Hyperledger Composer - ACL Rule with function in condition - hyperledger-fabric

I'm trying to write a little complexer logic in the condition of an ACL Rule as always the p.getIdentifier() == r.getIdentifier(), because in my fault it isn't possible.
These are my models:
participant Customer identified by customerID {
o String customerID
o String name
asset A identified by aID {
o String aID
--> Customer customer
asset B identified by bID {
o String bID
--> A a
Now I want to give the Customer access to see all B assets, but only where the relationship to A references to an asset, which have a relatinship to the actual participant of Customer, who is "logged in".
Summarized logic: From asset B to A, and then from A to Customer.
So in this case I can't compare the identifiers of Customer and B directly and have to go over A. Therefore I wanted to evaulate the access with a function which is called in the script.js file:
rule CustomerAccessCustomer {
description: "The customer should see all B assets, but only when he have a relationship in asset A "
participant(p): "org.xxx.test.participant.Customer"
operation: READ
resource(r): "org.xxx.test.asset.B"
condition: (evaluateAccess(p,r))
action: ALLOW
Here is the function of the script.js:
async function evaluateAccess(p,r) {
try {
const bRegistry = await getAssetRegistry('org.xxx.test.asset.B');
const b = await bRegistry.get(r.getIdentifier());
const aRegistry = await getAssetRegistry('org.xxx.test.asset.A');
const a = await aRegistry.get(b.a.getIdentifier());
if (p.getIdentifier() === a.customer.getIdentifier()) {
return true;
} catch (error) {
But I get an error Error: The runtime API is not available.
Do I think the wrong way, isn't it possible to evaluate access with a function?
How did you handle access rule if you can't just compare the identifiers?

you should just be able to do:
rule CustomerAccessCustomer {
description: "The customer should see all B assets, but only when he have a relationship in asset A "
participant(p): "org.xxx.test.participant.Customer"
operation: READ
resource(r): "org.xxx.test.asset.B"
condition: ( (p.getIdentifier() === r.a.customer.getIdentifier())
action: ALLOW
but p would also need READ access already to be able to 'read' Asset resource 'A' (to check the identifier etc) in the first place :-)

The customer should be participant not asset:
participant Customer identified by customerID {
o String customerID
o String name


Getting Error: http: read on closed response body from Transaction Processor function in Hyperledger Composer

I've a fabric network running with a simple BNA. This BNA defines two types of participants viz. Corporate and Person. Here, each Person has a relationship with the corporate as shown below (cto file):
participant Corporate identified by corporateId {
o String corporateId
o String corporateName
participant Person identified by personId {
o String personId
--> Corporate corporate
What I'm trying to do:
Create a Corporate using Transaction Processor Function: Success
Create a Person using Transaction Processor Function: Failure
Following is the snippet from transaction processor function for #2:
let corporateIdExpected = personDetails.corporate;
if(corporateIdExpected && corporateIdExpected != '') {
let corporateRetrieved = await query("GetCorporateByCorporateId", {corporateId: corporateIdExpected});
if(!corporateRetrieved || corporateRetrieved == '') {
throw new Error("Corporate details not valid. Please check if your corporate is present on the network.");
Snippet from my queries.qry:
query GetCorporateByCorporateId {
description: "Returns all corporates in the registry"
SELECT org.samplenetwork.participants.Corporate
WHERE (corporateId == _$corporateId)
So, I get the following error when I try the #2:
Error: 2 UNKNOWN: error executing chaincode: transaction returned with failure: Error: Error: http: read on closed response body
However, when I try to execute the query directly from the swagger, it runs successfully.
I'm using:
Hyperledger Fabric: 1.1
Hyperledger Composer: 0.19.8
Am I missing out any checks or steps for this one?
for item 2 - you don't really need to execute a named query each time.
You can do the equivalent check ("does he exist already?") as follows (where trxn below is the transaction object defined in your transaction definition etc):
const personRegistry = await getParticipantRegistry('org.acme.example.Person');
console.log("The person identifier to check is " + trxn.corporate.getIdentifier() )
const exists = await personRegistry.exists(trxn.corporate.getIdentifier() ) ;
console.log("exists is set to " + exists); // boolean
if (exists)
console.log("he exists")
console.log("he doesn't exist");

