How to dynamic modify super classes of a class using asm or javassist - java-bytecode-asm

How to dynamic modify a class's super classes to point to another class as its superclass by asm or javassist?
I know how to modify a class's methods and fields.

You should take a look at setSuperclass. Here is a small example:
CtClass c = pool.getCtClass("");
Here is the documentation for this method:
public void setSuperclass​(CtClass clazz)
throws CannotCompileException
Changes a super class unless this object represents an interface. The new super class must
be compatible with the old one; for example, it should inherit from
the old super class.
If this object represents an interface, this
method is equivalent to addInterface(); it appends clazz to the list
of the super interfaces extended by that interface. Note that an
interface can extend multiple super interfaces.


UML - How to show a class instantiated by its static main method

It is a Sequence Diagram HowTo question, not a HowTo code.
I am using Visio 2010 and developing >> reverse engineering from Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 / X++. Yes people its all about how to map static on UML.
My class is instantiated from FORM using at its void static main(). This calls another static method, say construct() which returns an instance of the same class.
I want to show the class (in static methods) and the resulting object separately some like the meta class runs (self msgs) and finally produces the class object which finally takes over. But how will a self msg call return a value ? How do I connect it with the resulting object of the class ? I hope I make enough sense to make you guys understand.
Note, the class is not a static class, but it has a static constructor.
If you want to depict a call to constructor (i.e. static operation that is responsible for creating an object and (usually) returning it as a reply) then you have to use a createMessage construct i.e. a dashed line with an open arrow and the word create on it. While this is not directly stated in specification, usually in such case the arrow points on the lifeline box (rectangle) rather than a line itself (however I've seen information that both notations are correct).
Note that in this case the logic of constructor is hidden (encapsulated) which is a good idea in general.
You can find more details in UML specification in section 17.4, especially and an example in section 17.6.5 on Figure 17.14.
If you want to use a static operation other than constructor and call it without a use of class instance you have to model class as object (after all class is an object itself at least on analytical level). Note that the type of message can be either synchronous or asynchronous depending on your needs.
With this approach you can provide details on how the class handles this function (i.e. what other calls does it make).
For more details see "Applied UML and Patterns" by Craig Larman, section 15.4, Figure 15.20. Note however that Larman suggest a use of <<metaclass>> stereotype. Yet the called object is a class (metaclass is a class whose instance is class so this is not our case) so the stereotype should be <<class>>.

Abstract Class Error in Java

I'm new to Java and I'm running into a compile error I cannot figure out.
Chapter5Debug is not abstract and does not override abstract method itemStateChanged(java.awt.event.ItemEvent) in java.awt.event.ItemListener
public class Chapter5Debug extends Frame implements ItemListener
Can anyone help me understand what I need to do to fix this?
Appreciate the help!
You have to remember that if ItemListener is abstract, then you will need to implement all the methods inside ItemListener. If you want to keep your current structure, you can just add an empty itemStateChanged method to your Chapter5Debug class.
To elaborate on #kevolution's answer:
public class Chapter5Debug extends Frame implements ItemListener {
public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
// Write your method here
An abstract class is one which is just like a regular class but can contain some 'stub' - or abstract - methods. These are methods which need to be implemented by the class extending the abstract class. In this case, itemStateChanged() is marked as abstract, meaning that you need to declare it.
Abstract classes are useful for when you're writing code which you need the caller to provide guts in some ways. In this case, Java cannot know what to do when the item's state changes, but it can do a whole lot of other stuff. The other stuff is in regular methods in the Frame class, and these call the itemStateChanged() method - which will then invoke your own handling code.
You need o implement itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) within Chapter5Debug
example code
public class Chapter5Debug extends Frame implements ItemListener{
//where initialization occurs
public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
if (e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED) {
} else {
ItemListener is an interface and hence implementing ItemListener means you either you will have to provide the implementation in Chapter5Debug
You can make Chapter5Debug abstract and then provide the implementation in the class inheriting Chapter5Debug.
Crux is that if you implementing an interface, You can't get away by not providing the implementation. Either you have to provide it there itself or carry it to the child classes.

How do I make a public view model base with WinRT classes?

