Excel , Multi-lookup/Match formula - excel

I would like to use a formula in Sheet B to obtain the following transformation.
I want to vlookup stack, over, flow, super, user and the associated id's and put them into the Sheet B format. The formula would be copied horizontally across many 'Names' and then down.
Current, sheet A:
| Position_ID | Name | Value |
| 5963650267 | stack | 10 |
| 5963650267 | over | 20 |
| 5963650267 | flow | 30 |
| 5963650267 | super | 40 |
| 5963650267 | user | 50 |
| 5963650268 | stack | 90 |
| 5963650268 | over | 110 |
| 5963650268 | flow | 80 |
| 5963650268 | super | 70 |
| 5963650268 | user | 20 |
Expected, Sheet B, headers and positions ids are already pre populated:
| Position_ID | stack | over | flow | super | user |
| 5963650267 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 |
| 5963650268 | 90 | 110 | 80 | 70 | 20 |

Assuming the data in Sheet A is located at A1:C11 (adjust as required), enter this Formula Array in Sheet B at B2 then copy to all required cells (i.e. C2:F2 and B3:F3)
=INDEX('Sheet A'!$C$1:$C$11,
CONCATENATE('Sheet A'!$A$1:$A$11,"|",'Sheet A'!$B$1:$B$11),0))
Formula Array must be entered by holding down CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER

Apologies for the formatting - but if you add the vlookups to the empty shell of position_ids by name on sheet b it should give you the grid you're looking for.
Sheeta! ID&Name Position_ID Name Value
=C2&D2 1 stack 10
=C3&D3 1 over 20
=C4&D4 1 flow 30
=C5&D5 1 super 40
=C6&D6 1 user 50
=C7&D7 2 stack 90
=C8&D8 2 over 110
=C9&D9 2 flow 80
=C10&D10 2 super 70
=C11&D11 2 user 20
Sheetb! stack over flow super user
1 =VLOOKUP($A14&B$13,$B$2:$E$11,4,FALSE) =VLOOKUP($A14&C$13,$B$2:$E$11,4,FALSE) =VLOOKUP($A14&D$13,$B$2:$E$11,4,FALSE) =VLOOKUP($A14&E$13,$B$2:$E$11,4,FALSE) =VLOOKUP($A14&F$13,$B$2:$E$11,4,FALSE)
2 =VLOOKUP($A15&B$13,$B$2:$E$11,4,FALSE) =VLOOKUP($A15&C$13,$B$2:$E$11,4,FALSE) =VLOOKUP($A15&D$13,$B$2:$E$11,4,FALSE) =VLOOKUP($A15&E$13,$B$2:$E$11,4,FALSE) =VLOOKUP($A15&F$13,$B$2:$E$11,4,FALSE)
Sheetb! stack over flow super user
1 10 20 30 40 50
2 90 110 80 70 20


Excel - How to countif within column B excluding duplicate values from column A?

The spreadsheet I am working with houses multiple duplicates for CLIENT_ID and I want to be able to count each CLIENT_ID only once, and then count the amount of a specified value within AGE_CATEGORY. Basically I want to exclude any duplicates and then countif.
| Column A | Column B |
| 1514 | 65 |
| 1517 | 65 |
| 1522 | 17 |
| 1519 | 37 |
| 1514 | 65 |
| 1516 | 28 |
| 1503 | 20 |
--- I would like for the count for people >=65 to be 2, since client# 1514 appears twice.
How can I do it?
What you need is first extract unique values from column A then count those IDs. As per my below screenshot use below formulas ExcelO365 formulas.
E2 =COUNTIF(A2:A8,D2#)
Create a list of unique age (category?) values — say, in Column D
— with “Data” → “Sort & Filter” → “Advanced (Filter)”. 
(Sort them if you want.) 
into E2, press Ctrl+Shift+Enter,
and copy/drag down. 
This is the result:
| A | B | C | D | E |
2 | 1514 | 65 | | 65 | 2 |
3 | 1517 | 65 | | 17 | 1 |
4 | 1522 | 17 | | 37 | 1 |
5 | 1519 | 37 | | 28 | 1 |
6 | 1514 | 65 | | 20 | 1 |
7 | 1516 | 28 | | | |
8 | 1503 | 20 | | | |
Based on this answer by SandPiper.
Assuming your data (to return values) is in A2:A8 and criteria is in B2:B8 use this ARRAY formula to check unique values >=65
=SUM(--(FREQUENCY(IF($B$2:$B$8>=65,MATCH($A$2:$A$8, $A$2:$A$8,0)),ROW($A$2:$A$8)-ROW($A$2)+1)>0))
Note for array formula you have to enter this formula with ctrl + shift + enter so that curly braces appear around the formula automatically.
Needless to say, you can change >=65 to your criteria accordingly. sample check see screenshot

