Running variable string match against grep search? - linux

I've defined the variables here to shorten the logic a little. The wget works fine (downloads the correct file) and grepping for tar.gz works in the wget.log
The issue is the match to another file!
Basically, if it's on a blacklist I want it to skip!
sudo wget -O wget.log$line1/releases
if grep -q "tar.gz" wget.log | "$var1" -ne grep -q
"$line1" banned; then
echo "Good Job!"
echo "Skip!"

Use && to test if both of the grep commands succeed
if grep -q -F 'tar.gz' wget.log && grep -q -F -x "$variable" banned
echo "Skip!"
echo "Good Job!"
I've used the -F option to grep because none of the strings we're searching for are regular expressions, they're fixed strings. And I used -x in the second grep to match the whole line in the blacklist.


Linux: Tail -f multiple options

I want to add multiple tail scripts in one.
First one:
tail -f /var/script/log/script-log.txt | if grep -q "Text1"; then echo "0:$?:AAC32 ONLINE"
I want to add 5 more lines with a diffrent word, is this possible?
else if, if etc. etc.
tail -f /var/script/log/script-log.txt | if grep -E "Text1|Text2|Text3"; then echo "0:$?:AAC32 ONLINE" fi
In your case it's enough to use logical AND operator:
tail -f /var/script/log/script-log.txt | grep -q "text1\|text2\|text3" && echo "0:$?:AAC32 ONLINE"
PIPENAME="`mktemp -u "/tmp/something-XXXXXX"`"
mkfifo -m 600 "$PIPENAME"
tail -f /tmp/log.txt >"$PIPENAME" &
while read line < "$PIPENAME"
echo $line # Whatever you want goes here
rm -f "$PIPENAME"
If you want Bash specific, you can use the -u option for read, and then you can rm the named pipe before the loop starts, which is more guaranteed to leave things clean when you're done.

wget does not terminate

I have the following problem with my code:
After the downloads are all finished the script does not terminate. It seems to wait for more urls.
My code:
cd "$1"
test=$(wget -qO- "$3" | grep --line-buffered "tarball_url" | cut -d '"' -f4)
echo test:
echo $test
echo ==============
wget -nd -N -q --trust-server-names --content-disposition -i- ${test}
An example for $test:
-i means to get the list of URLs from a file, and using - in place of the file means to get them from standard input. So it's waiting for you to type the URLs.
If $test contains the URLs, you don't need to use -i, just list the URLs on the command line:
wget -nd -N -q --trust-server-names --content-disposition $test

how to use && with grep in bash

I want to check if multiple lines in a file exist in bash.
so for that I use grep -q which works with only one line:
if grep -q string1 "/path/to/file";then
echo 'exists'
echo 'does not exist'
I tried many things in various combinations, for example:
if grep -q [ string1 ] && grep -q [ string2 ] "path/to/file";then
I also tried it with -E:
grep -E 'pattern1' filename | grep -E 'pattern2'
but nothing seems to work. Any ideas?
Rather than running multiple grep commands you can use this gnu-awk command to assert presence of multiple strings in a file:
awk -v RS='\\Z' '/string1/ && /string2/ && /string3/{e=1} END{exit !e}' file &&
echo 'exists' || echo 'does not exist'
RS=\Z will make awk read all the input in a single record separator
Using && between multiple search terms will make sure all the search words exist in input file
This will print exists only if all 3 search terms exists in the input file.
since #iruvar hasn't posted his comment as answer, i'll put it here:
grep -q string_1 file && grep -q string_2 file
now, here is my contribution. is #anubhava's more computationally complex awk answer, which reads the file only once, any faster than #iruvar's simpler answer, which reads the file three times?
awk 11.730 s
grep && grep 0.258 s
this surely will depend on the speed of the filesystem vs the cpu, and on how much caching goes on, but on my system, which is probably a typical B+/A- workstation, grep kw1 file && grep kw2 file && grep kw3 file is ~50x as fast as #anubhava's awk solution. this held true both on ssd and spindle raid. (details: test file was 5,000,000 lines, 160M, and had kw1 on the first line, kw2 on the 2.5 millionth, and kw3 on the 5 millionth.)
some easy optimization is possible, for example, if you can solve your problem by matching whole lines, do so (with grep -x); it's twice as fast in this case.
for many (e.g., >1,000) files, it is faster to use grep -l and xargs:
grep -l kw1 *.txt | xargs grep -l kw2 | xargs grep -q kw3
as opposed to a loop:
for f in *.txt; do
grep -q kw1 $f && grep -q kw2 $f && grep -q kw3 $f
with the same test file, grep -l | xargs grep took 0.258 s, just like grep && grep. with two test files, it was still no faster than grep && grep. with 2000 test files of 5,000 lines each, none of which contained any matches, grep -l | xargs grep was ~10x as faster as grep && grep.
There are a couple ambiguities in your question, but assuming you want pattern_1 and pattern_2 to exist in a file (not on the same line) then you can do this.
for file in *; do
egrep -q pattern_1 $file && egrep -q pattern_2 $file && echo $file
With grep -p you can match multiply patterns in the same line:
grep -P '(?=.*string1)(?=.*string2)' file
The above will print lines that matches string1 and string2.
(?=...) is a positive lookaheads which matches a pattern without making it a part of the match.
And -z will slurp the whole file:
% seq 1 100 | grep -qzP '(?=.*1)(?=.*5)'; echo $?
% seq 1 100 | grep -qzP '(?=.*1)(?=.*a)'; echo $?
You can do it like this:
if grep -q 'string1' /path/to/file; then
if grep -q 'string2' /path/to/file; then
echo exists
echo 'does not exist'
echo 'does not exist'
grep -q 'string1' /path/to/file &&
grep -q 'string2' /path/to/file &&
echo exists ||
echo 'does not exist'
you can use "-q" to search using grep
if grep -q string1 "/path/to/file" && grep -q string2 "/path/to/file";then
echo 'exists'
echo 'does not exist'

