Updating a Decision Tree With New Data - decision-tree

I am new to decision trees. I am planning to build a large decision tree that I would like to update later with additional data. What is the best approach to this? Can any decision tree be later updated?

Decision trees are most often trained on all available data. That is, when you have new data, you retrain the entire tree. Since this process is very fast it is usually not problematic. If data is too big to fit in memory, you can often get around it by subsampling (row sampling) the training set, since tree-based models don't need that much data to give good results.
Note that decision trees are quite vunerable to overfitting, and you should consider Random Forest or another ensemble method. With bagging it is possible to train different trees on different subsets of data.
There also exists incremental and online learning methods for decision trees. CART, ID3 and VFDT learner are some examples.

see gaenari
it is c++ incremental decision tree.
it continuously insert new chunk dataset, and update.
rebuild can update model when accuracy decreasing(concept drifting).


Decision Trees - Scikit, Python

I am trying to create a decision tree based on some training data. I have never created a decision tree before, but have completed a few linear regression models. I have 3 questions:
With linear regression I find it fairly easy to plot graphs, fit models, group factor levels, check P statistics etc. in an iterative fashion until I end up with a good predictive model. I have no idea how to evaluate a decision tree. Is there a way to get a summary of the model, (for example, .summary() function in statsmodels)? Should this be an iterative process where I decide whether a factor is significant - if so how can I tell?
I have been very unsuccessful in visualising the decision tree. On the various different ways I have tried, the code seems to run without any errors, yet nothing appears / plots. The only thing I can do successfully is tree.export_text(model), which just states feature_1, feature_2, and so on. I don't know what any of the features actually are. Has anybody come across these difficulties with visualising / have a simple solution?
The confusion matrix that I have generated is as follows:
[[ 0 395]
[ 0 3319]]
i.e. the model is predicting all rows to the same outcome. Does anyone know why this might be?
Scikit-learn is a library designed to build predictive models, so there are no tests of significance, confidence intervals, etc. You can always build your own statistics, but this is a tedious process. In scikit-learn, you can eliminate features recursively using RFE, RFECV, etc. You can find a list of feature selection algorithms here. For the most part, these algorithms get rid off the least important feature in each loop according to feature_importances (where the importance of each feature is defined as its contribution to the reduction in entropy, gini, etc.).
The most straight forward way to visualize a tree is tree.plot_tree(). In particular, you should try passing the names of the features to feature_names. Please show us what you have tried so far if you want a more specific answer.
Try another criterion, set a higher max_depth, etc. Sometimes datasets have unidentifiable records. For example, two observations with the exact same values in all features, but different target labels. Is this the case in your dataset?

Incremental learning - Set Initial Weights or values for Parameters from previous model for ML algorithm in Spark 2.0

I am trying for setting the initial weights or parameters for a machine learning (Classification) algorithm in Spark 2.x. Unfortunately, except for MultiLayerPerceptron algorithm, no other algorithm is providing a way to set the initial weights/parameter values.
I am trying to solve Incremental learning using spark. Here, I need to load old model re-train the old model with new data in the system. How can I do this?
How can I do this for other algorithms like:
Decision Trees
Random Forest
Logistic Regression
I need to experiment multiple algorithms and then need to choose the best performing one.
How can I do this for other algorithms like:
Decision Trees
Random Forest
You cannot. Tree based algorithms are not well suited for incremental learning, as they look at the global properties of the data and have no "initial weights or values" that can be used to bootstrap the process.
Logistic Regression
You can use StreamingLogisticRegressionWithSGD which exactly implements required process, including setting initial weights with setInitialWeights.
In theory it could be implemented similarly to streaming regression StreamingLogisticRegressionWithSGD or StreamingLinearRegressionWithSGD, by extending StreamingLinearAlgorithm, but there is no such implementation built-in, ans since org.apache.spark.mllib is in a maintanance mode, there won't be.
It's not based on spark, but there is a C++ incremental decision tree.
see gaenari.
Continuous chunking data can be inserted and updated, and rebuilds can be run if concept drift reduces accuracy.

