VBA - create unique ID of String / Hash - excel

First of all I want so say sorry for not showing any code but right now I need some guidelines on how to take out a unique ID of a string.
So I have some problems of how to organize data. Lets say that the data is organized so that each dataID has their unique name. I collect the data into a array that holds it.
The problem I now have is that I want a easy way to search for these nameID. Imagine that the data is a lot bigger and contain more than a few hundred of different unique combinations of nameID's. Therefor I do not think searching for the id itself would be appropriate and I'm thinking of creating an hash that I could use an algorithm on to search the array. I want to do this because later on I will compare the names and add the values to the respective nameID. Keep in mind that the nameID will most of the time have the same structure but eventually a new name like total_air could be implemented and then I need to search in the array to get right value.
Example of an code that collect the data from excel:
For Each targetSheet In wb.Worksheets
With targetSheet
'Populate the array
xData(0) = Application.Transpose(Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, 1).End(xlDown)).Value2)
cnt = UBound(xData(0))
End With
Call dData.init(cnt)
'Populate the objectarray
dData.setNameArray = xData(0)
Next targetSheet
Type object:
Private index As Integer
Private id As String
Private nameID() As Variant
Private data() As Variant
Private cnt As Integer
Public Sub init(value As Integer)
index = 0
cnt = value
id = ""
ReDim nameID(0 To cnt)
ReDim data(0 To cnt)
End Sub
Property Let setID(value As String)
id = value
End Property
Property Let setNameArray(value As Variant)
nameID = value
End Property
dList that inherit the dataStruct:
Private xArray() As dataStruct
Private listInd As Integer
Public Sub init(cnt As Integer)
ReDim xArray(1 To cnt)
Dim num As Integer
For num = 1 To cnt
Set xArray(num) = New dataStruct
listInd = 1
End Sub
Property Let addArray(value As dataStruct)
Set xArray(listInd) = value
listInd = listInd + 1
End Property
How the hole list will look like:

I would strongly advocate using a dictionary. Not only is it much faster to find an item (I would assume that it is implemented with some kind of hashing), it has big advantages when it comes to adding or removing items.
When you have an array and want to add an item, you either have always to use redim preserve which is really expensive, or you define the array larger than initially needed and always have to keep the information how many items are really used. And deleting an item from an array is rather complicated.
You cannot add a typed variable as item value into a dictionary, but you can add a object. So instead of your Type definition, create a simple class module, containing only these lines (of course you can create the class with properties, getter and setter but that's irrelevant for this example)
Public id As Long
Public name As String
Public value As Long
Then, dealing with the dictionary is rather simple (note that you have to add a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime
Option Explicit
Dim myList As New Dictionary
Sub AddItemValues(id As Long, name As String, value As Long)
Dim item As New clsMyData
With item
.id = id
.name = name
.value = value
End With
Call AddItem(item)
End Sub
Sub AddItem(item As clsMyData)
If myList.Exists(item.id) Then
set myList(item.id) = item
Call myList.Add(item.id, item)
End If
End Sub
Function SearchItem(id As Long) As clsMyData
If myList.Exists(id) Then
Set SearchItem = myList(id)
Set SearchItem = Nothing
End If
End Function
Function SearchName(name As String) As clsMyData
Dim item As Variant
For Each item In myList.Items
If item.name = name Then
Set SearchName = item
Exit Function
End If
Next item
Set SearchName = Nothing
End Function
So as long as you deal with Id's, the dictionary will do all the work for you. Only if you search for the name, you have to loop over all items of the dictionary, which is as easy as looping over an array.
Some test (of course you should add some error handling)
Sub test()
Call AddItemValues(32, "input_air", 0)
Call AddItemValues(45, "air_Procent", 99)
Call AddItemValues(89, "output_air", 34)
Debug.Print SearchItem(45).name
Debug.Print SearchName("output_air").value
' Change value of output_air
Call AddItemValues(89, "output_air", 1234)
Debug.Print SearchName("output_air").value
End Sub


Why can't I declare my Class Object as such?

