Ncurses ACS_BLOCK not the same as WACS_BLOCK? - ncurses

I switched over from add_ch to having to use add_wch which caused me to also have to change using the various ACS_ special drawing characters to the WCS_ version. The problem I found is that the WCS_ version is not a FULL block, but only a partial block whereas the ACS_ is the proper FULL block. Is there a way to fix that?

It appears to be a ncurses bug. They define WCS_BLOCK as 0x25AE but that is the "Vertical Rectangle". The correct definition should have been 0x2588 which is the "Full Block". So you have to create your own cchar_t and use that. Something like:
wchar_t wch[2];
wch[0]=(wchar_t) 0x2588;
cchar_t cch;
setcchar(&cch, wch, WA_NORMAL, 0, NULL);


How can I access the bit representation of a file using Scheme?

If I had a file called raw_text.txt, is there a way I could iterate through each bit?
I see the following but am confused on how to use it:
— procedure: file-attributes/mode-string attributes
The mode string of the file, a newly allocated string showing the file's mode bits. Under unix, this string is in unix format. Under Windows, this string shows the standard “DOS” attributes in their usual format.
EDIT: I am using mit-scheme
It's implementation-specific. On the Racket side of things, there are a few libraries:
You can probably use something like the binary-parse library as well:, as long as your implementation of Scheme can support it.
Under MIT Scheme, you can use the bit-string functions.
I haven't actually tried to do anything with this, but I think you're looking for this section of the mit-scheme docs: Input/Output. Specifically the file ports and input procedures sections.
I didn't see anything specifically about reading the binary bits, but if it's character bytes you want, it looks like there are procedures for that. Maybe you want to do something like this?
(call-with-input-file "raw_text.txt" <procedure>)
(call-with-binary-file "raw_text.txt" <procedure>)
Where <procedure> will take the file port and use the input procedures to read things from that file.
Just out of curiosity, what are you trying to do?
EDIT: It appears that someone did a write up on this here.

How do I print colors into the console with D?

I have tried escape sequences with the writeln() function, I also tried to use them with the printf() function imported from the std.c.stdlib module, but it only prints an empty line.
printf("\0x1B[5;32;40m Blink Text");
printf("\e[5;32;40m Blink Text\e[m");
None of these work.
I have tried everything I can think of, is there a way?
Searching the D website's library reference didn't help me.
Okay, so I have tried to import the function SetConsoleTextAttribute, as Mars kindly suggested:
extern (Windows) bool SetConsoleTextAttribute(void*, ushort);
I also imported the other function (Which I simply guessed I need to import, as I have no previous experience with Win programming)
extern (Windows) void* GetStdHandle(uint);
And simply called the two functions
auto handle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, FOREGROUND_BLUE);
writeln("In Color");
This works perfectly, thank you all so much for your time and help
Like CyberShadow pointed out, you have to use \x1B, or \033. It should work fine, as long as you're on Linux. Windows doesn't support those codes though. Here you have to use the API function SetConsoleTextAttribute from
There is a typo in your string: use \x1B instead of \0x1B.
D doesn't support the \e escape code in strings, use \x1B.
You may also try a helper module like

escaped Ambersand in JSF i18n Resource Bundle

i have something like
<s:link view="/member/index.xhtml" value="My News" propagation="none"/>
<s:link view="/member/index.xhtml" value="#{msg.myText}" propagation="none"/>
where the value of myText in the is
myText=My News
The first line of the example works fine and replaces the text to "My News", but the second that uses a value from the resource bundle escapes the ambersand, too "My&#160;News".
I tried also to use unicode escape sequences for the ambersand and/or hash with My\u0026\u0023160;News, My\u0026#160;News and My\u0026nbsp;News in the properties file without success.
(Used css no-wrap instead of the previous used xml encoding, but would be interested anyway)
EDIT - Answer to clarified question
The first is obviously inline, so interpreter knows that this is safe.
The second one comes from external source (you are using Expression Language) and as such is not safe and need to be escaped. The result of escaping would be as you wrote, basically it will show you the exact value of HTML entity.
This is related to security (XSS for example) and not necessary i18n.
Previous attempt
I don't quite know what you are asking for but I believe it is "how to display it?".
Most of the standard JSF controls contain escape attribute that if set to false won't escape the text. Unfortunately it seems that you are using something like SeamTools which does not have this attribute.
Well, in this case there is not much to be done. Unless you could use standard control, maybe you should go and try to actually save your properties file as Unicode (UTF-16 BigEndian in fact) and simply put valid Unicode non-breaking space character. Theoretically that should work; Unicode-encoded properties files are supported in latest version of Java (although I cannot recall if it was Java SE 5 or Java SE 6)...

