Blue prism automation - blueprism

I’m automating importing VBOs to blue prism. I’ve developed successfully up until the final screen where one has to click the “finish” button.
Even as a user clicking enter on my keyboard does not work. Please assist - perhaps there’s a shortcut I can use?

Blue Prism has a command line interface which can be used for importing VBOs.
the command looks like this:
AutomateC.exe /user admin password /import "VBO\BPA Object - Calendars.xml"

Use Root Element and start sending "Global Send Key" for enter keystroke "{ENTER}" use this one and definitely it works.

You can try to Map it as a Region, or as a Win32 element if the HTML is not working.
Last change, inject javascript code to trigger the download but it's a bit harder.


How to disable PrtScr

I'm working on a program that operates like a TOTP protocol. The program is giving the user passwords to other applications every 30 seconds. For security reasons, I want to be able to block the PrintScreen key and similar screen capture methods. Does anyone have any idea how I can prevent this? I am working with Windows programs.
Your question is incredibly vague and provides no context or research, but here goes:
You cannot completely prevent screen capture programs (like snipping tool or OBS) from capturing your software on a screen. However, here's a couple of ways you can prevent the printscreen tool in windows.
Method 1: Disable unwanted keystrokes
You can read the Windows API to disable unwanted keystrokes. This CodeProject documentation should show you how to do it in C#.
Method 2: Hide your application
You can use something similar to this to hide your application on screen so if the PrintScreen button is pressed, it will hide your application (and thus hide the password(s) on screen) from the screenshot.
private void Display_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Snapshot)
Please note that this piece of code is not guaranteed to fix the problem. Use it as an idea or template to build your own methods of hiding the window.
If you are still absolutely desperate, you can change the software to show a button that says "Copy Password to Clipboard". Instead of displaying the password in a textbox, the user can see a label like "Amazon Account" and then click on the button that says to copy their password to the clipboard. This means the actual password is never revealed on screen yet the user can still copy and paste it into their Amazon account etc.
You should not be developing a TOTP client on a system that is also used as the main system to authenticate. If it is a different system, then you should not care about prntscrn at all.

applescript display dialog with custom icon

Is there a way to use custom icons with applescript display dialog and notifications?
In the AppleScript documentation it says about the display dialog:
with icon (text | integer)
The resource name or ID of the icon to
with icon (stop | note | caution) The type of icon to show.
You may specify one of the following constants:
stop (or 0): Shows a stop icon
note (or 1): Shows the application icon
caution (or 2): Shows a warning icon, badged with the application icon
with icon (alias | file) An alias or file specifier that specifies a .icns file.
So it seams like you can use your own icons, but I cannot get the following code to work.
display dialog "Text" with icon "/Users/user/Desktop/asd.icns"
It gets me the following error: "Resource not found."
The goal is to not even use a display dialog, but a display notification instead.
First of all you can't display a custom icon with display notification. The reason is that notifications are strongly related to a target application. As AppleScript scripts and applets aren't applications in terms of the Notification framework, the notification is related to the current application, the AppleScript Runner.
But you can display a custom icon with display dialog
The line
with icon (alias | file) An alias or file specifier that specifies a .icns file.
means what it says: The parameter must be an alias or file specifier rather than a POSIX or HFS string path.
display dialog "Text" with icon alias ((path to desktop as text) & "asd.icns")
display dialog "Text" with icon file ((path to desktop as text) & "asd.icns")
path to desktop as text represents the HFS path to the desktop of the current user:
"Macintosh HD:Users:user:Desktop:"
Noted this question was three years ago, but I stumbled across this looking for a solution to a similar problem. Mine needs display alert rather than ... notification but the problem is the same because display alert doesn't have a custom icon option.
As noted in the other answer here, AppleScript has at least three interactive message type commands: display dialog, display alert, display notification, and probably others. It seems odd that only the first has the option to add a custom icon. I don't really understand why that is when it would be simple to make them consistent.
Needless to say, this question and #vadian's answer, inspired my solution - a "duh" moment for me once I realized it. It may or may not be a solution to this question. Posting it in case it is...
If the icon in question belongs to an app, you can tell that app to display the notification, regardless of whatever else your script is doing.
Your script can do whatever it needs to do to whatever other apps, or System Events, or itself (if your script is saved as its own application), or whatever else. In the middle of all of that you can have a single line that says:
tell application "MyApp" to display notification ...
The notification will have My App's icon, the result of the notification if any will be returned to the rest of the script and then your script will continue on inside whatever other tell statement or context its in.
If your icon isn't the icon for an app, then I believe there are ways to create an empty app with whatever icon you like, which can behave this way. Admittedly that's a bit of a kludge, but depending on how badly you want this, it's an option - though not one I'll expand on here.
My specific case in detail if interested (but doesn't particularly add to the solution above, just covers how I got there):
I'm writing a script that quits and re-opens another application after confirmation from the user. However, let's say I just wanted to provide a notification as per this question.
1. display dialog - has the option to provide a custom icon but lacks features of the other two options.
2. display alert - no custom icon but has other desired features, in my case the message parameter which adds extra smaller explanatory text below the primary text.
3. display notification - no custom icon but has other features as desired by this question's poster.
In my case I want alert because I want that extra message parameter (but this works for notification as well).
In my case, ideally the icon of the alert would be the icon of the app I'm restarting, but I can't tell the app itself to display the alert and then restart because the script loses connection with the app when it quits and it kills the running of the script.
If I tell System Events or the script itself to do all that then it can quit and reopen the app independently of the app, but the alert has the generic icon of itself or the System Events icon.
However, if I do what I described above - have my script do all its stuff, but have it tell the app in question to display the alert (and only that as described above), then the alert has the icon of the app in question, but the script still does its stuff independently of the app outside of that alert.
Solved my problem. May or may not solve this question.
#DavidT's answer is a perfect solution when your script is controlled by another application. However, things have changed a bit on Mac OS since.
Notably, if you run your script with tell application "MyApp" to display alert ... you will be promoting the user to give your app permissions to control itself, at least starting since Catalina. Not only this annoys the user with a new permission request, but it also looks kinda dumb since the dialogue is asking the user to allow "MyApp" to control "MyApp" and if the user denies it, your script will fail.
To avoid the permission request, just use tell me to display alert ... this will work just fine.
Another issue you might run into is that osascript may throw an exception if your script is launched as root. I found a nice workaround for that here.
This is a small example of how to launch the dialogue with the right user:
launchctl asuser $uid /usr/bin/osascript <<-EOS
tell me to display dialog "Now you see me" buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title "WARNING!"
You have your path specification wrong. If you have a posix path to your icns file, use the POSIX file class coercion:
display dialog "Text" with icon POSIX file "/Users/user/Desktop/asd.icns"
This coerces the string path into a file reference the system understands, and works just fine.