I am currently creating a Class Object for a VBA file, its objective is to act as a range dictionary that can be passed single cells. If this cell is contained in one of the ranges, it returns the value associated to the corresponding range key. The class name is "rangeDic".
It is in the making so its functionalities are not implemented yet. Here's the code:
Private zone() As String
Private bounds() As String
Private link As Dictionary
Const ContextId = 33
'Init zone
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set link = New Dictionary
ReDim zone(0)
ReDim bounds(0)
End Sub
Property Get linkDico() As Dictionary
Set linkDico = link
End Property
Property Set linkDico(d As Dictionary)
Set link = d
End Property
Property Get pZone() As String()
pZone = zone
End Property
Property Let pZone(a() As String)
Let zone = a
End Property
Public Sub findBounds()
Dim elmt As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim temp() As String
i = 1
For Each elmt In zone
ReDim Preserve bounds(i)
temp = Split(elmt, ":")
bounds(i - 1) = temp(0)
bounds(i) = temp(1)
i = i + 2
Next elmt
End Sub
I was trying to instanciate it in a test sub in order to debug mid conception. Here's the code:
Sub test()
Dim rd As rangeDic
Dim ran() As String
Dim tabs() As Variant
Dim i As Integer
i = 1
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("DataRanges")
While .Cells(i, 1).Value <> none
ReDim Preserve ran(i - 1)
ReDim Preserve tabs(i - 1)
ran(i - 1) = .Cells(i, 1).Value
tabs(i - 1) = .Cells(i, 3).Value
i = i + 1
End With
Set rd = createRangeDic(ran, tabs)
End Sub
Public Function createRangeDic(zones() As String, vals() As Variant) As rangeDic
Dim obje As Object
Dim zonesL As Integer
Dim valsL As Integer
Dim i As Integer
zonesL = UBound(zones) - LBound(zones)
valsL = UBound(vals) - LBound(vals)
If zonesL <> valsL Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 5, "", "The key and value arrays are not the same length.", "", ContextId
End If
Set obje = New rangeDic
obje.pZone = zones()
For i = 0 To 5
obje.linkDico.add zones(i), vals(i)
Next i
Set createRangeDic = obje
End Function
Take a look at line 2 of Public Function createRangeDic. I have to declare my object as "Object", if I try declaring it as "rangeDic", Excel crashes at line obje.pZone = zones(). Upon looking in the Windows Event Log, I can see a "Error 1000" type of application unknown error resulting in the crash, with "VB7.DLL" being the faulty package.
Why so ? Am I doing something wrong ?
Thanks for your help
Edit: I work under Excel 2016
It looks like this is a bug. My Excel does not crash but I get an "Internal Error".
Let's clarify a few things first, since you're coming from a Java background.
Arrays can only be passed by reference
In VBA an array can only be passed by reference to another method (unless you wrap it in a Variant). So, this declaration:
Property Let pZone(a() As String) 'Implicit declaration
is the equivalent of this:
Property Let pZone(ByRef a() As String) 'Explicit declaration
and of course, this:
Public Function createRangeDic(zones() As String, vals() As Variant) As rangeDic
is the equivalent of this:
Public Function createRangeDic(ByRef zones() As String, ByRef vals() As Variant) As rangeDic
If you try to declare a method parameter like this: ByVal a() As String you will simply get a compile error.
Arrays are copied when assigned
Assuming two arrays called a and b, when doing something like a = b a copy of the b array is assigned to a. Let's test this. In a standard module drop this code:
Option Explicit
Sub ArrCopy()
Dim a() As String
Dim b() As String
ReDim b(0 To 0)
b(0) = 1
a = b
a(0) = 2
Debug.Print "a(0) = " & a(0)
Debug.Print "b(0) = " & b(0)
End Sub
After running ArrCopy my immediate window looks like this:
As shown, the contents of array b are not affected when changing array a.
