How to classify accelerometer data from text file? - python-3.x

I have text file (x_train) from sensor data such as accelerometers:
# (patient number, time in ms, normalization of X Y and Z,
# kurtosis, skewness, pitch, roll and yaw, label) respectively.
And i am working on a deep learning model RNN-LSTM with keras
I am trying to detect if a patient is in a FOG (freezing of gait) stage or not
In the figure below is the chunks that i want to determine from the accelerometer signal file.
and this is the x-axis, y-axis and z-axis
The issue I am having now is that I can't figure out how to get those chunks programatically.
And also what I basically want is to know how often a patient have FOG or walking during a certain time window. (Window size around 3 seconds).
this is what i have tried
def rwindows(a, window):
shape = a.shape[0] - window + 1, window, a.shape[-1]
strides = (a.strides[0],) + a.strides
windows = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(a, shape=shape, strides=strides)
return np.squeeze(windows)
and i need to obtain the difference between signals in the case of fog and walking


What is the upsampling method called 'area' used for?

The PyTorch function torch.nn.functional.interpolate contains several modes for upsampling, such as: nearest, linear, bilinear, bicubic, trilinear, area.
What is the area upsampling modes used for?
As jodag said, it is resizing using adaptive average pooling. While the answer at the link aims to explain what adaptive average pooling is, I find the explanation a bit vague.
TL;DR the area mode of torch.nn.functional.interpolate is probably one of the most intuitive ways to think of when one wants to downsample an image.
You can think of it as applying an averaging Low-Pass Filter(LPF) to the original image and then sampling. Applying an LPF before sampling is to prevent potential aliasing in the downsampled image. Aliasing can result in Moiré patterns in the downscaled image.
It is probably called "area" because it (roughly) preserves the area ratio between the input and output shapes when averaging the input pixels. More specifically, every pixel in the output image will be the average of a respective region in the input image where the 1/area of this region will be roughly the ratio between output image's area and input image's area.
Furthermore, the interpolate function with mode = 'area' calls the source function adaptie_avg_pool2d (implemented in C++) which assigns each pixel in the output tensor the average of all pixel intensities within a computed region of the input. That region is computed per pixel and can vary in size for different pixels. The way it is computed is by multiplying the output pixel's height and width by the ratio between the input and output (in that order) height and width (respectively) and then taking once the floor (for the region's starting index) and once the ceil (for the region's ending index) of the resulting value.
Here's an in-depth analysis of what happens in nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d:
First of all, as stated there you can find the source code for adaptive average pooling (in C++) here: source
Taking a look at the function where the magic happens (or at least the magic on CPU for a single frame), static void adaptive_avg_pool2d_single_out_frame, we have 5 nested loops, running over channel dimension, then width, then height and within the body of the 3rd loop the magic happens:
First compute the region within the input image which is used to calculate the value of the current pixel (recall we had width and height loop to run over all pixels in the output).
How is this done?
Using a simple computation of start and end indices for height and width as follows: floor((input_height/output_height) * current_output_pixel_height) for the start and ceil((input_height/output_height) * (current_output_pixel_height+1)) and similarly for the width.
Then, all that is done is to simply average the intensities of all pixels in that region and current channel and place the result in the current output pixel.
I wrote a simple Python snippet that does the same thing, in the same fashion (loops, naive) and produces equivalent results. It takes tensor a and uses adaptive average pool to resize a to shape output_shape in 2 ways - once using the built-in nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d and once with my translation into Python of the source function in C++: static void adaptive_avg_pool2d_single_out_frame. Built-in function's result is saved into b and my translation is saved into b_hat. You can see that the results are equivalent (you can further play with the spatial shapes and validate this):
import torch
from math import floor, ceil
from torch import nn
a = torch.randn(1, 3, 15, 17)
out_shape = (10, 11)
b = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(out_shape)(a)
b_hat = torch.zeros(b.shape)
for d in range(a.shape[1]):
for w in range(b_hat.shape[3]):
for h in range(b_hat.shape[2]):
startW = floor(w * a.shape[3] / out_shape[1])
endW = ceil((w + 1) * a.shape[3] / out_shape[1])
startH = floor(h * a.shape[2] / out_shape[0])
endH = ceil((h + 1) * a.shape[2] / out_shape[0])
b_hat[0, d, h, w] = torch.mean(a[0, d, startH: endH, startW: endW])
Prints Mean Squared Error = 0 (or a very small number, due to precision error)
as both outputs are the same, proof of output equivalence:
print(nn.MSELoss()(b_hat, b))
Looking at the source code it appears area interpolation is equivalent to resizing a tensor via adaptive average pooling. You can refer to this question for an explanation of adaptive average pooling. Therefore area interpolation is more applicable to downsampling than upsampling.

