Sending data back to Android from Firebase Cloud Functions - node.js

I want to send data back via functions.https.onCall, the code works and returns data to the console but i don't know why I can't send the data back to the device(in return number one, I understand can't why return number 2 is not working because the asynchronous task, so there is a way to to it after its finish?).
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
var posts= new Array();
var finalposts = new Array();
function post (uid,text,user_name,vid,sendtime,vote,tag,pic,lan){
exports.getWarm = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
finalposts = [];
posts = [];
db.collection('local uploads/heb/posts').where('vote', '<', 200).where('vote', '>', 100).get()
.then((snapshot) => {
snapshot.forEach((doc) => {
posts.push( new post(["uid"],["text"],["user_name"],["vid"],["sendtime"],["vote"],["tag"],["pic"],["lan"]));
posts.sort(function(a,b) {return (a.sendtime<b.sendtime)? 1:((a.sendtime>b.sendtime)? -1:0);});
for (var i =0; i<data.refresh_num*2; i++) {
console.log('hey', '=>', finalposts);
// working: the posts are shown in the console
// (1.) return { posts: finalposts };
// returns null
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Error getting documents', err);
// (2)return { posts: finalposts };
// returns {posts=[]}
return { posts: 'data' };
// returns {posts=data}

You need to return a Promise from your Firebase function in order to return data. Try adding return before your db.collection and see if that works.
From the docs:
To return data after an asynchronous operation, return a promise.
EDIT: I am not very familiar with Firebase Firestore, but any calls that generate a promise, add a return statement before it.
Also, from my experience, you will want to move your return { posts: 'data' }; to execute after your last promise by using then.

well it was simpler then I thought, I just needed to return it.
exports.getWarm = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
finalposts = [];
posts = [];
return db.collection('local uploads/heb/posts').where('vote', '<', 200).where('vote', '>', 100).get()
.then((snapshot) => {
snapshot.forEach((doc) => {
posts.push( new post(["uid"],["text"],["user_name"],["vid"],["sendtime"],["vote"],["tag"],["pic"],["lan"]));
posts.sort(function(a,b) {return (a.sendtime<b.sendtime)? 1:((a.sendtime>b.sendtime)? -1:0);});
for (var i =0; i<data.refresh_num*2; i++) {
console.log('hey', '=>', finalposts);
return { posts: finalposts };
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Error getting documents', err);


Promise.all returning undefined in Node JS

I have a code to fetch directory names from first API. For every directory, need to get the file name from a second API. I am using something like this in my Node JS code -
async function main_function(req, res) {
const response = await fetch(...)
.then((response) => {
if (response.ok) {
return response.text();
} else {
return "";
.then((data) => {
dirs = ...some logic to extract number of directories...
const tempPromises = [];
for (i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) {
console.log(tempPromises); // Prints [ Promise { <pending> } ]
Promise.all(tempPromises).then((result_new) => {
console.log(result_new); // This prints "undefined"
res.send({ status: "ok" });
async function getFilename(inp_a) {
const response = await fetch(...)
.then((response) => {
if (response.ok) {
return response.text();
} else {
return "";
.then((data) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
resolve("Temp Name");
What am I missing here?
Your getFilename() doesn't seem to be returning anything i.e it's returning undefined. Try returning response at the end of the function,
async function getFilename(inp_a) {
const response = ...
return response;
Thanks to Mat J for the comment. I was able to simplify my code and also learn when no to use chaining.
Also thanks to Shadab's answer which helped me know that async function always returns a promise and it was that default promise being returned and not the actual string. Wasn't aware of that. (I am pretty new to JS)
Here's my final code/logic which works -
async function main_function(req,res){
const response = await fetch(...)
const resp = await response.text();
dirs = ...some logic to extract number of directories...
const tempPromises = [];
for (i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) {
Promise.all(tempPromises).then((result_new) => {
res.send({ status: "ok" });
res.send({"status" : "error"})
async function getFilename(inp_a) {
const response = await fetch(...)
respText = await response.text();
return("Temp Name"); //

