what if steps_per_epoch does not fit into numbers of samples? - keras

using Keras fit_generator, steps_per_epoch should be equivalent to the total number available of samples divided by the batch_size.
But how would the generator or the fit_generator react if I choose a batch_size that does not fit n times into the samples? Does it yield samples until it cannot fill a whole batch_size anymore or does it just use a smaller batch_size for the last yield?
Why I ask: I divide my data into train/validation/test of different size (different %) but would use the same batch size for train and validation sets but especially for train and test sets. As they are different in size I cannot guarantee that batch size fit into the total amount of samples.

If it's your generator with yield
It's you who create the generator, so the behavior is defined by you.
If steps_per_epoch is greater than the expected batches, fit will not see anything, it will simply keep requesting batches until it reaches the number of steps.
The only thing is: you must assure your generator is infinite.
Do this with while True: at the beginning, for instance.
If it's a generator from ImageDataGenerator.
If the generator is from an ImageDataGenerator, it's actually a keras.utils.Sequence and it has the length property: len(generatorInstance).
Then you can check yourself what happens:
remainingSamples = total_samples % batch_size #confirm that this is gerater than 0
wholeBatches = total_samples // batch_size
totalBatches = wholeBatches + 1
if len(generator) == wholeBatches:
print("missing the last batch")
elif len(generator) == totalBatches:
print("last batch included")
print('weird behavior')
And check the size of the last batch:
lastBatch = generator[len(generator)-1]
if lastBatch.shape[0] == remainingSamples:
print('last batch contains the remaining samples')
print('last batch is different')

If you assign N to the parameter steps_per_epoch of fit_generator(), Keras will basically call your generator N times before considering one epoch done. It's up to your generator to yield all your samples in N batches.
Note that since for most models it is fine to have different batch sizes each iteration, you could fix steps_per_epoch = ceil(dataset_size / batch_size) and let your generator output a smaller batch for the last samples.

i had facing the same logical error
solved it with defining steps_per_epochs
BS = 32
steps_per_epoch=len(trainX) // BS
history = model.fit(train_batches,


Weighted random sampler - oversample or undersample?

I am training a deep learning model in PyTorch for binary classification, and I have a dataset containing unbalanced class proportions. My minority class makes up about 10% of the given observations. To avoid the model learning to just predict the majority class, I want to use the WeightedRandomSampler from torch.utils.data in my DataLoader.
Let's say I have 1000 observations (900 in class 0, 100 in class 1), and a batch size of 100 for my dataloader.
Without weighted random sampling, I would expect each training epoch to consist of 10 batches.
Will only 10 batches be sampled per epoch when using this sampler - and consequently, would the model 'miss' a large portion of the majority class during each epoch, since the minority class is now overrepresented in the training batches?
Will using the sampler result in more than 10 batches being sampled per epoch (meaning the same minority class observations may appear many times, and also that training would slow down)?
A small snippet of code to use WeightedRandomSampler
First, define the function:
def make_weights_for_balanced_classes(images, nclasses):
n_images = len(images)
count_per_class = [0] * nclasses
for _, image_class in images:
count_per_class[image_class] += 1
weight_per_class = [0.] * nclasses
for i in range(nclasses):
weight_per_class[i] = float(n_images) / float(count_per_class[i])
weights = [0] * n_images
for idx, (image, image_class) in enumerate(images):
weights[idx] = weight_per_class[image_class]
return weights
And after this, use it in the following way:
import torch
dataset_train = datasets.ImageFolder(traindir)
# For unbalanced dataset we create a weighted sampler
weights = make_weights_for_balanced_classes(dataset_train.imgs, len(dataset_train.classes))
weights = torch.DoubleTensor(weights)
sampler = torch.utils.data.sampler.WeightedRandomSampler(weights, len(weights))
train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(dataset_train, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle = True,
sampler = sampler, num_workers=args.workers, pin_memory=True)
It depends on what you're after, check torch.utils.data.WeightedRandomSampler documentation for details.
There is an argument num_samples which allows you to specify how many samples will actually be created when Dataset is combined with torch.utils.data.DataLoader (assuming you weighted them correctly):
If you set it to len(dataset) you will get the first case
If you set it to 1800 (in your case) you will get the second case
Will only 10 batches be sampled per epoch when using this sampler - and consequently, would the model 'miss' a large portion of the majority class during each epoch [...]
Yes, but new samples will be returned after this epoch passes
Will using the sampler result in more than 10 batches being sampled per epoch (meaning the same minority class observations may appear many times, and also that training would slow down)?
Training would not slow down, each epoch would take longer, but convergence should be approximately the same (as less epochs will be necessary due to more data in each).

