Orchard CMS: Page not found for the custom module - orchardcms

I am creating the custom module, but when I tried to navigate to it, I get 404 error.
Custom Module:
404 Error:

Things to check:
is your module enabled?
what is the name of your module in the module.txt file as this will be in the route instead of the module project name
it also looks like you are using a custom module location (orchard only picks up modules in the Modules folder by default), so make sure you've added your custom module to the web.config. see here for details http://docs.orchardproject.net/en/latest/Documentation/Orchard-module-loader-and-dynamic-compilation/#custom-folders


Netlify CMS - Uploadcare - Missing External Media Library

My website deploys correctly but whenever I try to access my Netlify CMS admin panel I get this error:
Error loading the CMS configuration
Config Errors:
Error: Missing external media library ‘uploadcare’. Please use ‘registerMediaLibrary’ to register it.
Check your config.yml file.
Here is my config.yml file: https://pastebin.com/raw/gHzhvTGG
Here is my cms.js file: https://pastebin.com/raw/wMGtkKwm
Uploadcare has been registered and it has a valid api key. It was working fine previously.
I am running out of things to try

Can we still integrate systemjs in Angular 6 and lazy load module without routing

I am trying to lazy load module rather than adding components in entry component because i.e adding overhead to the chunk size. (Also, I don't need routing)
Here is what you need to know about dynamic components in Angular
I have followed the steps mentioned by max in his article.
I came across below error
ERROR in ./node_modules/systemjs/dist/system.src.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'fs'
After some research, I found that now it's the responsibility of node to provide the 'fs' module And for this, I need to add
"target": "node"
in webpack.config.json. However, Angular 6 has disabled ejecting Webpack.config file anymore.
So, is the lazy loading of module still possible without routing?

How to avoid multiple copies of react when both module and project are bundled with webpack 2

I have made a module named as services which serves the loading bar, notifications and flash banner etc to other projects. I bundled this module by babel and it was running perfect but as the requirements kept growing for services so i have to bundled this from webpack-2 because of css type issues. I bundled it as a library. But when i uses notifications which are imported from services, it gives such warnings
Uncaught Error: addComponentAsRefTo(...): Only a ReactOwner can have refs. You might be adding a ref to a component that was not created inside a component's `render` method, or you have multiple copies of React loaded
index.js:25 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'componentWillEnter' of undefined
PS: I have already tried resolve.alias and externals properties of webpack but no use :( Any suggestions Please?

JavaLite ActiveWeb rootPackage

I'm developing a web application with ActiveWeb. I wanted to change the package from app.controller to be.coudron.graphplanner.controller
I created a file activewebproperties and placed it in src/main/resources
the contents of the file are:
When I start the app with mvn jetty:run
I get the error:
org.javalite.activeweb.ControllerException: controller must be
in the 'app.controllers' package
What am i doing wrong?
There are no typos in the code nor the package names.
the exception message is self-explanatory: "controller must be in the 'app.controllers' package"
The file activeweb.properties is part of the framework and not editable. With time, you will appreciate simplicity and consistency of the framework. It requires that controllers are placed into app.controllers package. Please, refer to http://javalite.io/structure_of_activeweb_project#location-of-controllers

Localization file path error when using tap-i18n with meteor

I am running meteor inside a folder, like this
ROOT_URL="http://localhost:3000/registration" meteor
Also, i am using tap:i18n package for internationalisation support. The problem is that tap_i18n doesn't update the url for the localisation files and still makes request to http://localhost:3000/tap-i18n/en-US.json which is not a valid address, and hence throws 404 error. It should make request to http://localhost:3000/registration/tap-i18n/en-US.json. Notice the registration folder that was passed via ROOT_URL while starting meteor.
How can i tell tap_i18n package to honor ROOT_URL?
I've setup a small demo project with some explanations on how to achieve your configuration. Please let me know if you could solve your issue.
How to configure tap:i18n with custom ROOT_URL
Check the configuration, you can set the i18n_files_route parameter
Configuring tap-i18n
To configure tap-i18n add to it a file named project-tap.i18n.
This JSON can have the following properties. All of them are optional.
The values bellow are the defaults.
----------------------------- {
"helper_name": "_",
"supported_languages": null,
"i18n_files_route": "/tap-i18n",
"cdn_path": null
Source link for configuration
