How to increase or decrease flakiness retry for hypothesis? - python-hypothesis

Hypothesis tries a test example 3 times if the test example initially fails.
Flaky: Hypothesis ...
produces unreliable results: Falsified on the first call but did not
on a subsequent one
Is there a way to increase or decrease the number of tries?

No, this is not a configurable setting.
Why would you want to change it? There might be something else that would solve your problem.


Measuring a feature's share of a web service's execution time

I have a piece of code that includes a specific feature that I can turn on and off. I want to know the execution time of the feature.
I need to measure this externally, i.e. by simply measuring execution time with a load test tool. Assume that I cannot track the feature's execution time internally.
Now, I execute two runs (on/off) and simply assume that the difference between the resulting execution time is my feature's execution time.
I know that it is not entirely correct to do this as I'm looking at two separate runs that may be influenced by networking, programmatic overhead, or the gravitational pull of the moon. Still, I hope I can assume that the result will still be viable if I have a sufficiently large number of requests.
Now for the real question. I do the above using the average response time. Which is not perfect, but more or less ok.
My question is, what if I now use a percentile (say, 95th) instead?
Would my imperfect subtract-A-from-B approach become significantly more imperfect when using percentiles?
I would stick to the percentiles as the "average" approach can mask the problem, for example if you have very low response times during the initial phase of the test when the load is low and very high response times during the main phase of test when the load is immense the arithmetic mean approach will give you okayish values while with the percentiles you will get the information that the response time for 95% of requests was X or higher.
More information: Understanding Your Reports: Part 3 - Key Statistics Performance Testers Need to Understand

Estimating WCET of a task on Linux

I want to approximate the Worst Case Execution Time (WCET) for a set of tasks on linux. Most professional tools are either expensive (1000s $), or don't support my processor architecture.
Since, I don't need a tight bound, my line of thought is that I :
disable frequency scaling
disbale unnecesary background services and tasks
set the program affinity to run on a specified core
run the program for 50,000 times with various inputs
Profiling it and storing the total number of cycles it had completed to
Given the largest clock cycle count and knowing the core frequency, I can get an estimate
Is this is a sound Practical approach?
Secondly, to account for interference from other tasks, I will run the whole task set (40) tasks in parallel with each randomly assigned a core and do the same thing for 50,000 times.
Once I get the estimate, a 10% safe margin will be added to account for unforseeble interference and untested path. This 10% margin has been suggested in the paper "Approximation of Worst Case Execution time in Preepmtive Multitasking Systems" by Corti, Brega and Gross
Some comments:
1) Even attempting to compute worst case bounds in this way means making assumptions that there aren't uncommon inputs that cause tasks to take much more or even much less time. An extreme example would be a bug that causes one of the tasks to go into an infinite loop, or that causes the whole thing to deadlock. You need something like a code review to establish that the time taken will always be pretty much the same, regardless of input.
2) It is possible that the input data does influence the time taken to some extent. Even if this isn't apparent to you, it could happen because of the details of the implementation of some library function that you call. So you need to run your tests on a representative selection of real life data.
3) When you have got your 50K test results, I would draw some sort of probability plot - see e.g. and links off it. I would be looking for isolated points that show that in a few cases some runs were suspiciously slow or suspiciously fast, because the code review from (1) said there shouldn't be runs like this. I would also want to check that adding 10% to the maximum seen takes me a good distance away from the points I have plotted. You could also plot time taken against different parameters from the input data to check that there wasn't any pattern there.
4) If you want to try a very sophisticated approach, you could try fitting a statistical distribution to the values you have found - see e.g. But plotting the data and looking at it is probably the most important thing to do.

Jmeter - how to get higher randomize effect?

I need to simulate "real traffic" on Web farm, by other words I need to generate high peaks but as well periods which less or even no HTTP requests (hits) at all. Reason for that is to test some atomized mechanisms for adding and reducing CPU and memory for Web servers itself (that is another story). That is why I need "totally random" sceneries when I have loads but as well period with zero or less traffic (so I can add or reduce compute power).
This is situation that I get now, as you can see I always have some avg load its always around some number of hits, even if I change 10 to 100 threads. Values (results) will always have some average value. There are no periods with less or more traffic which would be separated be +10 mints or so, only by few seconds.
Current situation
I would like to get "higher" variations by HITS/REQUESTS with some time breaks between it.
Situation that I want:
I tried several timers but no success and I do not want to use "Ultimate Thread Group" and similar components because I want test to be totaly randome and not predefined with time breaks and pause periods (thread delays). I would like test which will be totally randomized by it self - which could for example generate from 1 to 100 users per XY time.
This is my current Jmeter setup:
I do not know if I am missing some parameter in current setup or there is totally another way to do this.
Thanks a lot!
If this is something you really want (I strongly believe that the test needs to be repeatable, not random), I would suggest using Constant Throughput Timer for this. Despite the word "Constant" in its name you can use a Function or a Variable there, for instance __Random() and you will get different controllable "spikes" each iteration.
Moreover, you put a __P() function and amend its value via Beanshell Server while the test is running

Threading the right choice?

Im new to threads, therefore im not sure if threads are the right way to approach this.
My program needs to perform a calculation a couple of times, same logik behind it, but with different parameters. The longer the calculation, the closer it will be to the perfect answer. The calculation duration cant be measured beforehanded (from a few seconds to a couple of minutes)
The user wants to have the results in an order (from calculation 1 to X) at certain times. He is satisfied with not the perfect solution as long as it he gets a result. Once he has a solution, he is not interested in the one before (example: he has a not perfect answer from calculation 1 and demands now answer from calculation 2; even if there is a better answer now for calculation 1, he is not interested in it)
Is threading the right way to do this?
Threading sounds like a good approach for this, as you can perform your long-running computation on a background thread while keeping your UI responsive.
In order to satisfy your requirement of having results in an order, you may need a way of stopping threads that are no longer needed. Either abort them (may be extreme), or just signal them to stop and/or return the current result.
Note you may want the threads to periodically check back in with the UI to report progress (% complete), check for any abort requests, etc. Although this depends entirely upon your application and is not necessarily required.

What is better generate random IDs at runtime or keep them handy before?

I am writing an app and need to do something functionally similar to what url shortening websites do. I will be generating 6 character (case insensitive alphanumeric) random strings which would identify their longer versions of the link. This leads to 2176782336 possibilities ((10+26)^6). While assigning these strings, there are two approaches I can think about.
Approach 1: the system generates a random string at the runtime and checks for it uniqueness in the system, if it is not unique it tries again. and finally reaches a unique string somehow. But it might create issues if the user is "unlucky" maybe.
Approach 2: I generate a pool of some possible values and assign them as soon as they are needed, this however would make sure the user is always allocated a unique string almost instantly, while this could at the same time also mean, I would have to do plenty of computation in crons beforehand and will increase over the period of time.
While I already have the code to generate such values, a help on approach might be insightful as I am looking forward to a highly accelerated app experience. I could not find any comparative study on this.
What I do in similar situations is to keep N values queued up so that I can instantly assign them, and then when the queue's size falls below a certain threshold (say, .2 * N) I have a background task add another N items to the queue. It probably makes sense to start this background task as soon as your program starts (as opposed to generating the first N values offline and then loading them at startup), operating on the assumption that there will be some delay between startup and requests for values from the queue.
