SVG animations - how to keep text horizontal while its parent rotates around a center point - svg

I have the following animation:
I want the circle containing the ETH / USD animation to rotate around the centerpoint of all these circles, but the text itself I want to stay perfectly horizontal. How do I do this?
If it helps, I'm using the svg.js library (

Rotate the circle counterclockwise around its own center whiile it is rotating clockwise around the main center.
Let group be a group containing the small circle with radius r and the text. Let them be centered on (0,0). Let (cx, cy) be the central rotation point. Loop endlessly with even pace in a full circle taking 15s:
var group =;, 0, 0);
group.text('ETH / USD');
group.animate(15000, '-').rotate(-360).loop()
.animate(15000, '-').rotate(360, cx, cy).loop();


Find original (x,y) new coordinates in fabric canvas

I am building a Warehouse map in 2D with fabricjs where I am displaying their racking systems as a series of rectangles.
As a first "layer/group", i add all bays as groups containing a rectangle and text, both positioned at the same (x,y). They also have both an angle set to fit their orientation in the space.
As a second "layer/group", i add groups containing a circle and text, representing the bay's number of issues. The (x,y) also fits the bays. This way, all my issues are always on top of the bays and the center of the group fits the rotated corner of the bay.
On the first paint, all is well aligned. Once they're shown on the page, the user can create new issues, so I am trying to position the issue group fitting the original (x,y), but since it can all be panned and zoomed, I am having a hard time positioning it where it should be.
I've been looking at their explanations about transforms, but I can't figure who the boss should be and thinking that having nested groups may also be why I am all mixed up.
By doing:
const gMatrix =;
const targetToCanvas = fabric.util.transformPoint(, gMatrix);
I am on the bay, but on the "group" corner, which is not what I am looking for. (x,y) will be one of the corners of the rectangle in the group, that may have been rotated.
By specifying the original (x,y) in this code will get me way off the actual painting zone.
So, my question is, how do I get the transformed (x,y) so I can add my issue group at those coordinates?
As the suggestion of spring, it made me realize I can use the rotated rectangle's transforms to find its coordinates, so I tried:
const rect = matchingBay.getObjects()[BAY_RECTANGLE_INX];
const gMatrix = rect.calcTransformMatrix();
const targetToCanvas = fabric.util.transformPoint(, gMatrix);
Bottom left corner is where I wish to add the new Circle. After rotation, the bottom left is now the bottom right. But I am still off. As shown, the red circle should be on the corner. It looks like the rotation has not been applied.
qrDecompose gives me something that seems right:
{angle: -90, scaleX: 1, scaleY: -1, skewX: 0, skewY: 0, translateX: 6099.626027314769, translateY: 4785.016008065199 }
I realized that I was not thinking it the right way. Since I have the rectangle already in hands, I just had to get its own transformation and resolve the corner by my own, the following fixed my issue:
const rect = matchingBay.getObjects()[BAY_RECTANGLE_INX];
const gMatrix = rect.calcTransformMatrix();
const decomposed = fabric.util.qrDecompose(gMatrix);
const trans = fabric.util.transformPoint(new fabric.Point((decomposed.scaleX * -rect.width) / 2, (decomposed.scaleY * rect.height) / 2), gMatrix);
const top = trans.y;
const left = trans.x;
Since the matrix is bringing the center point of the rectangle, I can get the corner by substracting its width and height and then transforming the coordinates to find out where the matrix puts it.

Collision detection & resolution: circle in a playfield of other circles and polygons

I am working on a game that has a player sprite surrounded by a collision circle of a known radius. The player sprite can move about a playfield that consists of other sprites with their own collision circles and other obstacles made up of polygons. The other obstacles are rectangles at a 45 degree angle.
In addition, I want the player to adjust its movement when it does collide. I want the player to try to "push through" past the object instead of being stopped by it.
For example, if the player were to collide with another sprite's bounding circle, it would be stopped if its vector was exactly perpendicular to the tangent of the two circles' intersection.
However, if not perfectly perpendicular, the player would be, slowly at first, then faster, pushed along the tangent of the circle until it can continue past it unimpeded.
This works similarly when encountering one of the 45 degree rectangles.
What I need help with is the following: I am trying to find an analytic solution to detect both other sprites and obsticles, have the player's movement adjusted, and possibly stopped when adjusted to wedge between two or more objects.
I can do the collision detection and deflection for one object type at a time, but am struggling to put everything together into a comprehensive algorithm. I am currently working on an iterative pairwise resolution approach that "tries" different locations to result in a best-guess solution, but I really want a mathematically analytic solution. I'm hoping to have a function something like what appears in this psuedocode.
x = [player's x location]
y = [player's y location]
r = [player's collision radius]
// Array of other sprites on the playfield,
spr = [other sprites array]
// which contains 3 parameters, x, y, r. E.g., spr[3].x or spr[3].r,
// for the x position or collision radius for the fourth sprite in the
// array.
// Array of 45 degree rectangles on the playfield,
rect = [array of rectangles]
// which contain 4 parameters, x1, y1, x2, y2, the two opposite points
// of the rectangle. E.g., rect[0].x1, for the x position of the first
// point of the first rectangle.
// For simplicity, assume the above variables are all directly accessable
// in the function below.
// requestX and requestY is the position to which the player would
// like to move the player sprite.
definefunction collisionAdjustor(requestX, requestY) {
// Here I'd like to adjust the requested position if needed because
// of an intersection with one or more other sprites or rectangles.
// Finally return the location at which the player will actually be
// arriving.
return destinationX, destinationY
Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated.