A property Let always receives it's parameters ByVal regardless of whether you specify ByRef
Let's test this. Create a class called Class1 and add this code:
Option Explicit
Public Property Let SArray(ByRef arr() As String)
arr(0) = 1
End Property
Public Function SArray2(ByRef arr() As String)
arr(0) = 2
End Function
Now create a standard module and add this code:
Option Explicit
Sub Test()
Dim c As New Class1
Dim arr() As String: ReDim arr(0 To 0)
arr(0) = 0
Debug.Print arr(0) & " - value before passing to Let Property"
c.SArray = arr
Debug.Print arr(0) & " - value after passing to Let Property"
arr(0) = 1
Debug.Print arr(0) & " - value before passing to Function"
c.SArray2 arr
Debug.Print arr(0) & " - value after passing to Function"
End Sub
After running Test, my immediate window looks like this:
So, this simple test proves that the Property Let does a copy of the array even though arrays can only be passed ByRef.
The bug
Your original ran variable (Sub test) is passed ByRef to createRangeDic under a new name zones which is then passed ByRef again to pZone (the Let property). Under normal circumstances there should be no issue with passing an array ByRef as many times as you want but here it seems it is an issue because the Property Let is trying to make a copy.
Interestingly if we replace this (inside createRangeDic):
obje.pZone = zones()
with this:
Dim x() As String
x = zones
obje.pZone = x
the code runs with no issue even if obje is declared As rangeDic. This works because the x array is a copy of the zones array.
It looks that the Property Let cannot make a copy of an array that has been passed ByRef multiple times but it works perfectly fine if it was passed ByRef just once. Maybe because of the way stack frames are added in the call stack, there is a memory access issue but difficult to say. Regardless what the problem is, this seems to be a bug.
Unrelated to the question but I must add a few things:
Using ReDim Preserve in a loop is a bad idea because each time a new memory is allocated for a new (larger) array and each element is copied from the old array to the new array. This is very slow. Instead use a Collection as
#DanielDuĊĦek suggested in the comments or minimize the number of ReDim Preserve calls (for example if you know how many values you will have then just dimension the array once at the beginning).
Reading a Range cell by cell is super slow. Read the whole Range into an array by using the Range.Value or Range.Value2 property (I prefer the latter). Both methods returns an array as long as the range has more than 1 cell.
Never expose a private member object of a class if that object is responsible for the internal workings of the class. For example you should never expose the private collection inside a custom collection class because it breaks encapsulation. In your case the linkDico exposes the internal dictionary which can the be modified from outside the main class instance. Maybe it does not break anything in your particular example but just worth mentioning. On the other hand Property Get pZone() As String() is safe as this returns a copy of the internal array.
Add Option Explicit to the top of all your modules/classes to make sure you enforce proper variable declaration. Your code failed to compile for me because none does not exist in VBA unless you have it somewhere else in your project. There were a few other issues that I found once I turned the option on.

Object Properties at Runtime

I want to write to custom class properties dynamically. In my use case, I have a table with column headers. The headers are properties of an Issue class. There are over 120 columns per issue. The end user chooses which columns they want included in the report. How do I set the properties of an object when the columns are not known until runtime? I couldn't find anything on Google that helped.
EDITED for clarity
Here is a snippet of my CIssue class:
Option Explicit
Private pIncidentNumber As String
Private pIncidentType As String
Private pContent As String
Private pStartDate As Date
Private pEndDate As Date
Public Property Let IncidentNumber(Value As String)
pIncidentNumber = Value
End Property
Public Property Get IncidentNumber() As String
IncidentNumber = pIncidentNumber
End Property
Public Property Let IncidentType(Value As String)
pIncidentType = Value
End Property
Public Property Get IncidentType() As String
IncidentType = pIncidentType
End Property
Public Property Let Content(Value As String)
pContent = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Content() As String
Content = pContent
End Property
Public Property Let StartDate(Value As Date)
pStartDate = Value
End Property
Public Property Get StartDate() As Date
StartDate = pStartDate
End Property
Public Property Let EndDate(Value As Date)
pEndDate = Value
End Property
Public Property Get EndDate() As Date
EndDate = pEndDate
End Property
It does nothing but help organize my code. I will build a collection class for this, also. If the end user chooses Incident Number and Content columns I want to set the appropriate properties. There could be up to 1,000 rows of data. So I need to set the properties for the rows that fit the criteria.