OR condition in Shell Scripting - Unix

I declare three variables.
$1=`ssh <server_1> cat /etc/passswd|cut -f -d:|grep -e $IID -e $EID`
$2=`ssh <server_2> cat /etc/shadow|cut -f -d:|grep -e $IID -e $EID`
$3=`ssh <server_3> cat /etc/passwd}|cut -f -d:|grep -i $CID`
The above three variables are created by taking ssh to servers and checking the presence of the IDs which I give as input. If the ID doesn't exist already, the the variable is going to be null.
Now, how do I verify if all the three variables are null. I wanted to use the OR condition specified within an IF.
I tried,
if [ -s "$1" -o -s "$2" -o -s "$3"];then
echo -$1 $2 $3 "already exist(s)"
It didnt work. Please advise.
PS: I have just begun my career in Unix and correct me If am wrong anywhere.
Several points.
When you assign to a variable, don't use the dollar sign:
Variables $1, $2 etc are already used for your command line arguments. Pick other names. But not $4please. :-)
When you specify a command for ssh, and it has arguments, it has to be quoted, because the command needs to be a single argument for ssh. In your case use double quotes, as you want variable expansion for $IID etc.
Most Unix utils are able to open input files themselves, so you don't need to start your pipeline with cat.
foo=`ssh <server_1> "cut -f -d: /etc/passwd | grep -e $IID -e $EID"`
Or something like that.
It was a typo in my question. I had actually declared it as,
1=`ssh <server_1> cat /etc/passswd|cut -f -d:|grep -e $IID -e $EID`
2=`ssh <server_2> cat /etc/shadow|cut -f -d:|grep -e $IID -e $EID` and so on.
And I tried it as ,
if [ -s "$1" -o -s "$2" -o -s "$3"];then
echo -e $1 $2 $3 "already exist(s)"
Since I had to Deliver my script today, I used the conventional method of,
ssh <server_1> "cat /etc/passswd|cut -f -d:|grep -e $IID -e $EID" > file1
ssh <server_2> "cat /etc/shadow|cut -f -d:|grep -e $IID -e $EID" > file2
ssh <server_3> "cat /etc/passwd|cut -f -d:|grep -ix $CID" > file3
if [ -s file1 -o -s file2 -o -s file3]; then
for i in `cat file1 file2 file3`
echo $i "already exists"
And I have now learnt from my first post, that -s to ensure that a file is not empty and -z is to ensure string is empty.

Find and highlight text in linux command line

I am looking for a linux command that searches a string in a text file,
and highlights (colors) it on every occurence in the file, WITHOUT omitting text lines (like grep does).
I wrote this handy little script. It could probably be expanded to handle args better
if [ "$1" == "" ]; then
echo "Usage: hl PATTERN [FILE]..."
elif [ "$2" == "" ]; then
grep -E --color "$1|$" /dev/stdin
grep -E --color "$1|$" $2
it's useful for stuff like highlighting users running processes:
ps -ef | hl "alice|bob"
tail -f yourfile.log | egrep --color 'DEBUG|'
where DEBUG is the text you want to highlight.
command | grep -iz -e "keyword1" -e "keyword2" (ignore -e switch if just searching for a single word, -i for ignore case, -z for treating as a single file)
Alternatively,while reading files
grep -iz -e "keyword1" -e "keyword2" 'filename'
command | grep -A 99999 -B 99999 -i -e "keyword1" "keyword2" (ignore -e switch if just searching for a single word, -i for ignore case,-A and -B for no of lines before/after the keyword to be displayed)
Alternatively,while reading files
grep -A 99999 -B 99999 -i -e "keyword1" "keyword2" 'filename'
command ack with --passthru switch:
ack --passthru pattern path/to/file
I take it you meant "without omitting text lines" (instead of emitting)...
I know of no such command, but you can use a script such as this (this one is a simple solution that takes the filename (without spaces) as the first argument and the search string (also without spaces) as the second):
#!/usr/bin/env bash
for line in $(cat $1);
do if [ $(echo $line | grep -c $2) -eq 0 ]; then
echo $line;
echo $line | grep --color=always $2;
save as, for instance, set permissions appropriately (to be able to execute it) and call it as filename searchstring
I had a requirement like this recently and hacked up a small program to do exactly this. Link
Usage: ./highlight test.txt '^foo' 'bar$'
Note that this is very rough, but could be made into a general tool with some polishing.
Using dwdiff, output differences with colors and line numbers.
echo "Hello world # $(date)" > file1.txt
echo "Hello world # $(date)" > file2.txt
dwdiff -c -C 0 -L file1.txt file2.txt