Reset a cumulative total when 0 is entered

I have a column that numbers are entered and the column next to it calculates the cumulative total.
|...| H | I |
1 |...| | |
...|...| | |
16 |...| 100 | 100 |
17 |...| | |
18 |...| | |
19 |...| 100 | 200 |
20 |...| 100 | 300 |
21 |...| | |
22 |...| 100 | 400 |
...|...| | |
I am using this in the first cell
I16 = =IF(H16="","",H16).
The following cells in the column are,
I17 = =IF(H17="","",SUM($H$16:H17)),
I18 = =IF(H18="","",SUM($H$16:H18))
I19 = =IF(H19="","",SUM($H$16:H19))
and so on.
I would like the reset the cumulative total in column I to 0, if there's a 0 entered column H.
The simple solution is taking the value in H and add it to I but that doesn't work if there's no values entered, which is common, like in the example. So, something like =IF(H17=0,0,I16+H17) and so on will not work as a null would miscalculate the cumulative total.
I would like the end result to look like this;
|...| H | I |
1 |...| | |
...|...| | |
16 |...| 100 | 100 |
17 |...| | |
18 |...| | |
19 |...| 100 | 200 |
20 |...| 0 | 0 |
21 |...| | |
22 |...| 100 | 100 |
...|...| | |
I'm open to any ideas to accomplish my task.
Thank you for your time.
An INDIRECT ADDRESS Helper Column Solution
The second formula is (sadly) just for cell J16, the others are to be copied down. The formulas in column J can be Cut/Pasted to another column.
[I16] =IF(H16="","",SUM(INDIRECT(J16&":"&ADDRESS(ROW(H16),COLUMN(H16)))))
[J17] =IF(H17="",J16,IF(H17=0,ADDRESS(ROW(H17),COLUMN(H17)),J16))
BTW, in your current setup you can safely copy the formula from I17 to I16. There is no need for different formulas.

Excel: Give scores based on range, where max = 1 and min = 10

I have following problem:
I want to give scores to a range of numbers from 1-10 for example:
| | A | B |
| 1 | 1209 | 1 |
| 2 | 401 | 7 |
| 3 | 123 | 9 |
| 4 | 49 | 10 |
| 5 | 30 | 10 |
(Not sure if B is 100% correct but roughly)
I got the B values with
It seems to work but if I for example take numbers like
| | A | B |
| 1 | 100 | 1 |
| 2 | 90 | 2 |
| 3 | 80 | 3 |
| 4 | 70 | 4 |
| 5 | 50 | 6 |
But I want 50 to be 10.
I would like to have it scalable so I can do it with a 1-10 or 1-100 or 5-27 or whatever scale and with however many numbers in the list and whatever numbers to score from.
Use this formula:
=$E$1 + ROUND((MIN($A:$A)-A1)/((MAX($A:$A)-MIN($A:$A))/($E$1-$E$2)),0)
It is scalable. You put the max and min in E1 and E2.

Count text occurrences in a column in Excel

I have the following list in Excel:
| am | ipiresia |
| 50470 | 29 |
| 50470 | 43 |
| 50433 | 29 |
| 6417 | 51 |
| 6417 | 52 |
| 6417 | 53 |
| 4960 | 25 |
| 4960 | 26 |
| 5567 | 89 |
| 6716 | 88 |
I want to add a column, let's say 'num' and count the occurrences of column 'am' in a row adding one when a new occurrence happens as follows:
| am | ipiresia | num |
| 50470 | 29 | 1 |
| 50470 | 43 | 2 |
| 50433 | 29 | 1 |
| 6417 | 51 | 1 |
| 6417 | 52 | 2 |
| 6417 | 53 | 3 |
| 4960 | 25 | 1 |
| 4960 | 26 | 2 |
| 5567 | 89 | 1 |
| 6716 | 88 | 1 |
Is it possible to get this automatically with a formula in Excel?
my example:
(assume you start your table containing 3 columns at Excels origin at A1 without header lines)
Then fill C1 with value "1"
and then start in C2 with entering a formula
simple like this:
then you drag C2 down at the cells downright located autofill position as far as you want. Most times also double click works to let Excel autofill the columns down to the end of you prefilled table.
If you need assistance for AutoFill press F1 in Excel an the help with tell you in detail.
Assuming the sample table starts at A1 (with headers) the following formula will provide the expected results even if the list is not sorted.
Enter the formula at cell C2 then paste it down to the last cell of the data (or use AutoFill)