I might have 72 rows that fit the criteria. Therefore, I need to add to my collection 72 objects of type CIssue with the correct properties set according to the columns the end user chose.
The core problem:
Create only properties in CIssue objects that are selected according to a listview.
For this first issue, I created a Sheet ("Sheet1") to which I added an ActiveX ListView (MicroSoft ListView Control, version 6.0) that I populated with the Column headers (or property names) as follows in a regular module:
Option Explicit
Sub PopulateListView()
Dim i As Integer
i = 1
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
Do While Not IsEmpty(.Cells(1, i))
.TestListView.ListItems.Add i, , .Cells(1, i).Value
i = i + 1
End With
End Sub
I set the following properties:
Checkboxes to True
MultiSelect to True
This will allow us to loop over selected items and create properties in our CIssue class accordingly.
Next, I added a reference to MicroSoft Scripting Runtime, so the Dictionary class is available. This is needed, because with the Collection class there's no easy way to retrieve the "property" by "key" (or property name, as below).
I created the CIssue class as follows:
Option Explicit
Private p_Properties As Dictionary
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set p_Properties = New Dictionary
End Sub
Public Sub AddProperty(propertyname As String, value As Variant)
p_Properties.Add propertyname, value
End Sub
Public Function GetProperty(propertyname As Variant) As Variant
On Error Resume Next
GetProperty = p_Properties.Item(propertyname)
On Error GoTo 0
If IsEmpty(GetProperty) Then
GetProperty = False
End If
End Function
Public Property Get Properties() As Dictionary
Set Properties = p_Properties 'Return the entire collection of properties
End Property
This way, you can do the following in a regular module:
Option Explicit
Public Issue As CIssue
Public Issues As Collection
Public lv As ListView
Sub TestCreateIssues()
Dim i As Integer
Dim Item As ListItem
Set lv = Worksheets("Sheet1").TestListView
Set Issues = New Collection
For i = 2 To 10 'Or however many rows you filtered, for example those 72.
Set Issue = New CIssue
For Each Item In lv.ListItems 'Loop over ListItems
If Item.Checked = True Then ' If the property is selected
Issue.AddProperty Item.Text, Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, Item.Index).value 'Get the property name and value, and add it.
End If
Next Item
Issues.Add Issue
Next i
End Sub
Thereby ending up with a Collection of CIssue objects, that only have the required properties populated. You can retrieve each property by using CIssue.GetProperty( propertyname ). It will return "False" if the property doesn't exist, otherwise the value of the property. Since it returns Variant it will cater for Dates, Strings, etc.
Note that if you want to loop over filtered rows, you can amend the loop above accordingly. Note that the propertyname parameter for the GetProperty method is also a Variant - This allows you to pass in strings as well as the actual Key objects.
To populate another sheet, with whatever you captured this way, you can do something like the following (in either the same or a different module; note that the Sub above needs to be run first, otherwise your Collection of CIssues will not exist.
Sub TestWriteIssues()
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim Item As ListItem
Dim p As Variant
Dim k As Variant
i = 1
j = 0
'To write all the properties from all issues:
For Each Issue In Issues
i = i + 1
For Each p In Issue.Properties.Items
j = j + 1
Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(i, j).value = p
Next p
j = 0
Next Issue
'And add the column headers:
i = 0
For Each k In Issues.Item(1).Properties.Keys
i = i + 1
Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(1, i).value = k
'And to access the single property in one of the Issue objects:
MsgBox Issues.Item(1).GetProperty(k)
Next k
End Sub
Hope this is more or less what you were after.
