Azure Function Queue Trigger Executing Multiple Times - azure

I have azure function triggered off of a storage queue. The behavior of the function is to create out around 10,000 additional messages to another storage queue for another function (within the same function app) to execute. I'm seeing some strange behavior whenever it executes, where the first function appears to be executed multiple times. I observed this by watching the queue it's publishing to receive significantly more messages than expected.
I understand that the function should be coded defensively (i.e. expect to be executed multiple times), but this is happening consistently each time the first function executes. I don't think the repeated executions re due to it timing out or failing (according to app insights).
Could it be that when the 10,000 messages get queued up the function is scaling out and that is somehow causing the original message to be executed multiple times?

The lock on the original message that triggers the first Azure Function to execute is likely expiring. This will cause the Queue to assume that processing the message failed, and it will then use that message to trigger the Function to execute again. You'll want to look into renewing the message lock while you're sending out 10,000 messages to the next Queue.
Also, since you're sending out 10,000 messages, you may need to redesign that to be more efficient at scaling out what ever massively parallel processing you're attempting to implement. 10,000 is a really high amount of messages to send from a single triggered event.


How to perform long event processing in Node JS with a message queue?

I am building an email processing pipeline in Node JS with Google Pub/Sub as a message queue. The message queue has a limitation where it needs an acknowledgment for a sent message within 10 minutes. However, the jobs it's sending to the Node JS server might take an hour to complete. So the same job might run multiple times till one of them finishes. I'm worried that this will block the Node JS event loop and slow down the server too.
Find an architecture diagram attached. My questions are:
Should I be using a message queue to start this long-running job given that the message queue expects a response in 10 mins or is there some other architecture I should consider?
If multiple such jobs start, should I be worried about the Node JS event loop being blocked. Each job is basically iterating through a MongoDB cursor creating hundreds of thousands of emails.
Well, it sounds like you either should not be using that queue (with the timeout you can't change) or you should break up your jobs into something that easily finishes long before the timeouts. It sounds like a case of you just need to match the tool with the requirements of the job. If that queue doesn't match your requirements, you probably need a different mechanism. I don't fully understand what you need from Google's pub/sub, but creating a queue of your own or finding a generic queue on NPM is generally fairly easy if you just want to serialize access to a bunch of jobs.
I rather doubt you have nodejs event loop blockage issues as long as all your I/O is using asynchronous methods. Nothing you're doing sounds CPU-heavy and that's what blocks the event loop (long running CPU-heavy operations). Your whole project is probably limited by both MongoDB and whatever you're using to send the emails so you should probably make sure you're not overwhelming either one of those to the point where they become sluggish and lose throughput.
To answer the original question:
Should I be using a message queue to start this long-running job given that the message queue expects a response in 10 mins or is there
some other architecture I should consider?
Yes, a message queue works well for dealing with these kinds of events. The important thing is to make sure the final action is idempotent, so that even if you process duplicate events by accident, the final result is applied once. This guide from Google Cloud is a helpful resource on making your subscriber idempotent.
To get around the 10 min limit of Pub/Sub, I ended up creating an in-memory table that tracked active jobs. If a job was actively being processed and Pub/Sub sent the message again, it would do nothing. If the server restarts and loses the job, the in-memory table also disappears, so the job can be processed once again if it was incomplete.
If multiple such jobs start, should I be worried about the Node JS event loop being blocked. Each job is basically iterating through a
MongoDB cursor creating hundreds of thousands of emails.
I have ignored this for now as per the comment left by jfriend00. You can also rate-limit the number of jobs being processed.

ServiceBus Deadletter queue cleanup using Logic Apps

We want to clean up ServiceBus DeadLetter Queue periodically using Azure Logic Apps. The idea is to loop over all DeadLetter messages once a day and delete messages older than x days.
I implemented periodic "Recurrence" task with "Get messages from a queue (peek lock)". When they meet my condition they are completed and therefore removed from queue. This works with a few hundreds of messages. But when I tested this with thousands of messages it started to return messages already visited during current run. I included a condition that terminates processing if the same messageId is processed again.
Is there a way to achieve what we want? So to loop over all messages removing some and preserving others without visiting any of them repeatedly?
Here is the simplified scheme of the flow.
I think the problem is that your For Each needs Concurrency Control. The Get Messages action will return X messages (20 by default) from the queue, then the For Each action runs in parallel and those actions (inside the For Each) are not waiting for all of them to complete before it exits that loop and go around again with the Do Until. I would test changing the For Each Settings/Concurrency Control (ellipsis on right side) and lower the Degree of Parallelism to a low number.
In the end we decided to skip Logic Apps altogether. We ended up creating secondary queue with lifetime set to desired value (for how long we want to archive DL messages). We turned off sending of expired messages to the DL of this secondary queue. Then we set forwarding of DL messages into this secondary queue. This way no more processing is needed nor any logic triggered periodically.

