Does Stripe's API pull the URL of the webpage where the transaction takes place? - stripe-payments

Scenario #1: You have 5 separate Stripe accounts but 1 website, so you somehow rotate those 5 payment gateways on that 1 website. Now if 10 sales come in, then if equally distributed, each Stripe account gets 2 sales. Will Stripe see that the transactions actually originated from the same URL?
Scenario #2: You have 5 separate websites but 1 Stripe account. Now if each website generates 2 sales there will be 10 sales on that 1 Stripe account. Will Stripe see that the transactions actually originated from different URLs?
Thank you!

You don't need a website or an active HTTP request on a web server to use the Stripe API. The Stripe API has no idea about the context in which you're making a call to their database. No, they do not know the URL of the website associated with your web server. All they know is the IP address of your server making the API call.


Stripe subscription links that end after a number of payments

I am using the Stripe dashboard to create a subscription product link. This will be a simple web link - I am not using a server or the Stripe API. I want the subscription to be monthly, but end automatically after 6 months and stop charging the customer.
I see in the Stripe API documentation this can be accomplished with Phases and Iterations and setting end_behavior=cancel. But I don't see how to do this with Payment Links - there is only the option to add name/value metadata fields for the payment link.
Is it possible to have a Stripe Subscription link that ends after a number of iterations without having to use the server API or webhooks (just using the dashboard)?

Make payment to different bank accounts through razorpay payment gateway integration in node.js

Suppose I am a middle man like amazon e-commerce.
I have bank details of many retailers.
But I want my customers to pay directly to retailers.(Not paying to me in between)
How can I achieve this?
I have already checked razorpay routes. But there is no api to add bank accounts in razorpay.
You have to Add Bank Accounts information of each retailer using Razorpay Dashboard.
Under Route Menu option -> Accounts -> Add Accounts.
Note: Every account added here must be activated with KYC.
Once you add accounts, you will get unique 'Account_ID' for every account you have added. You can use them to transfer/split/route payments.
Refer image given

Should my customers purchase an API plan if I am a partner?

I have a simple question. We are a CRM and are integrating with Docusign. So, whenever our customers want to send an envelope, they can send it from the CRM.
Do our customers have to purchase a separate API plan with Docusign?
From what I have read through, that is not the case but API limit of 1000 API calls per hour apply.
Can anyone confirm this?
You'll want to talk to your Account Manager for specific recommendations, or the Sales team if you don't have one.
As a general matter, you would need to own an API plan as the integration's owner but your customers could use your integration on any DocuSign account that has the appropriate level of features/functionality.

What and how method used for doing multi vendor payments in paypal

I want to add Paypal to my website. My website is a multivendor site. But the order is placed for one vendor at a time. But some amount of total amount transferred to admin account also.
I have looked adaptive payment method for this, but it working for the US accounts only(I think).
So what method I have to use for my website for accepting payments by vendors(can be outside the US) with Paypal.
I have looked so many articles for this but not found any working solution.

Google wallet API Integration questions

I am new to integrate Google Wallet and there are some confusion and questions related to that given below:
Is it possible to add multiple items for Google wallet?
How to handle discount by API?
What's the parameter in JWT response on postback URL for success and failure transaction?
Is refund functionality available for a transaction by API call?
Anyone have idea about this. Thanks in advance.
Can you clarify which specific API (Instant Buy or Wallet for Digital)?
Is it possible to add multiple items...
Digital - no, you can however "bundle", see this post for clarification.
Instant Buy - it's just a "layer" on top of your (pre) existing purchase/ordering processes and handles (just) the payment data of a Google Wallet user. The "order details" is something you control. See sample of data you send.
Discounts by API
By API - no. You can pass whatever (pre-calculated) value in both APIs.
Success vs. Failure Postback
Digital - Google will only send HTTP Post to your server URL on successful transaction. See #5: "Google sends an HTTP POST message to the postback URL whenever a purchase completes..."
Instant Buy - not relevant. You are processing the transaction, unlike in Digital where Google is. Instant Buy in a nutshell provides your web site, secure access to a Google Wallet user's data. You need to have your own merchant account/processor, be PCI compliant, etc. That said, you will have the success or failure info that you actually have to send to Google - they need to know if you have successfully processed or not (yup, it's the other way around).
Refund by API
By API - Unless a Googler says otherwise, AFAIK, not at this time, for both APIs.
On that note, for Instant Buy, it's actually unclear to me how to "inform Google" when performing a credit or refund. Its still a "private API" (not GA) so I actually haven't seen its "guts". It's understood that since the merchant uses their own processor that a credit/refund is the same procedure, but letting Google "know" about it (days/weeks after the fact) is something I personally have no actual info on..sorry...I can assume some "button" in merchant center for Instant Buy, but that's just a guess....
W.r.t InstantBuy Refunds:
The Refund happens on the virtual one time card that is returned by the Google API. The refund on the card can be done by using any backend payment processor. Once the refund is made to the card, it hits the user's backing card.