N.b. more background on why the choice for Dictionary instead of Collection in this question

Collection of Objects Passing a new UDT to each Object while Looping thru an Array

My aMRecon array is 2500 rows x 65 columns. I need to evaluate up to 10+ columns within each single row and thus I believe I need to create an object representing each row. I have created a UDT and in a basic procedure below I am trying to create an object for each row with each object having an .EntityID property (which is the cell value in each row within Column B or Column 2).
Public Type BreakInfo
EntityID As String
IssueName As String
ValDate As Date
LedgerAMT As Long
NetAMTL As Long
PriceDiff As Long
End Type
Sub Fill_Objects()
Dim aMrow As Integer, aMcol As Integer
Dim BI As BreakInfo
For aMcol = LBound(aMRecon, 2) To UBound(aMRecon, 2)
For aMrow = LBound(aMRecon, 1) To UBound(aMRecon, 1)
If aMcol = 2 Then
Debug.Print aMRecon(aMrow, aMcol)
Set ObjLSL = New Collection
BI.EntityID = aMRecon(aMrow, aMcol)
End If
Next aMrow
Next aMcol
End If
End Sub
Do I need to somehow create a collection of objects? Could someone please show me an example to help. As of right now I think I only have one object and the .EntityID property keeps getting overwritten. Thank you
In Fact each row at will only have 1 property, basically each property is a Column Header. Am I going about this the most efficient way? Eventually I will need to evaluate each property within an object and categorize it.
Inserted a ClassModule entitle BreakInfo
'Public EntityID As String
Public EntityID As Variant
Public IssueName As String
Public ValDate As Date
Public LedgerAMT As Long
Public NetAMTL As Long
Public PriceDiff As Long
That's all that's in the class.
You need to first create (insert) a Class Module, name it BreakInfo, and give it Public members like this:
Option Explicit
Public EntityID As String
Public IssueName As String
Public ValDate As Date
Public LedgerAMT As Long
Public NetAMTL As Long
Public PriceDiff As Long
Then you can use something like this:
Sub Fill_Objects()
Dim aMrow As Integer, aMcol As Integer
Dim BI As BreakInfo
Dim ObjLSL As Collection
Dim key As Long
'Create the Collection instance.
Set ObjLSL = New Collection
For aMcol = LBound(aMRecon, 2) To UBound(aMRecon, 2)
For aMrow = LBound(aMRecon, 1) To UBound(aMRecon, 1)
If aMcol = 2 Then
'Instantiate a BreakInfo.
Set BI = New BreakInfo
BI.EntityID = aMRecon(aMrow, aMcol)
key = key + 1
ObjLSL.Add BI, CStr(key)
End If
Next aMrow
Next aMcol
End Sub
Notice that the collection is instantiated once, before the loops. A collection can't ingest variables of user-defined types, but it will gladly gobble up object instances.
The question has changed. If you worry about efficiency, you could hardcode aMcol = 2 and do without the outer For and the If aMcol = 2. Other than that, I don't understand what you're trying to do with your values.

How to speed up the comparision of 2 collections in VBA?

I have written a macro that gets a collection of collection and than takes two of the collections and gives me the similarity.
Now if I compare the two collections with a simple for loop it will take hours to compare all 854 collection that are contained in pCol.
