How to tie in the back end? - node.js

I'm trying to send a simple text message with pickupLocation info from user input to a cell phone as a text. I retrieved a code snipped for message from the Twilio website, but I don't think I have the syntax correct to create the message in the index.js of Fulfillment.
I created a function to send the message and I think I'm on the right track but I can't seem to get the code to work properly and I cannot find a clear example of syntax to create the function for the text.
Can anyone help me? Here is the code I have so far and its not working when I deploy. Any assistance would be WONDERFUL! :) I have attached the snipped of code that I put together.

I'd be careful about posting your sid and authToken in here.
You don't need to define all of those variables as const.
Surely the pickup location isn't a date? I think your pickup location will be wrong from that every time.
Are you logging anything besides the message sid? What is happening when that functions runs?


Gmail markup for online event

While there is good documentation around sending markup emails for specifying offline event. Refrence Can someone help me out on how to add handle an online event?
The issue with offline event is that I need to enter a proper postal address, however in our case the location is simply a url.
Things I have already tried
Putting type of location as VirtualLocation, but that gives error
Entering empty strings in PostalAddress fields
Marking eventAttendanceMode as, it gives error
Does gmail support markups for online events? Common sense says it should.
As said by #kayes-fahim comment you can find more information on their blog, and documentation.
By the blog post you could use the virtualLocation but you also need to set the eventAttendanceMode to OnlineEventAttendanceMode. Reference

in, How do I make a bot command that reaches multiple replies, saving the data into a variable?

I want to be able to create a command that lets me get a response from a user which will then be saved as a variable, that'll be saved into another file for safekeeping.
(an example would be making a character sheet in direct messages, where you need to input multiple messages to get the desired outcome.)
I'm stuck and need help with finding a reliable way to make replies and to be able to stock the ones sent by the user. Thank you in advance.
I am not sure, but i think what you are looking for is wait_for
There are two examples in the docs, the first example covers wait_for message. It can be found on this url:

What does the error msg ENVELOPE_HAS_DUPLICATE_RECIPIENTS mean?

Looking at the envelope JSON there is only one recipient email. So this must indicate some other issue. Can someone steer me toward something in the docs that talks about it?
I suggest that you use the API Logging feature to see exactly what DocuSign is receiving from your application.
If that doesn't help you solve the problem then edit your question to add the logger's output.
Use a tool such as JSON Pretty print to format your API request.
You'll also need to add 4 spaces per line so StackOverflow recognizes it as software/JSON for proper display.
The answer is it means the request JSON has duplicate RECIPIENTS arrays. It doesn't mean, at least in this case, there is a problem with recipient data.
And as far as a list of error codes there simply isn't one yet.
In this particular instance my code assembling the request incorrectly wrote the recipients array. A better message would be MALFOMED_JSON_REQUEST or such since that's what the problem actually was. Once I stopped looking at the recipients data I realized the problem.

I need to capture the barcode value with QuaggaJS

I had gone through the API of QuaggaJs from here.
Then I had downloaded the demo and tried to run the 'file_input.html' from the examples folder. According to the API after the capturing is completed. It's supposed to call the Quagga.onDetected(callback) function.
I don't know what's the reason but its not happening.
Am I missing something over here?

How to write text values in masked field?

i need some help related to masked field in web form. Syntax of phone field is (___)___-_____, if i execute this code in ruby shell
browser.text_field(:id => 'txtphone').set '7893457889'
... nothing has been added in the phone field.
then i find this solution in one blog, someone said first unmask this field using this code.
then write the above code again.
browser.text_field(:id => 'txtphone').set '7893457889'
but still nothing has happened. kindly help me i doing right or still there is a mistake.
If you could provide some sample of the page HTML it will be easier to give you an answer more likely to work.
Given what you have provided us to work from, we have to go with the normal way that such masked input fields typically work and go from there. Usually pages with this kind of thing are calling a javascript function which is triggered by a specific event. Most often this is an event such as onchange but it may be something like keypress or any other even that happens when a normal user types or pasts text into the cell.
You likely need to experiment with using the '.fire_event' method to fire the proper javascript event, or if that fails entirely making a direct call to execute the proper script
When doing this do not confuse the name of a script such as 'applymask' or somesuch with the javascript event which causes that script to be invoked.
The answers to this question How to find out which JavaScript events fired? include some good information on how to use firebug or the chrome developer tools to figure out what events are being fired when you interact with an object on the browser screen.
Update: instead of responding here to indicate if this answer was of any use the OP reposted their question here Masked Text Box issue and by digging around on the vendor's demo site (since that time he actually had posted some of the HTML when we asked for it) I was able to find a solution using watir-webdriver that worked for him.