Trying to accumulate gradients in Pytorch, but getting RuntimeError when calling loss.backward

I'm trying to train a model in Pytorch, and I'd like to have a batch size of 8, but due to memory limitations, I can only have a batch size of at most 4. I've looked all around and read a lot about accumulating gradients, and it seems like the solution to my problem.
However, I seem to have trouble implementing it. Every time I run the code I get RuntimeError: Trying to backward through the graph a second time. I don't understand why since my code looks like all these other examples I've seen (unless I'm just missing something major):
One caveat is that the labels for my images are all different size, so I can't send the output batch and the label batch into the loss function; I have to iterate over them together. This is what an epoch looks like (it's been pared down for the sake of brevity):
# labels_batch contains labels of different sizes
for batch_idx, (inputs_batch, labels_batch) in enumerate(dataloader):
outputs_batch = model(inputs_batch)
# have to do this because labels can't be stacked into a tensor
for output, label in zip(outputs_batch, labels_batch):
output_scaled = interpolate(...) # make output match label size
loss = train_criterion(output_scaled, label) / (BATCH_SIZE * 2)
if batch_idx % 2 == 1:
Is there something I'm missing? If I do the following I also get an error:
# labels_batch contains labels of different sizes
for batch_idx, (inputs_batch, labels_batch) in enumerate(dataloader):
outputs_batch = model(inputs_batch)
# CHANGE: we're gonna accumulate losses manually
batch_loss = 0
# have to do this because labels can't be stacked into a tensor
for output, label in zip(outputs_batch, labels_batch):
output_scaled = interpolate(...) # make output match label size
loss = train_criterion(output_scaled, label) / (BATCH_SIZE * 2)
batch_loss += loss # CHANGE: accumulate!
# CHANGE: do backprop outside for loop
if batch_idx % 2 == 1:
The error I get in this case is RuntimeError: element 0 of tensors does not require grad and does not have a grad_fn. This happens when the next epoch starts though... (INCORRECT, SEE EDIT BELOW)
How can I train my model with gradient accumulation? Or am I doomed to train with a batch size of 4 or less?
Oh and as a side question, does the location of where I put loss.backward() affect what I need to normalize the loss by? Or is it always normalized by BATCH_SIZE * 2?
The second code segment was getting an error due to the fact that I was doing torch.set_grad_enabled(phase == 'train') but I had forgotten to wrap the call to batch_loss.backward() with an if phase == 'train'... my bad
So now the second segment of code seems to work and do gradient accumulation, but why doesn't the first bit of code work? It feel equivalent to setting BATCH_SIZE as 1. Furthermore, I'm creating a new loss object each time, so shouldn't the calls to backward() operate on different graphs entirely?
It seems you have two issues here, you said you couldn't have batch_size=8 because of memory limitations but later state that your labels are not of the same size. The latter seems much more important than the former. Anyway, I will try to answer your questions best I can.
How can I train my model with gradient accumulation? Or am I doomed to train with a batch size of 4 or less?
You want to call .backward() on every loop cycle otherwise the batch will have no effect on the training. You can then call step() and zero_grad() only when batch_idx % 2 is True (i.e. for every other batch).
Here's an example which accumulates the gradient, not the loss:
model = nn.Linear(10, 3)
optim = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.1)
ds = TensorDataset(torch.rand(100, 10), torch.rand(100, 3))
dl = DataLoader(ds, batch_size=4)
for i, (x, y) in enumerate(dl):
y_hat = model(x)
loss = F.l1_loss(y_hat, y) / 2
if i % 2:
Note this approach is different to accumulating the loss, and back-propagating only all batches (or part of the batches) have gone through the network. In the example above we backpropagate every 4 datapoints and updating the model every 8 datapoints.
Oh and as a side question, does the location of where I put loss.backward() affect what I need to normalize the loss by? Or is it always normalized by BATCH_SIZE * 2?
Usually torch's built-in losses have reduction='mean' set as default. This means the loss gets averaged over all batch elements that contributed to calculating the loss. So this will depend on your loss implementation.
However if you are using gradient accumalation, then yes you will need to average your loss by the number of accumulation steps (here loss = F.l1_loss(y_hat, y) / 2). Since your gradients will be accumulated twice.
To read more about this, I recommend taking a look at this other SO post.

Can we send same datapoints in same epoch?

If we set the steps_per_epoch (in ImageDataGenerator) higher than the total possible batches(total_samples/batch_Size). Will the model revisit the same data points from starting or will it ignore?
Flattened image shape which will go to Dense layer: (2000*1)
batch size: 20
Total no of batches possible: 100 (2000/20)
steps per epoch: 1000 (set explicitly)
As far as I know, steps_per_epoch is independent of the 'real' epoch (which is number_of_inputs/batch_size). Let's use an example similar to what you want to know, with 2000 data points and batch_size of 20 (which means 2000/20 = 100 steps for one 'real' epoch):
If you set steps_per_epoch = 1000: Keras asks for a loop of 1000 batches, which basically means 10 'real' epochs (or 10 times of whole data traversal).
If you set steps_per_epoch = 50: Keras asks for a loop of 50 batches, and the remaining 50 batches of one 'real' epoch is visited in the next loop.