Error when submitting transaction

I have a little bit unusual problem. Following code works in online playground, but id doesn't work when i'm using generated API on rest server deployed locally. When trying to post transaction i get an error.
cto file:
namespace org.dps.track
asset Item identified by itemId{
o String itemId
o String name
o String idgId
o String serialNumber
o String comment
--> BU owner
--> Item [] items optional
participant BU identified by buId{
o String buId
o String name
o String country
o String city
participant Assembler extends BU{
participant Manufacturer extends BU{
transaction Trade{
--> Item item
--> BU newOwner
enum status{
* Sample transaction processor function.
* #param {org.dps.track.Trade } trade - the sample transaction instance.
* #transaction
async function tradeCommodity(trade) {
const factory = getFactory();
trade.item.owner = trade.newOwner;
var list = [];
if (trade.item.items && trade.item.items.length > 0) {
trade.item.items.forEach((asset) => {
const assetRegistry = await getAssetRegistry('org.dps.track.Item');
// persist the state of the current ITEM
await assetRegistry.update(trade.item);
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
let res = await assetRegistry.get(list[i].getIdentifier());
res.owner = factory.newRelationship('org.dps.track', 'Assembler', trade.newOwner.getIdentifier());
// persist the state of the ITEM with new owner as a relationship
await assetRegistry.update(res);
When trying to post transaction via Rest API i get error:
"error": {
"statusCode": 500,
"name": "Error",
"message": "Error trying invoke business network. Error: No valid responses from any peers.\nResponse from attempted peer comms was an error: Error: transaction returned with failure: Error: Could not find any functions to execute for transaction org.dps.track.Trade#e4764be8e037c7186774512860c0cde6d7eaed5c301ddf36c4c1ab560577861a",
"stack": "Error: Error trying invoke business network. Error: No valid responses from any peers.\nResponse from attempted peer comms was an error: Error: transaction returned with failure: Error: Could not find any functions to execute for transaction org.dps.track.Trade#e4764be8e037c7186774512860c0cde6d7eaed5c301ddf36c4c1ab560577861a\n at HLFConnection.invokeChainCode (/home/bryczek/.nvm/versions/node/v8.11.3/lib/node_modules/composer-rest-server/node_modules/composer-connector-hlfv1/lib/hlfconnection.js:1002:30)\n at <anonymous>"
Has anyone an idea what is wrong? I would be really thankful for help.
Your problem is your model file, not the transaction code. You need Assembler not BU in the relationship field for Item and for Trade
Your asset should be:
asset Item identified by itemId{
o String itemId
o String name
o String idgId
o String serialNumber
o String comment
--> Assembler owner
--> Item [] items optional
as Assembler is the resource class (not BU, which is an extended class - there is no registry for this).
Your transaction Trade should also reflect the same resource ie (not BU) :
transaction Trade{
--> Item item
--> Assembler newOwner
Other than that, it should work fine with your existing code (have tested it against a Fabric network, using the following example Trade transaction in my REST API, where previous owner was Assembler#1 and it changes related Items from the items array for Item #1)
"$class": "org.dps.track.Trade",
I modified model file and now whe n trying to generate rest API i only get System(General business network methods), no Item, BU and Trade API, why is this happening?
* New model file
namespace org.dps.track
//asset section
asset Item identified by itemId{
o String itemId
o String name
o String idgId
o String serialNumber
o String comment
--> BU owner
--> Item [] items optional
//participant section
participant BU identified by buId{
o String buId
o String name
o String country
o String city
o participantType type
//tranasaction section
transaction Trade{
-->Item item
-->BU newOwner
enum status {
enum participantType{
o Manufacturer
o Assembler
* Sample transaction processor function.
* #param {org.dps.track.Trade } trade - the sample transaction instance.
* #transaction
async function tradeCommodity(trade) {
const factory = getFactory();
trade.item.owner = trade.newOwner;
var list = [];
if (trade.item.items && trade.item.items.length > 0) {
trade.item.items.forEach((asset) => {
const assetRegistry = await getAssetRegistry('org.dps.track.Item');
// persist the state of the current ITEM
await assetRegistry.update(trade.item);
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
let res = await assetRegistry.get(list[i].getIdentifier());
res.owner = factory.newRelationship('org.dps.track', 'BU', trade.newOwner.getIdentifier());
// persist the state of the ITEM with new owner as a relationship
await assetRegistry.update(res);