Normalization - Signal with different sampling rates

I am trying to solve a signal processing problem. I have a signal like this
My job is to use FFT to plot the frequency vs. signal. This is what I have coded so far:
def Extract_Data(filepath, pattern):
data = []
with open(filepath) as file:
for line in file:
m = re.match(pattern, line)
if m:
data.append(list(map(float, m.groups())))
data = np.asarray(data)
#Convert lists to arrays
variable_array = data[:,1]
time_array = data[:,0]
return variable_array, time_array
def analysis_FFT(filepath, pattern):
signal, time = Extract_Data(filepath, pattern)
signal_FFT = np.fft.fft(signal)
N = len(signal_FFT)
T = time[-1]
signal_freq = np.fft.fftfreq(N, d = T/N)
#Shift the frequencies
signal_freq_shift = np.fft.fftshift(signal_freq)
#Real and imagniary part of the signal
signal_real = signal_FFT.real
signal_imag = signal_FFT.imag
signal_abs = pow(signal_real, 2) + pow(signal_imag, 2)
#Shift the signal
signal_shift = np.fft.fftshift(signal_FFT)
#signal_shift = np.fft.fftshift(signal_FFT)
signal_spectrum = np.abs(signal_shift)
What I really concern about is the sampling rate. As you look at the plot, it looks like the sampling rate of the first ~0.002s is not the same as the rest of the signal. So I'm thinking maybe I need to normalize the signal
However, when I use np.fft.fftfreq(N, d =T/N), it seems like np.fft.ffreq assumes the signal has the same sampling rate throughout the domain. So I'm not sure how I could normalize the signal with np.fft. Any suggestions?
This is what I got when I plotted shifted frequency [Hz] with shifted signal
I generated a synthetic signal similar to yours and plotted, like you did the spectrum over the whole time. Your plot was good as it pertains to the whole spectrum, just appears to not give the absolute value.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as p
%matplotlib inline
T=0.05 # 1/20 sec
n=5000 # 5000 Sa, so 100kSa/sec sampling frequency
fr=260 # Hz
y1= - np.cos(2*np.pi*fr*t) * np.exp(- 20* t)
y2= 3*np.sin(2*np.pi*10*fr*t+0.5) *np.exp(-2e6*(t-0.001)**2)
p.plot(t,y ,color='green', lw=1 )
p.xlabel('time (sec)')
p.ylabel('Velocity (m/s)')
p.xlabel('freq (Hz)')
p.ylabel('Velocity (m/s)');
p.xlabel('freq (Hz)')
p.ylabel('Velocity (m/s)');
On the bottom, I zoomed in a bit to show the two main frequency components. Note that we are showing the positive and negative frequencies (only the positive ones, times 2x are physical). The Gaussians at 2600 Hz indicate the frequency spectrum of the burst (FT of Gaussian is Gaussian). The straight lines at 260 Hz indicate the slow base frequency (FT of sine is a delta).
That, however hides the timing of the two separate frequency components, the short (in my case Gaussian) burst at the start at about 2.6 kHz and the decaying low tone at about 260 Hz. The spectrogram plots spectra of short pieces (nperseg) of your signal in vertical as stripes where color indicates intensity. You can set some overlap between the time frames,which should be some fraction of the segment length. By stacking these stripes over time, you get a plot of the spectral change over time.
from scipy.signal import spectrogram
f, t, Sxx = spectrogram(y,sf,nperseg=256,noverlap=64)
p.pcolormesh(t, f[:20], Sxx[:20,:])
#p.pcolormesh(t, f, Sxx)
p.ylabel('Frequency [Hz]')
p.xlabel('Time [sec]')
It is instructive to try and generate the spectrogram yourself with the help of just the FFT. Otherwise the settings of the spectrogram function might not be very intuitive at first.