Using SVM to perform classification on multi-dimensional time series datasets

I would like to use scikit-learn's svm.SVC() estimator to perform classification tasks on multi-dimensional time series - that is, on time series where the points in the series take values in R^d, where d > 1.
The issue with doing this is that svm.SVC() will only take ndarray objects of dimension at most 2, whereas the dimension of such a dataset would be 3. Specifically, the shape of a given dataset would be (n_samples, n_features, d).
Is there a workaround available? One simple solution would just be to reshape the dataset so that it is 2-dimensional, however I imagine this would lead to the classifier not learning from the dataset properly.
Without any further knowledge about the data reshaping is the best you can do. Feature engineering is a very manual art that depends heavily on domain knowledge.
As a rule of thumb: if you don't really know anything about the data throw in the raw data and see if it works. If you have an idea what properties of the data may be beneficial for classification, try to work it in a feature.
Say we want to classify swiping patterns on a touch screen. This closely resembles your data: We acquired many time series of such patterns by recording the 2D position every few milliseconds.
In the raw data, each time series is characterized by n_timepoints * 2 features. We can use that directly for classification. If we have additional knowledge we can use that to create additional/alternative features.
Let's assume we want to distinguish between zig-zag and wavy patterns. In that case smoothness (however that is defined) may be a very informative feature that we can add as a further column to the raw data.
On the other hand, if we want to distinguish between slow and fast patterns, the instantaneous velocity may be a good feature. However, the velocity can be computed as a simple difference along the time axis. Even linear classifiers can model this easily so it may turn out that such features, although good in principle, do not improve classification of raw data.
If you have lots and lots and lots and lots of data (say an internet full of good examples) Deep Learning neural networks can automatically learn features to some extent, but let's say this is rather advanced. In the end, most practical applications come down to try and error. See what features you can come up with and try them out in practice. And beware the overfitting gremlin.

How to change the function a random forest uses to make decisions from individual trees?

Random Forests use 'a multitude of decision trees at training time and outputting the class that is the mode of the classes (classification) of the individual trees'.
Is there a way to, instead of using the class that is the mode, run another random forest on the outputs produced by the original trees?
Bonus question: is there a reason why this is a bad idea? (as I'm sure people will have thought of this before)
You can access the individual decision trees in the estimators_ attribute of a fitted random forest instance.
You can even re-sample that attribute (it's just a Python list of decision tree objects) to add or remove trees and see the impact on the quality of the prediction of the resulting forest.
I assume is just a performance option, your idea sounds fine, but without better "randomness" but probably slower on being computed.

Incremental training of ALS model

I'm trying to find out if it is possible to have "incremental training" on data using MLlib in Apache Spark.
My platform is Prediction IO, and it's basically a wrapper for Spark (MLlib), HBase, ElasticSearch and some other Restful parts.
In my app data "events" are inserted in real-time, but to get updated prediction results I need to "pio train" and "pio deploy". This takes some time and the server goes offline during the redeploy.
I'm trying to figure out if I can do incremental training during the "predict" phase, but cannot find an answer.
I imagine you are using spark MLlib's ALS model which is performing matrix factorization. The result of the model are two matrices a user-features matrix and an item-features matrix.
Assuming we are going to receive a stream of data with ratings or transactions for the case of implicit, a real (100%) online update of this model will be to update both matrices for each new rating information coming by triggering a full retrain of the ALS model on the entire data again + the new rating. In this scenario one is limited by the fact that running the entire ALS model is computationally expensive and the incoming stream of data could be frequent, so it would trigger a full retrain too often.
So, knowing this we can look for alternatives, a single rating should not change the matrices much plus we have optimization approaches which are incremental, for example SGD. There is an interesting (still experimental) library written for the case of Explicit Ratings which does incremental updates for each batch of a DStream:
The idea of using an incremental approach such as SGD follows the idea of as far as one moves towards the gradient (minimization problem) one guarantees that is moving towards a minimum of the error function. So even if we do an update to the single new rating, only to the user feature matrix for this specific user, and only the item-feature matrix for this specific item rated, and the update is towards the gradient, we guarantee that we move towards the minimum, of course as an approximation, but still towards the minimum.
The other problem comes from spark itself, and the distributed system, ideally the updates should be done sequentially, for each new incoming rating, but spark treats the incoming stream as a batch, which is distributed as an RDD, so the operations done for updating would be done for the entire batch with no guarantee of sequentiality.
In more details if you are using Prediction.IO for example, you could do an off line training which uses the regular train and deploy functions built in, but if you want to have the online updates you will have to access both matrices for each batch of the stream, and run updates using SGD, then ask for the new model to be deployed, this functionality of course is not in Prediction.IO you would have to build it on your own.
Interesting notes for SGD updates:
For updating Your model near-online (I write near, because face it, the true online update is impossible) by using fold-in technique, e.g.:
Online-Updating Regularized Kernel Matrix Factorization Models for Large-Scale Recommender Systems.
Ou You can look at code of:
Oryx - framework build with Lambda Architecture paradigm. And it should have updates with fold-in of new users/items.
It's the part of my answer for similar question where both problems: near-online training and handling new users/items were mixed.