What happens to the messages being processed on functions running when we disable the function?

We are working with Azure functions, which are triggered on every message in the service bus queue. We are trying to solve a problem whereby we need to disable a function on the function app processing messages, dynamically, so that it does not process messages any further and we do not lose any message in the process as well.
We can disable the functions via multiple ways, referring to link but the problem remains the same. Unable to figure out what happens to the functions already spawned when trying to disable the same.
Since the function is service bus triggered there is always a possibility that the function is processing a message and we disable the same, does it get processed, any sorts of cancellation is raised, it just dies out with an exception?
It would be great someone could direct me to some documentation or something. Thanks.
Azure Service Bus triggered function will already have a lock on the message that's being processed. If Function is terminated and the message was not completed or disposition, the lock will expire and the message will reappear on the queue. That's because of the Functions runtime receives a message in PeekLock mode.
One factor to consider is the queue's MaxDeliveryCount. If a function is terminated upon the last processing attempt, the message will be dead-lettered as all processing attempts have been exhausted. That's a standard Azure Service Bus behaviour.

Azure Function Event Hub Trigger reliability

I'm a bit confused regarding the EventHubTrigger for Azure functions.
I've got an IoT Hub, and am using its eventhub-compatible endpoint to trigger an Azure function that is going to process and store the received data.
However, if my function fails (= throws an exception), that message (or messages) being processed during that function call will get lost. I actually would expect the Azure function runtime to process the messages at a later time again. Specifically, I would expect this behavior because the EventHubTrigger is keeping checkpoints in the Function Apps storage account in order to keep track of where in the event stream it has to continue.
The documention of the EventHubTrigger even states that
If all function executions succeed without errors, checkpoints are added to the associated storage account
But still, even when I deliberately throw exceptions in my function, the checkpoints will get updated and the messages will not get received again.
Is my understanding of the EventHubTriggers documentation wrong, or is the EventHubTriggers implementation (or its documentation) wrong?
This piece of documentation seems confusing indeed. I guess they mean the errors of Function App host itself, not of your code. An exception inside function execution doesn't stop the processing and checkpointing progress.
The fact is that Event Hubs are not designed for individual message retries. The processor works in batches, and it can either mark the whole batch as processed (i.e. create a checkpoint after it), or retry the whole batch (e.g. if the process crashed).
See this forum question and answer.
If you still need to re-process failed events from Event Hub (and errors don't happen too often), you could implement such mechanism yourself. E.g.
Add an output Queue binding to your Azure Function.
Add try-catch around processing code.
If exception is thrown, add the problematic event to the Queue.
Have another Function with Queue trigger to process those events.
Note that the downside of this is that you will loose ordering guarantee provided by Event Hubs (since Queue message will be processed later than its neighbors).
Quick fix. As retry policy would not work if down system is down for few hours. You can call Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); in exception handling. This would stop the checkpoint moving forward. I have tested this with consumption based function app. You will not see anything in logs but i added email to notify that something went wrong and to avoid data loss i have killed the function instance.
Hope this helps.
Would put an blog over it and other part of workflow where I stop function in case of continuous failure on down system using logic app.

Azure Function and storage queue, what to do if function fails

I'm working out a scenario where a post a message to an Azure Storage Queue. For testing purposes I've developed a console app, where I get the message and I'm able to update it with a try count, and when the logic is done, I delete the message.
Now I'm trying to port my code to an Azure Function. One thing that seems to be very different is, when the Azure Function is called, the message is deleted from the queue.
I find it hard to find any documentation on this specific subject and I feel I'm missing something with regard to the concept of combining these two.
My questions:
Am I right, that when you trigger a function on a new queue item, the function takes the message and deletes it from the queue, even if the function fails?
If 1 is correct, how do you make sure that the message is retried and posted to a dead queue for later processing?
The runtime only deletes the queue message when your Function successfully processes it (i.e. no error has occurred). When the message is dequeued and passed to your function, it becomes invisible for a period of time (10 minutes). While your function is running this invisibility is maintained. If your function fails, the message is not deleted - it remains in the queue in an invisible state. After the visibilty timeout expires, the message will become visible in the queue again for reprocessing.
The details of how core WebJobs SDK queue processing works can be found here. On that page, see the section "How to handle poison messages" which addresses your question. Basically you'll get all the right behaviors for free - retry handling, poison message handling, etc. :)