how to refer to return value of a function from outside in Node.js

I've been making dynamic dropdown box that each option has the table's name of BigQuery and I want to use return value (list) that is made inside .then method in function listTables(). However it seems not to work well . I'm new to Js so could you give any tips ?? Thank you so much.
function listTables() {
const {BigQuery} = require('#google-cloud/bigquery');
const bigquery = new BigQuery({
projectId: 'test_project',
const list = [];
.then(results => {
const tables = results[0];
tables.forEach(table => list.push(;
return console.log(list);←I want to use this list outside a function
.catch(err => {
console.error('ERROR:', err);
// select tag
let slt = document.getElementById("slt");
// return data
function getList() {
return new Promise(function (onFulliflled, onRejected) {
function addTables(slt) {
.then((list) => {
for (item of list) {
// optionを作成
let option = document.createElement("option");
option.text = item;
option.value = item;
// optionの追加
.catch((err) => {
console.error("error", err);
.then(results => {
const tables = results[0];
tables.forEach(table => list.push(;
return console.log(list);
[ 'test', 'test1', 'test2', 'test3' ]
You can do this in multiple ways.
Using calllback
function listTables(callback) {
.then(results => {
const tables = results[0];
tables.forEach(table => list.push(;
Using promise or async/await
function listTables() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
.then(results => {
const tables = results[0];
tables.forEach(table => list.push(;
// Promise
var list = await listTables();
For the await to work you also need to run in within an async function. For example wrap it in async iife.
(async function(){
var list = await listTables();
I don't use await myself so this is just from top of my head and might need some changes.

Return a value from function inside promise

I am trying to return the array shiftInfo from the function csData() within a promise.
function crewsense(){
var request = CS.find({});
.then(result => {
var created = result[0].created,
currentTime = moment(),
diff = (currentTime - created);
if(diff < 84600000){
console.log("Current Token is Valid");
var access_token = result[0].access_token;
console.log('Obtaining Crewsense Shift Data');
return access_token
console.log("Current Token is invalid. Updating Token");
}).then(access_token => {
csData(access_token) //I am trying to get this function to return async data.
}).then(shiftInfo => { //I want to use the data here.
Here is the csData function:
function csData(csKey) {
const dayURL = {
method: 'get',
url: ''+today+'%2007:30:00&end='+tomorrow+'%2007:30:00',
Authorization: csKey,
const request = axios(dayURL)
.then(result => {
var shiftInfo = [];
var thisShift = [];
var onDuty =[moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD")].assignments;
var persons = [];
var i = 0;
for(var i=0; i<onDuty.length; i++){
let station = onDuty[i].name
for(var x=0; x<onDuty[i].shifts.length; x++){
var person = {
name: onDuty[i].shifts[x],
position: onDuty[i].shifts[x].qualifiers[0].name,
station: station
shiftInfo = [{thisShift}, {persons}];
// console.log(shiftInfo)
return shiftInfo
.catch(error => console.error('csData error:', error))
I have attempted assigning var shiftInfo = csData(access_token) w/o success and several other ways to call the csData function. I have attempted reading other like problems on here and I have just ended up confused. If someone can point me in the right direction or please point out the fix I might be able to get it to click in my head.
I appreciate everyone's time.
Whatever you return inside a then, will be passed to the next then callback. If you return a Promise, the result of the promise will be sent to the next then callback:
new Promise((resolve) => {
// We resolve to the value we want
}).then((value) => {
// In the first then, value will be "yay"
console.log("First then:", value);
// Then we return a new value "yay x2"
return value + " x2";
}).then((value) => {
// In this second then, we received "yay x2"
console.log("Second then:", value);
// Then we return a promise that will resolve to "yay x2 again"
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve(value + " again");
}, 1000);
}).then((value) => {
// After a second (when the returned Promise is resolved) we get the new value "yay x2 again"
console.log("Third then:", value);
// And now we return a Promise that will reject
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error("wtf"));
}, 1000);
}).catch((error) => {
// This catch on the whole promise chain will catch any promise rejected
So simply csData must return the promise is creating, and you need to return that promise to the then callback you want:
}).then(access_token => {
return csData(access_token) //I am trying to get this function to return async data.
}).then(shiftInfo => { //I want to use the data here.
}).catch((err) => {
// Whatever...
function csData(csKey) {
return request.then(result => {
Because you are returning a promise, I recommend you to add the catch outside csData and add it to the promise chain you have before.

