Patching superclass methods with mocks - python-3.x

There are a number of similar(ish) questions here about how, in Python, you are supposed to patch the superclasses of your class, for testing. I've gleaned some ideas from them, but I'm still not where I need to be.
Imagine I have two base classes:
class Foo(object):
def something(self, a):
return a + 1
class Bar(object):
def mixin(self):
Now I define the class that I want to test as such:
class Quux(Foo, Bar):
def something(self, a):
return super().something(a) + 2
Say I want to test that mixin has been called and I want to replace the return value of the mocked Foo.something, but importantly (and necessarily) I don't want to change any of the control flow or logic in Quux.something. Presuming patching superclasses "just worked", I tried unittest.mock.patch:
with patch("__main__.Foo", spec=True) as mock_foo:
with patch("__main__.Bar", spec=True) as mock_bar:
mock_foo.something.return_value = 123
q = Quux()
assert q.something(0) == 125
This doesn't work: The superclasses' definitions of something and mixin aren't being mocked when Quux is instantiated, which is not unsurprising as the class' inheritance is defined before the patch.
I can get around the mixin problem, at least, by explicitly setting it:
# This works to mock the mixin method
q = Quux()
setattr(q, "mixin", mock_bar.mixin)
However, a similar approach doesn't work for the overridden method, something.
As I mentioned, other answers to this question suggest overriding Quux's __bases__ value with the mocks. However, this doesn't work at all as __bases__ must be a tuple of classes and the mocks' classes appear to just be the originals:
# This doesn't do what I want
Quux.__bases__ = (mock_foo.__class__, mock_bar.__class__)
q = Quux()
Other answers suggested overriding super. This does work, but I feel that it's a bit dangerous as any calls to super you don't want to patch will probably break things horribly.
So is there a better way of doing what I want than this:
with patch("builtins.super") as mock_super:
mock_foo = MagicMock(spec=Foo)
mock_foo.something.return_value = 123
mock_super.return_value = mock_foo
mock_bar = MagicMock(spec=Bar)
q = Quux()
setattr(q, "mixin", mock_bar.mixin)
assert q.something(0) == 125

The matter is actually simple -
the subclass will contain a reference to the original classes
inside its own structure (the public visible attributes __bases__ and __mro__). That reference is not changed when you mock those base classes -
the mocking would only affect one using those objects explicitly, while the patching is "turned on". In other words, they would only be used if your Quux class would itself be defined inside the with blocks. And that would not work either, as the "mock" object replacing the classes can not be a proper superclass.
However, the workaround, and the right way to do it are quite simple - you just have to mock the methods you want replaced, not the classes.
The question is a bit old now, and I hope you had moved on, but the right thing to do there is:
with patch("__main__.Foo.something", spec=True) as mock_foo:
with patch("__main__.Bar.mixin", spec=True) as mock_bar:
mock_foo.return_value = 123
q = Quux()
assert q.something(0) == 125


python property referring to property/attribute of member attribute?

