How to merge two cells in the mongodb database? - node.js

I'm registering on the site and have already learned how to add cells and remove them using nodejs.Now I need a clue!I need that when a user connects an account such as facebook to an account, his token is tied to the main account. To do this, you need to connect, as in the SQL query of the database, to have a link to the other, so that the user can not bind the account again to another database. How can I arrange this?


Using a MongoDB Atlas database; how does one set up user accounts, if a user account/password is required to access the DB? (Node, express, mongoose)

Alrighty, so I have a MongoDB Atlas database set up, containing several objects. My current API has several get, post, put and delete end points which are working correctly. However, I am in the process of setting up user accounts and I am a little confused.
My project is built with React on the front end and my server is built with Node, express and mongoose. My goal is that of your typical web application and is as follows:
Go to main web app URL
Home page is a login or "create an account" screen.
Once logged in (or an account is created and you sign into it) you will then have access to get, post, put and potentially delete (if an admin) objects in my DB.
I have built a very basic sign-in, sign-out and "register an account" server which is working however, I am confused as to how to properly go about integrating this with the rest of my API. I currently have the server connecting to my Atlas DB using what is provided in the "connect" menu in the Atlas dashboard (without the < >)
Obviously, the username and password (which I can set in my Atlas dashboard) needs to be passed into the "username" and "password" fields in-order to connect to it. I was planning to use the same cluster and have a separate collection for users and my data.
What's confusing me is that in-order to connect to the MongoDB server above and gain access to the two databases, I need to pass in some username/password. However, in order to create an account (ie, creating a new username and password), I would already be utilizing a username and password to connect to the server.
So say I have a group of people in the same company using this application. Would I essentially have a single administrative username/password used by everyone to connect to the server URL? From there, users would be able to access the "users" collection and create an account. Do I then setup my existing API routes (which point to my collection of data) to check that the "signed-in" user exists before returning a successful request and access to that collection?
Or perhaps, the proper way is to use two completely separate databases; one for users and one for my data?
Sorry, I am new to working with Databases and I think the above makes sense to me but I want to verify if that is the correct way to go about handling this. Thanks!

Does this seem like a reasonable sign-up flow in terms of how the authorization provider relates to the retention of user data within the database?

I only wish to employ Auth0 as my application's API provider but otherwise
would prefer to maintain any and all data about my users within my application's own database, thus, as one might well surmise, my application's database contains a users table along with several related tables. So, once a user signs up for my app, I'd need to create records for that user within the database. Then, once the user logs in via Auth0, I'd like to retrieve that user's data via information contained within the access token. (The field that presents itself as most useful for this purpose is "azp," or "authorized party.")
I'm thinking that, once the user signs up, as part of the effort to create the relevant records within the database, I'd save the "authorized party" value to a field on the users table. (Which field I cannot say, but, for now, this seems as sound a plan as any.) Then, when the user logs in via the Auth0 hosted API, I would retrieve their record from the database via the "authorized party" value.
Does this sound like a reasonable/sound plan? This is my first time building a full-on application from scratch, and, well, this particular detail has me scratching my head.

