Selecting a column not in cube in Spark - apache-spark

I have a dataframe which has say 3 columns x,y and z.
I want to get all the three columns in result but I do not want to cube on column z.
Is there a way I can do it?
P.S. - (I have just given example with 3 columns but I have quite a long list of columns so GROUP SET is not an option).
Example -
val df = Seq(("1","x","a"),("1","v","b"),("3","x","c")).toDF("col1","col2","col3")
val list = Seq("col1","col2").map(e=>col(e))
// now I want to select col3 non cubed (basically I do not want get the combinations for it)
// This guy will not select col3 at all since col3 is not part of cube which is I want to achieve

Cube is an extension of GroupBY in which you will get the aggregated result for the various combinations of columns used to group by.
Here is an example of what you can achieve using groupBy,
Please share your expected result as suggested by Shaido.


What is the industry standard Deduping method in Dataflows?

So Deduping is one of the basic and imp Datacleaning technique.
There are a number of ways to do that in dataflow.
Like myself doing deduping with help of aggregate transformation where i put key columns(Consider "Firstname" and "LastName" as cols) which are need to be unique in Group by and a column pattern like name != 'Firstname' && name!='LastName'
$$ _____first($$) in aggregate tab.
The problem with this method is ,if we have a total of 200 cols among 300 cols to be considered as Unique cols, Its a very tedious to do include 200 cols in my column Pattern.
Can anyone suggest a better and optimised Deduping process in Dataflow acc to the above situation?
I tried to repro the deduplication process using dataflow. Below is the approach.
List of columns that needs to be grouped by are given in dataflow parameters.
In this repro, three columns are given. This can be extended as per requirements.
Parameter Name: Par1
Type: String
Default value: 'col1,col2,col3'
Source is taken as in below image.
(Group By columns: col1, col2, col3;
Aggregate column: col4)
Then Aggregate transform is taken and in group by,
sha2(256,byNames(split($Par1,','))) is given in columns and it is named as groupbycolumn
In Aggregates, + Add column pattern near column1 and then delete Column1. Then Enter true() in matching condition. Then click on undefined column expression and enter $$ in column name expression and first($$) in value expression.
Output of aggregation function
Data is grouped by col1,col2 and col3 and first value of col4 is taken for every col1,col2 and col3 combination.
Then using select transformation, groupbycolumn from above output can be removed before copying to sink.
Reference: ** MS document** on Mapping data flow script - Azure Data Factory | Microsoft Learn

How can I groupby rows by the columns in which they actually posses a data point?

I don't even know if groupby is the correct function to use for this. It's a bit hard to understand so Ill include a screenshot of my dataframe: screenshot
Basically, this dataframe has way too many columns because each column is specific to only one or a few rows. You can see in the screenshot that the first few columns are specific towards the first row and the last few columns are specific to the last row. I want to make it so that each row only has the columns that actually pertain to it. I've tried several methods of using groupby('equipment name') and several methods using dropna but none work in the way I need it to. I'm also open to separating it into multiple dataframes.
Any method is acceptable, this bug has been driving me crazy. It took me a while to get to this point because this started out as an unintelligible 10,000 line json. I'm pretty new to programming as well.
This is a very cool answer that could be one option - and it does use groupby so sorry for dismissing!!! This will group your data into DataFrames where each DataFrame has a unique group of columns, and any row which only contains values for those columns will be in that DataFrame. If your data are such that there are multiple groups of rows which share the exact same columns, this solution is ideal I think.
Just to note, though, if your null values are more randomly spread out throughout the dataset, or if one row in a group of rows is missing a single entry (compared to related rows), you will end up with more combinations of unique non-null columns, and then more output DataFrames.
There are also (in my opinion) nice ways to search a DataFrame, even if it is very sparse. You can check the non-null values for a row:
Or for an index number:
You could further store these values, say in a dictionary (this is a dictionary of Series, but could be converted to DataFrame:
row_dict = {row : df.loc[row].dropna() for row in df.index}
I could imagine some scenarios where something based off these options is more helpful for searching. But that linked answer is slick, I would try that.
EDIT: Expanding on the answer above based on comments with OP.
The dictionary created in the linked post contain the DataFrames . Basically you can use this dictionary to do comparisons with the original source data. My only issue with that answer was that it may be hard to search the dictionary if the column names are janky (as it looks like in your data), so here's a slight modification:
for i, (name,df) in enumerate(df.groupby(df.isnull().dot(df.columns))):
d['df' + str(i)] = df.dropna(1)
Now the dictionary keys are "df#", and the values are the DataFrames. So if you wanted to inspect the content one DataFrame, you can call:
If you wanted to look at all the DataFrames, you could call
for df in d.values():
print(df.head()) #you can also pass an integer to head to show more rows than 5
Or if you wanted to save each DataFrame you could call:
for name in sorted(d.keys()):
d[name].to_csv('path/to/file/' + name + '.csv')
The point is, you've gotten to a data structure where you can look at the original data, separated into DataFrames without missing data. Joining these back into a single DataFrame would be redundant, as it would create a single DataFrame (equal to the original) or multiple with some amount of missing data.
I think it comes down to what you are looking for and how you need to search the data. You could rename the dictionary keys / output .CSV files based on the types of machinery inside, for example.
I thought your last comment might mean that objects of similar type might not share the same columns; say for example if not all "Exhaust Fans" have the same columns, they will end up in different DataFrames in the dictionary. This maybe the type of case where it might be easier to just look at individual rows, rather than grouping them into weird categories:
df_dict = {row : pd.DataFrame(df.loc[row].dropna()).transpose() for row in df.index}
You could again then save these DataFrames as CSV files or look at them one by one (or e.g. search for Exhaust Fans by seeing if "Exhaust" is in they key). You could also print them all at once:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import natsort
#making some randomly sparse data
columns = ['Column ' + str(i+1) for i in range(10)]
index = ['Row ' + str(i+1) for i in range(100)]
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(100,10), columns=columns,index=index)
df[df<.7] = np.nan
#creating the dictionary where each key is a row name
df_dict = {row : pd.DataFrame(df.loc[row].dropna()).transpose() for row in df.index}
#printing all the output
for key in natsort.natsorted(df_dict.keys())[:5]: #using [:5] to limit output
print(df_dict[key], '\n')
Column 1 Column 4 Column 7 Column 9 Column 10
Row 1 0.790282 0.710857 0.949141 0.82537 0.998411
Column 5 Column 8 Column 10
Row 2 0.941822 0.722561 0.796324
Column 2 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6
Row 3 0.8187 0.894869 0.997043 0.987833
Column 1 Column 7
Row 4 0.832628 0.8349
Column 1 Column 4 Column 6
Row 5 0.863212 0.811487 0.924363
Instead of printing, you could write the output to a text file; maybe that's the type of document that you could look at (and search) to compare to the input tables. Bute not that even though the printed data are tabular, they can't be made into a DataFrame without accepting that there will be missing data for rows which don't have entries for all columns.