I'm wondering if I have:
class A(object):
def __init__(self):
self.attribute = 1
self._member = 2
def _get_member(self):
return self._member
def _set_member(self, member):
self._member = member
member = property(_get_member, _set_member)
class B(object):
def __init__(self):
self._member = A()
def _get_a_member(self):
return self._member.member
def _set_a_member(self, member):
self._member.member = member
member = property(_get_a_member, _set_a_member)
Can I somehow avoid to write get/setters for A.member, and simply refer to the attribute or property of the A object?
Where the get/setters do logic, its of course needed, but if I simply wan't to expose the member/attributes of a member attribute, then writing get/setters seems like overhead.
I think even if I could write the get/setters inline that would help?
I find the question a bit unclear, however I try to explain some context.
Where the get/setters do logic, its of course needed, but if I simply wan't to expose the member/attributes of a member attribute
If there is no logic in getter/setters, then there is no need to define the attribute as a property, but the attribute can be used directly (in any context).
class A(object):
def __init__(self):
self.attribute = 1
self.member = 2
class B(object):
def __init__(self):
self.member = A()
B().member.member # returns 2
B().member.member = 10
In some languages, it's considered good practice to abstract instance properties with getter/setter methods, That's not necessarily the case in Python.
Python properties are useful when you'd need more control over the attribute, for example:
when there is logic (validation, etc.)
to define a readonly attribute (so only providing a getter without a setter)
Update (after the comment)
properties are not necessarily a tool to "hide" some internal implementation. Hiding in Python is a bit different than say in Java, due to very dynamic nature of Python language. It's always possible to introspect and even change objects on the fly, you can add new attributes (even methods) to objects on runtime:
b = B() = 4 # define a new attribute on runtime # returns 4
So Python developers rely more on conventions to hint their intentions of abstractions.
About the polymorphic members, I think it's most natural for Python classes to just share an interface, that's what's meant by Duck typing. So as long as your next implementation of A supports the same interface (provides the same methods for callers), it should not be any issue to change its implementation.
So this is what I came up with - use a method to generate the properties, with the assumption that the obj has an attribute of _member:
def generate_cls_a_property(name):
"""Small helper method for generating a 'dumb' property for the A object"""
def getter(obj):
return getattr(obj._member, name)
def setter(obj, new_value):
setattr(obj._member, name, new_value)
return property(getter, setter)
This allows me to add properties like so:
class B(object):
def __init__(self):
self._member = A()
member = generate_cls_a_property('member') # generates a dumb/pass-through property
I'll accept my own, unless someone tops it within a week.. :)

Preventing a particular attribute's inheritance in subclass?

If I have the following :
class A:
attrs = [...]
A_attr = [...]
class B(A):
B_attr = [...]
Is there a way to prevent my B subclass from inheriting the A_attr from the A class?
Or would this be considered a bad design and I should better subclass both A and B from a third C class containing all the attrs attributes and add the particular attribute to each subclass like this?
class C:
attrs = [...]
class A(C):
A_attr = [...]
class B(C):
B_attr = [...]
Better idea is to dump the common functionality in a class.
class Commmon:
attrs = [...]
Extend this class who want this extra functonality.
class A(Common):
# only one attribute added in this class
A_attr = [...]
attrs_B = [...]
Extend class A when that extra attribute is needed in the class, this will bring all those other attributes.
class C(A):
attrs_C = [...]
What this will allow is wherever you want an object of type Common you can provide instance of B as well as C. And wherever you want instance of class A you can provide instance of C. If you add specific instance in each of your subclasses you will not be able to do so.
From Comment
So according to you I should use the second solution I exposed in my question.
Instead of adding the attribute in each subclass, my advice is to add the attribute in a separate class and let your new classes inherit this intermediate class. So you do not have to add the specific attribute in each one of those subclass.
Example is already provided above. Lets see what is the benefit of doing this, as opposed to your suggestion. Take the following function
def foo(obj):
# check to make sure object has the specific attribute
if (isinstance(obj, A)):
pass; #do something
raise TypeError("Object is not an instance of A")
But if we add the specific attribute in each class, the method will need to be changed to something like this:
def foo(obj):
# check to make sure object has the those type which has that specific attribute
if( isinstance(obj, class1) or (isinstance(obj, class2) or ...):
pass; #do something
raise TypeError("Object does not have specific attribute")
Of course, you can perform a check using something like this:
def foo(obj):
# check to make sure obj has attribute
if hasattr(obj, 'property')
pass; # do something
raise TypeError("Object does not have necessary attribute")
Using correct inheritance relationship (as shown in 1st example) will also help your IDE (if you are using one) in inferring types, because IDE can determine which type of object it expects. You can even augment the function with type information like this:
def foo(obj : A):
pass; #do something
That A after colon is a hint to the IDE that function expects an object of type or subtype of A.

