how to verify a firebase admin on backend - node.js

I'm trying to implement middleware in an express server that sets custom uid/admin headers on the incoming request. This modified request will then be used after the middleware to see if an authenticated user/admin is accessing that particular resource.
To do this for a client, I just grab the token on the Authorization header and feed it into the firebase admin api's verifyIdToken method. If a uid exists, I set the header. For example:
app.use((req, res, next) => {
/* get rid of headers sent in by malicious users. */
delete req.headers._uid;
try {
const token = req.headers.authorization.split(' ')[1];
_dps.fb_admin.auth().verifyIdToken(token).then(claims => {
if (claims.uid) { req.headers._uid = claims.uid; }
}).catch(err => next());
} catch(err) { next(); }
Two questions:
1) As an admin with a service account on another server, how would I send a request to this server such that this server can determine an admin sent the request?
2) How would I identify the admin on this server?

You will need to create your own custom Firebase token to include custom fields such as isAdmin: true in the JWT. See
See (1)

Use the setCustomUserClaims() API to add a special "admin" claim to all admin user accounts, and check for it when verifying ID tokens. You can find a discussion and a demo of this use case here (jump ahead to the 6:45 mark of the recording).

Perhaps a solution would be to simply generate an API key of decent length and set it as an environment variable on each of my servers. I could then send this in the Authorization header whenever i want to make an admin https request and verify it in the middleware of the receiver by doing a simple string compare. The only people that could see this API key are those that have access to my servers (AKA admins). Let me know if something is wrong with this approach. It sure seems simple.


firebase.auth().currentUser returning null

In the html file that I have for the sign-in page, I perform the authentication using Firebase and on successful authentication, I redirect the given user to the homepage. When I call firebase.auth().currentUser in the express file, I use for rendering and routing pages, I get undefined or null for the current user.
Can anyone help me understand what the issue might be?
This is how I perform the authentication:
.signInWithEmailAndPassword(temail, tpass)
.then(function(firebaseUser) {
window.location.href = "http://localhost:5000/homepage";
.catch(function(error) {
window.alert("incorrect pass");
This is the code that I have in my express file:
app.get("/homepage", (req, res) => {
var user = firebase.auth().currentUser;
console.log("USER IS " + user);
res.render("menu", { title: "Welcome" });
Backend code doesn't have a sense of "current user". When you sign in on the frontend, the current user is only known on that client. It isn't known on the backend. If you want the backend to know which user is signed in, the client will have to send an ID token to the backend for it to verify. The documentation for the Firebase Admin SDK is used for that on the backend. The client must send the ID token to in the request to your route, and the code handling that route must verify the token in order to know the user that made the request. From the documentation:
If your Firebase client app communicates with a custom backend server, you might need to identify the currently signed-in user on that server. To do so securely, after a successful sign-in, send the user's ID token to your server using HTTPS. Then, on the server, verify the integrity and authenticity of the ID token and retrieve the uid from it. You can use the uid transmitted in this way to securely identify the currently signed-in user on your server.
When the user lands on a new page, Firebase automatically restores their previous authentication state. But to do so, it may have to contact the server, which means that it may take a few moments. While Firebase is restoring the state, auth().currentUser will be null.
To ensure you get the correct authentication state, you should use an authentication state listener, as shown in the documentation on getting the current user:
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function(user) {
if (user) {
// User is signed in.
} else {
// No user is signed in.

Firebase ID token has incorrect "aud" (audience) claim when calling from Endpoint connected to Google Functions

