How to process multiple Spark SQL queries in parallel [duplicate] - apache-spark

I am trying to run 2 functions doing completely independent transformations on a single RDD in parallel using PySpark. What are some methods to do the same?
def doXTransforms(sampleRDD):
(X transforms)
def doYTransforms(sampleRDD):
(Y Transforms)
if __name__ == "__main__":
sc = SparkContext(appName="parallelTransforms")
sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)
hive_context = HiveContext(sc)
rows_rdd = hive_context.sql("select * from tables.X_table")
p1 = Process(target=doXTransforms , args=(rows_rdd,))
p2 = Process(target=doYTransforms, args=(rows_rdd,))
This does not work and I now understand this will not work.
But is there any alternative way to make this work? Specifically are there any python-spark specific solutions?

Just use threads and make sure that cluster have enough resources to process both tasks at the same time.
from threading import Thread
import time
def process(rdd, f):
def delay(x):
return f(x)
rdd = sc.parallelize(range(100), int(sc.defaultParallelism / 2))
t1 = Thread(target=process, args=(rdd, lambda x: x * 2))
t2 = Thread(target=process, args=(rdd, lambda x: x + 1))
t1.start(); t2.start()
Arguably this is not that often useful in practice but otherwise should work just fine.
You can further use in-application scheduling with FAIR scheduler and scheduler pools for a better control over execution strategy.
You can also try pyspark-asyncactions (disclaimer - the author of this answer is also the author of the package) which provides a set of wrappers around Spark API and concurrent.futures:
import asyncactions
import concurrent.futures
f1 = rdd.filter(lambda x: x % 3 == 0).countAsync()
f2 = rdd.filter(lambda x: x % 11 == 0).countAsync()
[x.result() for x in concurrent.futures.as_completed([f1, f2])]


Modify the PageRank Algorithm and run as stream application

Modify the application from the previous exercise so it reads all the files in the directory and (2) captures any new records/files as a streaming application.
Open the terminal and start the the streaming application
Open a new terminal and upload the files listed in this exercise using the 'copyFromLocal' command. Allow some intervals (for example 1-2 minutes) between the executions of the copyFromLocal command while observing the output of the other terminal's data streaming application. Notice how adding more files will change the rankings of the accounts.
My codes run as streaming (on AWS emr using putty), it is not adding the CSV I am adding to the 'new' folder. not providing a new rank.
pagerank alogrithm
import sys
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 4:
print >> sys.stderr
"Usage: <input-file> <output-file> <iterations>"
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
def computeContribs(neighbors, rank):
for neighbor in neighbors:
yield(neighbor, rank/len(neighbors))
links = spark.sparkContext.textFile(sys.argv[1]).\
map(lambda line: line.split(',')).\
map(lambda pages: (pages[0], pages[1])).\
map(lambda x: (x[0], list(x[1])))
ranks = element: (element[0], 1.0))
iterations = int(sys.argv[3])
for x in range(iterations):
contribs = links.join(ranks).flatMap(lambda row: computeContribs(row[1][0], row[1][1]))
print("------- Iter: " + str(x) + " --------")
ranks = contribs.reduceByKey(lambda v1, v2: v1+v2).map(lambda nr: (nr[0], nr[1] * 0.85 + 0.15))
for rank in ranks.collect(): print(rank)
print("------- Final Results --------")
for rank in ranks.collect(): print(rank)
import sys
from pyspark import SparkContext
from pyspark.streaming import StreamingContext
if __name__ == "__main__":
sc = SparkContext(appName="Rank")
ssc = StreamingContext(sc, 10)
def computeContribs(neighbors, rank):
for neighbor in neighbors:
yield(neighbor, rank/len(neighbors))
links = ssc.textFileStream('new/').\
map(lambda line: line.split(',')).\
map(lambda pages: (pages[0], pages[1])).\
map(lambda x: (x[0], list(x[1])))
ranks = element: (element[0], 1.0))
contribs = links.join(ranks).flatMap(lambda row: computeContribs(row[1][0], row[1][1]))
ranks = contribs.reduceByKey(lambda v1, v2: v1+v2).map(lambda nr: (nr[0], nr[1] * 0.85 + 0.15))

How best to parallelize grakn queries with Python?