Dynamically assigning sub class dependent decorators

I have a class that has a basic method, and subclasses that have the same base functionality, but additional behaviour, which can be implemented with decorators.
class cls_with_basic_method:
def basic_method(arg):
return arg
class cls_with_basic_method_and_decoratorA(class_with_basic_method):
class cls_with_basic_method_and_decoratorB(class_with_basic_method):
It seems the quickest solution would be if I were able to execute the particular decorator as the subclass method is called, but can't think of a way of expressing it in python. Can this easily be done?
A decorated function or method is usually a different object than the function or method it decorates [*] - so, you can just wrap the original class' method in an explict way. This is rather straightforawrd, and rather boring - but it will work if you need to decorate just a few methods of the sub-classes:
class cls_with_basic_method:
def basic_method(arg):
return arg
class cls_with_basic_method_and_decoratorA(class_with_basic_method):
basic_method = decoratorA(cls_with_basic_method.basic_method)
class cls_with_basic_method_and_decoratorB(class_with_basic_method):
basic_method = decoratorB(cls_with_basic_method.basic_method)
The only special thing done there is use the decorators with the syntax of regular function calls instead of usign the "#..." syntax - this way they can be used inside the expressions.
This method is further boring due to you have to hardcode the superclass name within the class body at each decoration, since you can't use super from the class body, just from inside methods.
[*] Although some decorators just add metadata to the callable object they decorate and return the object itself - this approach won't work for such decorators, as they will affect the method in the superclass as well.
Now, taking your problem further - what you want is just to wrap arbitrary methods on the superclass when they are called on the subclasses. That can be done more or less automatically if you override the class__getattribute__ - you then could create a class hierarchy with an special "decorator" attribute that would be called for each method call - more or less like this:
class cls_with_basic_method:
_auto_decorate = set(("basic_method", ...))
_decorator = lambda x: x # NOP decorator
def basic_method(arg):
return arg
def __getattribute__(self, attrname):
attr = object.__getattribute__(self, attr)
# shortcircuit non-method retrievelas as fast as possible:
if not attrname in __class__._auto_decorate not callable(attr):
return attr
return self.__class__._decorator(attr)
class cls_with_basic_method_and_decoratorA(class_with_basic_method):
_decorator = decoratorA
class cls_with_basic_method_and_decoratorB(class_with_basic_method):
_decorator = decoratorB
Of course, if you need different decorators for different methods, just change the code in __getattribute__ accordingly - the easiest way would be to make the _decorator attribute be a dictionary instead of pointing to a simple function.
(on a side note: the __class__ magic variable, when used inside a method, is a Python 3 thing: it automatically contains a reference to the class it is defined in (in this case, cls_with_basic_method).
This approach will redecorate the method on each call - it is not as much overhead as it seems to be - Python's default method retrieval mechanism itself is similarly complicated - but if you prefer to decorate the methods at class creation instead, tehn you can use a similar mechanism in a metaclass instead of relying on __getattribute__.
from itertools import chain
class AutoDecorate(type):
def __new__(metacls, name, bases, dct):
if "_decorator" not in dct:
dct["_decorator"] = lambda x: x # NOP decorator
all_bases = list(chain(base.__mro__ for base in bases))
for base in all_bases:
if not "_auto_decorate" in base.__dict__:
for method_name in base.auto_decorate:
if method_name not in dct:
dct[method_name] = dct["_decorator"](getattr(base, method_name))
return super().__new__(name, bases, dct)
class cls_with_basic_method(metaclass=AutoDecorate):
_auto_decorate = set(("basic_method", ...))
def basic_method(arg):
return arg
class cls_with_basic_method_and_decoratorA(class_with_basic_method):
_decorator = decoratorA
class cls_with_basic_method_and_decoratorB(class_with_basic_method):
_decorator = decoratorB
This is actually simpler than it might look: Upon creating a new class on the hierarchy, it just searches all superclasses for those which have the _auto_decorate attribute - and then it fetches the methods in that list, and decorate them with the decorator in the _decorator attribute of the class being created.
From what you are asking, I'd say you are dealing with a project where you need an "aspect oriented programing" approach. There are several Python libraries that can provide that functionality - maybe you should take a look at that. If you think so, search for modules that can provide appropriate Python aspect oriented capabilities and use those.

