rfid-rc522 Tag is not read - python-3.x

I am using the instructions of https://pimylifeup.com/raspberry-pi-rfid-rc522/ to learn how to read my rfid-rc522.
I installed all the things needed, and cloned from git all the files. I connected accordingly and double checked the wire.
The code in Write.py is
#!/usr/bin/env python
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import SimpleMFRC522
reader = SimpleMFRC522.SimpleMFRC522()
text = raw_input('New data:')
print("Now place your tag to write")
When I run it- The result stops after "Now place your tag to write" and nothing happens when I place my tag. Any help please? What's wrong here? The module gives red light meaning it is connected. Is it really connected? How do I know? Please help.
Edit: My title and tags were wrong in this question due to already saved data. I edited. :)

It can be multiple reasons why your reader is not retrieving any data:
The RFID cards that you are providing to the reader are not supported by the ISO 14443: Mifare Classic, 4K. (Some DesFire, etc...) are the cards you want to try. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_14443
The MFRC522 is not receiving enough input voltage. Try to increase from 3.3V to 4V. I have tried with 5V months and the reader is still running perfectly, but be cautious. The safe range in NXP is from 2.5V to 3.6V. Source: https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/data-sheet/MFRC522.pdf
The library you are using does not support IRQ (Interruption Request). This means the process of reading UIDs is high CPU consuming and low in performance. Try to use this popular library which supports interruptions: https://github.com/ondryaso/pi-rc522 . You will need to connect another wire from the IRQ pin in the MFRC522 to one GPIO pin in the Raspberry that is free and supports reading/writing operations.
Check if SPI interfaces are enable in Raspbian. Open a terminal and run:
ls -l /dev/spi
Lastly, it could be that your reader is broken. Some chinese versions do not work as they should do. Maybe you should buy another one and try more luck.
I suppose you have connected all cables in the correct way between the MFRC522 and the Raspberry Pi. Check that again.


How to solve Raspberry Pi 3B & Bme280 Remote I/O error

Let me start off with the components used:
GPIO extension board to connect the raspberry pi to components
Pi 3B
Problem description:
This problem was intermittent at first. We were receiving reading and the error occured out of nowhere, made adjustment to the sensor(taking out and putting it back in) which solved it but when we touch the sensor the error showed up again.
We decided to change the sensor and the problem turned from intermittent to persistent. Now we have this as permanent issue.
We removed the package for BME280 and SmBus2 and decided to reinstall it again.
RPI Bme280: https://pypi.org/project/RPi.bme280/
I followed this BME280 installation guide, however when prompting for 'i2cdetect -y 1' there were lines but no number showing up.
What has been confirmed so far:
Patching up of circuits was fine, tested with my lecturer pi and it
works fine.
Codes is fine, we even use the sample code provided by RPi.bme280
I2c was enabled everytime
Please help me because I am really lost. I needa submit this by next week so any help is appreciated.
Problem pic --> Picture of the problem
I've tried to respond, but there is a few pitfalls in SMBus and i2c, so to break the question into smaller bits I've quoted your original message with an indent. The response is provided beneath.
This problem was intermittent at first. We were receiving reading and the error occurred out of nowhere, made adjustment to the sensor(taking out and putting it back in) which solved it but when we touch the sensor the error showed up again.
I locked onto the statement, "Touched the sensor". Is there a chance the BME280 experienced an ESD discharge? And therefore is now partially or fully broken?
Are you using an ESD safe room? or at least ESD bracelet. You will not notice small ESD discharges, and for small electronics even a sub 1000V discharge can cause damage instantly or over time. (Fundamentals of Electrostatic Discarge - incompliancemag.com)
I followed this BME280 installation guide, however when prompting for 'i2cdetect -y 1' there were lines but no number showing up.
The I2Cdetect -y 1
Will send a ReadBit message to each possible slave 0-127. Then listens for the ACK on the slave address.
The message is very simple, but does the trick for detecting working i2c slaves.
As you stated there is no "Lines", i would suggest the slave either has issues responding, if the BME280 has the correct 3v3+GND supplied.
As another possability, could you redo this step dtparam=i2c_arm=on,i2c_baudrate=400000
(Set the baudrate way down to 10000 /10k. Should this solve the issue and you need higher bandwidth, attempt on "50000 /50k" or "100000 /100k") This is just to eliminate the possibility the slave cannot opperate on this high frequency. 400k Baudrate for SMBus is high for a prototype/testing scenario. Very small amounts of interference can corrupt the data over SDA.
Another possibility is the Sink-Current which i've learned the hard way is not the same on i2c and SMBus over i2c.
Is you Pull-up resistor appropriate for the limited sink-current?
The SMBus specifies a minimum sink current of 100µA, and a maximum of 350µA, compared to 3mA for the I²C bus (Ampere=Voltage/Resistance Ohm).
Now to the Software issue.
From your supplied picture on imgur.
File "newcodes_''''''''''''''.py" line 2, in
Your compiler cannot find "bme" where you attempt to import bme280. Reference/path issue?
This can be the cause for other issues further into the code calls.
I don't know what SW you are writing the code in, but if there is an option to insert a breakpoint and run a debug build. I would suggest starting there :)
Alright I have resolved the issue, I changed the wire from jumper wire to hard wire. Thank you guys for your response. I appreciate all of them :D