SVG Zoom and Pan

I have an SVG layout (from D3) of a tree. I have an SVG element in my HTML that takes up 100% of the width and height of the page. Then, within that SVG element, D3 renders a group element with a bunch of circles and lines in it. For example:
<svg style='width:100%;height:100%;'>
I want to be able to zoom and pan so that a certain portion of the tree (group element) takes up the screen. I have the exact coordinates of the area I want to zoom in on, so ideally, I want to move the SVG element X pixels up and to the left, then scale the whole element by Y. How can I best do that?
From what I'm reading, the viewBox attribute is best for this, but I just can't figure out how I would be able to zoom in on just one portion. This example seems to get at what I want, but my SVG element is measured in percentages, not pixels. And even though the coordinate system is supposed to be arbitrary, I'm having a hard time converting between the two.
Here, I use this to zoom into certain regions of the SVG image. Change cx to the x coordinate, cy to the y coordinate, width and height are your call. The line you should be interested in is the svgDocument.setAttribute(...)
function zoomTarget1() {
var svgDocument = document.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0];
var cx = 20;
var cy = 20;
var width = 610;
svgDocument.setAttribute("viewBox", cx+" "+cy+" "+width+" 590");
var reShow = svgDocument.getElementById("FloorSelection");
showReturnButton(cx,cy, width, reShow);

How to avoid fade-out on scaled CCSprite without cancelling anti-aliasing?

I have 3 sprites. Left edge, right edge, and repeating center which has 1 pixel width but is scaled up. The problem is that the scaled sprite fades out the farther away it is from the center:
I've tried using CCTexture's setAliasTexParameters but the result doesn't look good:
How do I get the antialiased looks in the first picture but without the fade out problem?
You could try this on the sprite:
// These parameters set the texture properties:
// minifying filter - linear interpolation,
// magnification filter - linear interpolation,
// texture repeat in S direction,
// texture repeat in T direction (*)
[sprite.texture setTexParams:&params];
// This explicitly sets the contentSize of the sprite to (10, 200),
// but also sets the "window to the texture" to this rectangle:
[sprite setTextureRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, 10, 200)];
You have to tweak these settings, but hope you get it.
You don't have to scale the sprite.
(*) For S and T check this: Difference between U V and S T texture coordinates

How to convert from one co-ordinate system to another (graphics)

I've been having issues with this for a little while now. I feel like I should know this but I can't for the life of me remember.
How can I map the screen pixels to their respective 'graphical' x,y positions? The co-ordinate systems have been configured to start at the bottom left (0,0) and increase to the top-right.
I want to be able to zoom, so I know that I need to configure the zoom distance into the answer.
|\ Some Quad
| \--------|\Qx
| \ Z | \
| \ \|Qy
\ |
Sx\ |Sy
I want to know which pixels on my screen will have the quad on it. Obviously as Z decreases, the quad will occupy more of the screen, and as Z increases it will occupy less, but how exactly are these calculated?
For further clarification, I want to know how I can map these screen pixels onto the 'graphical' co-ordinates using the zoom factor into the equation.
Thanks for any help.
Use the zoom factor as a multiplier against the coordinates and/or screen size.
For example, if you have a 100x150 pixel square, when zoomed in to 150%, the size of the rectangle should be 150x225.
An equation for this is:
h = height
w = width
z = percent zoom
(100% = 1.00)
new width = W = wz
new height = H = hz
To map screen pixels, apply more basic mathematical principles. The relative coordinates depend entirely on the center of the zoom. This is very easy, if everything zooms in the exact center. If zooming from elsewhere (e.g. stretching the object from a corner or a non-central coordinate), you must apply an offset to your equation.
Zooming a rectangle from its center point is easy. Divide the difference in rectangle width by 2, and then add it to the left and right coordinate value (you can add a negative number). Do the same for height.
If zooming the rectangle from a coordinate that is NOT in its exact center, but is still within the bounds of the rectangle, requires an offset. Simply determine what percentage of height and width change should be applied to each side of the rectangle. Sides in closer proximity to the zoom point will receive a lower percentage of the change.
When the zoom point resides outside the rectangle, the distance from the zoom point must also be taken into account. This offset moves the entire rectangle, in addition to scaling the rectangle.
Get a large piece of paper and draw up some visualizations. That always helps. =)
If (xk, yk) is the center before zooming and the size is (Sx, Sy), zoomed to a factor of Z in (0, 1], the new size will be (Qx, Qy) = (Sx*(1-Z), Sy*(1-Z)) centered on (xk, yk) which means the screen coordinates are:
rectangle: xk - Qx/2, yk - Qy/2, xk + Qx/2, yk + Qy/2
Hope that helps.
