QnAmaker, can't find Channels tab - azure

I deployed my QnAmaker chatbot using the new GA QnAmaker portal today. But after creating the knowledge base, i can't find the channels tab in Azure anymore.
In the channels tab, you could deploy the chatbot to different channels like Microsoft Teams or the Webchat.
Has anyone found this tab in Azure?

You just created your QnAMaker knowledge base and all the necessary items to use it (web app to host the service, Azure Search for the search part).
Now the next step is to create a bot by doing the following:
On Azure, create a Web App Bot
Use Question And Answer bot template in order to have the basic code to call QnAMaker already implemented
Once it is created, you will have at least the following resources: one Web App bot (to manage channels) and one App Service (hosting your bot code)
Go to the Web App Bot item
Select Application Settings menu, you will found several settings: QnAKnowledgebaseId, QnAAuthKey and QnAEndpointHostName
Fill those values with your QnA settings:
QnAKnowledgebaseId: it's your knowledge base Id on QnaMaker.ai website
QnAAuthKey: it's the Authorization EndpointKey value on QnaMaker.ai website (check https://www.qnamaker.ai/UserSettings)
QnAEndpointHostName: the endpoint location where you published your KB (also visible on https://www.qnamaker.ai/UserSettings)
Then it's working ;-) and you can set the channels you want on the Channels menu of this Web App Bot item

Yes! It's still there. QnA MAker going GA has no impact on its functionalities but the way of implementation to some extent, which is of course in a good sense.
You Can find it on Azure Portal => Web App Bot => Bot Management section
Happy Coding!


How to Update a Microsoft Teams Bot Messaging Endpoint with code?

Currently there are two portal options to update the endpoint for a Teams Bot:
https://dev.teams.microsoft.com/bots (works intermittently)
How can we update this from the command line / with code?
I'm aware of the az bot commands (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/bot?view=azure-cli-latest) but this appears to be for managing resources deployed under 'Bot Services', and not bots created via the 'Bot Framework'.
I had a chat just last week with someone else about this - see How to add authentication to a Bot Framework v4 project without Azure Bot Service?
In essence, the "bot portal" is basically just provisioning things for you behind the scenes in the Azure portal in any case - I'd suggest rather just doing everything in Azure directly. In any, the Microsoft Bot "Framework" conceptually consists of two pieces - code samples + SDKs, and a backend core service that underlies every bot. As a result, bot "Framework" bots also have a "Bot Service" backend. Note that, by itself, this does not include hosting for the bot, just a central service registration to handle the traffic routing, security, etc.
Please have a read of the blog post I refer in that other question - it (hopefully) gives a good overview.
In answer to your question directly - az bot should be fine to use, specifically https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/bot?view=azure-cli-latest#az-bot-update

What is the difference between Web App Bot and Azure Bot

Bot Framework SDK documentation says that Web App Bot is deprecated. But there is no information about the difference between development with Azure Bot and (deprecated) Web App Bot. What exact changes should be done if we migrate form one service (Web App Bot) to another (Azure Bot)?
In regards of other contributor's answer, I think main concept and
queries has not explained accordingly, so I felt it requires more
explanation in addition to clear the OP's main concern.
Questions: But there is no information about the difference between development with Azure Bot and (deprecated) Web App Bot.
The Bot Service behind Azure Bot and Web App Bot/Bot Channels Registration is the same; the change is in how the resources are
created that you use in your bot such as web apps, language
understanding, and more.
Rather than the one size fits all templates that the Web App Bot used,
Bot Framework Composer can be used to create resources for the Bot
with much more flexibility than the Web App Bot templates allowed.
Bot Channels Registration and Azure Bot are basically the same
capabilities renamed. The UX is slightly different in the Azure Portal
to help customers connect to the Bot Framework Composer.
Its clearly documented here in the official document you can get here
Questions: What exact changes should be done if we migrate form one service (Web App Bot) to another (Azure Bot)?
Currently migration from Web App BottoAzure Bot isn't supported.
If your Web App Bot isn't being used in production, you can delete
your old Web App Bot resource and reuse the bot name and app ID in a
new bot resource (after some time for the old record to get deleted).
The new Azure Bot is designed around creating your bot using
Composer, Bot Framework SDK, and so the gains from such a migration
would be minimal. You can get the official explanation here
Now you might be wondering, what about your existing Web app bot. Your bot and other resources will continue to work without any problem and you don't need to migrate your old web app bot in this aspect.
One question may arise,then why its been depricated or no longer be used?
The answer would be, Functionally though Azure Bot, Web App Bot, and
Bot Channels Registration all utilize the Bot Service in the same way
"under the hood". The Azure Bot path is easier, and more
configurable for developers in comparison of Web app bot
Hope above explanation will redeem your concern.
The Azure Bot is like the Bot Channel Registration. It is a global resource that identifies your bot to toher Azure resources and contains configurations and settings for the bot's external messaging endpoint, channels (Teams, Web Chat, Email, etc.), Exposing APIs, OAuth settings, and more.
To actually host the bot, you would use an Azure App Service. You would create one during the deployment process.
As the stated in the linked docs, existing resources will continue to work. Note that the docs specify that migration is not supported. Moving forward, when you build a new bot, you should use a combination of an Azure Bot for identity and configuration and an App Service to host and run the bot.