Adding Columns to Excel As List From Other Sheet Grows

I'm creating a grade book in Excel for my wife. I have sheets for the overall grade, classwork, exams, and participation.
The three sections of work (classwork, exams, and participation) each have a variable number of items, and each item has a different number of points possible. Each section has a weight in the overall grade.
I have this up and running with a fixed number of items per section, but I'd like to create a template that can be updated from class to class and year to year.
Here's the problem:
On the classwork sheet, I'd like to be able to enter new assignments and their point value and have that automatically update the master grade sheet on my first sheet tab. Is there any way to add columns in a section of one worksheet (the master grade sheet) when new rows are added to another worksheet (the list of assignments)?
It is possible to achieve this without using VBA. The reason you will have difficulty acheiving this, however, is that you've violated normal form in the table you've already built. It appears the pertinent data you're looking for is each student's score on each assignment. If this if correct, the level of granularity you will want is on the Assignment, not on the Student.
There are some fairly quick ways to modify your existing work to account for this. I've written out some sample data below. Take a look and see if it helps.
Sample Original Table
| Student | Quiz | Thumbnails | Watercolor |
| Paul | 3 | 10 | 90 |
| Frank | 4 | 10 | 95 |
| Mary | 5 | 10 | 70 |
| Ellen | | 10 | 85 |
| Sue | 6 | 10 | 92 |
| Anton | 5 | 10 | 87 |
Image of the data is below ( note I have highlighted the blank value ).
Sample Normal Table
| Student | Assignment | New_Score | Score |
| Paul | Quiz | | 3 |
| Frank | Quiz | | 4 |
| Mary | Quiz | | 5 |
| Ellen | Quiz | | 0 |
| Sue | Quiz | | 6 |
| Anton | Quiz | | 5 |
| Paul | Thumbnails | | 10 |
| Frank | Thumbnails | | 10 |
| Mary | Thumbnails | | 10 |
| Ellen | Thumbnails | | 10 |
| Sue | Thumbnails | | 10 |
| Anton | Thumbnails | | 10 |
| Paul | Watercolor | | 90 |
| Frank | Watercolor | | 95 |
| Mary | Watercolor | | 70 |
| Ellen | Watercolor | | 85 |
| Sue | Watercolor | | 92 |
| Anton | Watercolor | | 87 |
| Mary | ExtraCredit | 10 | 10 |
| Ellen | ExtraCredit | 8 | 8 |
| Sue | ExtraCredit | 9 | 9 |
| Anton | ExtraCredit | 10 | 10 |
Image of the data is below. The score column reaches back to your old table and grabs the score you've already entered for the students, so you won't have to do this all manually. The formula for this is =INDEX(non_normal,MATCH([#Student],non_normal[Student],0),MATCH([#Assignment],non_normal[#Headers],0)).
This assumes you've formatted the old data into an Excel DataTable ( ctrl+t ) and named it non_normal ( alt+j+t+i ). Note the unsubmitted assignment for Ellen comes through with a score of zero using this method. I've added a column named New_Score so that you are able to add new student-assignment submission combinations to the table without having to modify your old non_normal table ( which was the trouble in the OP ). With this column added, the formula in the Score column can be changed to =IF(NOT(ISBLANK([#[New_Score]])),[#[New_Score]],INDEX(non_normal,MATCH([#Student],non_normal[Student],0),MATCH([#Assignment],non_normal[#Headers],0))) which will take the New_Score value if available and the original score if not.
The orange cells are new student-assignment submission combinations. Note you do not need to add a row for every student, just add a row whenever a student submits an assignment.
Sample Assignments Table
| Assignment | Points_Possible |
| Quiz | 6 |
| Thumbnails | 10 |
| Wartercolor | 100 |
| ExtraCredit | |
I've added the ExtraCredit assignment with a possible max score of zero/blank ( since not completing extra credit shouldn't count against a student )
Payoff - Back to the Original Table
| Sum of Score | Column Labels | | | | | |
| Row Labels | Quiz | Thumbnails | Watercolor | ExtraCredit | Grand Total | |
| Anton | 5 | 10 | 87 | 10 | 112 | 96.6% |
| Ellen | 0 | 10 | 85 | 8 | 103 | 88.8% |
| Frank | 4 | 10 | 95 | | 109 | 94.0% |
| Mary | 5 | 10 | 70 | 10 | 95 | 81.9% |
| Paul | 3 | 10 | 90 | | 103 | 88.8% |
| Sue | 6 | 10 | 92 | 9 | 117 | 100.9% |
Using the image below, you pivot your newly normalized data into a Pivot Table. ( alt+n+v ). Now, simply adding a new assignment to the normal_assignment DataTable will cause that assignment to appear in a new column when you refresh the Pivot Table ( alt+a+r+a ).
The % score on the right of the Pivot Table is calculated using the following formula ( with the sample Pivot Table starting in cell $M$2 ): =GETPIVOTDATA("Score",$M$2,"Student",M4)/SUM(assignment[Points_Possible])
I've uploaded the raw sample file for this to my public repo if you'd like to pull it and take a peek at the source. Credit to sensefulsolutions for text-to-table conversion.
Hope this is what you need!