I am using Google Endpoints as an API gateway which is running in a Google Run container service. The API path points to a Google Function (node js). The calls to the API gateway are from a web application (viz. browser).
One of the paths is: /login which authenticates a user in firebase using the firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword method. I get the token Id of the user and send it back in the response header (authentication bearer) back to the browser. This works as expected.
When other Requests are made (e.g /check) to the endpoint the token (in the header) is included. I wanted to check the validity of the token using the Firebase Admin method before processing any requests. The code in the Google Function that does this for one of the routes is as follows:
const decodeIdToken = async (req, res, next) => {
// Read the ID Token from the Authorization header.
const idToken = req.headers.authorization.split('Bearer ')[1];
try {
const decodedIdToken = await admin.auth().verifyIdToken(idToken);
req.decodedToken = decodedIdToken;
} catch (error) {
return res.status(403).json({
status: 'failure',
data: null,
error: error.message
// use decodeIdToken as middleware'/check', decodeIdToken, (req, res, next) => {
return res.json({
status: 'success',
data: req.decodedToken,
error: null
When I call (via Postman ) the routes by directly calling the Google Function trigger both the routes work. However, when I call the Google Endpoints which point to the Google Function I receive the following error while using the Firebase Admin object:
Firebase ID token has incorrect \"aud\" (audience) claim. Expected \"PROJECT-ID\" but got \"\". Make sure the ID token comes from the same Firebase project as the service account used to authenticate this SDK. See for details on how to retrieve an ID token
When setting the Firebase Admin object in NodeJs I tried the following:
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
as well as
credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount),
databaseURL: ""
Use the X-Apigateway-Api-Userinfo Header
The header's value is the base64 encoded payload of the JWT. There's no need to reverify as API Gateway already verified the token for you and has made the contents available for your use.
Example for Node.js devs:
Buffer.from(req.header("x-apigateway-api-userinfo"), "base64").toString();
If for whatever reason you do need access to the original JWT, it is available in the X-Forwared-Authorization header.
Unnecessary Extra Credit:
To explain the error, the reason you are getting the wrong Audience claim is because the JWT you are trying to verify is a different JWT generated by API Gateway. The original Authorization Header has been replaced with this JWT. Why? It is telling Cloud Functions "Hey Cloud Function, it's me API Gateway that's calling you and here's a signed JWT to prove it". Hence API Gateway's audience ends up being the Cloud Function resource url whereas Firebase's audience is the Project the Firebase sits in.
Just another example of weird inconveniences due to Google's implementation if you ask me; they could have definitely left the Auth header untouched and had API Gateway use a different header, but beggars can't be choosers. 🤷‍♂️
Reference API Gateway Documentation:
Receiving authenticated results in your API
API Gateway usually forwards all headers it receives. However, it overrides the original Authorization header when the backend address
is specified by x-google-backend in the API config.
API Gateway will send the authentication result in the X-Apigateway-Api-Userinfo to the backend API. It is recommended to use
this header instead of the original Authorization header. This header
is base64url encoded and contains the JWT payload.
The following worked does not work (see comment below):
In the openapi-functions.yaml add the security defintion as recommended by the docs
authorizationUrl: ""
flow: "implicit"
type: "oauth2"
# Replace YOUR-PROJECT-ID with your project ID
x-google-issuer: ""
x-google-jwks_uri: ""
x-google-audiences: "YOUR-PROJECT-ID"
Then, against the path (/check in my case), add the security section as below:
- firebase: []
Refer to:
There isn't problem with your admin-sdk settings, it's the idToken which is actually a jwt token retured as idToken while sign in using firebase.
Your problem is you are trying to use the JWT token returned as idToken by one of the auth() functions like firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword These do return a JWT token, however the auth claims will likely be wrong and won't pass verification by verifyIdToken. Firebase tech support confirmed this.
You have to use the firebase.auth().currentUser.getToken() function. That token will pass verification.
const idToken=await firebase.auth().currentUser.getToken()

Node.js - How to use access / auth tokens?

I have built my first Node.js app that is supposed to be installed on a Shopify store. If you want to see what my actual code looks like (app.js) you can view it here. It's really basic so reading through won't be hard.
I know how to authenticate the installation of the app (following the Shopify instructions) but I don't how to authenticate all subsequent requests using the permanent access token that a successful installation provides me with.
By subsequent requests I'm referring to requests to either render the app or requests to install the app, even though the app is already installed.
Right now, I'm storing the shop's name (which is unique) along with the permanent token that Shopify sends me in my database. But I don't know if that's necessary. If I'm not mistaken, simply using the browser's session will do ? But how do I do that ? And how do I use this token every time a request comes through to check if it is a valid one?
Thank you for any help/suggestions!
The code below is sort of a representation of what my actual code looks like in order to give you an idea of what my issues are :
db.once('open', function(callback)
app.get('/', function (req, res)
var name = getNameFrom(req);
if (existsInDB(name) && tokenExistsInDBfor(name))
Is checking that the shop (along with a permanent token)
exists in my DB enough ?
Shouldn't I check whether the current request comes with
a token that is equal to the one in my DB ?
What if the token received with this request is different
from the one stored in my DB ?
else res.redirect('/auth');
app.get('/auth', function (req, res)
if (authenticated(req))
var token = getPermanentToken();
storeItInDB(nameFrom(req), token);
aren't I supposed to do anything more
with the token I've received ? send it
back/store it in the browser session as well maybe?
is storing it in the db necessary ?
app.get('/render', function (req, res)
How do I check that this request is coming
from an authorised shop that has the necessary token ?
Simply checking my DB will not do
because there might be some inconsistency correct ?
res.sendFile(*file that will build app on the client*);
Getting access token from Shopify is once time process.
Save access token and shop's name in your DB, and also generate and save 'auth token' based on some algorithm. Return generated auth token to Client. Make sure client sends this auth token in every request.
Now when client hit your server verify auth token; once verified make call to Shopify API using appropriate 'access token' and shop name.
Authentication flow could be as follows:
Get Access token from Shopify
Generate token(i am refering this as auth token) for the Shopify Shop, refer this
Now save shopify's access token, shopify store name and your generated token into DB
Now send your generated token to client(save it in cookie or local storage)
Validation flow:
Clients hits your server to get data with your auth token
Verify this auth token in your DB, and get access token and shop name for that auth token
Now make calls to Shopify API using this access token and shop name
Hope this method helps

Phonegap + Hello.js (server side authentication)