I wanted to create an abstract base class for all of my view models, but I'm running into accessibility issues and can't seem to navigate through the errors. Here's an example of my code:
public ref class ViewModelBase {
public ref class OtherViewModel : ViewModelBase {
When I define my code as state above, I get the following error:
error C4585: 'MyNamespace::ViewModelBase' : A WinRT 'public ref class' must either be sealed or derive from an existing unsealed class
If, instead, I make ViewModelBase private, I get this error:
error C3213: base class 'MyNamespace::ViewModelBase' is less accessible than 'OtherViewModel'
This seems like it should be incredibly simple. What am I doing wrong?
What you are attempting is not strictly possible in C++/CX, as in VS 2012 C++/CX does not support public class inheritance for general-purpose scenarios. It is only supported enough to have the XAML scenarios work; the only possible public unsealed types are those found under the Windows::UI::Xaml namespace, and users are not able to author their own public unsealed types.
If you want to have a base class for all your view models, your only options to make all your classes private or to inherit from a base class from Windows::UI::Xaml (such as DependencyObject).
Each of these approaches has drawbacks:
using DependencyObject as your base makes all your viewmodels STA objects (so they can only be manipulated from the UI thread) in addition to having a lot of overhead that isn't really necessary.
Making your classes private means you cannot use the [Bindable] attribute to do databinding, so you would need to have a private databinding implementation. (Your private class would need to implement ICustomPropertyProvider and related interfaces.)
The "sealed" keyword means that the class cannot be inherited from. Your implementation should look something like this:
ref class ViewModelBase sealed
If you want to inherit from ViewModelBase then you need to have only the subclasses be ref classes like this:
class ViewModelBase
public ref class OtherViewModel sealed : ViewModelBase

Using of Base Class and Derived Class and Inheritance

I has a 2 Methods in Base Class(say Method1 and Method2) and having a two derived class (say Derived Class1 and Derived Class2) which are inheriting from Base Class
Now the Derived Class1 will get the two methods of Base Class(Method1 and Method2) But Derived Class2 should get only one method of Base Class(say Method1).
so, can any one suggest how can i proceed in this scenario(i am using C# as a Programming Language)
Thank in Advance!
Declare the two method as virtual in the base class
virtual void Method1()
virtual void Method2()
You could implement Method1 as an extension method and only have it referenced by DerivedClass1.

Dynamic Properties for object instances?

After the previous question "What are the important rules in Object Model Design", now I want to ask this:
Is there any way to have dynamic properties for class instances?
Suppose that we have this schematic object model:
So, each object could have lots of properties due to the set of implemented Interfaces, and then become relatively heavy object. Creating all the possible -and of course reasonable- object can be a way for solving this problem (i.e. Pipe_Designed v.s. Pipe_Designed_NeedInspection), but I have a large number of interfaces by now, that make it difficult.
I wonder if there is a way to have dynamic properties, something like the following dialog to allow the end user to select available functionalities for his/hers new object.
What you want is Properties pattern. Check out long and boring but clever article from Steve Yegge on this
I think maybe you're putting too many roles into the "Road" and "Pipe" classes, because your need for dynamic properties seems to derive from various states/phases of the artifacts in your model. I would consider making an explicit model using associations to different classes instead of putting everything in the "Road" or "Pipe" class using interfaces.
If you mean the number of public properties, use explicit interface implementation.
If you mean fields (and object space for sparse objects): you can always use a property bag for the property implementation.
For a C# example:
string IDesigned.ApprovedBy {
get {return GetValue<string>("ApprovedBy");}
set {SetValue("ApprovedBy", value);}
with a dictionary for the values:
readonly Dictionary<string, object> propValues =
new Dictionary<string, object>();
protected T GetValue<T>(string name)
object val;
if(!propValues.TryGetValue(name, out val)) return default(T);
return (T)val;
protected void SetValue<T>(string name, T value)
propValues[name] = value;
Note that SetValue would also be a good place for any notifications - for example, INotifyPropertyChanged in .NET to implement the observer pattern. Many other architectures have something similar. You can do the same with object keys (like how EventHandlerList works), but string keys are simpler to understand ;-p
This only then takes as much space as the properties that are actively being used.
A final option is to encapsulate the various facets;
class Foo {
public bool IsDesigned {get {return Design != null;}}
public IDesigned Design {get;set;}
// etc
Here Foo doesn't implement any of the interfaces, but provides access to them as properties.