Having trouble returning through multiple classes in Python

I'm still learning and like to build things that I will eventually be doing on a regular basis in the future, to give me a better understanding on how x does this or y does that.
I haven't learned much about how classes work entirely yet, but I set up a call that will go through multiple classes.
getattr(monster, monster_class.str().lower())(1)
Which calls this:
class monster:
def vampire(x):
monster_loot = {'Gold':75, 'Sword':50.3, 'Good Sword':40.5, 'Blood':100.0, 'Ore':.05}
if x == 1:
Which in turn calls this...
class loot_table:
def all_loot(monster_loot):
loot = ['Gold', 'Sword', 'Good Sword', 'Ore']
loot_dropped = {}
for i in monster_loot:
if i in loot:
loot_dropped[i] = monster_loot[i]
And then, finally, gets to the last class.
class drop_chance:
def chance(loot_list):
loot_gained = []
for i in loot_list:
x = random.uniform(0.0,100.0)
if loot_list[i] >= x:
return loot_gained
And it all works, except it's not returning loot_gained. I'm assuming it's just being returned to the loot_table class and I have no idea how to bypass it all the way back down to the first line posted. Could I get some insight?
Keep using return.
def foo():
return bar()
def bar():
return baz()
def baz():
return 42
print foo()
I haven't learned much about how classes work entirely yet...
Rather informally, a class definition is a description of the object of that class (a.k.a. instance of the class) that is to be created in future. The class definition contains the code (definitions of the methods). The object (the class instance) basically contains the data. The method is a kind of function that can take arguments and that is capable to manipulate the object's data.
This way, classes should represent the behaviour of the real-world objects, the class instances simulate existence of the real-world objects. The methods represent actions that the object apply on themselves.
From that point of view, a class identifier should be a noun that describes category of objects of the class. A class instance identifier should also be a noun that names the object. A method identifier is usually a verb that describes the action.
In your case, at least the class drop_chance: is suspicious at least because of naming it this way.
If you want to print something reasonable about the object--say using the print(monster)--then define the __str__() method of the class -- see the doc.

Python 3 object construction: which is the most Pythonic / the accepted way?

Having a background in Java, which is very verbose and strict, I find the ability to mutate Python objects as to give them with fields other than those presented to the constructor really "ugly".
Trying to accustom myself to a Pythonic way of thinking, I'm wondering how I should allow my objects to be constructed.
My instinct is to have to pass the fields at construction time, such as:
def __init__(self, foo, bar, baz=None): = foo = bar
self.baz = baz
But that can become overly verbose and confusing with many fields to pass. To overcome this I assume the best method is to pass one dictionary to the constructor, from which the fields are extracted:
def __init__(self, field_map): = field_map["foo"] = field_map["bar"]
self.baz = field_map["baz"] if baz in field_map else None
The other mechanism I can think of is to have the fields added elsewhere, such as:
class Blah(object):
def __init__(self):
blah = Blah() = var1
But as that feels way too loose for me.
(I suppose the issue in my head is how I deal with interfaces in Python...)
So, to reiterate the question: How I should construct my objects in Python? Is there an accepted convention?
The first you describe is very common. Some use the shorter
class Foo:
def __init__(self, foo, bar):, = foo, bar
Your second approach isn't common, but a similar version is this:
class Thing:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.something = kwargs['something']
which allows to create objects like
t = Thing(something=1)
This can be further modified to
class Thing:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
t = Thing(a=1, b=2, c=3)
print t.a, t.b, t.c # prints 1, 2, 3
As Debilski points out in the comments, the last method is a bit unsafe, you can add a list of accepted parameters like this:
class Thing:
keywords = 'foo', 'bar', 'snafu', 'fnord'
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
for kw in self.keywords:
setattr(self, kw, kwargs[kw])
There are many variations, there is no common standard that I am aware of.
I’ve not seen many of your field_maps in real life. I think that would only make sense if you were to use the field_map at some other place in your code as well.
Concerning your third example: Even though you don’t need to assign to them (other than None), it is common practice to explicitly declare attributes in the __init__ method, so you’ll easily see what properties your object has.
So the following is better than simply having an empty __init__ method (you’ll also get a higher pylint score for that):
class Blah(object):
def __init__(self): = None = None
blah = Blah() = var1
The problem with this approach is, that your object might be in a not well-defined state after initialisation, because you have not yet defined all of your object’s properties. This depends on your object’s logic (logic in code and in meaning) and how your object works. If it is the case however, I’d advise you not to do it this way. If your object relies on foo and bar to be meaningfully defined, you should really put them inside of your __init__ method.
If, however, the properties foo and bar are not mandatory, you’re free to define them afterwards.
If readability of the argument lists is an issue for you: Use keyword arguments.