Not seeing anything in arduino serial monitor when typing the AT Commands for Bluetooth HC-05

I am a beginner to arduino and trying to follow one of the videos from youtube to make a project- Master And Slave using HC-05 modules. I followed every step from that video carefully. Here's the link to the video ->
For Slave Module when I type AT commands in the serial monitor nothing shows up.
I searched in Internet for the this problem and still didn't fix it. Here's What i have done:
tired restarting my pc
tried Changing arduino, At first i used arduino nano and then uno
I tried changing the baud rate to all other values and nothing happened
And there is no change in light blink, it stays on AT command mode until power is turned off and on again.
This is how is looks
Thank You For the Answer
Your problem is not actually related to arduino in any way. This tutorial is utilizing onboard USB->UART transceiver IC. So in theory you could even remove Atmel chip from the board. Its more like using module like this FT232 converter. Anyways sorry if I confused you but you can research the subject.
But anyways to the problem. Couple of questions:
Did you press reset button on module while powerin up the circuit?
Thats the way it enters to AT command mode
Did you try to reverse RX-TX lines, don't worry connecting these guys across eatch other doesn't harm your board.
(They are so often plugged in wrong..)
Did you make sure you have connected EN pin of module also. (To arduino 3.3V not 5V)
Did you triple check all connections
Try to upload simple Sketch like blinky to Arduino to make sure you are connected to USB-UART transeiver and you have correct drivers.
Make sure you upload empty sketch or remove the chip when you try to apply tutorial steps.
Change jumper wires. Sometimes cheap jumper wires are really bad quality.
I have been sometimes scratching head for long time because of broken jumper cable.
Please let me know if you have checked all of those so we can think for next step.

Factory reset ACR1255U-J1 NFC reader

Does anyone know how to reset an Advanced Card Systems NFC reader type ACR1255U-J1? I've sent an escape command to it and it got stuck. When I switch the button at the top I get a purple light for LED1 and orange light for LED2 followed by red light for LED1 and no light for LED2. Any help will be appriciated.
I can see the device through Mac Terminal when it is connected through USB but it is no longer visible when bluetooth is on.
Once the ACS1255U-J1 shows the behavior you described it's basically bricked. It happens because of a stack overflow problem (no pun intended) in the readers' firmware and ACS is currently working to correct it. I've seen it happen repeatedly with very long Escape Commands like the Rewrite Master Key Command Request (36 bytes long) as well as some shorter ones. Depending on the severity of the overflow, you may be able to resurrect the reader by reflashing it with fresh firmware. You can download all the stuff you need from our site here:
You'll need a Win7 machine to work the tool and even then it'll take a few tries to get the reader in DFU mode. If you run into issues, post support questions on our forums and we'll be happy to help.
That said your device corruption may be beyond repair. This can happen if you've wiped out the boot sector of the flash. You'll know this if the reader fails to enter DFU mode. I've been able to resurrect a few readers but found them lacking some key setting like the serial number field being gone (all zeros). But more just don't enter DFU. We're authorized distributors of ACS products so if you want to RMA your device through us let me know and we can work something out.
UPDATE: Flomio now has the ability to repair bricked ACR1255U-J1 units. You can ping us on our forums for details.

