What is Cabal Hell? - haskell

I am a little bit confused while reading about Cabal Hell, as the term is overloaded. I guess originally Cabal Hell referred to the diamond dependency problem, which was solved by restricting the build plan to have only a single version of any package in each build plan (two different versions of a package can't exist in a single build plan) as explained in this answer.
However, the term is also used in various other contexts. Such as destructive re-installations, incorrect package dependency boundaries (lower/upper version bounds), inconsistent environments ... (or any other error reported by Cabal).
Particular among these, I am confused about 1) destructive re-installations and 2) inconsistent environments? What do they mean, and how cabal new-build solves these problems (is it just sandboxing like cabal sandbox)? And what role ghc-pkg has to play here?
Any references or a simple example where these problems could be reproduced would be very appreciated.
Regarding "destructive re-installations": If I am not wrong, GHC has a package manager of itself (ghc-pkg), and the packages are installed as dynamically linkable libraries i.e: base depends on ghc-prim, so if ghc-prim is removed it will break base, am I right? And since GHC only allows one instance of a package with the same version, cabal install might register a newer build of the same (package, version) such that it breaks the dependents of the unregistered package. If the above understanding regarding "destructive re-installations" are correct; how does cabal new-build help here?

The only meaningful use of the term is the one given in the linked answer. Related are the follow-on problems from having lots of different packages in the global database, which can make encountering diamond dependencies more common, requiring destructive reinstalls to resolve, etc.
The other usages of the term are not helpful and just mean "problems somehow involving cabal."
That said, let me answer your other questions.
1) ghc-pkg is not a package manager, but rather a tool for managing ghc package databases. It is used by cabal to register packages into databases, and can be used by end-users to inspect the contents of the databases. Think of it as part of the underlying substrate provided by ghc, not a competing tool.
2) new-build eliminates and replaces the standard notion of a packagedb entirely. Instead of saying that a db consists of packages and versions, with at most one of each pair, instead a db consists of potentially many copies of packages at any given version, each with potentially different versions of its dependencies, all of which are managed in part by hash-addressing, so marked by a unique "fingerprint". This is called the store. When you new-build, cabal calculates a build plan irrespective of any previously installed dependencies, from scratch. If a particular fingerprint (consisting of a package, version, and the versions of all its dependencies, certain flags, etc) already exists in the store, then it makes use of it. If it does not, it calculates it.
As such, the only "diamond dependencies" that can occur are the truly insoluble ones, and not the ones occasioned by having fixed too-early (due to already-installed deps) some portion of the dependency tree.
tldr; you write "since GHC only allows one instance of a package with the same version" but new-build partially lifts this restriction in the store which allows the solver to produce better, more reproducible plans more often.


What does cabal mean when it says "The following packages are likely to be broken by the reinstalls"

I've seen this message pop up a couple times when running cabal v1-install with a suggestion to use --force-reinstalls to install anyway. As I don't know that much about cabal, I'm not sure why a package would break due to a reinstall. Could someone please fill me in on the backstory behind this message?
Note for future readers: this discussion is about historical matters. For practical purposes, you can safely ignore all of that if you are using Cabal 3.
The problem had to do with transitive dependencies. For instance, suppose we had the following three packages installed at specific versions:
B-1.0, which depends on A; and
C-1.0, which depends on B, but not explicitly on A.
Then, we would install A-1.1, which seemingly would work fine:
A-1.1 would be installed, but the older A-1.0 version would be kept around, solely for the sake of other packages built using it;
B-1.0 would keep using A-1.0; and
C-1.0 would keep using B-1.0.
However, there would be trouble if we, for whatever reason, attempted to reinstall B-1.0 (as opposed to, say, update to B-1.1):
A-1.1 and A-1.0 would still be available for other packages needing them;
B-1.0, however, would be rebuilt against A-1.1, there being no way of keeping around a second installation of the same version of B; and
C-1.0, which was built against the replaced B-1.0 (which depended on A-1.0), would now be broken.
v1-install provided a safeguard against this kind of dangerous reinstall. Using --force-reinstalls would disable that safeguard.
For a detailed explanation of the surrounding issues, see Albert Y. C. Lai's Storage and Identification of Cabalized Packages (in particular, the example I used here is essentially a summary of its Corollary: The Pigeon Drop Con section).
While Cabal 1, in its later versions, was able to, in the scenario above, detect that the reinstall changed B even though the version number remained the same (which is what made the safeguard possible), it couldn't keep around the two variants of B-1.0 simultaneously. Cabal 3, on the other hand, is able to do that, which eliminates the problem.