Is Azure subscription needed for MSTeams Bot creation

With the move of Microsoft to disable the App Registration on the legacy portal we created the Bot for our MSTeams APP in Azure portal that is part of the 'Renewable E5 subscription'.But we could not able to set the Bot messaging end point url. Earlier we can able to set that from the MSTeams' App Studio's Bot section but now it is not there. https://dev.botframework.com/ asks us to create a Azure Bot service.
Is it necessary to create a Azure Bot service in order to use and set the Bot message End point ?
If not how can we set the Bot messaging End point without Azure Bot service?
It does seem, now that the functionality is removed from App Studio, that you need to work in the Azure Portal directly (that's all it was doing behind the scenes). This would require an Azure subscription, but you can use any one, so you don't necessarily require an Azure subscription for each team member.
It is important to note though, that the only thing you really need in Azure is a bot "registration". There are two options when creating a bot resource in Azure - one includes a full hosting option ("web app bot"), and associated costs (based on the options selected), and the other is just a "channel registration", which has no cost at all.
When the bot is created, you need to go to it's "Settings" screen, as shown here, where you set the messaging endpoint, but you also need to make sure to go to the "Channels" option on the left menu, and make sure Teams is added as a channel ("channel" here means a platform you want to use your bot on, like Teams, facebook, slack etc.). If your bot had been created in App Studio previously, it would not need the Teams channel added manually, but for new bots it will.
Yes, You need azure subscription. Now you can not create bot from botframework.com. Everything is moved to Azure.

Cannot connect QnA maker into Bot Frameowrk Emulator

I am trying to load my QnA maker in addition to my QnA chat bot from Azure into Bot Framework Emulator.
I have been able to load my chat bot in successfully with it returning a response. I have entered the knowledge base data it required inside the Azure chat bot settings as well and the Visual Studio code (C#). But when I enter text into the chat bot inside of the bot framework emulator it replies with: Please set QnAKnowledgebaseId, QnAAuthKey and QnAEndpointHostName (if applicable) in App Settings. Learn how to get them at https://aka.ms/qnaabssetup.
Screen shot of what is displayed when I make contact with my chatbot inside of the bot framework emulator
Any help with resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated!
QnA Maker is generally available from May 2018. New architecture is built on Azure, where the runtime is now deployed on Azure App.
Now, if you are using new QnA Maker GA, it requires three parameters to get connect with Azure Bot Web App Bot. KnowledgebaseID, AuthKey & Host Name.
Host name is nothing but Web App URL deployed whiled creating QnA Maker service,
You have to provide this in Application Settings in Azure portal or alternatively in Constructor code part.

QnA Maker SDK/Azure templates active learning and endpoint URL

Once the bot is created using qnamaker.ai, I wanted to deploy it in Azure using the SDK and publishing from VS2017, which let me define the top parameter to enable the Active Learning as shown in https://github.com/Microsoft/BotBuilder-CognitiveServices/tree/master/CSharp/Samples/QnAMaker
But when I want to register it in dev.botframework the end point URL doesn't work.
If I use Azure Bot Service template, is not possible to set the top parameter but registering in my Bots is ready straight forward.
I have realized that the URL from Azure template contains some extra info, that is not available in my web app
A "typical" URL from Azure, that work with other deployed Bots is https://"MyBotName".azurewebsites.net/api/messages
Please, can you help enabling the active learning in Azure templates for a Q&A bot?
Can you explain me what should I add to get the "extra details" in my Web app URL?
I think there is some misunderstanding here. The QnA Maker site is not creating any bot for you. It just provisions the QnA service (a rest API).
If you want to have a bot on top of the service you created, grab the code of the QnABotWithActiveLearning sample that you linked, update the QnADialogWithActiveLearning.cs class to include your QnA subscription key (that you can get from the Settings tab of your QnA service), update MicrosotAppId and MicrosoftAppPassword settings on the Web.config with the ones you got from the BotFramework developer portal and deploy to Azure as a Web App.
Once done, you will have the standard websites URL https://"MyBotName".azurewebsites.net and the API endpoint https://"MyBotName".azurewebsites.net/api/messages.
Then just update your bot URL in the BotFramework portal with this URL.