Getting multiple sinosidual waves using Fourier Transform Python

According to
" The Fourier Transform shows that any waveform can be re-written as the sum of sinusoidal functions. "
I have some signals (each have shape of 256,64) that I want to break down into sub-signals and I want to use those sub-signals then to generate the real signal back. I am doing it right now like this:-
#getting data
with open('../f', 'rb') as fp:
from scipy.fftpack import fft, dct
print(x.shape) #same shape as f
But I am getting output in the same shape as of the real signal but with some imaginary values which are discarded ultimately. I have looked at other Fourier questions here but none of them gave satisfying result, they just transformed the input signal. What am I doing wrong? Any help will be much appreciated.
To see the sinusoidal components, you need to plot sine waves.
x = a * sin(t)
not a reshaped FFT result.
If you don't care about phase, the number of sinewave plots will be half the length of your FFT + 1, which each sinewave of a frequency calculated from the bin center of each FFT result element (index times samplerate divided by length), and its amplitude given by the abs() of the FFT bin.

Cosmic ray removal in spectra

Python developers
I am working on spectroscopy in a university. My experimental 1-D data sometimes shows "cosmic ray", 3-pixel ultra-high intensity, which is not what I want to analyze. So I want to remove this kind of weird peaks.
Does anybody know how to fix this issue in Python 3?
Thanks in advance!!
A simple solution could be to use the algorithm proposed by Whitaker and Hayes, in which they use modified z scores on the derivative of the spectrum. This medium post explains how it works and its implementation in python .
The idea is to calculate the modified z scores of the spectra derivatives and apply a threshold to detect the cosmic spikes. Afterwards, a fixer is applied to remove the spike points and replace it by the mean values of the surrounding pixels.
# definition of a function to calculate the modified z score.
def modified_z_score(intensity):
median_int = np.median(intensity)
mad_int = np.median([np.abs(intensity - median_int)])
modified_z_scores = 0.6745 * (intensity - median_int) / mad_int
return modified_z_scores
# Once the spike detection works, the spectrum can be fixed by calculating the average of the previous and the next point to the spike. y is the intensity values of a spectrum, m is the window which we will use to calculate the mean.
def fixer(y,m):
threshold = 7 # binarization threshold.
spikes = abs(np.array(modified_z_score(np.diff(y)))) > threshold
y_out = y.copy() # So we don't overwrite y
for i in np.arange(len(spikes)):
if spikes[i] != 0: # If we have an spike in position i
w = np.arange(i-m,i+1+m) # we select 2 m + 1 points around our spike
w2 = w[spikes[w] == 0] # From such interval, we choose the ones which are not spikes
y_out[i] = np.mean(y[w2]) # and we average the value
return y_out
The answer depends a on what your data looks like: If you have access to two-dimensional CCD readouts that the one-dimensional spectra were created from, then you can use the lacosmic module to get rid of the cosmic rays there. If you have only one-dimensional spectra, but multiple spectra from the same source, then a quick ad-hoc fix is to make a rough normalisation of the spectra and remove those pixels that are several times brighter than the corresponding pixels in the other spectra. If you have only one one-dimensional spectrum from each source, then a less reliable option is to remove all pixels that are much brighter than their neighbours. (Depending on the shape of your cosmics, you may even want to remove the nearest 5 pixels or something, to catch the wings of the cosmic ray peak as well).

Euler method to model terminal velocity NOT converging?

As per the title I am trying to model a parachutist's decent in Python 3.
I need to use an Euler method for a kinematic body. The graph plotting speed shows no signs of tending to a terminal velocity, so I'm clearly doing something very wrong!
For fault finding I have printed the list of t and speed values to the screen. Here is the code, for a function that returns lists of the values, then plots them.
def Euler_n2l(y_ini,v_yini):
delta_t=float(input("Type time interval size (in s): "))
#Calculating k from the specified parameters for: drag coefficient, cross-sectional area and air density.
while (y_ini>0): #Ending the simulation when the ground is reached
t_n += delta_t
v_yini -= delta_t*(9.81+((k/m)*(v_yini)**2))
y_ini += delta_t*v_yini
if y_ini < 0:
del t_list[-2:]
del y_list[-1]
del v_list[-2:]
return t_list,y_list,v_list
ca=0.96 #Approximation for an average human cross sectional area=1.6*0.6 m^2
userC=float(input("Type a value for the drag coefficient, C_d. Sensible values are from ~1.0 - 1.3: "))
rho0=1.2 #Value given the instruction for ambient temperature and pressure
m=80 #approx weight of a man in Kg
plt.xlabel("$Time (s)$", size=12)
plt.ylabel("$Speed (m/s)$", size=12)