Keras fit vs. fit_generator extra smaples

I have training data and validation data stacked up in two tensors. At first, I ran a NN using keras.model.fit() function. for my purposes, I wish to move to keras.model.fit_generator(). I build a generator and I have noticed the number of samples is not a multiplication of the batch size.
My implementation to overcome this:
indices = np.arange(len(dataset))# generate indices of len(dataset)
num_of_steps = int(np.ceil(len(dataset)/batch_size)) #number of steps per epoch
extra = num_of_steps *batch_size-len(dataset)#find the size of extra samples needed to complete the next multiplication of batch_size
additional = np.random.randint(len(dataset),size = extra )#complete with random samples
indices = np.append(indices ,additional )
After randomizing the indices at each epoch I simply iterate this in batches skips and pool the correct data and labels.
I am observing a degradation in the performance of the model. When training with fit() I get 0.99 training accuracy and 0.93 validation accuracy while with fit_generator() I am getting 0.95 and 0.9 respectively. note, this is consistent and not a single experiment. I thought it might be due to fit() handling the extra samples required differently. Is my implementation reasonable? how does fit() handles datasets of a size different from a batch_size multiplication?
Sharing the full generator code:
def generator(self,batch_size,train):
Generates batches of samples
while 1:
nb_of_steps = self._num_of_steps_train
indices = np.arange(len(self._x_train))
additional = np.random.randint(len(self._x_train), size=self._num_of_steps_train*batch_size-len(self._x_train))
nb_of_steps = self._num_of_steps_test
indices = np.arange(len(self._x_test))
additional = np.random.randint(len(self._x_test), size=self._num_of_steps_test*batch_size-len(self._x_test))
indices = np.append(indices,additional)
# print(indices.shape)
# print(nb_of_steps)
for i in range(nb_of_steps):
feat = self._x_train[batch_indices]
label = self._y_train[batch_indices]
feat = self._x_test[batch_indices]
label = self._y_test[batch_indices]
feat = np.expand_dims(feat,axis=1)
# print(feat.shape)
# print(label.shape)
yield feat, label
It looks like you can simplify the generator significantly!
The number of steps etc can be set outside the loop as they do not really change. Moreover, it looks like the batch_indices is not going through the entire dataset. Finally, if your data fits in memory you might not need a generator at all, but will leave this to your judgement.
def generator(self, batch_size, train):
nb_of_steps = 0
if (train):
nb_of_steps = self._num_of_steps_train
indices = np.arange(len(self._x_train)) #len of entire dataset
nb_of_steps = self._num_of_steps_test
indices = np.arange(len(self._x_test))
while 1:
for i in range(nb_of_steps):
start_idx = i*batch_size
end_idx = min(i*batch_size+batch_size, len(indices))
batch_indices=indices[start_idx : end_idx]
feat = self._x_train[batch_indices]
label = self._y_train[batch_indices]
feat = self._x_test[batch_indices]
label = self._y_test[batch_indices]
feat = np.expand_dims(feat,axis=1)
yield feat, label
For a more robust generator consider creating a class for your set using the keras.utils.Sequence class. It will add a few extra lines of code, but it is certainly working with keras.

I don't understand the code for training a classifier in pytorch

I don't understand the line labels.size(0). I'm new to Pytorch and been quite confused about the data structure.
correct = 0
total = 0
with torch.no_grad():
for data in testloader:
images, labels = data
outputs = net(images)
_, predicted = torch.max(outputs.data, 1)
total += labels.size(0)
correct += (predicted == labels).sum().item()
print('Accuracy of the network on the 10000 test images: %d %%' % (
100 * correct / total))`
labels is a Tensor with dimensions [N, 1], where N is equal to the number of samples in the batch. .size(...) returns a subclass of tuple (torch.Size) with the dimensions of the Tensor, and .size(0) returns an integer with the value of the first (0-based) dimension (i.e., N).
To answer your question
In PyTorch, tensor.size() allows you to check out the shape of a tensor.
In your code,
images, labels = data
images and labels will each contain N number of training examples depends on your batch size. If you check out the shape of labels, it should be [N, 1], where N is the size of mini-batch training example.
A bit of prescience for those who are new to training a neural network.
When training a neural network, practitioners will forward pass the dataset through the network and optimize the gradients.
Say your training dataset contain 1 million images, and your training script is designed in a way to pass all 1 million images in a single epoch. The problem with this approach is it will take a really long time for you to receive feedback from your neural network. This is where mini-batch training comes in.
In PyTorch, the DataLoader class allows us to split the dataset into multiple batches. If your training loader contains 1 Million examples and batch size is 1000, you will expect each epoch will iterate 1000 step through all the mini-batches. This way, you can observe and optimize the training performance better.