Node js, Wait, until get all data from MongoDB

I have a problem with async function and callbacks in Node js. I need to get my friends' all posts and display it. But if i do that without setTimeout(), it returns only some part of data. How can i solve this problem without putting setTimeout? Of course it's absurd to wait for 5-6 or 10 seconds to get all data. I also tried with Promises, but again response is incomplete. Please someone can help me?
//Sending request with axios to Controller'users/getFriendsPosts',{id: user_id},config)
.then(res => {
// Code for displaying result
//User Controller"/getFriendsPosts", getFriendsPosts);
//Send request body to userService.js
function getFriendsPosts(req, res, next) {
userService.getFriendsPosts(req.body, function(posts, user){
.catch(err => next(err));
module.exports = {
async function getFriendsPosts(user,callback){
var arr = [];
var array = [];
MongoClient.connect(url, async function(errr, db) {
if (errr) throw errr;
var dbo = db.db("drone-x");
//Find user
dbo.collection("users").find({_id: ObjectId(}).toArray(async function(err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
result.forEach(async function(element, index) {
if(element.friends.length != 0){
element.friends.forEach(async function(elem) {
//Find user's friends
dbo.collection("users").find({_id: ObjectId(}).toArray(async function(error, res) {
if (error) throw error;
//push user's friends to arr
res.forEach(async function(elements) {
//Find user's friends posts
dbo.collection("posts").find({userId: elements._id.toString()}).toArray(async function(errors, results) {
if (errors) throw errors;
//push user's friends posts to array
//callback results through setTimeout
setTimeout(async function(){ await callback(array, arr); db.close(); }, 2000);
await callback("0");
If i don't use setTimeout function, it just returns 2-3 data, but with setTimeout, it returns all data. And if data will be raise, then i need to increase the setTimeout time. But of course it's not good idea. Someone can help me?
You should use try catch in this code
getFriendsPosts = async (user,callback) => {
const arr = [];
const array = [];
const db = await MongoClient.connect(url);
const dbo = db.db("drone-x");
const results = await dbo.collection("users").find({_id: ObjectId(})
const resultPromise =, async element => {
const friends = _.get(element, 'friends', [])
if(friends.length != 0) {
const friendPromise =, async friend => {
const ress = await dbo.collection("users").find({_id: ObjectId(})
const resPromise =, async res => {
const posts = await dbo.collection("posts").find({userId: res._id.toString()})
const postPromise =, post => {
await Promise.all(postPromise)
await Promise.all(resPromise)
await Promise.all(friendPromise)
await Promise.all(resultPromise)
return { arr , array }
I am not recommand this way it take too much time. You should use mongoose and use aggregation for long Query.

async save multiple document with mongoose

i am updating 2 documents using, but i think the way I am doing is is not safe, as far as i know i need to use async to make sure all documents are being executed
// array containing the 2 documents from db
let schedules
let newItem = {
isActive: room.isActive,
name: room.roomname
// adding new items to nested array
// saving / updating documents
var total = schedules.length,
result = [];
function saveAll() {
var doc = schedules.pop();, saved) {
if (err) throw err; //handle error
if (--total) saveAll();
else {
// all saved here
any explanation how to do it correctly
We can use promise.all for this but we need to change your save function to promise based function
var total = schedules.length,
result = [];
function saveAll() {
const promises = => save(schedule));
return Promise.all(promises)
.then(responses => {
// all saved processes are finished
// convert callback `save` function to promise based
function save(doc) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {, saved) => {
if (err) {
If you can use async/await we can make saveAll function cleaner
async function saveAll() {
const promises = => save(schedule));
const responses = await Promise.all(promises);
Hope it helps
Use Promises :
data => {
data2 => console.log(data2)
).catch(err2 => console.log(err2))
).catch(err1 => console.log(err1))
