How remove old spark streaming data? - apache-spark

How remove old spark streaming data?
We have spark streaming process which reads data from kafka, converts data and writes to hdfs.
And we have another spark process which creates spark sql query to spark streaming results created by first process.
The first process writes checkpoints to hdfs, their directories:
and also this process creates directory /_spark_metadata in directory which setup for streaming result.
We did not find a way to remove the streaming data that is no longer needed.
If we just delete the files that made the streaming, the first process produces an error, the second one, too. If you delete the directory
/_spark_metadata, the search process starts to search, but it looks slowly, and the first process produces an error until you delete the directory with its metadata
How remove old spark streaming data correctly?


How to get spark streaming to continue where spark batch left off

I have monthly directories of parquet files (~10TB each directory). Files are being atomically written to this directory every minute or so. When we get to a new month, a new directory is created and data is written there. Once data is written, it cannot be moved.
I easily run batch queries on this data using spark (batch mode). I can also easily run spark streaming queries.
I am wondering how I can reconcile the two modes: batch and stream.
For example: Lets say I run a batch query on the data. I get the results of the query and do something with them. I can then checkpoint this dataframe. Now let's say I want to start a streaming job to only process new files relative to what was processed in the batch job, ie. only files not processed in the batch job should now be processed.
Is this possible with spark streaming? If start a spark streaming job and use the same checkpoint that the batch job used, will it proceed as I want it to?
Or, with the batch job, do I need to keep track of what files were processed and then somehow pass this to spark streaming so it can know to not process these.
This seems like a pretty common problem, so I am asking here to see what some other big data software developers have done.
I apologize for not having any code to post in this question, but I hope that my explanation is all it takes for someone to see a potential solution. If needed, I can come up with some snippets

Can output files be moved while doing spark streaming, without crashing the spark job?

I have a Structured Streaming Spark Job running with Kafka as source, outputting orc files in append mode. While the job is running, I'm moving the files (want to) to an hdfs location every certain time. By moving the files, will the spark job ever crash or produce bad output as a result? Once spark writes the file, will it ever look at the file again for any reason? I want to perform files move but I don't want to disrupt spark in any way.
As you are appending the data moving the files won't affect your structured streaming job as long as _spark_metadata directory which gets generated in your output folder and the checkpoint directory remains in sync.

How to implement exactly-once processing when reading reading from directory using Spark Structured Streaming?

I'd like to use the concept of stream processing to read files from a local directory and then publish to Apache Kafka. I thought about using Spark Structured Streaming.
How is the checkpointing implemented when the streaming fails after reading 50 lines of a file. Will it start from 51st line of the file when started next time or will it again read from the start of the file?
Also, will we have any issues if we use checkpointing in structured streaming when there is any upgrade or any change in the code.
when the streaming fails after reading 50 lines of a file. Will it start from 51st line of the file when started next time Or will it again read from the start of the file.
Either the entire file is fully processed or none at all. That's how FileFormat works in general in Spark SQL and has little to do with Spark Structured Streaming in particular (since they share the underlying execution infrastructure).
In short, the engine "will it again read from the start of the file."
That also to say that there is no concept of a single line while processing files in Spark Structured Streaming. You process a streaming DataFrame that is an entire file (or even a couple of files) all at once and whether you want to process the dataset line by line or in its entirety is up to you, a Spark developer.
Also, will we have any issues if we use checkpointing in structured streaming when there is any upgrade or any change in the code.
In theory, you should not. The purpose of the new checkpointing mechanism in Spark Structured Streaming (as compared to the legacy Spark Streaming's) was to allow for restarts and upgrades in a more comfortable way. The checkpointing uses just a little information (usually stored in JSON files) to restart processing from the point of the last successful checkpoint.

Unable to read the streaming data from the single file in Spark streaming

I am trying to read the streaming data from the text file which gets appended continuously using Spark streaming API "textFileStream". But unable to read the continuous data with Spark streaming. How to achieve it in Spark?
This an expected behavior. For file based sources (like fileStream):
The files must be created in the dataDirectory by atomically moving or renaming them into the data directory.
Once moved, the files must not be changed. So if the files are being continuously appended, the new data will not be read.
If you want to read continuously appended you'll have to create your own source, or use separate process, which will monitor changes, and push records to for example Kafka (though it is rare to combine Spark with file systems that support appending).

How to process new files in HDFS directory once their writing has eventually finished?

In my scenario I have CSV files continuously uploaded to HDFS.
As soon as a new file gets uploaded I'd like to process the new file with Spark SQL (e.g., compute the maximum of a field in the file, transform the file into parquet). i.e. I have a one-to-one mapping between each input file and a transformed/processed output file.
I was evaluating Spark Streaming to listen to the HDFS directory, then to process the "streamed file" with Spark.
However, in order to process the whole file I would need to know when the "file stream" completes. I'd like to apply the transformation to the whole file in order to preserve the end-to-end one-to-one mapping between files.
How can I transform the whole file and not its micro-batches?
As far as I know, Spark Streaming can only apply transformation to batches (DStreams mapped to RDDs) and not to the whole file at once (when its finite stream has completed).
Is that correct? If so, what alternative should I consider for my scenario?
I may have misunderstood your question the first try...
As far as I know, Spark Streaming can only apply transformation to batches (DStreams mapped to RDDs) and not to the whole file at once (when its finite stream has completed).
Is that correct?
No. That's not correct.
Spark Streaming will apply transformation to the whole file at once as was written to HDFS at the time Spark Streaming's batch interval elapsed.
Spark Streaming will take the current content of a file and start processing it.
As soon as a new file gets uploaded I need to process the new file with Spark/SparkSQL
Almost impossible with Spark due to its architecture which takes some time from the moment "gets uploaded" and Spark processes it.
You should consider using a brand new and shiny Structured Streaming or (soon obsolete) Spark Streaming.
Both solutions support watching a directory for new files and trigger Spark job once a new file gets uploaded (which is exactly your use case).
Quoting Structured Streaming's Input Sources:
In Spark 2.0, there are a few built-in sources.
File source - Reads files written in a directory as a stream of data. Supported file formats are text, csv, json, parquet. See the docs of the DataStreamReader interface for a more up-to-date list, and supported options for each file format. Note that the files must be atomically placed in the given directory, which in most file systems, can be achieved by file move operations.
See also Spark Streaming's Basic Sources:
Besides sockets, the StreamingContext API provides methods for creating DStreams from files as input sources.
File Streams: For reading data from files on any file system compatible with the HDFS API (that is, HDFS, S3, NFS, etc.), a DStream can be created as:
streamingContext.fileStream[KeyClass, ValueClass, InputFormatClass](dataDirectory)
Spark Streaming will monitor the directory dataDirectory and process any files created in that directory (files written in nested directories not supported).
One caveat though given your requirement:
I would need to know when the "file stream" completes.
Don't do this with Spark.
Quoting Spark Streaming's Basic Sources again:
The files must be created in the dataDirectory by atomically moving or renaming them into the data directory.
Once moved, the files must not be changed. So if the files are being continuously appended, the new data will not be read.
Wrapping should only move the files to the directory that Spark watches when the files are complete and ready for processing using Spark. This is outside the scope of Spark.
You can use DFSInotifyEventInputStream to watch Hadoop dir and then execute Spark job programmatically when file is created.
See this post:
HDFS file watcher
