vtiger upgrade from 7.0.1 to 7.1.0 causing illegal request - vtigercrm

If I try to upgrade vtiger, I am getting an illegal request message, nothing happens, any Idea whats going wrong?

Check if $site_URL Variable is correct in config.inc.php file?
also you can disable this error by editing the following file
around line 207-207 on validateReferer function find
throw new Exception('Illegal request');
change to
//throw new Exception('Illegal request');


Linux:load error:No such file or directory

I am deploying a web server, and after I finish compiling.There are the executing documents;
01client.c client epoll_server.c server
Then I try to run server
There is an error which I cant fix it. I have search ways for solving but still can't fix it.
load error: No such file or directory
Maybe some one can help me,please!
Thanks a lot!!!!
System utilities print the program generating the error at the beginning of the line followed by other useful information such as the name of the missing file, so this is probably an error from a user program. I can duplicate the error as follows:
errno = 2;
perror("load error");
which prints:
load error: No such file or directory
Look for the perror line in the server code. If it isn't clear what file it can't find, print the string from the failed command it is reporting.

Stencil Bigcommerce .scss error

After running $stencil init and $stencil start I get this error:
{ [Error: tools\list.scss doesn't exist!]
formatted: 'Error: tools\list.scss doesn\'t exist!\n on line 1 of tools/tools.scss\n>> #import "list"; \n --------^\n',
message: 'tools\list.scss doesn\'t exist!',
column: 9,
line: 1,
file: 'tools/tools.scss',
status: 1 }
The error occurs immediately after installation before any files are edited.
I went over the prerequisites several times and can't find anything that im missing.
Anyone have any ideas?
We reverted the most recent rollout to Stencil, which should unblock you from this issue. We'll work on identifying the cause to reintroduce the improved bundling support.
Doing a fresh stencil install should resolve for the time being.

in node.js, cannot get rid of a bad symlink

I have an uglify function that creates a file lib-0.1.4-min.js and then symlinks that to lib-production-min.js. 0.1.4 is the current version.
due to synchronization of this directory, sometimes the lib-production-min.js is a broken link.
when I run the compile function, fs.existsSync( "lib-production-min.js" ) returns false. when I try to create the symlink later, node errs out with file already exists.
var version = 'lib-0.1.4-min.j';
var prod = 'lib-production-min.js';
// if production exists, get rid of it
if( fs.existsSync(prod) ) fs.unlinkSync( prod ); // not exists - not deleted
// link version to production
fs.symlinkSync( version, prod ); // ERROR: file already exists
how do I check if this deadlink is in the directory?
will normal fs.unlinkSync( "lib-production-min.js" ) delete it?
fs.lstat() or fs.lstatSync() might help you. They are supposed to bring the information about the link itself, not following it.
Use fs.readlinkSync(symlinkPath) to get the file pointed by the symlink, and then use fs.existsSync with that path.
The problem is that the link file exists, is the destination of the link the one that is missing.

Kohana framework Fatal error mystery

I got a fatal error at auto_load function. See the following error, indicating that the specific directory and file '/mnt/webDir/www/sossage/system/classes/kohna/log.php' file failed opening required. Yes, file doesn't exist. Its's wrong path.
But, I never write the code, also can't find anywhere using 'find' option on my web root.
Fatal error: Kohana_Core::auto_load(): Failed opening required '/mnt/webDir/www/mysite/system/classes/kohna/log.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /mnt/webDir/mysite/system/classes/kohana/core.php on line 418, referer:
How can I solve the problem, please let me know the solution or tips.
You've got a typo in your configuration, likely. Note the directory it's attempting to access:
"kohna" is not the appropriate spelling. The directory is instead:

eclipse : impossible to import git project

I got a problem with my eclipse, on debian.
When I try to import a git project from github, using egit I got a
Couldn't create temporary repository.
error after having set my project properties.
However, I works ok when using running eclipse with sudo.
I think it would be related to wrong permissions somewhere, but cannot figure out where :s
I would appreciate some help.
Thanks by advance !
Considering the source of org.eclipse.egit.ui.internal.clone.SourceBranchPage.java mentions /tmp, it should be related with some permission issue around /tmp.
try {
final URIish uri = newRepoSelection.getURI();
final Repository db = new Repository(new File("/tmp"));
listRemoteOp = new ListRemoteOperation(db, uri);
getContainer().run(true, true, listRemoteOp);
} catch (IOException e) {
The OP jlengrand actually reports in the comments:
The problem was simple in fact, but quite handy to track down:
My .gitconfig file had been corrupted during my debian upgrade, which caused egit to crash.
