Hadoop/Spark : How replication factor and performance are related? - apache-spark

Without discussing all other performance factors, the disk space and the Name node objects, how can replication factor emproves the performance of MR, Tez and Spark.
If we have for example 5 datanades, does it better for the execution engine to set the replication to 5 ? Whats the best and the worst value ?
How this can be good for aggregations, joins, and map-only jobs ?

One of the major tenants of Hadoop is moving the computation to the data.
If you set the replication factor approximately equal to the number of datanodes, you're guaranteed that every machine will be able to process that data.
However, as you mention, namenode overhead is very important and more files or replicas causes slow requests. More replicas also can saturate your network in an unhealthy cluster. I've never seen anything higher than 5, and that's only for the most critical data of the company. Anything else, they left at 2 replicas
The execution engine doesn't matter too much other than Tez/Spark outperforming MR in most cases, but what matters more is the size of your files and what format they are stored in - that will be a major drive in execution performance


Cassandra read latency increases while writing

I have a cassandra cluster, its read latency increases during writes. The writes mostly happen via spark jobs during the night time. The writes happen in huge bursts, is there a way to reduce read latency during the writes. The writes happen using LOCAL_QUORUM and reads happen using LOCAL_ONE. Is there a way to reduce read latency when writes are happening?
Cassandra Cluster Configs
10 Node cassandra cluster (5 in DC1, 5 in DC2)
CPU: 8 Core
Memory: 32GB
Grafana Metrics
I can give some advice:
Use LCS compaction strategy.
Prefer round-robin load balancing policy for reads.
Choose partition_key wisely so that requests are not bombarded on a single partition.
Partition size also play a good role. Cassandra recommends to have smaller partition size. However, I have tested with Partitions of 10000 rows each with each row having size of 800 bytes. It worked better than with 3000 rows(or even 1 row). Very tiny partitions tend to increase CPU usage when data stored is large in terms of row count. However, very large partitions should be avoided even.
Replication Factor should be chosen strategically . Write consistency level should be decided considering the replication of all keyspaces.

How to speedup node joining process in cassandra cluster

I have a cluster 4 cassandra nodes. I have recently added a new node but data processing is taking too long. Is there a way to make this process faster ? output of nodetool
Less data per node. Your screenshot shows 80TB per node, which is insanely high.
The recommendation is 1TB per node, 2TB at most. The logic behind this is bootstrap times get too high (as you have noticed). A good Cassandra ring should be able to rapidly recover from node failure. What happens if other nodes fail while the first one is rebuilding?
Keep in mind that the typical model for Cassandra is lots of smaller nodes, in contrast to SQL where you would have a few really powerful servers. (Scale out vs scale up)
So, I would fix the problem by growing your cluster to have 10X - 20X the number of nodes.

Improving SQL Query using Spark Multi Clusters

I was experimenting if Spark with multi clusters can improve slow SQL query. I created two workers for master and they are running on local Spark Standalone. Yes, I did halve the memory and the number of cores to create workers on local machine. I specified partitions for sqlContext, using partitionColumn, lowerBound, UpperBoundand numberPartitions, so that tasks (or partitions) can be distributed over workers. I described them as below (partitionColumn is unique):
df = sqlContext.read.format("jdbc").options(
url = "jdbc:sqlserver://localhost;databasename=AdventureWorks2014;integratedSecurity=true;",
driver = "com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver",
dbtable = query,
partitionColumn = "RowId",
lowerBound = 1,
upperBound = 10000000,
numPartitions = 4).load()
I ran my script over the master after specifying the options, but I couldn't get any performance improvement against when running on spark without cluster. I know I should have not halved the memory for integrity of the experiment. But I would like to know if that might be the case or any reason if that's not the case. Any thoughts are welcome. Many thanks.
There are multiple factors which play a role here, though the weights of each of these can differ on a case by case basis.
As nicely pointed out by mtoto, increasing number of workers on a single machine, is unlikely to bring any performance gains.
Multiple workers on a single machine have access to the same fixed pool of resources. Since worker doesn't participate in the processing itself, you just use a higher fraction of this pool for management.
There legitimate cases when we prefer a higher number of executor JVMs, but it is not the same as increasing number of workers (the former one is an application resource, the latter one is a cluster resource).
It is not clear if you use the same number of cores for baseline and multi-worker configuration, nevertheless cores are not the only resource you have to consider working with Spark. Typical Spark jobs are IO (mostly network and disk) bound. Increasing number of threads on a single node, without making sure that there is sufficient disk and network configuration, will just make them wait for the data.
Increasing cores alone is useful only for jobs which are CPU bound (and these will typically scale better on a single machine).
Fiddling with Spark resources won't help you, if external resource cannot keep up with the requests. A high number of concurrent batch reads from a single non-replicated database will just throttle the server.
In this particular case you make it even worse by running a database server on the same node as Spark. It has some advantages (all traffic can go through loopback), but unless database and Spark use different sets of disks, they'll be competing over disk IO (and other resources as well).
It is not clear what is the query, but if it is slow when executed directly against database, fetching it from Spark will it even slower. You should probably take a closer look at query and/or database structure and configuration first.