How to update values from an asset in hyperledger

asset Route identified by route_id {
o String route_id
o String rider_id
o String parcel_id
transaction assignParcelToRider {
o String rider_id
o String parcel_id
var assetRegistry;
var id = assignValue.rider_id;
return getAssetRegistry('org.rytle.Route').then(function(ar) {
assetRegistry = ar;
return assetRegistry.get(id);
}).then(function(asset) {
asset.parcel_id = assignValue.parcel_id;
return assetRegistry.update(asset);
Here I want to find the rider_id and update parcel_id there. But here its not finding the rider_id.
The main thing is you need to get the asset, by the asset identifier when using .get() and rider_id is not that, in your model.
Also - may need more info - but it all rests on id getting a value from assignValue.rider_id and I can't tell how that was defined / asserted and whether it is within scope. I can see that id however, should be in scope for your function below - but using the correct identifier for an asset, this should work (as an example):
return getAssetRegistry('org.rytle.Route').then(function(ar) {
return ar.get(route_id) // or whatever you've assigned it to or txnobject.route.getIdentifier()); // ie you must get the asset by identifier
}).then(function(asset) {
asset.parcel_id = id;
return ar.update(asset);
and so on;
ps you can check out sample-networks for some examples (eg under 'test' directory) - note these now use async / await functions (instead of 'promises' shown above) which came in with Node 8 (and is far easier to write than using promises FYI)

