangeUpper, 10) * 100 / lInterval
Kindly use single or double when working with decimals to get more accurate results.
Sub sample()
Dim dRangeUpper As Double
dRangeUpper = CDbl("120.3") - CDbl("120")
lLines = Round(CDbl(dRangeUpper * 100 / 10), 4)
End Sub
output = 3
This is a known Floating point issue within Excel
From MSDN:
To minimize any effects of floating point arithmetic storage
inaccuracy, use the Round() function to round numbers to the number of
decimal places that is required by your calculation. For example, if
you are working with currency, you would likely round to 2 decimal
In your case, using round() instead of INT should do the trick using 0 rather than 2
Suppose I want to conver the number 0.011124325465476454 to string in MATLAB.
If I hit
I get 0.011124325465476453 which differs in the last digit.
If I hit num2str(0.011124325465476454,'%5.25f')
I get 0.0111243254654764530000000
which is padded with undesirable zeros and differs in the last digit (3 should be 4).
I need a way to convert numerics with random number of decimals to their EXACT string matches (no zeros padded, no final digit modification).
Is there such as way?
EDIT: Since I din't have in mind the info about precision that Amro and nrz provided, I am adding some more additional info about the problem. The numbers I actually need to convert come from a C++ program that outputs them to a txt file and they are all of the C++ double type. [NOTE: The part that inputs the numbers from the txt file to MATLAB is not coded by me and I'm actually not allowed to modify it to keep the numbers as strings without converting them to numerics. I only have access to this code's "output" which is the numerics I'd like to convert]. So far I haven't gotten numbers with more than 17 decimals (NOTE: consequently the example provided above, with 18 decimals, is not very indicative).
Now, if the number has 15 digits eg 0.280783055069002
then num2str(0.280783055069002,'%5.17f') or mat2str(0.280783055069002,17) returns
which is not the exact number (see last digits).
But if I hit mat2str(0.280783055069002,15) I get
0.280783055069002 which is correct!!!
Probably there a million ways to "code around" the problem (eg create a routine that does the conversion), but isn't there some way using the standard built-in MATLAB's to get desirable results when I input a number with random number of decimals (but no more than 17);
My HPF toolbox also allows you to work with an arbitrary precision of numbers in MATLAB.
In MATLAB, try this:
>> format long g
>> x = 0.280783054
x =
As you can see, MATLAB writes it out with the digits you have posed. But how does MATLAB really "feel" about that number? What does it store internally? See what sprintf says:
>> sprintf('%.60f',x)
ans =
And this is what HPF sees, when it tries to extract that number from the double:
>> hpf(x,60)
ans =
The fact is, almost all decimal numbers are NOT representable exactly in floating point arithmetic as a double. (0.5 or 0.375 are exceptions to that rule, for obvious reasons.)
However, when stored in a decimal form with 18 digits, we see that HPF did not need to store the number as a binary approximation to the decimal form.
x = hpf('0.280783054',[18 0])
x =
>> x.mantissa
ans =
2 8 0 7 8 3 0 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
What niels does not appreciate is that decimal numbers are not stored in decimal form as a double. For example what does 0.1 look like internally?
>> sprintf('%.60f',0.1)
ans =
As you see, matlab does not store it as 0.1. In fact, matlab stores 0.1 as a binary number, here in effect...
1/16 + 1/32 + 1/256 + 1/512 + 1/4096 + 1/8192 + 1/65536 + ...
or if you prefer
2^-4 + 2^-5 + 2^-8 + 2^-9 + 2^-12 + 2^13 + 2^-16 + ...
To represent 0.1 exactly, this would take infinitely many such terms since 0.1 is a repeating number in binary. MATLAB stops at 52 bits. Just like 2/3 = 0.6666666666... as a decimal, 0.1 is stored only as an approximation as a double.
This is why your problem really is completely about precision and the binary form that a double comprises.
As a final edit after chat...
The point is that MATLAB uses a double to represent a number. So it will take in a number with up to 15 decimal digits and be able to spew them out with the proper format setting.
>> format long g
>> eps
ans =
So for example...
>> x = 1.23456789012345
x =
And we see that MATLAB has gotten it right. But now add one more digit to the end.
