Microsoft graph and Azure Ad user authentication - sharepoint

I have an application registered in Azure ad.
When i do ADAL with the following details i get a authoriazation token to use with microsoft graph api.
`username = ''
password = 'password123'
client_id = application id from azure ad
client_secret = keys from application on azure ad
tenant = directory id from azure ad`
Using this token i can fetch the list of all sites in my sharepoint account.
Below is the endpoint i call to fetch the sites with the bearer token:*
But when I just do the client authentication using token generated using below endpoint Iam not able to access the sites list.
`grant_type : client_credentials
clientid : client_id
clientsecrte : client_secret
scope :`
It does not return all of the sites.
Is there a way of getting all sites list with just client authentication.
Or can i get a token for user authentication without user password.
Here is the token decoded that i am using:
"aud": "",
"iss": "",
"iat": 1528949458,
"nbf": 1528949458,
"exp": 1528953358,
"aio": "Y2dgYLh*************xAAA=",
"app_displayname": "App Name",
"appid": "504ddb16-2899-48be-be57-**********",
"appidacr": "1",
"idp": "",
"oid": "afcf166f-24c2-49f1-b285-b672d0413c50",
"roles": [
"sub": "afcf166f-24c2-49f1-b285-b672d0413c50",
"tid": "586145ec-0428-4da6-8061-fb114257ab70",
"uti": "hwYd8FZCH0KruWGRFiIHAA",
"ver": "1.0"
I get other permissions also but these are site related in Microsoft Graph api

The successful one is using ROPC flow and it can get delegated permissions onbehlaf of the user. But the failed one is using client_credentials flow which get application permissions and cannot onbehlf of the user.
Updated Answer
Solution:(Before you do this test, ensure you have SPO license in your tenant)
Try to add Sites.Read.All Application permission in your registrated AAD Application and do admin consent for it before you getting token.
If you're using AAD v1 endpoint, you can do admin consent by clicking Grant permissions button.If you're using v2 endpoint, please input this kind of URL in your internet browser to do admin grant:{yourtenant}/adminconsent?client_id={the applicationid of your client}&state=123&redirect_uri={the redirect uri of your app}
and sign in with Global admin account and accept this permission.
In my test lab, I used v2 endpoint.Here is the token I got via Postman:
Here is decoded token in , we can decoded the token to ensure it has the permissions we want.
Then I use this token in the head to call Microsoft Graph API and succeeded:
For more detials about Site permission for Microsoft Graph, please refer to this documentation.
Please let me know if this helps!


Using client credential flow on Graph api returns an access_token without scopes

Here is what my goal is: I would like to get an access_token from within my api. Currently I am trying to get the access token using the client credentials flow:
And I successfully get a response:
But this response does nothing because when I use the access_token as authorization parameter in a GraphApi endpoint I get an error response saying I am missing scp or roles parameters. I have roles defined and approved from an administrator from the application. What could be the problem?
Here is the decoded jwt access_token:
"aud": "a********************ed5",
"iss": "**********4f-d6b581dd3836/",
"iat": 1660825101,
"nbf": 1660825101,
"exp": 1660829001,
"aio": "E2ZgYPits***********g8R9TAA==",
"appid": "eabbd3*************da6990ed5",
"appidacr": "1",
"idp": "",
"oid": "77e***************8085325",
"rh": "0.AYEAiZ2PWtqBGEKIT9a1gd04NuDTu-rpzyZCiMRhXaaZDtWBAAA.",
"sub": "77e4***************48085325",
"tid": "5a8f9d89-8*****************581dd3836",
"uti": "nl-kk3T*******w2ePAA",
"ver": "1.0"
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got the below results:
I created one App Role named DemoRole for my Azure AD application like below:
Go to Azure Portal -> Azure Active Directory -> App Registrations -> Your App -> App Roles
I assigned that DemoRole to few users like below:
Go to Azure -> Azure Active Directory -> Enterprise Applications -> Your App -> Users and groups
Now, I generated access token with parameters like below:
client_id = xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
grant_type = client_credentials
client_secret = ***************
scope = api://
When I decoded the token, I'm also unable to get the roles like below:
To get roles claim in decoded token, make sure to add your custom API permissions and grant admin consent like below:
Go to your Application -> API permissions -> Add a permission -> My APIs -> Your App Name -> Application Permissions
After granting the admin consent, I generated the access token again and got the roles claim in the decoded token like below:

Scope is not being added to Access Token returned from Azure Ad

We have an Azure AD secured API living in Azure as a web app. We need to be able to:
Trigger this API via user interaction from a client application (this part works).
Trigger this API programmatically from a scheduled job that will simply get a token & hit this API (this part does not work due to authentication issues).
The issue is that when we request a token from Azure AD, scope is not being set in our token claims resulting in the API rejecting the token.
This is the request we are making:
This request returns an access token with the following claims:
"aud": "<our api client id>",
"iss": "<tenantId>/v2.0",
"iat": 1644421512,
"nbf": 1644421512,
"exp": 1644425412,
"aio": "<value>",
"azp": "<scheduled job client id>",
"azpacr": "1",
"oid": "<guid>",
"rh": "<value>",
"sub": "<guid>",
"tid": "<guid>",
"uti": "<value>",
"ver": "2.0"
As you can see scp (scope) is not included in the token claims even though we include it in the request.
If we use this token to make a request to our API we get the following error:
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: IDW10201: Neither scope or roles claim was found in the bearer token.
Any help on how we can get an access token from Azure AD with the proper scope/permissions to call our API, would be greatly appreciated.
The Azure AD App Registration for our scheduled job that will request a token and then hit our API, does have the Delegated API Permission access_as_user which you can see I am including in the token request's scope.
The above is expected as using client credentials you can't get the delegated permissions i.e. the access_as_user permission and also the scope in client credentials should be used as api://<APP_ID>/.default . So , If you want delegated permissions then you will have to use implicit grant flow instead of client credentials.
For testing , I created two app registrations , One on which API is exposed (Postman) and other which is to be used for authentication (Powershelltest) and then , I have tested the same in 2 different scenarios like one for client credentials and another for implicit grant :
Main APP whose API has been exposed :
App used for authentication:
Scenario 1 Using Client Credential flow :
Scenario 2 using Implicit Grant flow :

How to add roles claim in access_token , currently it is coming in id_token?

I am following Authentication code flow with PKCE and my Identity provider is Azure Active directory.
I have created a App , "client-app" from App Registrations. In the manifest I have added appRoles like the following.
"appRoles": [
"allowedMemberTypes": [
"displayName": "StoreGroupManager",
"id": "47fbb575-859a-4941-89c9-0f7a6c30beac",
"isEnabled": true,
"description": "Consumer apps have access to the consumer data.",
"value": "StoreGroupManager"
I am assigning this role StoreGroupManager to Users. Now when I follow Authorization code flow with PKCE and obtain the id_token , refresh token and access_token. I can see that the id_token has a claim roles but not the access_token.
I need to have roles claim claim in the access_token. Can this be possible?
The following is the decoded id_token.
Roles will be in the access token if the app registration for the API that the access token is for defines those roles and they are assigned to the user.
So if you use the same app registration for the client and API, they should be there.
But if you have separate app registrations for the client and API, you will need to define the role in both apps and assign the user to it on both of them as well.