Spark task duration difference

I'm running application that loads data (.csv) from s3 into DataFrames, and than register those Dataframes as temp tables. After that, I use SparkSQL to join those tables and finally write result into db. Issue that is currently bottleneck for me is that I feel tasks are not evenly split and i get no benefits or parallelization and multiple nodes inside cluster. More precisely, this is distribution of task duration in problematic stage
task duration distribution
Is there way for me to enforce more balanced distribution ? Maybe manually writing map/reduce functions ?
Unfortunately, this stage has 6 more tasks that are still running (1.7 hours atm), which will prove even greater deviation.
There are two likely possibilities: one is under your control and .. unfortunately one is likely not ..
Skewed data. Check that the partitions are of relatively similar size - say within a factor of three or four.
Inherent variability of Spark tasks runtime. I have seen behavior of large delays in stragglers on Spark Standalone, Yarn, and Mesos without an apparent reason. The symptoms are:
extended periods (minutes) where little or no cpu or disk activity were occurring on the nodes hosting the straggler tasks
no apparent correlation of data size to the stragglers
different nodes/workers may experience the delays on subsequent runs of the same job
One thing to check: do hdfs dfsadmin -report and hdfs fsck to see if hdfs were healthy.

nodetool repair across replicas of data center

Just want to understand the performance of 'nodetool repair' in a multi data center setup with Cassandra 2.
We are planning to have keyspaces with 2-4 replicas in each data center. We may have several tens of data centers. Writes are done with LOCAL_QUORUM/EACH_QUORUM consistency depending on the situation and reads are usually done with LOCAL_QUORUM consistency. Questions:
Does nodetool repair complexity grow linearly with number of replicas across all data centers?
Or does nodetool repair complexity grow linearly with a combination of number of replicas in the current data center, and number of data centers? Vaguely, this model could possibly sync data with each of the individual nodes in current data center, but at EACH_QUORUM-like operation against replicas in other data centers.
To scale the cluster, is it better to add more nodes in an existing data center or add a new data center assuming constant number of replicas as a whole? I ask this question in the context of nodetool repair performance.
To understand how nodetool repair affects the cluster or how the cluster size affects repair, we need to understand what happens during repair. There are two phases to repair, the first of which is building a Merkle tree of the data. The second is having the replicas actually compare the differences between their trees and then streaming them to each other as needed.
This first phase can be intensive on disk io since it will touch almost all data on the disk on the node on which you run the repair. One simple way to avoid repair touching the full disk is to use the -pr flag. When using -pr, it will disksize/RF instead of disksize data that repair has to touch. Running repair on a node also sends a message to all nodes that store replicas of any of these ranges to build merkle trees as well. This can be a problem, since all the replicas will be doing it at the same time, possibly making them all slow to respond for that portion of your data.
The factor which determines how the repair operation affects other data centers is the use of the replica placement strategy. Since you are going to need consistency across data centers (EACH_QOURUM cases) it is imperative that you use a cross-dc replication strategy like the Network Topology strategy in your case. For repair this will mean that you cannot limit yourself to local dc while running the repair since you have some EACH_QUORUM consistency cases. To avoid a repair affecting all replicas in all data centers, you should a) Wrap your replication strategy using Dynamic snitch and configure the badness threshold properly b) Use -snapshot option while running the repair.
What this will do is take a snapshot of your data (snapshots are just hardlinks to existing sstables, exploiting the fact that sstables are immutable, thus making snapshots extremely cheap) and sequentially repair from the snapshot. This means that for any given replica set, only one replica at a time will be performing the validation compaction, allowing the dynamic snitch to maintain performance for your application via the other replicas.
Now we can answer the questions you have.
Does nodetool repair complexity grow linearly with number of replicas across all data centers?
You can limit this by wrapping your replication strategy with Dynamic snitch and pass -snapshot option during repair.
Or does nodetool repair complexity grow linearly with a combination of number of replicas in the current data center, and number of data centers? Vaguely, this model could possibly sync data with each of the individual nodes in current data center, but at EACH_QUORUM-like operation against replicas in other data centers.
The complexity will grow in terms of running time with the number of replicas if you use the approach above. This is because the above approach will do a sequential repair on one replica at a time.
To scale the cluster, is it better to add more nodes in an existing data center or add a new data center assuming constant number of replicas as a whole? I ask this question in the context of nodetool repair performance.
From nodetool repair perspective IMO, this does not make any difference if you take the above approach. Since it depends on the overall number of replicas.
Also, the goal of repair using nodetool is so that deletes do not come back. The hard requirement for routine repair frequency is the value of gc_grace_seconds. In systems that seldom delete or overwrite data, you can raise the value of gc_grace with minimal impact to disk space. This allows wider intervals for scheduling repair operations with the nodetool utility. One of the recommended ways to avoid frequent repairs is to have immutability of records by design. This may be important to you since you need to run on a tens of data centers and ops will otherwise already be painful.