I run Windows 10, Python 3.7, and have a 6-core CPU. A single Python thread on my machine submits 1,000 inserts per second to grakn. I'd like to parallelize my code to insert and match even faster. How are people doing this?
My only experience with parellelization is on another project, where I submit a custom function to a dask distributed client to generate thousands of tasks. Right now, this same approach fails whenever the custom function receives or generates a grakn transaction object/handle. I get errors like:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\dvyd\.conda\envs\activefiction\lib\site-packages\distributed\protocol\", line 41, in dumps
return cloudpickle.dumps(x, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
File "stringsource", line 2, in grpc._cython.cygrpc.Channel.__reduce_cython__
TypeError: no default __reduce__ due to non-trivial __cinit__
I've never used Python's multiprocessing module directly. What are other people doing to parallelize their queries to grakn?
The easiest approach that I've found to execute a batch of queries is to pass a Grakn session to each thread in a ThreadPool. Within each thread you can manage transactions and of course do some more complex logic:
from grakn.client import GraknClient
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
from functools import partial
def write_query_batch(session, batch):
tx = session.transaction().write()
for query in batch:
def multi_thread_write_query_batches(session, query_batches, num_threads=8):
pool = ThreadPool(num_threads), session), query_batches)
def generate_query_batches(my_data_entries_list, batch_size):
batch = []
for index, data_entry in enumerate(my_data_entries_list):
if index % batch_size == 0 and index != 0:
yield batch
batch = []
if batch:
yield batch
# (Part 2) Somewhere in your application open a client and a session
client = GraknClient(uri="localhost:48555")
session = client.session(keyspace="grakn")
query_batches_iterator = generate_query_batches(my_data_entries_list, batch_size)
multi_thread_write_query_batches(session, query_batches_iterator, num_threads=8)
The above is a generic method. As a concrete example, you can use the above (omitting part 2) to parallelise batches of insert statements from two files. Appending this to the above should work:
files = [
"file_path": f"/path/to/your/file.gql",
"file_path": f"/path/to/your/file2.gql",
KEYSPACE = "grakn"
URI = "localhost:48555"
# ​Entry point where migration starts
def migrate_graql_files():
start_time = time.time()
for file in files:
print(f'Loading from {file["file_path"]}')
open_file = open(file["file_path"], "r") # Here we are assuming you have 1 Graql query per line!
batches = generate_query_batches(open_file.readlines(), BATCH_SIZE)
with GraknClient(uri=URI) as client: # Using `with` auto-closes the client
with client.session(KEYSPACE) as session: # Using `with` auto-closes the session
multi_thread_write_query_batches(session, batches, num_threads=16) # Pick `num_threads` according to your machine
elapsed = time.time() - start_time
print(f'Time elapsed {elapsed:.1f} seconds')
elapsed = time.time() - start_time
print(f'Time elapsed {elapsed:.1f} seconds')
if __name__ == "__main__":
You should also be able to see how you can load from a csv or any other file type in this way, but taking the values you find in that file and substitution them into Graql query string templates. Take a look at the migration example in the docs for more on that.
An alternative approach using multi-processing instead of multi-threading follows below.
We empirically found that multi-threading doesn't yield particularly large performance gains, compared to multi-processing. This is probably due to Python's GIL.
This piece of code assumes a file enumerating TypeQL queries that are independent of each other, so they can be parallelised freely.
from typedb.client import TypeDB, TypeDBClient, SessionType, TransactionType
import multiprocessing as mp
import queue
def batch_writer(database, kill_event, batch_queue):
client = TypeDB.core_client("localhost:1729")
session = client.session(database, SessionType.DATA)
while not kill_event.is_set():
batch = batch_queue.get(block=True, timeout=1)
with session.transaction(TransactionType.WRITE) as tx:
for query in batch:
except queue.Empty:
print("Received kill event, exiting worker.")
def start_writers(database, kill_event, batch_queue, parallelism=4):
processes = []
for _ in range(parallelism):
proc = mp.Process(target=batch_writer, args=(database, kill_event, batch_queue))
return processes
def batch(iterable, n=1000):
l = len(iterable)
for ndx in range(0, l, n):
yield iterable[ndx:min(ndx + n, l)]
if __name__ == '__main__':
batch_size = 100
parallelism = 1
database = "<database name>"
with open(file_path, "r") as file:
statements =[:]
batch_statements = batch(statements, n=batch_size)
total_batches = int(len(statements) / batch_size)
if total_batches % batch_size > 0:
total_batches += 1
batch_queue = mp.Queue(parallelism * 4)
kill_event = mp.Event()
writers = start_writers(database, kill_event, batch_queue, parallelism=parallelism)
for i, batch in enumerate(batch_statements):
batch_queue.put(batch, block=True)
if i*batch_size % 10000 == 0:
print("Loaded: {0}/{1}".format(i*batch_size, total_batches*batch_size))
for proc in writers:
print("Done loading")