I have a Phonegap application that is communicating with Nodejs server.
Also for the Facebook\Twitter login I'm using Hello.js library (which is very easy to use by the way).
Unfortunately this library only makes client side login (authentication), so at server side I don't know if the user is valid or not (have been looged in with Facebook\Twitter).
After the user is logged in (client side), Hello.js provides the user credentials, with a Facebook unique user ID, but I don't know how to pass it safely to the server, or generally if its a good idea to use it as a user id in my DB.
I'm looking for a simple example that will check the validity of the login at server side too.
If you are using https then sending the id to your server will be fine. What you can do is just check to see if that unique id already exists in your DB and return that users data (if needed) or create a new account.
I would also recommend creating a JWT (JSON Web Token) on the server side and sending that back to the app to be stored in local storage and used to validate all future requests to your node server. You can implement that method pretty easily if you use the jwt.verify method as middleware on all of your routes.
Here is a quick example:
var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
var jwtValidation = function(req, res, next) {
var token = req.body.jwt_token;
if (token) {
jwt.verify(token, 'yourSecretKeyHere', function(err, decoded) {
if (err) {
// Error when checking JWT - redirect to unauthorized
} else if ( {
// Token that was passed in has been decoded
// Check your DB for the
// Complete any other needed tasks then call next();
} else {
// Something else went wrong - redirect to unauthorized
} else {
// No token present - redirect to unauthorized
module.exports = jwtValidation;
This is the main idea as I figured:
In the Phonegap application, after the user has logged in, this function will be called:
hello.on('auth.login', function(r){
var token = r.authResponse.access_token;
now, you can send only the token to the server, and the server will get the user credentials directly from Facebook.
For example, in Facebook, call this usr:{token}

iOS & node.js: how to verify passed access token?

I have an iOS which uses OAuth and OAuth2 providers (Facebook, google, twitter, etc) to validate a user and provide access tokens. Apart from minimal data such as name and email address, the app doesn't uses these services for anything except authentication.
The app then sends the access token to a server to indicate that the user is authenticated.
The server is written in Node.js and before doing anything it needs to validate the supplied access token against the correct OAuth* service.
I've been looking around, but so far all the node.js authentication modules I've found appear to be for logging in and authenticating through web pages supplied by the server.
Does anyone know any node.js modules that can do simple validation of a supplied access token?
To the best of my knowledge (and as far as I can tell from reading the specifications) the OAuth and OAuth 2 specs do not specify a single endpoint for access token validation. That means you will need custom code for each of the providers to validate an access token only.
I looked up what to do for the endpoints you specified:
It seems others have used the graph API's 'me' endpoint for Facebook to check if the token is valid. Basically, request:{accessToken}
Google have a dedicated debugging endpoint for getting access token information, with nice documentation, too. Basically, request:{accessToken}
However, they recommend that you don't do this for production:
The tokeninfo endpoint is useful for debugging but for production
purposes, retrieve Google's public keys from the keys endpoint and
perform the validation locally. You should retrieve the keys URI from
the Discovery document using the jwks_uri metadata value. Requests to
the debugging endpoint may be throttled or otherwise subject to
intermittent errors.
Since Google changes its public keys only infrequently, you can cache
them using the cache directives of the HTTP response and, in the vast
majority of cases, perform local validation much more efficiently than
by using the tokeninfo endpoint. This validation requires retrieving
and parsing certificates, and making the appropriate cryptographic
calls to check the signature. Fortunately, there are well-debugged
libraries available in a wide variety of languages to accomplish this
Twitter doesn't seem to have a really obvious way to do this. I would suspect that because the account settings data is pretty static, that might be the best way of verifying (fetching tweets would presumably have a higher latency?), so you can request (with the appropriate OAuth signature etc.):
Note that this API is rate-limited to 15 times per window.
All in all this seems trickier than it would first appear. It might be a better idea to implement some kind of session/auth support on the server. Basically, you could verify the external OAuth token you get once, and then assign the user some session token of your own with which you authenticate with the user ID (email, FB id, whatever) on your own server, rather than continuing to make requests to the OAuth providers for every request you get yourself.
For google in production, install google-auth-library (npm install google-auth-library --save) and use the following:
const { OAuth2Client } = require('google-auth-library');
const client = new OAuth2Client(GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID); // Replace by your client ID
async function verifyGoogleToken(token) {
const ticket = await client.verifyIdToken({
idToken: token,
audience: GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID // Replace by your client ID
const payload = ticket.getPayload();
return payload;
}"/auth/google", (req, res, next) => {
verifyGoogleToken(req.body.idToken).then(user => {
console.log(user); // Token is valid, do whatever you want with the user
.catch(console.error); // Token invalid
More info on Authenticate google token with a backend server, examples for node.js, java, python and php can be found.
For Facebook, do an https request like:
const https = require('https');"/auth/facebook", (req, res, next) => {
const options = {
hostname: '',
port: 443,
path: '/me?access_token=' + req.body.authToken,
method: 'GET'
const request = https.get(options, response => {
response.on('data', function (user) {
user = JSON.parse(user.toString());
request.on('error', (message) => {
In production for google you can use:
const ticket = client.verifyIdToken({
idToken: ctx.request.body.idToken,
audience: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENTID
To get info about token from Google use, be careful vith version api{accessToken}