Security - The view and edit id is visible in the address bar

CakePHP Version 3.5.5
The id is visible in the address bar for view and edit which for my application creates a security risk. Any logged in user at the same company can change the id in the address bar and view or edit the details
of users they are not allowed to.
IE: https://localhost/crm/users/edit/1378 can be manually changed in the address bar to https://localhost/crm/users/edit/1215 and entered. This would display the details of user 1215 which is not allowed.
To overcome this I am selecting the ids which the user is allowed to edit and checking that the id from the url is one of these ids with the following code:
public function view($id = null)
if ($this->request->is('get')) {
// Select the permitted ids.
if (superuser) { // example to explain only
$query = $this->Users->find()
->where(['companyid' => $cid])
->andWhere(['status' => 1])
elseif (manager) { // example to explain only
$query = $this->Users->find()
->where(['areaid' => $areaid])
->andWhere(['status' => 1])
elseif (team leader) { // example to explain only
$query = $this->Users->find()
->where(['teamid' => $teamid])
->andWhere(['status' => 1])
// Check if the edit id is in the array of permitted ids.
$ids = array_column($query, 'id');
$foundKey = array_search($id, $ids);
// If the edit id is not in the array of permitted ids redirect to blank.
if (empty($foundKey)) {
// Handle error.
$user = $this->Users->get($id);
$this->set('user', $user);
$this->set('_serialize', ['user']);
else {
// Handle error.
My question: Is the above code the best cake way of achieving this or is there a better way to do it?
This code does work but because it's to do with security I'd appreciate any input which would improve it or point out it's weakness/es.
As requested by cgTag please see below.
My app has superusers, managers, team leaders and users.
Managers manage one area which can contain many teams.
Team Leaders lead one team and must belong to an area.
Users are assigned to an area or a team.
For example:
Area is UK
Team is England
Team is Scotland
Team is Wales
Area is USA
Team is Florida
Team is California
Team is Texas
On index - superusers see all the superusers, managers, team leaders and users in the company.
On index - managers see themself and users in their area, team leaders in their area and users in the teams.
On index - team leaders see themself and users in their team
My problem is say the manager of area UK clicks edit on one of the records and that record is displayed with a url of https://localhost/crm/users/edit/1378
Then say this disgruntled manager makes a guess and changes the url to https://localhost/crm/users/edit/1215 and submits it then this record is displayed. (This record could be anyone, a superuser, another manager, a team leader who is not in their area or a user not in their area.
This manager could then change say the email address and submit this and it's this type of situation that I need to protect against.
My fix is to reiterate the find for the superuser, manager and team leader I've done on index in the view and edit class. This ensures that say a manager can only view or edit someone in their area.
Hopefully I've explained it well enough but if not just let me know and I'll have another go.
Thanks. Z.
Thanks cgTag, I feel a lot more confident with this approach but I cannot use this code because you have correctly assumed that I am using an id to select all the companies results but I'm using a 40 char string. I do this so I can make my sql queries more robust.
It's impossible for you to help me unless you have all the info required so I have posted an accurate representation below:
public function view($id = null)
if(!$this->request->is('get') || !$id) {
//throw new ForbiddenException();
echo 'in request is NOT get or id NOT set ' . '<hr />';
$user_id = $this->Auth->user('id');
// regular users can never view other users.
if($user_id !== $id) {
//throw new ForbiddenException();
echo 'in $user_id !== $id ' . '<hr />';
// Declare client id 1.
if ($this->cid1() === false) {
echo 'in throw exception ' . '<hr />';
else {
$c1 = null;
$c1 = $this->cid1();
$company_ids = $this->getCompanyIds($c1);
$area_ids = $this->getAreaIds($user_id, $c1);
$team_ids = $this->getTeamIds($user_id, $c1);
// company_id does not exist which will cause an unknown column error.
// The column I select by is cid_1 so I have changed this column to cid_1 as shown below.
$user = $this->Users->find()
'id' => $id,
'cid_1 IN' => $company_ids,
'area_id IN' => $area_ids,
'team_id IN' => $team_ids,
'status' => 1
The functions:
public function cid1()
$session = $this->request->session();
if ($session->check('Cid.one')) {
$c1 = null;
$c1 = $session->read('Cid.one');
if (!is_string($c1) || is_numeric($c1) || (strlen($c1) !== 40)) {
return false;
return $c1;
return false;
public function getCompanyIds($c1 = null)
$query = $this->Users->find()
->where(['status' => 1])
->andWhere(['cid_1' => $c1]);
return $query;
public function getAreaIds($c1 = null, $user_id = null)
$query = $this->Users->find()
->where(['status' => 1])
->andWhere(['cid_1' => $c1])
->andWhere(['area_id' => $user_id]);
return $query;
public function getTeamIds($c1 = null, $user_id = null)
$query = $this->Users->find()
->where(['status' => 1])
->andWhere(['cid_1' => $c1])
->andWhere(['team_id' => $user_id]);
return $query;
With this code I get the following error:
Error: SQLSTATE[21000]: Cardinality violation: 1241 Operand should contain 1 column(s)
I don't know if your example will work with this new information but at least you have all the information now.
If it can be ammended great but if not I really don't mind. And I do appreciate the time you've put aside to try to help.
Thanks Z
#tarikul05 - Thanks for the input.
Your suggestion is very similar to my first effort at addressing this security issue but I went for security through obscurity and hid the id in a 80 char string, example below.
// In a cell
public function display($id = null)
// Encrypt the id to pass with view and edit links.
$idArray = str_split($id);
foreach($idArray as $arrkey => $arrVal) {
$id0 = "$idArray[0]";
$id1 = "$idArray[1]";
$id2 = "$idArray[2]";
$id3 = "$idArray[3]";
// Generate string for the id to be obscured in.
$enc1 = null;
$enc1 = sha1(uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
$enc2 = null;
$enc2 = sha1(uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
$encIdStr = $enc1 . $enc2;
// Split the string.
$encIdArray = null;
$encIdArray = str_split($encIdStr);
// Generate the coded sequence.
$codedSequence = null;
$codedSequence = array(9 => "$id0", 23 => "$id1", 54 => "$id2", 76 => "$id3");
// Replace the id in the random string.
$idTemp = null;
$idTemp = array_replace($encIdArray, $codedSequence);
// Implode the array.
$encryptedId = null;
$encryptedId = implode("",$idTemp);
// Send the encrypted id to the view.
$this->set('encryptedId', $encryptedId);
And then decrypted with
// In function in the app controller
public function decryptTheId($encryptedId = null)
$idArray = str_split($encryptedId);
foreach($idArray as $arrkey => $arrVal) {
$id0 = "$idArray[9]";
$id1 = "$idArray[23]";
$id2 = "$idArray[54]";
$id3 = "$idArray[76]";
$id = null;
$id = $id0.$id1.$id2.$id3;
return $id;
The problem with this was that when testing I managed to get the script to error which revealed the array positions which would of undermined the security by obscurity principle and made it a lot easier for a hacker.
Your suggestion is neater than my obscurity method but I believe md5 has been cracked therefore it should not be used.
I'm no security expert but in my opinion checking the view and edit id against an array of permitted ids is the most secure way to address this.
Maybe I'm wrong but if I do it this way there's is no way a hacker no matter what they try in the address bar can see or edit data they are not meant to and it keeps the url cleaner.
What I was originally looking/hoping for was a Cake method/function which addressed this but I couldn't find anything in the cookbook.
Thanks anyway. Z.
I would simplify your code so that the SQL that fetches the user record only finds that record if the current user has permissions. When you're dependent upon associated data for those conditions. Follow this approach even if you have to use joins.
You create the SQL conditions and then call firstOrFail() on the query. This throws a NotFoundException if there is no match for the record.
public function view($id = null) {
if(!$this->request->is('get') || !$id) {
throw new ForbiddenException();
$user_id = $this->Auth->user('id');
// regular users can never view other users.
if($user_id !== $id) {
throw new ForbiddenException();
$company_ids = $this->getCompanyIds($user_id);
$area_ids = $this->getAreaIds($user_id);
$team_ids = $this->getTeamIds($user_id);
$user = $this->Users->find()
'id' => $id
'company_id IN' => $company_ids,
'area_id IN' => $area_ids,
'team_id IN' => $team_ids,
'status' => 1
The above logic should be sound when a user belongsTo a hierarchical structure of data. Where by, they can view many users but only if those users belong to one of the upper associations they have access too.
It works because of the IN clause of the where conditions.
Note: The IN operator throws an error if the array is empty. When you have users who can see all "teams" just exclude that where condition instead of using an empty array.
The key here is to have functions which return an array of allowed parent associations such as; getCompanyIds($user_id) would return just the company IDs the current user is allowed access too.
I think if you implement it this way then the logic is easy to understand, the security is solid and a simple firstOrFail() prevents access.