Python Multiprocessing Scheduling

In Python 3.6, I am running multiple processes in parallel, where each process pings a URL and returns a Pandas dataframe. I want to keep running the (2+) processes continually, I have created a minimal representative example as below.
My questions are:
1) My understanding is that since I have different functions, I cannot use Pool.map_async() and its variants. Is that right? The only examples of these I have seen were repeating the same function, like on this answer.
2) What is the best practice to make this setup to run perpetually? In my code below, I use a while loop, which I suspect is not suited for this purpose.
3) Is the way I am using the Process and Manager optimal? I use multiprocessing.Manager.dict() as the shared dictionary to return the results form the processes. I saw in a comment on this answer that using a Queue here would make sense, however the Queue object has no `.dict()' method. So, I am not sure how that would work.
I would be grateful for any improvements and suggestions with example code.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import multiprocessing
import time
def worker1(name, t , seed, return_dict):
'''worker function'''
print(str(name) + 'is here.')
df= pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,1000,8).reshape(2,4), columns=list('ABCD'))
return_dict[name] = [df.columns.tolist()] + df.values.tolist()
def worker2(name, t, seed, return_dict):
'''worker function'''
print(str(name) + 'is here.')
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 1000, 12).reshape(3, 4), columns=list('ABCD'))
return_dict[name] = [df.columns.tolist()] + df.values.tolist()
if __name__ == '__main__':
while True:
start_time = time.time()
manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
parallel_dict = manager.dict()
seed=np.random.randint(0,1000,1) # send seed to worker to return a diff df
jobs = []
p1 = multiprocessing.Process(target=worker1, args=('name1', t, seed, parallel_dict))
p2 = multiprocessing.Process(target=worker2, args=('name2', t, seed+1, parallel_dict))
for proc in jobs:
parallel_end_time = time.time() - start_time
df1= pd.DataFrame(parallel_dict['name1'][1:],columns=parallel_dict['name1'][0])
df2 = pd.DataFrame(parallel_dict['name2'][1:], columns=parallel_dict['name2'][0])
merged_df = pd.concat([df1,df2], axis=0)
Answer 1 (map on multiple functions)
You're technically right.
With map, map_async and other variations, you should use a single function.
But this constraint can be bypassed by implementing an executor, and passing the function to execute as part of the parameters:
def dispatcher(args):
return args[0](*args[1:])
So a minimum working example:
import multiprocessing as mp
def function_1(v):
print("hi %s"%v)
return 1
def function_2(v):
print("by %s"%v)
return 2
def dispatcher(args):
return args[0](*args[1:])
with mp.Pool(2) as p:
tasks = [
(function_1, "A"),
(function_2, "B")
r = p.map_async(dispatcher, tasks)
results = r.get()
Answer 2 (Scheduling)
I would remove the while from the script and schedule a cron job (on GNU/Linux) (on windows) so that the OS will be responsible for it's execution.
On Linux you can run cronotab -e and add the following line to make the script run every 5 minutes.
*/5 * * * * python /path/to/
Answer 3 (Shared Dictionary)
yes but no.
To my knowledge using the Manager for data such as collections is the best way.
For Arrays or primitive types (int, floats, ecc) exists Value and Array which are faster.
As in the documentation
A manager object returned by Manager() controls a server process which holds > Python objects and allows other processes to manipulate them using proxies.
A manager returned by Manager() will support types list, dict, Namespace, Lock, > RLock, Semaphore, BoundedSemaphore, Condition, Event, Barrier, Queue, Value and > Array.
Server process managers are more flexible than using shared memory objects because they can be made to support arbitrary object types. Also, a single manager can be shared by processes on different computers over a network. They are, however, slower than using shared memory.
But you have only to return a Dataframe, so the shared dictionary it's not needed.
Cleaned Code
Using all the previous ideas the code can be rewritten as:
map version
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from time import sleep
import multiprocessing as mp
def worker1(t , seed):
print('worker1 is here.')
return pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,1000,8).reshape(2,4), columns=list('ABCD'))
def worker2(t , seed):
print('worker2 is here.')
return pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 1000, 12).reshape(3, 4), columns=list('ABCD'))
def dispatcher(args):
return args[0](*args[1:])
def task_generator(sleep_time=1):
seed = np.random.randint(0,1000,1)
yield worker1, sleep_time, seed
yield worker2, sleep_time, seed + 1
with mp.Pool(2) as p:
results =, task_generator())
merged = pd.concat(results, axis=0)
If the process of concatenation of the Dataframe is the bottleneck, An approach with imap might become optimal.
imap version
with mp.Pool(2) as p:
merged = pd.DataFrame()
for result in p.imap_unordered(dispatcher, task_generator()):
merged = pd.concat([merged,result], axis=0)
The main difference is that in the map case, the program first wait for all the process tasks to end, and then concatenate all the Dataframes.
While in the imap_unoredered case, As soon as a task as ended, the Dataframe is concatenated ot the current results.