Here is my code:
Function CompareCollections(ByVal pCol As Collection) As Collection
Dim outer As Long
Dim inner As Long
'collections that will be compared to each other
Dim inCol As Collection
Dim outCol As Collection
'collection used for return values
Dim retCol As Collection
'result of single comparison
Dim res As CompResult
'comparison variables
Dim iIdx As Long
Dim oIdx As Long
Dim same As Long
Set retCol = New Collection
For outer = 1 To pCol.Count - 1
Set outCol = pCol(outer)
For inner = outer + 1 To pCol.Count
Set inCol = pCol(inner)
Set res = New CompResult
res.LeftTable = outCol(1) 'index 1 contains a header
res.RightTable = inCol(1)
'compare the two collections <== PART I WANT TO SPEED UP
same = 0
For oIdx = 2 To outCol.Count 'starting with 2 to ignore the header
For iIdx = 2 To inCol.Count
If inCol(iIdx) = outCol(oIdx) Then same = same + 1
Next iIdx
Next oIdx
res.Result1 = same / (outCol.Count - 1)
res.Result2 = same / (inCol.Count - 1)
retCol.Add res
Set res = Nothing
Set inCol = Nothing
Next inner
Set outCol = Nothing
Next outer
Set CompareCollections = retCol
End Function
I really hope you guys can help me.
The CompResult class is a simple structure, because I could not add a custom type to the collection:
Private mLeftTable As String
Private mRightTable As String
Private mResult1 As Double
Private mResult2 As Double
Public Property Get LeftTable() As String
LeftTable = mLeftTable
End Property
Public Property Let LeftTable(value As String)
mLeftTable = value
End Property
Public Property Get RightTable() As String
RightTable = mRightTable
End Property
Public Property Let RightTable(value As String)
mRightTable = value
End Property
Public Property Get Result1() As Double
Result = mResult1
End Property
Public Property Let Result1(value As Double)
mResult1 = value
End Property
Public Property Get Result2() As Double
Result = mResult2
End Property
Public Property Let Result2(value As Double)
mResult2 = value
End Property
A first tip: try to precalculate outCol.Count, inCol.Count and pCol.Count in order to avoid unnecessary calculations.
Second tip: if in your object CompResult the res.Result1 and res.Result2 are integers, use "\" instead of "/".
Third tip: try to use integers instead of long values wherever you can.
Fourth tip: try to replace for loops by a "for each" loops when looping for every column. It seems a little faster.
A last tip might be transform collections (ranges) in arrays and iterate through them, as it seems faster than iterate through ranges.

Do I need an array, class, dictionary, or collection?

I am not sure what the best option is for what I'm trying to do. Currently, I'm using a 3D array to hold these values, but I am just now learning about dictionaries, classes, and collections in VBA and can't determine if any of those would be better or more useful for what I'm trying to do.
I get a new spreadsheet of data every month, and I need to loop through cells looking for a number, and replace another cell's data based on that number. I.E. (all in Col. A)
In column B, I need to put a corresponding country. If the first two digits are 43, the cell to the right should be "Germany" and then in col. C, "DEU". If the two numbers are 41, then the col. B cell should be "USA", and in C, "USA"...etc. etc.
Currently, I'm setting up a 3D array (psuedo code):
myArray(0,0) = 43
myArray(0,1) = "Germany"
myArray(0,2) = "DEU"
myArray(1,0) = 41
myArray(1,1) = "United States"
myArray(1,2) = "USA"
etc. etc.
Then, I have a loop going through all the cells and replacing the information.
Would a class perhaps be better? I could then do something like create a cntry. Code, cntry.Country, cntry.CountryAbbrev and use those to refer to "43", "Germany", and "DEU"
(again, psuedo code):
num = left("A1",2)
'then here, somehow find the num in cntry.Code list - will need to work out how
Cells("B1").Value = cntry.Country
Cells("C1").Value = cntry.CountryAbbrev
As for Dictionaries, I think that won't work, as (AFAIK) you can only have one key per entry. So I could do the country number ("43") but set only either the Country name or Country Abbreviation - but not both....correct?
Does this question make sense? Is using a class/dictionary overkill on something like this? Would a collection be best?
Thanks for any advice/guidance!
Class Module is the answer. It's always the answer. Code is code and there's almost nothing you can do in a class module that you can't do in a standard module. Classes are just a way to organize your code differently.
