Azure Managed Disk not showing when trying to attach to VM - azure

I have a premium Azure Managed Disk (SSD) in the same region as a Windows VM, but when I go to attach it via the Azure portal (settings -> Disks -> + Add data disk) the drop down under name says "No managed disk available" (see below). What do I need to do?

To use Premium storage, you'll need a Premium Storage enabled VM size like the DS-series or GS-series virtual machine. You cannot use premium storage disks with VM series that are not Premium Storage-compatible. For details, see Premium Storage: High-Performance Storage for Azure Virtual Machine Workloads.

I ran into this problem after I had detached a disk from one VM and tried to attach it to another VM. Apparently those changes take some time to propagate through the system, and the solution for me was to log out of the Azure portal and then log back in again.

It's a 3 step process, once you create & attach, you need to mount it as well.
Follow the instructions presented here.
lsblk -o NAME,HCTL,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT | grep -i "sd"
This command will show you if you have the disk or not.

I faced the same problem and it turned to be because I had chosen the incorrect resource group. Under Basics tab, you need to check the resource group where the Disk belongs to and make the appropriate selection. This solved the problem for me.

I faced the same problem, and I checked so many times if the vm would support premium LRS and mine did, but still not seeing the disk I just created.
I solved it by just refreshing the whole portal after creating snapshot disk, and then every disk that I can possibly attached shows up.

I faced the same problem, and I checked so many times if the vm would support premium LRS and mine did, but still not seeing the disk I just created. Also tried to refresh the whole portal but still issue didn't fixed. After that i checked my disk was not created in availability zone. And my VM was in availability zone 1. once i created the disk in availability 1. it appeared in my new VM data disk.


Still paying for a deleted VM

I am just exploring Azure and I made a Virtual Machine using the portal and I deleted that after two hours or something.
In my cost management I can see that I am still paying for that resource group that contained components of the Virtual Machine, it is been a week since I deleted it.
I am still paying for that resource group even though I can't see it in my resource groups, neither on the portal nor on Powershell.
Is this a common issue?
As per this doc, I suggest you check if all disks attached to the vm are not deleted.
For managed disk, please follow this to find and delete them.
For Unmanaged disks(the vhd files stored in azure blob storage), please follow this to find and delete them.
Delete any orphaned Network Interface Cards (NIC) and Public IPs that were associated with the VM. They are billed even when the VM is deleted.
run powershell in azure portal:

Can you move/copy Azure virtual machines to a different instance?

If I setup a server running my application on an azure instance, for example A1 can I later change the instance to D2?
I might want to experiment with a VM at a lower cost but then move to a higher performing machine at a later date without having to rebuild everything.
Yes, you can change the size of Azure VM on demand. Changing the size will trigger a machine reboot and if you're using a configuration with SSD temporary drive, the content of the SSD will get erased. Other than that, everything else will be left untouched.
Drew, the Principal PM in this area has a great blog here about this.
You can only resize a VM to another offering that does not have fundamentally different hardware. Since A-Series and D-Series VMs have similar hardware, you would be able to swap those two around. You would not be able to go from A-Series to G-Series though. In addition you need to look at VM availability per region if you want to swap to something only in certain areas, as well as look at if you are using an ASM or ARM VM.
If you have an existing VM, you can check what it can swap out with in the new portal under "Size" in the VM Settings.
This will allow you to reboot into a different machine type, however any temp storage will be erased as with any VM reboot. You just need to ensure you are storing your persistent data in external storage.
You can learn more about the VM size offerings here.

Azure: How to add >1TB disks to a virtual machine without changing the size of VM

I see there are some limitations on Azure:
1. On number of disks to be attached to VM;
2. The size of each disk/storage blob is limited by 1TB;
Is there any hack or workaround to attach larger disks/several disks to the same VM without increasing the processing power of VM as my application doesn't need high computing capacities, but needs plenty of space.
May be it's possible by contacting their billing department?
Currently I'm using A1 Standard VM instance with 2 disks (2 TB it total) attached to it already. The goal is to attach 5 TB total disk space to the same VM without upgrading the VM size to a larger instance.
You will need to change your VM size to attach more disks. One option is to look at Basic tier instead of using Standard tier A Series VMs to optimize your cost. Since you do not need a lot of computing power, basic tier VMs may work fine for you. You will want to look at Basic A3 which will allow you to attach 8 maximum data disks of 1 TB each. See more information here (
I found a solution to attach 5TB folders as Azure File Sharing service.
It's possible via creating File Sharing containers through Azure Portal, then mounting the folder under Linux via CIFS (SMB3.0).
For those who are interested, there is an issue with mounting Windows File Sharing folders within CentOS 6.X under Azure. It works only with CentOS 7.X (keep it in mind).
You can use Storage Spaces in Azure to increment capacity and performance. The limit of the VHD is 1 TB per disk, using Storage Spaces you can pass this limitation. You need to have in mind that there is a limitation of disk to attach to the VM based on type you choose.
Sample explanation on:

Windows Azure with no virtual machines can't delete storage

I don't know how I had two virtual machines in Windows Azure, one application server that was stopped and one running database server, and all of a sudden, the machines no longer exist.
I have these questions:
is there a way to restore the machines?
if not is there a way to delete the storage?
Go to Virtual Machines.
Click on Disks.
Click on any remaining disks.
Click on Delete Disk - there is an option to "retain", so make sure you choose delete.
Once all the disks are deleted, then delete the storage container.
You can delete the storage with the help of steps specified in the below post
Follow this post steps
You may have hit a billing limit for a subscription with a limit. This typically happens with MSDN and Trial accounts. Once the limit is hit, Microsoft deletes any VMs running in the subscription. For IaaS VMs the actual disks still exist in storage and the VMs can be rehydrated from there once the account has some money in it or the monthly limit is reset by a new month starting. For PaaS instances, the package and configuration file is presumably still deployed to Windows Azure so, again, the service can be rehydrated when the account is flush with money.

90 days test Iaas Azure offer: how are calculated the costs when a VM is stopped

I have been doing some test and realized that when I stop a VM, I get a red warning saying that it still generates charges.
But on which basis ?
Furthermore, on some VM I created, the system without any reason starts fooling and reach a 98% CPU during several hours with no way to stop it or to connect with RDP. VM was totally dead and it's only after several hours that the stop command from the control panel succeeded.
Hope I will not been charged for this ? Who is able to decide if my VM is OK or fooling like a crazy horse ?
Moreover, is there any software allowing to transfer my VMs from Azure to my local system, and delete them on Azure to stop any charge ? for a simple backup with possibility to restore/restart them later ? Or to run them in my own hyper-V ?
Best regards
Even if your VM is stopped, you still have resources that have been reserved for your VM (think of storage space, memory, CPU, ...) and these can't be 'sold' to anyone else. Deleting the VM will free these resoures and you'll no longer be charged.
Remember that Virtual Machines are still in preview, meaning things can go bad sometimes. And yes you'll be charged for this, but during the preview you get a 33% discount (more info here:
The persistent disks of your VMs are stored in a storage account as page blobs. Using tools like Azure Storage Explorer, CloudXplorer, CloudBerry, ... you can download these VHD files and simply mount them in Hyper-V (You'll need to remember that you'll need a license if you want to run the machine on-premises).
Note that, if you simply delete the VM the disks won't be deleted (they will stay in your storage account). In that case you only pay for storage (which is very cheap).
The price of VM depends on their size and nature (prenium or not).
Also you have to pay for the storage, but a 120GB disks is not billed fully, only effectively used space is.
You can use IaaS Managament Studio to easily calculate how much your blob disk cost, and see links to pricing pages of azure.