how to make the following for loop use multiple core in Python?

That's a normal Python Code which is running normally
import pandas as pd
registration = pd.read_csv(r'C:\Users\efthi\Desktop\studentVle.csv')
students = list()
result = list()
i =749
interactions = 0
while i <8659:
student = dataset["id_student"][i]
i +=1
while p <1917865:
if student == registration['id_student'][p]:
interactions += registration ["sum_click"][p]
interactions = 0
st = pd.DataFrame(students)#create data frame
st.to_csv(r'C:\Users\efthi\Desktop\ttest.csv', index=False)#insert data frame to csv
st = pd.DataFrame(result)#create data frame
st.to_csv(r'C:\Users\efthi\Desktop\results.csv', index=False)#insert data frame to csv
This is supposed to be running in an even bigger dataset, which I think is more efficient to utilize the multiple cores of my pc
How can I implement it to use all 4 cores?
For performing any function in parallel you can something like:
import multiprocessing
import pandas as pd
def f(x):
# Perform some function
return y
# Load your data
data = pd.read_csv('file.csv')
# Look at docs to see why "if __name__ == '__main__'" is necessary
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Create pool with 4 processors
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(4)
# Create jobs
jobs = []
for group in data['some_group']:
# Create asynchronous jobs that will be submitted once a processor is ready
data_for_job = data[data.some_group == group]
jobs.append(pool.apply_async(f, (data_for_job, )))
# Submit jobs
results = [job.get() for job in jobs]
# Combine results
results_df = pd.concat(results)
Regardless of the function your performing, for multiprocessing you:
Create a pool with your desired number of processors
Loop through your data in whatever way you want to chunk it
Create a job with that chunk (using pool.apply_async() <- read the docs about this if it's confusing)
Submit your jobs with job.get()
Combine your results

Multiplying two RDD in pyspark

I am new to pyspark. I have been trying to multiply two sparse RDD. The code whichI have tried generates two sparse matrices and I have written a function to multiply the two RDD but I think this is not the solution as the computations does not occur in parallel. Can someone help me with it? How can I multiply the RDD in parallel? I tried out a lot of resources on the sites but could not come up with a solution.
import findspark
import numpy as np
import pyspark
import random
from scipy.sparse import rand
sc = pyspark.SparkContext(appName="matrix")
x = rand(n, n, density=0.25)
y = rand(n, n, density=0.25)
A = x.A
B = y.A
rdd_x = sc.parallelize(A)
rdd_y = sc.parallelize(B)
def multiply(r1, r2):
A = r1.collect()
B = r2.collect()
result = []
for i in range(len(B[0])):
total = 0
for j in range(len(A)):
total += A[j] * B[j][i]
return result
C = multiply(rdd_x,rdd_x)
If you're using collect() anyway, you might as well use np.multiply():
C = np.multiply(np.array(rdd_x.collect()), np.array(rdd_y.collect()))
Or if you want a dot product, you can use
C =, np.array(rdd_y.collect()))