Printing Columns with a correlation greater than 80%

I have a pandas dataframe with a size of 235607 records, and 94 attributes. I am very new python I was able to create a correlation matrix between all of the attributes but it is a lot to look through individually. I tried writing a for loop to print a list of the columns with a correlation greater than 80% but I keep getting the error "'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'c1'"
This is the code I used to create the correlation between the attributes as well as the sample for loop. Thank you in advance for your help :-
corr = data.corr() # data is the pandas dataframe
c1 = corr.abs().unstack()
c1.sort_values(ascending = False)
drop = [cols for cols in upper.c1 if any (upper[c1] > 0.80)]
Sort in place, if you need to use the same variable c1 and then just grab the variables-names pair, using a comprehensive list using the indexes
c1.sort_values(ascending=True, inplace=True)
columns_above_80 = [(col1, col2) for col1, col2 in c1.index if c1[col1,col2] > 0.8 and col1 != col2]
Edit: Added col1 != col2 in the comprehensive list so you don't grab the auto-correlation
you can simply use the numpy.where like this:
corr.loc[np.where(corr>0.8, 1, 0)==1].columns
the output would be array with the names of the columns, which are having values greater then 0.8.
EDIT: I hope this will work. I edited the code above little.

Pandas - Aggregating column value from another dataframe based on common column between 2 dataframes

I have 2 different dataframes like so -
I need to add a column "Present In" to the first dataframe, that lists all the items in C that correspond to the K ID in the second dataframe. So, the first table should look something like -
How can I do this using Pandas? Thanks! :)
I will do gruopby with df2 , the map
s=df2.groupby('K ID')['C'].apply(','.join)
df1['Present In']=df1['K ID'].map(s).fillna('')

How to filter out duplicate rows based on some columns in spark dataframe?

Suppose, I have a Dataframe like below:
Here, you can see that transaction number 1,2 and 3 have same value for columns A,B,C but different value for column D and E. Column E has date entries.
For same A,B and C combination (A=1,B=1,C=1), we have 3 rows. I want to take only one row based on the recent transaction date of column E means the rows which have the most recent date. But for the most recent date, there are 2 transactions. But i want to take just one of them if two or more rows found for the same combination of A,B,C and most recent date in column E.
So my expected output for this combination will be row number 3 or 4(any one will do).
For same A,B and C combination (A=2,B=2,C=2), we have 2 rows. But based on column E, the most recent date is the date of row number 5. So we will just take this row for this combination of A,B and C.
So my expected output for this combination will be row number 5
So the final output will be (3 and 5) or (4 and 5).
Now how should i approach:
I read this:
Both reduceByKey and groupByKey can be used for the same purposes but
reduceByKey works much better on a large dataset. That’s because Spark
knows it can combine output with a common key on each partition before
shuffling the data.
I tried with groupBy on Column A,B,C and max on column E. But it can't give me the head of the rows if multiple rows present for the same date.
What is the most optimized approach to solve this? Thanks in advance.
EDIT: I need get back my filtered transactions. How to do it also?
I have used spark window functions to get my solution:
val window = Window
.partitionBy(dataframe("A"), dataframe("B"),dataframe("C"))
.orderBy(dataframe("E") desc)
val dfWithRowNumber = dataframe.withColumn("row_number", row_number() over window)
val filteredDf = dfWithRowNumber.filter(dfWithRowNumber("row_number") === 1)
Link possible by several steps. Agregated Dataframe:
Link intial-agregated:
initialDF.join(agregatedDF, List("A","B","C"))
If initial DataFrame comes from Hive, all can be simplified.
val initialDF = Seq((1,1,1,1,"2/28/2017 0:00"),(1,1,1,2,"3/1/2017 0:00"),
(1,1,1,3,"3/1/2017 0:00"),(2,2,2,1,"2/28/2017 0:00"),(2,2,2,2,"2/25/20170:00"))
This will miss out on corresponding col(D)
In case you want the corresponding colD for the max col:>x._1,x._2,x._3,x._5,x._4))).groupBy("_1","_2","_3")
For ReduceByKey you can convert the dataset to pairRDD and then work off it.Should be faster in case the Catalyst is not able to optimize the groupByKey in the first one. Refer Rolling your own reduceByKey in Spark Dataset