>> x = 1.234567890123456
x =
In its full glory, look at x, as MATLAB sees it:
>> sprintf('%.60f',x)
ans =
So always beware the last digit of any floating point number. MATLAB will try to round things intelligently, but 15 digits is just on the edge of where you are safe.
Is it necessary to use a tool like HPF or MP to solve such a problem? No, as long as you recognize the limitations of a double. However tools that offer arbitrary precision give you the ability to be more flexible when you need it. For example, HPF offers the use and control of guard digits down in that basement area. If you need them, they are there to save the digits you need from corruption.
You can use Multiple Precision Toolkit from MATLAB File Exchange for arbitrary precision numbers. Floating point numbers do not usually have a precise base-10 presentation.
That's because your number is beyond the precision of the double numeric type (it gives you between 15 to 17 significant decimal digits). In your case, it is rounded to the nearest representable number as soon as the literal is evaluated.
If you need more precision than what the double-precision floating-points provides, store the numbers in strings, or use arbitrary-precision libraries. For example use the Symbolic Toolbox:
You cannot get EXACT string since the number is stored in double type, or even long double type.
The number stored will be a subtle more or less than the number you gives.
computer only knows binary number 0 & 1. You must know that numbers in one radix may not expressed the same in other radix. For example, number 1/3, radix 10 yields 0.33333333...(The ellipsis (three dots) indicate that there would still be more digits to come, here is digit 3), and it will be truncated to 0.333333; radix 3 yields 0.10000000, see, no more or less, exactly the amount; radix 2 yields 0.01010101... , so it will likely truncated to 0.01010101 in computer,that's 85/256, less than 1/3 by rounding, and next time you fetch the number, it won't be the same you want.
So from the beginning, you should store the number in string instead of float type, otherwise it will lose precision.
Considering the precision problem, MATLAB provides symbolic computation to arbitrary precision.
I've written a small function in C, which almost do the same work as standart function `fcvt'. As you may know, this function takes a float/double and make a string, representing this number in ANSI characters. Everything works ;-)
For example, for number 1.33334, my function gives me string: "133334" and set up special integer variable `decimal_part', in this example will be 1, which means in decimal part only 1 symbol, everything else is a fraction.
Now I'm curious about what to do standart C function `printf'. It can take %a or %e as format string. Let me cite for %e (link junked):
"double" argument is output in scientific notation
... The exponent always contains two digits.
It said: "The exponent always contains two digits". But what is an Exponent? This is the main question. And also, how to get this 'exponent' from my function above or from `fcvt'.
The notation might be better explained if we expand the e:
[-]m.nnnnnn * (10^xx)
So you have one digit of m (from 0 to 9, but it will only ever be 0 if the entire value is 0), and several digits of n. I guess it might be best to show with examples:
1 = 1.0000 * 10^0 = 1e0
10 = 1.0000 * 10^1 = 1e1
10000 = 1.0000 * 10^4 = 1e4
0.1 = 1.0000 * 10^-1 = 1e-1
1,419 = 1.419 * 10^3 = 1.419e3
0.00000123 = 1.23 * 10^-5 = 1.23e-5
You can look up scientific notation off Google, but it is useful for expressing very large or small numbers like 1232100000000000000 would be 1.2321e24 (I didn't actually count, exponent may be inaccurate).
In C, I think you can actually extract the exponent from the top 12 bits (the first being the sign which you will have to ignore). See: IEEE758-1985 Floating Point
The exponent is the power 10 is raised to then multiplied by the base.
SI is explained at wikipeida.
m.nnnnnne+xx is logically equal to m.nnnnnn * 10 ^ +xx
In scientific notation, the exponent is the ten to the XX power, so 1234.5678 can be represented as 1.2345678E03 where the normalized form is multiplied by 10^3 to get the "real" answer.
400 = 4 * 10 ^ 2
2 is the exponent.
If you write a number in scientific notation then the exponent is part of that notation.
You can see a full description here, but basically its just another way to write a number, typically used for very large or very small numbers.
Say you have the number 300, that is equal to 3 * 100, or 3 * 10^2 in scientific notation.
If you use %e it will be printed as 3.0e+02