Greater Then with fake numbers from time formula EXCEL - excel

I have a formula that works out the diffrence between 2 times:
=IFERROR(IFNA(TEXT(H2-Q2,"dd - hh:mm"),"noData"),B2)
What I need to do now in the next cell (S2) is:
Anything that is =< 00 - 00:40 Mark as Late
Anything that is > 00 - 00:40 Mark as Early
Anything that is ="noData" Mark as noData
I have tried a few things but as it is not a number it is not working.


In Excel I need to convert seconds in days hours min sec

I've already figure out that I can divide the number of seconds/86400 and then use the format: dd \d\a\y\s hh:mm:ss, but when it goes over 31 days 23:59:59, the number of days goes back to 0.
How can I keep on going with the days (like 32 days 00:00:01)?
Thank you
---- Adding more ---
I forgot to mention that I'm trying to do it in a Pivot table and I have not been able to figure out how to use text in it...
I've also found the following format but it won't give me a 00 in the month:
Nb of seconds: 13670
Format : yy \y\e\a\r\s MM \m\o\n\t\h\s dd \d\a\y\s hh:mm:ss
will give: 00 years 01 months 00 days 03:47:50
The time is ok but it should shows 00 months.
You can split your result by whole part and decimal part and operate with them:
=INT(A1/86400) & " " & TEXT((A1/86400)-INT(A1/86400),"hh:mm:ss")

Excel time conversion from words

I was sent a spread sheet and it listed the times as "00 hours 04 minutes 44 seconds" how do i convert 00 hours 04 minutes 44 seconds into a regular time like 04:44 in excel?
Try this, assuming your data is in cell A1:
=RIGHT(LEFT(A1, FIND("hours", A1)-2), 2)&":"&RIGHT(LEFT(A1, FIND("minutes", A1)-2), 2)&":"&RIGHT(LEFT(A1, FIND("seconds", A1)-2), 2)
You can see what each individual piece is doing if you split it apart at the &. For example, =RIGHT(LEFT(A1, FIND("minutes", A1)-2), 2) returns "04". One level in from that, LEFT(A1, FIND("minutes", A1)-2) returns "00 hours 04", and you need the right two characters of that.
This should work regardless of what order the hours, minutes, and seconds are in.
The CGritton's solution shows the time as text (you can not change the format or do some calculation with it).
If all cells have the same format ## hours ## minutes ## seconds you can simplify the formula.
Assuming that you have "00 hours 04 minutes 44 seconds" in cell B4, just type, for example in cell D4:
Then you can change the format to: hh:mm:ss AM/PM or hh:mm AM/pm or hh:mm

Problems with nested if statement formula

I have in one column age (R2), and I'd like based on age to input into another columns age bands.
The formula I have is:
=IF(R2=" ","I Unknown",IF(AND(R2>0,R2<15),"A Under 15",IF(AND(R2>=15,R2<=24),"B 15 to 24",IF(AND(R2>24,R2<=34),"C 25 to 34",IF(AND(R2>34,R2<=44),"D 35 to 44",IF(AND(R2>44,R2<=54),"E 45 to 54",IF(R2>54,R2<=64,"F 55 to 64",if(and(R2>64,R2<=74,"G 65 to 74",if((r2>74,"H 75 and over")))))))))
Unfortunately with formula above it isn't working but can't figure out why.
You just had a few syntax errors, watch the extra brackets. It helps to just paste these into a text editor especially when the formula gets really long.
The other thing to remember is that you don't need to do an AND statement for every step.
=IF(not(isnumber(R2)),"I Unknown",IF(AND(R2>0,R2<15),"A Under 15",IF(R2<=24,"B 15 to 24",IF(R2<=34,"C 25 to 34",IF(R2<=44,"D 35 to 44",IF(R2<=54,"E 45 to 54",IF(R2<=64,"F 55 to 64",IF(R2<=74,"G 65 to 74","H 75 and over"))))))))
Explanation, first we check if R2 is a real number, if not, say it's unknown.
After that it's just checking the age against each range. At the 3rd IF, we already know that R2 is more than 15, so we just need to check if R2 <=24. Same thing for the next check, no need for AND in every step.
To answer your original problem:
If a value is not 'under 15' in the first clause, you don't have to keep re-examining that condition in the false nest.
=IF(value(R2)<=0, "I Unknown",
IF(R2<15, "A Under 15",
IF(R2<=24, "B 15 to 24",
IF(R2<=34, "C 25 to 34",
IF(R2<=44, "D 35 to 44",
IF(R2<=54, "E 45 to 54",
IF(R2<=64, "F 55 to 64",
if(R2<=74, "G 65 to 74",
if(r2>74, "H 75 and over")))))))))
I think I got the right number of closing brackets.
Although a table lookup would be better, you could even hard-code the limit values into a basic lookup.

Excel =Column() giving #NAME? error

This was working fine yesterday but today it gives me #NAME? as the result rather than the column that the formula is in.
What is going on today that's different from yesterday?
Edit: Even more bizarrely if I enter the =COLUMN() using the fx (insert function) button then it works fine.
Thank you for copying over the formula from your Excel here. Otherwise I never would have found it.
The problem is that you have some non-standard characters in your formula which do not show. Doing a 1:1 comparison of your formula with a formula I have written myself into Excel using AscW() I came up with the following result:
Character Letter AscW(yours) AscW(mine)
1 = 61 61
2 C 67 67
3 ? 8204 79
4 ? 8203 76
5 O 79 85
6 L 76 77
7 U 85 78
8 M 77 40
9 N 78 41
10 ( 40
11 ) 41
As you can see, your formula is by two letters longer. There is a AscW(8204) and a AscW(8203) between the C and the O of the word Column. These characters do not show. Yet, they are there.
Also note, that this is not the case everywhere in the Column() you have posted in the above question. The first =COLUMN() at the top of your post is fine and works normally. Furthermore, the first Column in this formula
is fine. Merely the second column in this formula contains these extra characters. So, I'd like to suggest that you re-type the formula (manually) without copying it from anywhere and you should be fine.

Excel 2013: Convert Hours and Minutes from hh:mm:ss formatted cell in decimal number

I use Excel 2013 and have a cell with the following value:
"08.01.1900 1:45:00"
that will be displayed inside the cell as: "193:45:00" - meaning 193 hours, 45 minutes and 00 seconds (see the first image below).
Here is screen of how it looks like and the formatting of the cell
[how it looks like]
QUESTION: How I can in cell "Salary" to get decimal number, like - 193,45? Help me, please.
The cell is formatted as Time (see the image below)
So, you have Q2 = 12:30 (or 12,5 hours where 0,5 hour=30min) and R2 = 15,5 UAH/hour and since you want to calculate salary, you should multiple 12,5*15,5=193,75.
Follow next steps to achieve the desired result:
Write next formula in S2: =Q2*24*R2 (since time stored in Excel as part of a day, we need to multimply by 24 . Your value 12:30 is actually 0,520833333333333 ,you can see it if you'd format Q2 as number. Myltiplication 0,520833333333333 by 24 gives you exactly 12,5)
Format your S2 as number
the result would be 0,52*24*15,5 = 193,75 and this value is what you actually need.