Is there any way to unlock a password-protected computer using an AppleScript?

I'm trying to configure an automatic, Bluetooth-powered computer lock and unlock system. So far, I've got the lock script down, but I can't think of a script which would unlock the screen, as my comp is password protected. Any ideas?
You normally have two options when you're trying to script something. First, if the application is scriptable then you can issue applescript commands directly to the application. If it's not scriptable then your only other option is with GUI scripting where you simulate pressing buttons and typing keystrokes like if you were sitting in front of the computer doing it yourself. You use System Events commands to do this.
In your case I think you need the second option. In general when you gui script the application has to be frontmost. Since the "unlock screen" is probably frontmost at that moment you have a chance this will work. However I have not tried it so you'll need to do some testing to see if it's possible. Just do some searching for gui scripting examples and give it a try.
I would imagine your script will look something like the following. This assumes the cursor automatically is placed in the password section of the window so that the "keystroke" command will actually be typing in the proper place... otherwise you need to figure a way to put the cursor there before you type anything.
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "unlock password"
delay .5
click button "OK" of window 1
end tell

How do I stop wxhaskell from beeping on enter in text controls?

I've played around with processEnter, on command, and on anyKey with textEntry to no avail. I've been looking through the massive amount of documentation for wx-core, but I don't see anything that'll help. I'm using wxhaskell on Windows 8.
You need to use wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER style to have a chance of capturing the Enter key in a wxTextCtrl. If you don't use it, this key is used for activating the default dialog button -- or beeping, under Windows, if there is no such button.

Simulating user activities on a GMail page

I create a program that simulates me browsing to gmail, entering the user name and password and clicking the submit button.
All this with C#.
I would appreciate two kinds of answers:
One that tells how to do this programaticaly. Since I may be interested in automating more
sophisticated user activities.
On that tells me about a program that already does that.
I want to access my mail account with a double click (without browsing, entering username and password and pressing submit).
Why not check the 'stay signed in' box, and add a bookmark toolbar item for Gmail?
alt text
Do it once, and all future logins are a one-click process. Am I missing something? Why overcomplicate this with a C# program?
Well, depending on the browser you're using, it might be much simpler to use a greasemonkey userscript (on FireFox) that does auto-login for you.
If you want to simulate user activity take a look at AutoHotKey.
Also if the issue is specific to logging into websites take a look at LastPass. They have plug-ins for every major browser and mobile device. I haven't type out a user name or password on a website in months.
If your ok with clicking 'go' (or wharever) on your application and then clickingin the username field. Look into Sendkeys:
Put this in the onClick event of a button and replace text with your user details:
You might also want to put a timer or make your program wait a few seconds before actually sending the keys to give you time to click in the username box.
Use WatIn. and this is a placeholder to get to 30 Chars answer