How does one find and understand excess data dependencies in a Haskell program

How does one find and understand excess data dependencies in a Haskell program so that one is able to eliminate them?
I once used ghc-vis to investigate data dependencies in a Haskell program but since Stack has moved on such that ghc-vis no longer installs in unison with most current development it's no longer an option and I wonder what do people use these days instead.
Try to fix ghc-vis (or actually, its dependencies).
From the logs you reported on the ghc-vis issue tracker https://github.com/def-/ghc-vis/issues/24, the errors all belong to these two categories, neither of which requires expertise specific to the broken packages, so you should be able to fix them yourself, that's the beauty of open source:
Failed to load interface... There are files missing: this might be related to your Haskell distribution. How did you install Haskell? For example Haskell packages on Arch are dynamically linked: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Haskell
Ambiguous occurence: at least one package you depend on exports a name which clashes with the actually intended name. Look at the broken package and fix its version bounds or fix its imports.
At this point, the problems you are encountering have little to do with ghc-vis, but with wl-pprint-text, polyparse, and cairo.

Is a package excluded from Stackage LTS because of an omitted dependency?

I'm a bit confused about how a dependency on a package affects including it in Stackage LTS; specifically, if
package A requires package B, and
package A works when package B is installed as an extra-dep on top of LTS-X.Y, but
package B itself is not in LTS-X.Y,
does package A have to be excluded from LTS-X.Y, particularly if
the only reason B is excluded is because of a test suite dependency, not a dependency in the library itself?
I'll copy/paste my answer on github
does package A have to be excluded?
No, it doesn't have to be excluded. Here's why:
even if the only reason B is excluded is because of a test suite dependency
In this case, we can add B to the build plan and mark it under the skipped-tests section in order to avoid pulling in its test suite dependencies. This is true of both LTS and nightly snapshots.
(However, a preferable course of action would be to remedy B's dependency issue so that the test suite can be run.)
To further clarify, in response to #bergey's answer:
packages are only included if the package's maintainer agrees to keep it up to date with respect to its dependencies
This is only true of packages explicitly included. Some packages are transitive dependencies, which are included implicitly, and are not necessarily held to such strict standards. (However, in the future we may eliminate the concept of implicit inclusion and instead include all packages explicitly.)
Exceptions can also be made so that a package may be included, even though its test suite or its benchmarks have incompatible dependency constraints with the snapsnot.
Of course the preferred way to go is to not need to make such exceptions, and we encourage all maintainers to keep all of their build targets up to date.
Finally, allow me to note that this question would probably be more well suited for the stackage mailing list, which is admittedly not well publicied or utilized.
Yes, for every package in a given Stackage snapshot, all of its transitive dependencies are also in the snapshot. Also, packages are only included if the package's maintainer agrees to keep it up to date with respect to its dependencies. There are more details about this in the README on github. An excerpt:
All packages are buildable and testable from Hackage. We recommend the Stack Travis script, which ensures a package is not accidentally incomplete.
All packages are compatible with the newest versions of all dependencies (You can find restrictive upper bounds by visiting http://packdeps.haskellers.com/feed?needle=PACKAGENAME).
All packages in a snapshot are compatible with the versions of libraries that ship with the GHC used in the snapshot (more information on lenient lower bounds).

How do I disable version parsing in cabal or stack?

