Multiple websites on one IIS server - iis

So if I have two domains i.e. domain1.example and domain2.example, both pointing to the exact same IP address (i.e. on port 80.
How do I take users from domain1.example to one site, and users requesting from domain2.example to another site?
Additionally how do I set up subdomains? Someone requesting x.domain1.example should go to a third site.

When you configure the site in IIS you can assign the necessary host name in the bindings and the site will only respond to this.


Is it possible to host more than one site in IIS 8.5?

This is not my strong suit, all help will be appreciate it.
I'm hosting a site that is using an SSL certificate, I have created a second site that dont use SSL certificates, but I'm not able to get it to diplay it in the browser. I just get this error:
The domain is not assigned to a site.
Please verify that everything is set up correctly.
I have done a research and I cant find anything related to this type of issue.
IIS supports hosting multiple websites on a single server, you can assign a unique IP address to each Web site, designate a non-standard TCP port number for a Web site, or use host headers. Of the three methods, it is more common to use host headers than to assign unique IP addresses to Web sites or to use non-standard TCP port numbers.
And if you want to configure a host header for a site, you can perform this procedure by using the user interface (UI), by running Appcmd.exe commands in a command-line window, by editing configuration files directly, or by writing WMI scripts
For more details, I recommend that you could refer to this document: Configure a Host Header for a Web Site.

IIS redirect subdomain to other local server

I have two server with IIS sites on it.
XXX.YYY.Z.10 (to sites)
XXX.YYY.Z.20 (one site)
I have also forwarded to my public IP and NAT forwarded all to first (.10) server, which has 2 sites on it. It works great. I would like to open worldwide my 3rd site which is localized to second server (.20). When I add DNS A record for to my IP I see only main site from IIS. When I shut down my second server I also see that site, so I think I see default site from server one (.10). How can I redirect from there address to my next server (XXX.YYY.Z.20)? Some URL rewrite?

Host a webapi in IIS Express so it can only be accessed by a parent web application

I have 2 separate webapi apps and I want the 1st one to be a normal webapi app which can be accessed by any authorised over the internet. With the 2nd one, I need it to not be publicly accessible and only available to the 1st (so the 2nd app is 'nested' within the first somehow).
Could anyone please tell me how I can achieve this (the apps are hosted in IIS Express at present but will be in iis for production)?
Many thanks
If you're concerned about security (and everyone should be), you can configure IIS to allow only specific computers, groups of computers or domains access to your Web site. Here's the procedure:
1)Open the IIS console and go to the Properties of your Web site.
2)double-click IP Address and Domain Restrictions.
3)Click Add Allow Entry... (on the right pane) to add an IP address or IP address range which will be allowed to access the website. Click OK.
Repeat this step to add other IP addresses to the list.
Once allowed IP addresses have been added, click Edit Feature Settings... and select Deny for Access for unspecified clients. Click OK.
Now, only users with the specified IP addresses are able to access the website.

Bind multiple SSLs on single website in IIS 8+

I have one website configured for Windows Server 2012 IIS 8. This one website can be accessed by or (2 different top level domain names). Is it possible to configure SSLs for both?
Yes. You can configure two different domains with two different certificates for the same IP and port no(443). After providing the domain name in Binding, enable check box Require Server Name Identification(IIS8). If you do not enable this check box, two websites will have the same single certificate, if you change one website binding file, it will reflect in other website also.. I have experienced.
Please refer below link.
As Windows Azure web site is powered by IIS, you can see from the offerings that it is possible to bind multiple SSL to a single site,
The trick is to use SNI,
Yes you can add multiple https bindings each with their own separate ssl certificate to the same site in IIS. However you'll want to bind them to separate IP addresses so that the certificate for is bound using the IP address for, and the certificate for is bound using the IP address for But frankly, it'd be better practice to have one redirect to the other, or just make 2 sites in IIS and keep everything separate.

Redirect SubDomain Request to a Specific Port

I have a SharePoint solution running, with different applications running on different ports. Now I have to assign 3 subdomains to 3 different applications like: on port 36358 on port 36359 on port 36360
My network admin says that dns setting goes as long as server address, not a specific port. Now, can I set my SharePoint IIS so that requests for different subdomains go to their related ports?
You setup the host headers for the specific Web Sites.
From IIs manager:
< Your Web Site >->Properties->Web Site->Web site identification->Advanced
Also, you will need to add your full domain name in the "Define managed paths" in WSS Central Admin.