Hyperledger getParticipants

function Exchange(exchange){
// We do the actual exchange here:
// We first need to get both actual nodes:
var nodeIdFrom=exchange.nodeIdFrom;
var quantity =exchange.quantity;
var price = exchange.price;
var nodeIdTo =exchange.nodeIdTo;
return getParticipantRegistry('org.acme.mynetwork.Node')
return ParticipantRegistry.update(Participant);
I'm trying to execute a transaction defined as:
transaction Exchange{
o String nodeIdFrom
o String nodeIdTo
o Double quantity
o Double Price
To execute a transaction (we take money somewhere and put it somewhere else). With only the ids of the nodes as a parameter.
But right now that function does not work, you can execute it on the playground but my node is not modified.
Is it possible to apply a transaction without giving node as Node (node is a Participant).
it should work - here's an example (Using a fictitious sample 'Trader' Network and like you, I have defined 'qty' as a 'Double' in the Transaction model definition itself) of updating an Asset by a specific identifier (you're doing something similar - Participant by ID) and then - updating the asset's quantity using the Promises chain below. Suggest to use console.log() for outputs too when debugging.
So - given Transaction model:
transaction TraderById {
o String tradeId
o String tradingSymbol
o Double qty
and an Asset modeled as:
asset Commodity identified by tradingSymbol {
o String tradingSymbol
o String description
o String mainExchange
o Double quantity
--> Trader owner
you can update the Asset quantity ('quantity') as follows:
* #param {org.acme.trading.TraderById} tradeById - the trade to be processed
* #transaction
function TradeById(tradeById){
var commodityRegistry;
return getAssetRegistry('org.acme.trading.Commodity')
return commodityRegistry.get(tradeById.tradingSymbol);
return commodityRegistry.update(result);