I am using alternative version numbering approach for my projects. I have encountered strange behavior by cabal and stack that does not allow me to fully enjoy benefits of this approach. Both cabal and stack enforce version to be of format Int.Int.Int, which does not cover the case of another version format I use for branches (0.x.x, 1.x.x, 1.0.x, etc).
If I have line version: 0.x.x in my .cabal file, I am getting Parse of field 'version' failed. error when running cabal build or Unable to parse cabal file {PROJECT_NAME}.cabal: NoParse "version" 5 when running stack init.
Is there a way to disable version parsing on cabal and stack commands? Is there a flag for it? Or do I have to request this kind of change (adding flags, disabling version parsing) from the developers of cabal and stack?
Why is there any parsing at all? How does it help with building a package? Does cabal or stack automatically increment build numbers on some event? If yes, where could I read more about this? How could I influence the way version numbering incrementation gets implemented in cabal and stack? I want developers of haskell packages take into account the possibility of alternative version numbering approaches.
PS. For all interested folks, I want to quickly summarize the idea behind "weird" version numbers, such as 0.x.x, 1.x.x, 1.0.x. I use the version numbers with x's to describe streamlines of development that allow code changes while such version numbers as 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 2.35.46 are used to describe frozen states of development (to be precise, they are used for released versions of software). Note that such version numbers as 0.x.0, 1.x.15, 2.x.23 are also possible (used for snapshots/builds of software) and they mean that codebase has been inherited from branches with version numbers 0.x.x, 1.x.x and 2.x.x correspondingly.
Why do I need such version numbers as 0.x.x, 1.x.x and 2.x.x at all? In brief, different number of x's mean branches of different types. For example, version number pattern N.x.x is used for support branches, while pattern N.M.x is used for release branches. Idea behind support branches is that they get created due to incompatibility of the corresponding codebases. Release branches get created due to feature freeze in corresponding codebase. For example, branches 1.0.x, 1.1.x, 1.2.x, ... get created as a result of feature freezes (or releases) in branch 1.x.x.
I know this is all confusing, but I worked hard to establish this version numbering approach and I continue working on awareness about the inconsistencies of version numbering through my presentations and other projects. This all makes sense once you think more about the pitfalls of semver approach (you can find detailed slideshare presentation on the matter following the link). But I do not want to defend it for now. For the time being, I just want cabal and stack to stop enforcing their, as I perceive them, unjustified rules to my project. Hope you can help me with that.
You can't. The version will be parsed to Version, which is:
data Version = PV0 {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
| PV1 !Int [Int]
Stack uses Cabal as a library but has its own Version type:
newtype Version =
Version {unVersion :: Vector Word}
deriving (Eq,Ord,Typeable,Data,Generic,Store,NFData)
Neither cabal nor stack have a way to customize the parsing. You have to write your own variant of those programs if you want to use another version type. But then again, you're not winning anything at that point: neither Hackage nor Stackage will recognize your package's version.
So the 1.x.x isn't possible at the moment. You could exchange x with 99999999 or something similar to mitigate the problem. That being said, it's not clear what cabal install should then install. The 99999999 version? Or the latest stable variant?
If you can express the semantics, a discussion on the mailing list as well as a feature request might change the behaviour in the (far away) future, but for now, you either have to patch the programs yourself or use another numbering scheme.
Is there a way to disable version parsing on cabal and stack commands? Is there a flag for it?
Or do I have to request this kind of change (adding flags, disabling version parsing) from the developers of cabal and stack?
You can of course ask, but there are so many outstanding issues that you are unlikely to get any traction. You will have to be very convincing -- convincing enough to overturn more than 20 years of experience that says the current versioning scheme is basically workable. Realistically, if you want this to happen you'll probably have to maintain a fork of these tools yourself, and provide an alternative place to host packages using this scheme.
Why is there any parsing at all? How does it help with building a package?
Packages specify dependencies, and for each dependency, specify what version ranges they work with. The build tools then use a constraint solver to choose a coherent set of package/version pairs to satisfy all the (transitive) dependencies. To do this, they must at a minimum be able to check whether a given version is in a given range -- which requires parsing the version number at least a little bit.
Does cabal or stack automatically increment build numbers on some event? If yes, where could I read more about this?
There is nothing automatic. But you should take a look at the Package Version Policy, which serves as a social contract between package maintainers. It lets one package maintainer say, "I am using bytestring version and it seems to work. I'm being careful about qualifying all my bytestring imports; therefore I can specify a range like >=0.10 && <0.11 and be sure that things will just work, while giving the bytestring maintainer the ability to push security and efficiency updates to my users." without having to pore through the full documentation of bytestring and hope its maintainer had written about what his version numbers mean.
How could I influence the way version numbering incrementation gets implemented in cabal and stack?
As with your previous question about changing the way the community does things, I think modifications to the Package Versioning Policy are going to be quite difficult, especially changes as radical as you seem to be proposing here. The more radical the change, the more carefully motivated it will have to be to gain traction.
I honestly don't know what a reasonable place to take such motivation and discussion would be; perhaps the haskell-cafe mailing list or similar.

cabal hell with dependencies of ghc-baked in packages

I have the following instance of cabal hell:
(with ghc-7.8.3 built from source on x86_64 GNU/Linux,
and user-install: True in .cabal/config)
1) at some time, transformers- was installed (in user space, shadowing (?) transformers-0.3 from the global space)
2) later, several libraries pick transformers-0.4
3) then, I install hint, which depends on ghc, which depends on transformers-0.3, and which cannot be changed, since ghc is hard-wired.
result: I cannot use libraries from 2) and hint in one project.
As a work-around, I am putting constraint: transformers installed in .cabal/config, and rebuild. Is there a better way to handle this situation - or to avoid it in the first place?
Is there a better way to handle this situation.
No, your approach is sensible.
or to avoid it in the first place?
Tricky. Most people do not build stuff depending on ghc, so for them it makes sense to upgrade transformers etc. Therefore, your constraint is not a suitable default.
As Zeta writes: Sandboxes can help. If you had used sandboxes for your installations in (2), and used another sandbox for whatever tries to use both hint and (2), then it would simply build these dependencies dedicated for whatever you are building.
This comes at the expense of not sharing any space or build-time between the various things you are doing.