AAD B2C - Missing upn claim in access token

I have an Angular Application which is authenticated using AAD B2C. This talks to a .Net Core API using an access token.
My problem is that I am not receiving a User Principal Name (upn) in my access token.
I have been adding additional "Application claims" like "Given name" and "Surname" and these appear in my access token just fine! Therefore, I believe that my scopes (openid, profile, email) are set correctly and that this in theory is working.
I believe since I am using version 1.0 of the token, that I do not need to configure an any additional claims in my application manifest. My user is a standard AD user not a guest.
The following document states that the upn claim should be included in the v1.0 tokens:
What am I doing wrong?!
Decoded Access Token:
"iss": "https://(my-tenant-name)",
"exp": (number),
"nbf": (number),
"aud": "(guid)",
"oid": "(guid)",
"sub": "(guid)",
"name": "My Name",
"given_name": "Given name",
"family_name": "Surname",
"country": "Norge",
"tfp": "B2C_1_signupsignin2",
"nonce": "(guid)",
"scp": "basic",
"azp": "(guid)",
"ver": "1.0",
"iat": (number)
UPN is not returned in AAD B2C tokens because it is an irrelevant random string that is set.
Rather AAD B2Cs unique name is stored in signInNames attribute, and returned in your token as email or username.
The doc you linked is for AAD, and irrelevant to AAD B2C. These are two seperate token issuer services. Select in your User Flow Application Claims to return “email addresses”.
At this time, apps that support both personal accounts and Azure AD (registered through the app registration portal) cannot use optional claims. However, apps registered for just Azure AD using the v2.0 endpoint can get the optional claims they requested in the manifest.
To achieve UPN Claim in the token, use B2C Custom Policy.
Refer this link for the starter pack:
Add below claim to the TechnicalProfile AAD-UserReadUsingObjectId and in the Relying Party Policy (Eg: SignUpOrSignin.xml):
<OutputClaim ClaimTypeReferenceId="userPrincipalName" />
As per the code you have provided we observed you are using v2 endpoint( "iss": "https://(my-tenant-name)")
As per the document if you see iss:If the token was issued by the v2.0 endpoint, the URI will end in /v2.0.
In the V2 endpoint you need to make a request explicitly for UPN claim.
In v1.0 endpoint they are returned by default but v2.0 made smaller tokens so they made it optional.
Please go through the following links for more understanding. How to add optional claims in application manifest

Azure AD - return roles and groups in token SPA application

I created an Angular application with Implicit Grant Flow for authentication and a Web Api in .Net Core 3.1 following this tutorial:
The problem is: I need to return the roles and/or groups of the logged User within the Bearer Token to authorize my API, but I'm not being able to do so.
I added the roles to the App Registrations Manifest here, added the claim 'groups' in the Token Configuration menu and set the "User assignment required?" as yes in my Enterprise App Configuration.
Even with all these configurations, I'm not able to return the roles/groups claims in the bearer token.
Example of the token the authentication returns:
"ver": "2.0",
"iss": "",
"aud": "ecb5e87f-6f34-4f05-8e8d-8d6149178926",
"exp": 1597173984,
"iat": 1597170084,
"nbf": 1597170084,
"name": "name",
"preferred_username": "",
"oid": "00000000-0000-0000-fa54-d112egdce65a",
"tid": "9188040d-6c67-4c5b-b112-36a304b643ad",
"azp": "edeb4b7d-9cac-4f3b-a21d-ead77993689e",
"scp": "access_as_user",
"azpacr": "0",
"aio": "DYNhHjG*PSY1ceuC11yaLYcLta8zh49iA!l2UCbCsH9QlaUkEHVQ4paQFRmb!qv7J6yTbAQItGWDgCW9UgUipz4Xnma*DOkFFDNIZ5lkffThD*ie91XMzZIoPhUPwNHOt5dLrw3VASE2WCvJfvDFOQk$"
Am I doing something wrong? Is there any other way to authorize the logged user in a SPA Application, return the token with the roles and groups and send it to the Web Api?
You should add the App Role into the manifest of the service app (TodoListAPI) rather than the client app (TodoListSPA).
Don't forget the assign the App Role to the users.
This should be able to fix your issue.
Hi You need go to azure ad -> app registrations -> your app -> taken configuration -> Add Groups Claim -> then select Security groups checkbox. Save. Then log out log in again and should be in taken under groups.