Bi-directional sniffing/snooping on an ALSA MIDI SysEx exchange

Does anyone know of a good way to get a bi-directional dump of MIDI SysEx data on Linux? (between a Yamaha PSR-E413 MIDI keyboard and a copy of the Yamaha MusicSoft Downloader running in Wine)
I'd like to reverse-engineer the protocol used to copy MIDI files to and from my keyboard's internal memory and, to do that, I need to do some recording of valid exchanges between the two.
The utility does work in Wine (with a little nudging) but I don't want to have to rely on a cheap, un-scriptable app in Wine when I could be using a FUSE filesystem.
Here's the current state of things:
My keyboard connects to my PC via a built-in USB-MIDI bridge. USB dumpers/snoopers are a possibility, but I'd prefer to avoid them if possible. I don't want to have to decode yet another layer of protocol encoding before I even get started.
I run only Linux. However, if there really is no other option than a Windows-based dumper/snooper, I can try getting the USB 1.1 pass-through working on my WinXP VirtualBox VM.
I run bare ALSA for my audio system with dmix for waveform audio mixing.
If a sound server is necessary, I'm willing to experiment with JACK.
No PulseAudio please. It took long enough to excise it from my system.
If the process involves ALSA MIDI routing:
a virtual pass-through device I can select from inside the Downloader is preferred because it often only appears in an ALSA patch bay GUI like patchage an instant before it starts communicating with the keyboard.
Neither KMIDIMon nor GMIDIMonitor support snooping bi-directionally as far as I can tell.
virmidi isn't relevant and I haven't managed to get snd-seq-dummy working.
I I suppose I could patch ALSA to get dumps if I really must, but it's really an option of last resort.
The vast majority of my programming experience is in Python, PHP, Javascript, and shell script.
I have almost no experience programming in C.
I've never even seen a glimpse of kernel-mode code.
I'd prefer to keep my system stable and my uptime high.
This question has been unanswered for some time and while I do not have an exact answer to your problem I maybe have something that can push you in the right direction (or maybe others with similar problems).
I had a similar albeit less complex problem when I wanted to sniff the data used to set and read presets on an Akai LPK25 MIDI keyboard. Similar to your setup the software to setup the keyboard can run in Wine but I also had no luck in finding a sniffer setup for Linux.
For the lack of an existing solution I rolled my own using ALSA MIDI routing over virmidi ports. I understand why you see them as useless because without additional software they cannot help at sniffing MIDI traffic.
My solution was programming a MIDI relay/bridge in Java where I read input from a virmidi port, display the data and send it further to the keyboard. The answer from the keyboard (if any) is also read, displayed and finally transmitted back to the virmidi port. The application in Wine can be setup to use the virmidi port for communication and in theory this process is completely transparent (except for potential latency issues). The application is written in a generic way and not hardcoded to my problem.
I was only dealing with SysEx messages of about 20 bytes length so I am not sure how well the software works for sniffing the transfer of large amounts of data. But maybe you can modify it / write your own program following the example.
Sources available here: https://github.com/hiben/MIDISpy
(Java 1.6, ant build file included, source is under BSD license)
I like using aseqdump for that.
You could use virtual midi devices for this purpose. So you have to load snd_seq_dummy so that it creates at least two ports:
$ sudo modprobe -r snd_seq_dummy
$ sudo modprobe snd_seq_dummy ports=1 duplex=1
Then you should have a device named Midi through:
$ aconnect -i -o -l
client 0: 'System' [type=kernel]
0 'Timer '
1 'Announce '
client 14: 'Midi Through' [type=kernel]
0 'Midi Through Port-0:A'
1 'Midi Through Port-0:B'
client 131: 'VMPK Input' [type=user,pid=50369]
0 'in '
client 132: 'VMPK Output' [type=user,pid=50369]
0 'out '
I will take the port and device numbers form this example. You have to inspect them yourself according to your setup.
Now you plug your favourate MIDI Device to the Midi Through ports:
$ aconnect 132:0 14:0
$ aconnect 14:0 131:0
At this time you have a connection where you can spy on both devices at the same time. You could use aseqdump to spy the MIDI conversation. There are different possibilities. I suggest to spy the connection between the loopback devices and the real device. This allows you for rawmidi connections to the loopback devices.
$ aseqdump -p 14:0,132:0 | tee dump.log
Now everything is set up for use. You just have to be careful about port names in your MIDI application. It should read MIDI data from Midi Through Port-0:B and write data to Midi Through Port-0:B.
Some additional hint: You could use the graphical frontend patchage for connecting and inspecting the MIDI connections via drag and drop. If you do this you will see that every Midi Through port occurs twice once as input and once as output. Both have to be connected in order to make this setup work.
If you want to use GMidiMonitor or some other application you spy on both streams intermixed (without showing the direction) using aconnect suppose 129:0 is the Midi Monitor port :
$ aconnect 14:0 129:0
$ aconnect 132:0 129:0
If you want to have exact direction information you could add another GMidiMonitor instance that you connect only to one of the ports. The missing messages come from the other port.
What about using gmidimonitor? See http://home.gna.org/gmidimonitor/

PCM voice data on serial port to sound device conversion in linux

I have a telephony modem which gives voice to my interfaced application via a serial USB ttyUSB0 in 16bit PCM 8000hz. I am able to capture this data and play with audacity. I want this port to be detected as a sound device in linux (I am on ubuntu). Is it possible? Are there any other options?
I'm guessing you are using a huawei 3G modem or something similar which gives ttyUSB1 for audio. Make sure you have the serial driver binded to it. Then simply pass the port itself as a "file" for input for any program of your choice.You need root access for that.You figured out the audio settings so it must be enough.I have voice calling working in UBUNTU 11.10 with Huawei. So let me know if i can help any further.
Ok, I see it's very old question but answers helped me to get a right direction so I decided to help others.
The one way to achieve (in addition to below) what are you are
looking for is to write dynamic kernel module.
Have it register as a sound device, and check that it has a GSM
module present (which module is it exactly can be recognized in
dmesg, lsmod, or output).
Then establish communication between user space representation as a
sound card and serial usb module.
The other way is to get module that you recognized by dmesg, lsmod and extend its functionality as a sound card.
All are tricky tasks because:
in the first case you have to resolve intermodule communication at the kernel level...... which is, lets say, a little hard even if programmer has a right background in subject.
the second case is hard in that you have to deal with:
USB stack (which is little unpleasant for human beings) and
sound subsystem (which is a little burdensome because of historical issues).
Without being an experienced kernel programmer there are small chances to succeed.