How to link logged users to their data, retrieve and update them in MySQL table

This is the my web-app "User Settings" page.
I have simplified it to a minimum to better highlight the problem.
To authenticate users I use Auth0, I wanted to use the sub claim user_id to identify the users inside my MySQL database for update and retrieve user's info. Unfortunately the user_id is different for each provider, for example, if the same user with the same e-mail logs-in via Auth0 he gets a user_id if he does it via google he gets another one.
I thought about using email to link logged user to his info.
The problem is in my API. Before the change it was "localhost: 8080 / api / users /: id"
each time it created a new id and in any case it was impossible to recover the data of the single user. Now that I have replaced "id" with "email" my API has also changed in "localhost: 8080 / api / users /:".
In a few words, the request url on the client side has also changed.
I would like to make sure that the GET and PUT requests are made based on the e-mail of the logged user without going to modify the whole back-end.
Sounds like something is wrong with how you authenticate users. If you have multiple ways to authenticate a user, those methods need to be in a one to many relation with the user. For example each user has a list of auth-methods, and whenever an authentication is made you check your table of authentication methods and find the one user it maps to.
Im not sure if you are doing this yourself or if the framework you are using is handling that, but it sounds like you need to change the model to allow many Auth methods for a single account.
Also you could use email, but that is also an "old" way of uniquely identifying users almost every single person has multiple active email accounts nowadays, so you should also have a one-to-many relation for users to emails. What if the user has different email accounts for their Facebook and Google accounts?
See account linking here:
It is dangerous to trust that the external providers are truthful about what email belongs to who. What if I open a new account using someone else's email on one of the providers? Then I can log into that users account in your application, which is a pretty big security risk.

How do I manage authorization (not authentication) with node and a postgresql db?

This question is regarding authorization, not authentication which i will be managing with passportjs. How do i restrict access for data that's bound to specific users without spreading user_id's all over every table in the database?
Should i create a new database user for each new user of my app and restrict access that way? Or is the "user id in every table" approach actually a good way to go?
I'm working on a project right now where someone else wrote the authorization logic and it works using a kind of authorization path in the code so it can find which user a resource belongs to using some breadcrumb logic.
But I'm really at a loss here and I'm having a hard time finding any information regarding this since almost all articles that I find are about authentication rather than authorization. And I do not mean access to a resource, but rather the filtration of data returned from a resource that the user has access to.
If you want to restrict access of users to certain objects, you either have to store that information with the user or with the object.
The latter is the preferred way because it makes permissions disappear with the object. That's the way PostgreSQL does it – it stores an access control list (ACL) with every object.
So you can either use PostgreSQL to implement privileges (then every application user or at least every group with equal privileges has to have a database user, and you can use permissions on tables and columns and row level security), or you implement it in your application and have some sort of ACL with every row in the database.

Microsoft Azure : Add users and map them to a database + add database roles

I am brand new to Azure so please bear with me ...
Using export tool in SSMS I managed to copy all of my tables from local database to Azure.
Now the most important part, adding users and mapping them to a database is unexplained.Also adding roles to database.Maybe it is explained but I sincerely dont understand a word of it. Seen some movies on YouTube but they mostly deal with database creation. SSMS is virtually useless for the Azure task (Or at least I do not know how). Also I can not find any tool on Azure dashboard to do it with.
So can someone to me explain in plain english the functionality of this stuff.
What I could fathom is that you need to add users first to the Master database. Ok, I add user with a query:
So the user is added to the Master database.
Now, how do I map this user to a certain database?
How do I set what he can do?
And how do I add roles to my database and add user to role ?
This is all very hard for a total newbie ...
You can use Contained user database model,instead of old model..The way to do this is to connect to database on which you are trying to provide access to a user and run
CREATE USER mary WITH PASSWORD = 'strong_password';
to provide permissions to this user
Microsoft recommends this model ,when using SQLAzure since this is database as a service..Below is a quote from microsoft on same
As Microsoft evolves the SQL Database service and moves towards higher guaranteed SLAs you may be required to switch to the contained database user model and database-scoped firewall rules to attain the higher availability SLA and higher max login rates for a given database. Microsoft encourage you to consider such changes today.
If you are looking for old model of login-user based heirarchy,you can read below
to create login:
create login mary with password='password'
Now to map user to database,you need to create user and map to that login.Login to the database ,you want to provide permissions and create user
create user marydb1 from login mary;
you also can assign roles as well
Updated as per comment :
create role
create role rolename AUTHORIZATION db_manager*;
*:this should be user has total permissions on the database..since we may use this as base
now add permissions to that role
grant select,update,delete to rolename;
now add users
ALTER ROLE rolename ADD MEMBER username;
Look at this sql server authentication with Azure SQL Database tutorial
