Where is the bazel release schedule posted? - release

I've tried looking on the site, but cannot find where the release schedule is. I'm eagerly awaiting a feature that should be in the next release and don't want to miss it.

The release tracking bugs are on GitHub, tagged with release. The next release (as of time of writing) is tracked in this issue.


Is it possible to change action's version in github marketplace?

Given that action's versions derive from their repo's tags.
Can one change an already published version by moving the tag to another commit?
If so, it's a serious security problem.. but I can't find any source to reassure me.
Anyway, it is always possible to use commit id instead of version:)
Yes, that's possible. When a tag is moved to point to a different commit, the corresponding release becomes a draft and it disappears from the Marketplace, but it can be published again.
Notice that an action doesn't need to be published on the marketplace to be used anyway.
Moving tags is actually the official recommendation for major versions and it has been debated; that discussion mentions that versioning will improve when moving to using the GitHub Package Registry for Actions, but that hasn't happened yet and the GitHub roadmap doesn't mention it, as far as I can tell.

How to use the MRTK Spectator View Feature?

I wanted to check out the inner workings of the Spectator View feature, but I got stuck.
Checking out the Repo, Unity complains about missing the HololensForCV.dll. I didn't get very far.
I found the Microsoft HoloLensForCV repository, but could not compile it. I'm not even sure, if it did, that it will spit out the desired dll.
How do I get the branch to work?
We have migrated to a new repository with samples and better documentation, please take a look here: https://github.com/microsoft/MixedReality-SpectatorView.
Could you please try checking out this branch:
We have documentation for SpectatorView specifically here:
Please give it a try, and let me know if that helped.
The feature/spectatorView branch in the Microsoft MixedRealityToolkit-Unity repo no longer has any scripts with dependencies on the dlls built out of HoloLensForCV. It may be worth checking your commit log to see if it matches with the current commit history for the feature/spectatorView.
FWIW, the main feature/spectatorView branch is undergoing a lot of refactoring/breaking changes. We forked the prerelease/2019.build.spectatorView branch so that folks could start looking at ASA localization for spectator view without having to be broken by rapid development underway in the feature branch. This prerelease only supports ASA localization for an android and HoloLens (1 or 2) device. ArUco marker and QR code based localization is in progress but not yet supported.

Create RollBack task in Visual Basic Online for Release Management

I want to create rollback task for Release Management in visual basic online.
i have some steps but it will take more time.
steps are:
Back Up: perform a backup of the original files to use for rollback later.
Deploy:Copy latest files from artifact to the target folder.
3.Configure — Make configuration changes to the setup.
4.Rollback — Rollback the files from backup in case Deploy failed. Delete backup before exiting.
we can see it will take long time while backup a database . So how we can optimize ?
is there any other method so we can implement and take less time when we will do rollback task ?
There isn’t the built-in feature/task to rollback changes in release, you need to do it by your own script.
There are various options that can be considered as a rollback
Option#1 : Undo the change by redeploying the previous release
The first option is to simply redeploy the previously successful
release. This might work well for standalone applications.
Whenever an application depends on some external services or has a
database involved, this approach does not work well. The dependent
services might have upgraded and no longer compatible with the
previous release. The database might have changed the schema making
the previous release no longer healthy.
Option#2 : Fix the issue, do another release
The second option is to simply do nothing. Something went wrong,
troubleshoot it and fix it. Once we fix the issue, we can do another
This however means the environment would remain unhealthy for some
time, as long as it takes for the fix to be ready and deployed.
Option#3 : Understand what failed in the deployment and make a temporary change for the time being
Both the above options are both valid approaches but with some
That brings us to a third option. While the fix is getting ready
(option 2), make a minimum change to the environment to get it
temporarily healthy.
More information, please refer to: Implement Rollback with Release Management for TFS 2015 (Apply to VSTS)
You can't really optimise the backup/restore process.
If you use a Virtual Machene to deploy to then you should snapshot it prior to the upgrade, then a roll back is simply restoring the snapshot.
This will be much quicker, seconds, rather than minutes or hours...

Issue with Gitlab - Projects scheduled for deletion but never deleted

We've been using Gitlab on my current job for a while now, and have encountered some instability which express itself in various ways.
The most recent one: projects that should be deleted are flagged as such but actual deletion never occurs.
Some research has allowed me to see the probable cause of the problem, but not how to resolve it: the ProjectDestroyWorker hasn't run for over 10 days.
Could someone point me to some documentation on the mechanism(s) that trigger the workers, and how to monitor them?
Version: GitLab Community Edition 8.5.0 a513e09
You have a few issues with this kind of problem: issue 15334, issue 20984.
Checking the backtrace from sidekiq.log can help
Merge Requests 5695 and 4341 (for GitLab 8.11) should fix some of those issues, like:
There is a race condition in DestroyGroupService now that projects are deleted asynchronously:
User attempts to delete group
DestroyGroupService iterates through all projects and schedules a Sidekiq job to delete each Project
DestroyGroupService destroys the Group, leaving all its projects without a namespace
Projects::DestroyService runs later but the can? (current_user, :remove_project) is false because the user no longer has permission to destroy projects with no namespace.
This leaves the project in pending_delete state with no namespace/group.
I came across this issue during the migration to hashed storage in v13.5.7
Drop to the ruby console & destroy projects that are pending
In my particular case this allowed gitlab-rake gitlab:storage:legacy_projects to correctly show 0 so further upgrades were possible.

Tortoise SVN - "Restore after commit" option not available

If I recall correctly (from the Tortoise SVN's commit log I saw), Tortoise SVN added this feature in January where you can edit a file and have TSVN restore it after commit (aka Commit only parts of a file).
TSVN's documentation also lists this feature now:
I am running latest version of TSVN (1.7.6) on a Win 7 64 bit machine, but I cannot see this option anywhere while committing a file. Am I missing something, or has this feature not been shipped??
According to tortoise FAQ Page
I was told that issue/bug X was fixed in rXXX, but the latest release still doesn't have this implemented/fixed?
Our release policy is to never introduce new features or resource changes on the stable branch. We work on the trunk, where we fix bugs, introduce new features or change the behavior of features. Only important bugfixes are merged back to the stable branch, and the stable branch is where we create our releases from.
We have this policy to prevent getting new bugs into the stable branch. After all, it's called the stable branch.
Your requested feature/reported bug, even though it is fixed/implemented on trunk was not merged back to the stable branch due to this policy. That's why you don't see the change in the latest release.
Here's the FAQ.
