Using Google Analytics on a website hosted in Microsoft Azure - azure

To apologize upfront -- I am not a coder and have zero knowledge of coding, I am merely someone who really wants to use Google Analytics for a website hosted from Microsoft Azure.
Goal: analyze access data and create easily viewed, detailed reports of it of a website hosted on Microsoft Azure
Current idea for the method: Google Analytics (via SSH?)
The website is hosted in a server in Japan
I am an owner of the web app and the website is uploaded on in Microsoft Azure
I have been advised to log on to Azure portal, then remote connect web service via SSH console
No one in company seems to know how to do anything further than this
I cannot find any how-to online about how to achieve the above goal
Can anyone help me by advising 1)whether this is possible with Google Analytics, 2) whether there is another easier method, or 3) if it is impossible in the first place?
Thank you in advance,

You can use the Google Analytics API as described in this blog post and see if that helps.
Also, you can analyze the data through Azure Application Insights feature.
Take a look at App Insights service:

Yes you should be able to add Google Analytics JavaScript references to the website like you can any website.
If you are looking for page analytics like (user visits, top pages, etc.) that should all be handled by adding Google Analytics script references to your website. (Typically in a base template or etc.)
I am guessing that if you are remote connecting via SSH that the website is hosted on an Azure VM running a Linux distribution. So it seems they are suggesting that you tunnel into the machine with SSH and then load the changes necessary (copying files or editing files) to add the script references to activate Google Analytics.


Back to basics: How do I get/analyze stats on a Azure website?

I'm struggling with a simpliest question with my websites on Azure.
How to get/analyze stats about common stuff such as Robots/Spider visits, Referring sites, Browsers, etc --- all the basics back to 90's..
Okay, I can set Web Server logging On. Then, what next? Should I upload the log files into a third party tool or something?
Thanks for an advise.
Integrate with Azure Application Insights, New Relic or Google Analytics.
Here's a screenshot from Application Insights:

Web app onboarding to Azure Web Marketplace

We checked this documentation - on how to onboard our web apps in the Azure marketplace and also the GitHub link -
We have contacted MSFT on how to host our application which has an API and WCF applications as sub-applications.
MSFT replied that sub applications are not currently supported in through this onboarding model.
So, we are trying to onboard the three applications individually and link them in the Azure marketplace. We are not sure whether this will work or if this is possible.
In the sample applications in the GitHub link -, they have a hosting plan JSON file for the web app resource. Can we link the applications using this hosting plan JSON file?
We could not find any information or definition related to this hosting plan file -
Does anyone tried this before or know how to do this?
sub applications are not currently supported in through this onboarding model.
From the documentation, we could know if web app need Virtual application setting to be configured for web app, we will not be able to on board the application.
we are trying to onboard the three applications individually and link them in the Azure marketplace. We are not sure whether this will work or if this is possible.
In my view, if you on board these application individually, it may not enable us to bundle multi individual applications to make them link with each other. You could contact with Azure marketplace support team.
We could not find any information or definition related to this hosting plan file -
In the link you posted, we could find that it is an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template that is used to define resources you want to deploy. This article explained about the Azure Resource Manager template, please refer to it.

Azure Websites Dropbox Sync from API

I have been looking through the C# and Rest API's for the Microsoft Azure web sites but I cannot find a way of executing the drop box sync command that can be done through the azure portal. Is this possible from an API that any one knows of?
There is support for deploying a WebDeploy file to a Website using PowerShell, so there must be a corresponding API for it.
If you download the publish settings for the website, you'll se that it has a PublishUrl which is the WebDeploy endpoint for the server, along with a msdeploySite, which is your unique site on the server. A WepDeploy file is nothing more than a fancy zip (AFAIK), so by digging into this it should be possible to come up with something which can talk to the webdeploy endpoint and thereby publish.
I don't think that API is something Microsoft publishes though, so you might have to dig deep.

How can I get the FTP URL for my Azure website via the Management API?

I'm trying to get my Azure Web Site's FTP upload address from the Management REST API. Looking at the source code for the Azure SDK Tools, I don't see anything that could help me out, save for a web site property that would be sent via the GetSite action on IWebsitesServiceManagement. Has anyone encountered this problem, and figured out how to get this going?
Edit: clarification and links.
It's there already Still not available from Powershell, but at least API in place.
Inside the portal, you cna download a publishsettings file with this info. There is also a link to the ftp address on the 'Dashboard' page for your site.
There is no official documentation (not even "preview" documentation) on that subject. When you develop Management API tools, you should refer to the online documentation for it here. Given that this service (Web Sites) is in Preview, the API may change in any given moment, so I would not invest time in something, that is not even documented. It is waste of time.

New to Windows Azure Preview

3 questions about Windows Azure Website Preview service (placing my website into cloud):
1. A little embarrassing, but I can't find my FTP credential. I tried my website setup credential as well as the data source string. Both are not applicable. So where is it?
2. I also need database access too, but can't seem to find the entry URL for that as well. Any inputs are appreciated.
3. Finally, I bought my own domain. How can I do an alias (maybe from Apache or IIS, not sure though) so that users only see instead of
You'll find the FTP credentials in the publish profile. In the Windows Azure portal, simply open the dashboard of that site and choose Download publish profile. Open that file with any text editor and you'll see the FTP credentials.
If you want to use a database, go to the dashboard of that site and choose to add a linked resource. There you'll be able to add an SQL Database. Once you've done that you'll see the connection string under Quick Glance > View connection strings
Using your own domain with Windows Azure Web Sites is only possible with reserved instances with a CNAME.
If you want to deploy your application to Windows Azure Websites over FTP, you can take a look at my blog here which explains most of the info related to FTP deployment.
As Sandrino explained you can look at View Connections Settings at Quick Glance, also if you look at following sections in the article here you will get more on this regard:
How to: Configure a website to use a SQL database
How to: Configure a website to use a MySQL database
Rest is already answered for you.