Turn off abbreviation in getopt_long (optarg.h)?

Is it possible to turn off abbreviation in getopt_long()? From the man page:
Long option names may be abbreviated if the abbreviation is unique or is an exact match for >some defined option.
I want to do this because the specification I have received for a piece of code requires full-length exact match of the flags, and there are many flags.
It appears there isn't a way to disable the abbreviation feature. You aren't alone in wishing for this feature. See:
Unfortunately, It seems the glibc developers don't want the option as the bug report linked above was resolved with "WONTFIX". You may be out of luck here :-\
If you use argp_parse() instead of getopt() (highly reccommended, BTW), you can access the exact flag entered by the user through
state->argv[ state->next - 2 ]
It's a bit of a hack, but should work.
This is not perfect solution but you can check exact arg given by a user after calling getopt_long() (normally within switch) like below:
if (strcmp(argv[optind-1], "--longoption") == 0)
optind points a next argument that you need to process. Thus, you can access the original arg using optind-1.

How to number floats in LaTeX consistently?

I have a LaTeX document where I'd like the numbering of floats (tables and figures) to be in one numeric sequence from 1 to x rather than two sequences according to their type. I'm not using lists of figures or tables either and do not need to.
My documentclass is report and typically my floats have captions like this:
\caption{Breakdown of visualisations created.}
A quick way to do it is to put \addtocounter{table}{1} after each figure, and \addtocounter{figure}{1} after each table.
It's not pretty, and on a longer document you'd probably want to either include that in your style sheet or template, or go with cristobalito's solution of linking the counters.
The differences between the figure and table environments are very minor -- little more than them using different counters, and being maintained in separate sequences.
That is, there's nothing stopping you putting your {tabular} environments in a {figure}, or your graphics in a {table}, which would mean that they'd end up in the same sequence. The problem with this case (as Joseph Wright notes) is that you'd have to adjust the \caption, so that doesn't work perfectly.
Try the following, in the preamble:
\#latex#error{\noexpand\ucaption outside float}\#ehd
\refstepcounter{unisequence}% <-- the only change from default \caption
Then use \ucaption in your tables and figures, instead of \caption (change the name ad lib). If you want to use this same sequence in other environments (say, listings?), then define \the<foo> the same way.
My earlier attempt at this is in fact completely broken, as the OP spotted: the getting-the-lof-wrong is, instead of being trivial and only fiddly to fix, absolutely fundamental (ho, hum).
(For the afficionados, it comes about because \advance commands are processed in TeX's gut, but the content of the .lof, .lot, and .aux files is fixed in TeX's mouth, at expansion time, thus what was written to the files was whatever random value \#tempcnta had at the point \caption was called, ignoring the \advance calculations, which were then dutifully written to the file, and then ignored. Doh: how long have I know this but never internalised it!?)
Dutiful retention of earlier attempt (on the grounds that it may be instructively wrong):
No problem: try putting the following in the preamble:
...and then use the {table} and {figure} environments as normal. The captions will have the correct 'Table/Figure' text, but they'll share a single numbering sequence.
Note that this example gets the numbers wrong in the listoffigures/listoftables, but (a) you say you don't care about that, (b) it's fixable, though probably mildly fiddly, and (c) life is hard!
I can't remember the syntax, but you're essentially looking for counters. Have a look here, under the custom floats section. Assign the counters for both tables and figures to the same thing and it should work.
I'd just use one type of float (let's say 'figure'), then use the caption package to remove the automatically added "Figure" text from the caption and deal with it by hand.