But the next question becomes how to store your data inside your class module. I use Collections out of habit, but Collection or Scripting.Dictionary are your best choices.
I'd make a class called CCountry that looks like this
Private mlCountryID As Long
Private msCode As String
Private msFullname As String
Private msAbbreviation As String
Public Property Let CountryID(ByVal lCountryID As Long): mlCountryID = lCountryID: End Property
Public Property Get CountryID() As Long: CountryID = mlCountryID: End Property
Public Property Let Code(ByVal sCode As String): msCode = sCode: End Property
Public Property Get Code() As String: Code = msCode: End Property
Public Property Let Fullname(ByVal sFullname As String): msFullname = sFullname: End Property
Public Property Get Fullname() As String: Fullname = msFullname: End Property
Public Property Let Abbreviation(ByVal sAbbreviation As String): msAbbreviation = sAbbreviation: End Property
Public Property Get Abbreviation() As String: Abbreviation = msAbbreviation: End Property
Then I'd make a class called CCountries to hold all of my CCountry instances
Private mcolCountries As Collection
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set mcolCountries = New Collection
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set mcolCountries = Nothing
End Sub
Public Property Get NewEnum() As IUnknown
Set NewEnum = mcolCountries.[_NewEnum]
End Property
Public Sub Add(clsCountry As CCountry)
If clsCountry.CountryID = 0 Then
clsCountry.CountryID = Me.Count + 1
End If
mcolCountries.Add clsCountry, CStr(clsCountry.CountryID)
End Sub
Public Property Get Country(vItem As Variant) As CCountry
Set Country = mcolCountries.Item(vItem)
End Property
Public Property Get Count() As Long
Count = mcolCountries.Count
End Property
You see that CCountries is merely a Collection at this point. You can read more about that NewEnum property at http://dailydoseofexcel.com/archives/2010/07/09/creating-a-parent-class/
Then I'd put all my country stuff in a Table and read that table into my class. In CCountries
Public Sub FillFromRange(rRng As Range)
Dim vaValues As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim clsCountry As CCountry
vaValues = rRng.Value
For i = LBound(vaValues, 1) To UBound(vaValues, 1)
Set clsCountry = New CCountry
With clsCountry
.Code = vaValues(i, 1)
.Fullname = vaValues(i, 2)
.Abbreviation = vaValues(i, 3)
End With
Me.Add clsCountry
Next i
End Sub
I'd need a way to find a country by one of its properties
Public Property Get CountryBy(ByVal sProperty As String, ByVal vValue As Variant) As CCountry
Dim clsReturn As CCountry
Dim clsCountry As CCountry
For Each clsCountry In Me
If CallByName(clsCountry, sProperty, VbGet) = vValue Then
Set clsReturn = clsCountry
Exit For
End If
Next clsCountry
Set CountryBy = clsReturn
End Property
Then I'd run down my list of numbers and put the codes next to them
Sub FillCodes()
Dim clsCountries As CCountries
Dim rCell As Range
Dim clsCountry As CCountry
Set clsCountries = New CCountries
clsCountries.FillFromRange Sheet1.ListObjects("tblCountries").DataBodyRange
For Each rCell In Sheet2.Range("A3:A5").Cells
Set clsCountry = Nothing
Set clsCountry = clsCountries.CountryBy("Code", CStr(rCell.Value))
If Not clsCountry Is Nothing Then
rCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = clsCountry.Fullname
rCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = clsCountry.Abbreviation
End If
Next rCell
End Sub
Other than defining where the codes I'm looping through are, I don't really need any comments. You can tell what's going on my the name of the object and the properties or methods. That's the payoff for the extra work in setting up class modules - IMO.
You can have a dictionary of objects or dictionaries.
VBA has several methods to store data:
a Dictionary
a Collection
an array (matrix) variable
an ActiveX ComboBox
an ActiveX ListBox
a Userform control ComboBox
a Userform control ListBox
a sortedlist
an arraylist
I suggest you to read the following article:
