Re-dress a ST monad as something similar to the State monad - haskell

Here's the scenario: Given is a C library, with some struct at its core and operations thereon provided by an abundance of C functions.
Step 1: Using Haskell's FFI a wrapper is created. It has functions like myCLibInit :: IO MyCLibObj, myCLibOp1 :: MyCLibObj -> ... -> IO (), and so on. MyCLibObj is an opaque type that carries (and hides) a Ptr or ForeignPtr to the actual C struct, for example as shown in this wiki or in RWH ch. 17.
Step 2: Using unsafeIOToST from Control.Monad.ST.Unsafe convert all the IO actions into ST actions. This is done by introducing something like
data STMyCLib s = STMyCLib MyCLibObj
and then wrapping all IO functions in ST functions, for example:
myCLibInit' :: ST s (STMyCLib s)
myCLibInit' = unsafeIOToST $ STMyCLib <$> myCLibInit
This allows to write imperative-style programs that mirror the use of the OO-like C library, e.g.:
doSomething :: ST s Bool
doSomething = do
obj1 <- myCLibInit'
success1 <- myCLibOp1' obj1 "some-other-input"
obj2 <- myCLibInit'
result <- myCLibOp2' obj2 42
return True -- or False
main :: IO ()
main = do
let success = runST doSomething
Step 3: Often it doesn't make sense to mingle operations on several MyCLibObj in one do-block. For example when the C struct is (or should be thought of as) a singleton instance. Doing something like in doSomething above is either nonsensical, or just plain forbidden (for example, when the C struct is a static). In this case language resembling the one of the State monad is necessary:
doSomething :: ResultType
doSomething = withMyCLibInstance $ do
success <- myCLibOp1'' "some-other-input"
result <- myCLibOp2'' 42
return result
withMyCLibInstance :: Q a -> a
And this leads to the question: How can the ST s a monad be re-dressed as something that resembles more the State monad. Since withMyCLibInstance would use the runST function the new monad, let's call it Q (for 'q'uestion), should be
newtype Q a = Q (forall s. ST s a)
This looks thoroughly weird to me. I'm already struggling with implementing the Functor instance for this Q, let alone Applicative and Monad. ST s actually is a monad, already, but state s mustn't escape the ST monad, hence the forall s. ST s a. It's the only way to get rid of the s because runST :: (forall s. ST s a) -> a, and withMyCLibInstance is just a myCLibInit' followed by a runST. But somehow this doesn't fit.
What is the right way to tackle step 3? Should I even do step 2, or roll my Q right after step 1? My sense is that this should be quite simple. The ST monad has all I need, the Q just needs to be set up the right way...
Update 1: The singleton and static struct examples in step 3 are not very good. If two such do blocks were executed in parallel, very bad things might happen, i.e. both do blocks would work on the same C struct in parallel.

You can use a reader effect to access a singleton, instantiating it only in the run function:
newtype MyCLibST s a = MyCLibST { unMyCLibST :: ReaderT (STMyCLib s) (ST s) a }
runMyCLibST :: (forall s. MyCLibST s a) -> a
runMyCLibST m = runST (myCLibInit >>= runReaderT (unMyCLibST m))
-- Wrap the API with this.
unsafeMkMyCLibST :: (MyCLibObj -> IO a) -> MyCLibST s a
s should appear as a parameter to MyCLibST if you want to keep access to other ST features like mutable references and arrays.


StateMonad instance for TeletypeIO

So, I have this datatype (it's from here:
data IO a = Done a
| PutChar Char (IO a)
| GetChar (Char -> IO a)
and I thought of writing a StateMonad instance for it. I have already written Monad and Applicative instances for it.
instance MonadState (IO s) where
get = GetChar (\c -> Done c)
put = PutChar c (Done ())
state f = Done (f s)
I don't think I fully understand what state (it was named 'modify' before) is supposed to do here.
state :: (s -> (a, s)) -> m a
I also have messed up with declarations. I don't really understand what is wrong, let alone how to fix it. Would appreciate your help.
Expecting one more argument to ‘MonadState (IO s)’
Expected a constraint,
but ‘MonadState (IO s)’ has kind ‘(* -> *) -> Constraint’
In the instance declaration for ‘MonadState (IO s)’
As I mentioned in the comments, your type doesn't really hold any state, so a StateMonad instance would be nonsensical for it.
However, since this is just an exercise (also based on the comments), I guess it's ok to implement the instance technically, even if it doesn't do what you'd expect it to do.
First, the compiler error you're getting tells you that the MonadState class actually takes two arguments - the type of the state and the type of the monad, where monad has to have kind * -> *, that is, have a type parameter, like Maybe, or list, or Identity.
In your case, the monad in question (not really a monad, but ok) is IO, and the type of your "state" is Char, since that's what you're getting and putting. So the declaration has to look like this:
instance MonadState Char IO where
Second, the state method doesn't have the signature (s -> s) -> m s as you claim, but rather (s -> (a, s)) -> m a. See its definition. What it's supposed to do is create a computation in monad m out of a function that takes a state and returns "result" plus new (updated) state.
Note also that this is the most general operation on the State monad, and both get and put can be expressed in terms of state:
get = state $ \s -> (s, s)
put s = state $ \_ -> ((), s)
This means that you do not have to implement get and put yourself. You only need to implement the state function, and get/put will come from default implementations.
Incidentally, this works the other way around as well: if you define get and put, the definition of state will come from the default:
state f = do
s <- get
let (a, s') = f s
put s'
return a
And now, let's see how this can actually be implemented.
The semantics of the state's parameter is this: it's a function that takes some state as input, then performs some computation based on that state, and this computation has some result a, and it also may modify the state in some way; so the function returns both the result and the new, modified state.
In your case, the way to "get" the state from your "monad" is via GetChar, and the way in which is "returns" the Char is by calling a function that you pass to it (such function is usually referred to as "continuation").
The way to "put" the state back into your "monad" is via PutChar, which takes the Char you want to "put" as a parameter, plus some IO a that represents the computation "result".
So, the way to implement state would be to (1) first "get" the Char, then (2) apply the function to it, then (3) "put" the resulting new Char, and then (3) return the "result" of the function. Putting it all together:
state f = GetChar $ \c -> let (a, c') = f c in PutChar c' (Done a)
As further exercise, I encourage you to see how get and put would unfold, starting from the definitions I gave above, and performing step-by-step substitution. Here, I'll give you a couple first steps:
get = state $ \s -> (s, s)
-- Substituting definition of `state`
= GetChar $ \c -> let (a, c') = (\s -> (s, s)) c in PutChar c' (Done a)
-- Substituting (\s -> (s, s)) c == (c, c)
= GetChar $ \c -> let (a, c') = (c, c) in PutChar c' (Done a)
= <and so on...>
MonadState takes two arguments, in this order:
the type of the state
the monad
In this case the monad is IO:
instance MonadState _ IO where
And you need to figure out what goes in place of the underscore

Making Read-Only functions for a State in Haskell

I often end up in a situation where it's very convenient to be using the State monad, due to having a lot of related functions that need to operate on the same piece of data in a semi-imperative way.
Some of the functions need to read the data in the State monad, but will never need to change it. Using the State monad as usual in these functions works just fine, but I can't help but feel that I've given up Haskell's inherent safety and replicated a language where any function can mutate anything.
Is there some type-level thing that I can do to ensure that these functions can only read from the State, and never write to it?
Current situation:
iWriteData :: Int -> State MyState ()
iWriteData n = do
state <- get
put (doSomething n state)
-- Ideally this type would show that the state can't change.
iReadData :: State MyState Int
iReadData = do
state <- get
return (getPieceOf state)
bigFunction :: State MyState ()
bigFunction = do
iWriteData 5
iWriteData 10
num <- iReadData -- How do we know that the state wasn't modified?
iWRiteData num
Ideally iReadData would probably have the type Reader MyState Int, but then it doesn't play nicely with the State. Having iReadData be a regular function seems to be the best bet, but then I have to go through the gymnastics of explicitly extracting and passing it the state every time it's used. What are my options?
It's not hard to inject the Reader monad into State:
read :: Reader s a -> State s a
read a = gets (runReader a)
then you could say
iReadData :: Reader MyState Int
iReadData = do
state <- ask
return (getPieceOf state)
and call it as
x <- read $ iReadData
this would allow you to build up Readers into larger read-only sub-programs and inject them into State only where you need to combine them with mutators.
It's not hard to extend this to a ReaderT and StateT at the top of your monad transformer stack (in fact, the definition above works exactly for this case, just change the type). Extending it to a ReaderT and StateT in the middle of the stack is harder. You basically need a function
lift1 :: (forall a. m0 a -> m1 a) -> t m0 a -> t m1 a
for every monad transformer t in the stack above the ReaderT/StateT, which isn't part of the standard library.
I would recommend wrapping up the State monad in a newtype and defining a MonadReader instance for it:
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Reader
data MyState = MyState Int deriving Show
newtype App a = App
{ runApp' :: State MyState a
} deriving
( Functor
, Applicative
, Monad
, MonadState MyState
runApp :: App a -> MyState -> (a, MyState)
runApp app = runState $ runApp' app
instance MonadReader MyState App where
ask = get
local f m = App $ fmap (fst . runApp m . f) $ get
iWriteData :: MonadState MyState m => Int -> m ()
iWriteData n = do
MyState s <- get
put $ MyState $ s + n
iReadData :: MonadReader MyState m => m Int
iReadData = do
MyState s <- ask
return $ s * 2
bigFunction :: App ()
bigFunction = do
iWriteData 5
iWriteData 10
num <- iReadData
iWriteData num
This is certainly more code that #jcast's solution, but it follows the the tradition of implementing your transformer stack as a newtype wrapper, and by sticking with constraints instead of solidified types you can make strong guarantees about the use of your code while providing maximum flexibility for re-use. Anyone using your code would be able to extend your App with transformers of their own while still using iReadData and iWriteData as intended. You also don't have to wrap every call to a Reader monad with a read function, the MonadReader MyState functions are seamlessly integrated with functions in the App monad.
Excellent answers by jcast and bhelkir, with exactly the first idea I thought of—embedding Reader inside State.
I think it's worthwhile to address this semi-side point of your question:
Using the State monad as usual in these functions works just fine, but I can't help but feel that I've given up Haskell's inherent safety and replicated a language where any function can mutate anything.
That's a potential red flag, indeed. I've always found that State works best for code with "small" states that can be contained within the lifetime of a single, brief application of runState. My go-to example is numbering the elements of a Traversable data structure:
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Traversable (Traversable, traverse)
tag :: (Traversable t, Enum s) => s -> t a -> t (s, a)
tag i ta = evalState (traverse step ta) init
where step a = do s <- postIncrement
return (s, a)
postIncrement :: Enum s => State s s
postIncrement = do result <- get
put (succ result)
return result
You don't directly say so, but you make it sound you may have a big state value, with many different fields being used in many different ways within a long-lived runState call. And perhaps it does need to be that way for your program at this point. But one technique for coping with this might be to write your smaller State actions so that they only use narrower state types than the "big" one and then embed these into the larger State type with a function like this:
-- | Extract a piece of the current state and run an action that reads
-- and modifies only that piece.
substate :: (s -> s') -> (s' -> s -> s) -> State s' a -> State s a
substate extract replace action =
do s <- get
let (s', a) = runState action (extract s)
put (replace s' s)
return a
Schematic example
example :: State (A, B) Whatever
example = do foo <- substate fst (,b) action1
bar <- substate snd (a,) action2
return $ makeWhatever foo bar
-- Can only touch the `A` component of the state
action1 :: State A Foo
action1 = ...
-- Can only touch the `B` component of the state
action2 :: State B Bar
action2 = ...
Note that the extract and replace functions constitute a lens, and there are libraries for that, which may even already include a function like this.

STRef and phantom types

Does s in STRef s a get instantiated with a concrete type? One could easily imagine some code where STRef is used in a context where the a takes on Int. But there doesn't seem to be anything for the type inference to give s a concrete type.
Imagine something in pseudo Java like MyList<S, A>. Even if S never appeared in the implementation of MyList instantiating a concrete type like MyList<S, Integer> where a concrete type is not used in place of S would not make sense. So how can STRef s a work?
tl;dr - in practice it seems it always gets initialised to RealWorld in the end
The source notes that s can be instantiated to RealWorld inside invocations of stToIO, but is otherwise uninstantiated:
-- The s parameter is either
-- an uninstantiated type variable (inside invocations of 'runST'), or
-- 'RealWorld' (inside invocations of 'Control.Monad.ST.stToIO').
Looking at the actual code for ST however it seems runST uses a specific value realWorld#:
newtype ST s a = ST (STRep s a)
type STRep s a = State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
runST :: (forall s. ST s a) -> a
runST st = runSTRep (case st of { ST st_rep -> st_rep })
runSTRep :: (forall s. STRep s a) -> a
runSTRep st_rep = case st_rep realWorld# of
(# _, r #) -> r
realWorld# is defined as a magic primitive inside the GHC source code:
realWorldName = mkWiredInIdName gHC_PRIM (fsLit "realWorld#")
realWorldPrimIdKey realWorldPrimId
realWorldPrimId :: Id -- :: State# RealWorld
realWorldPrimId = pcMiscPrelId realWorldName realWorldStatePrimTy
(noCafIdInfo `setUnfoldingInfo` evaldUnfolding
`setOneShotInfo` stateHackOneShot)
You can also confirm this in ghci:
Prelude> :set -XMagicHash
Prelude> :m +GHC.Prim
Prelude GHC.Prim> :t realWorld#
realWorld# :: State# RealWorld
From your question I can not see if you understand why the phantom s type is there at all. Even if you did not ask for this explicitly, let me elaborate on that.
The role of the phantom type
The main use of the phantom type is to constrain references (aka pointers) to stay "inside" the ST monad. Roughly, the dynamically allocated data must end its life when runST returns.
To see the issue, let's pretend that the type of runST were
runST :: ST s a -> a
Then, consider this:
data Dummy
let var :: STRef Dummy Int
var = runST (newSTRef 0)
change :: () -> ()
change = runST (modifySTRef var succ)
access :: () -> Int
result :: (Int, ())
result = (access() , change())
in result
(Above I added a few useless () arguments to make it similar to imperative code)
Now what should be the result of the code above? It could be either (0,()) or (1,()) depending on the evaluation order. This is a big no-no in the pure Haskell world.
The issue here is that var is a reference which "escaped" from its runST. When you escape the ST monad, you are no longer forced to use the monad operator >>= (or equivalently, the do notation to sequentialize the order of side effects. If references are still around, then we can still have side effects around when there should be none.
To avoid the issue, we restrict runST to work on ST s a where a does not depend on s. Why this? Because newSTRef returns a STRef s a, a reference to a tagged with the phantom type s, hence the return type depends on s and can not be extracted from the ST monad through runST.
Technically, this restriction is done by using a rank-2 type:
runST :: (forall s. ST s a) -> a
the "forall" here is used to implement the restriction. The type is saying: choose any a you wish, then provide a value of type ST s a for any s I wish, then I will return an a. Mind that s is chosen by runST, not by the caller, so it could be absolutely anything. So, the type system will accept an application runST action only if action :: forall s. ST s a where s is unconstrained, and a does not involve s (recall that the caller has to choose a before runST chooses s).
It is indeed a slightly hackish trick to implement the independence constraint, but it does work.
On the actual question
To connect this to your actual question: in the implementation of runST, s will be chosen to be any concrete type. Note that, even if s were simply chosen to be Int inside runST it would not matter much, because the type system has already constrained a to be independent from s, hence to be reference-free. As #Ganesh pointed out, RealWorld is the type used by GHC.
You also mentioned Java. One could attempt to play a similar trick in Java as follows: (warning, overly simplified code follows)
interface ST<S,A> { A call(); }
interface STAction<A> { <S> ST<S,A> call(S dummy); }
<A> A runST(STAction<A> action} {
RealWorld dummy = new RealWorld();
Above in STAction parameter A can not depend on S.

Converting monads

Lets say I have function
(>>*=) :: (Show e') => Either e' a -> (a -> Either e b) -> Either e b
which is converting errors of different types in clean streamlined functions. I am pretty happy about this.
Could there possibly be function <*- that would do similar job insted of <- keyword, that it would not look too disturbing?
Well, my answer is really the same as Toxaris' suggestion of a foo :: Either e a -> Either e' a function, but I'll try to motivate it a bit more.
A function like foo is what we call a monad morphism: a natural transformation from one monad into another one. You can informally think of this as a function that sends any action in the source monad (irrespective of result type) to a "sensible" counterpart in the target monad. (The "sensible" bit is where it gets mathy, so I'll skip those details...)
Monad morphisms are a more fundamental concept here than your suggested >>*= function for handling this sort of situation in Haskell. Your >>*= is well-behaved if it's equivalent to the following:
(>>*=) :: Monad m => n a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
na >>*= k = morph na >>= k
-- Must be a monad morphism:
morph :: n a -> m a
morph = ...
So it's best to factor your >>*= out into >>= and case-specific monad morphisms. If you read the link from above, and the tutorial for the mmorph library, you'll see examples of generic utility functions that use user-supplied monad morphisms to "edit" monad transformer stacks—for example, use a monad morphism morph :: Error e a -> Error e' a to convert StateT s (ErrorT e IO) a into StateT s (ErrorT e' IO) a.
It is not possible to write a function that you can use instead of the <- in do notation. The reason is that to the left of <-, there is a pattern, but functions take values. But maybe you can write a function
foo :: (Show e') => Either e' a -> Either e a
that converts the error messages and then use it like this:
do x <- foo $ code that creates e1 errors
y <- foo $ code that creates e2 errors
While this is not as good as the <*- you're asking for, it should allow you to use do notation.

What general structure does this type have?

While hacking something up earlier, I created the following code:
newtype Callback a = Callback { unCallback :: a -> IO (Callback a) }
liftCallback :: (a -> IO ()) -> Callback a
liftCallback f = let cb = Callback $ \x -> (f x >> return cb) in cb
runCallback :: Callback a -> IO (a -> IO ())
runCallback cb =
do ref <- newIORef cb
return $ \x -> readIORef ref >>= ($ x) . unCallback >>= writeIORef ref
Callback a represents a function that handles some data and returns a new callback that should be used for the next notification. A callback which can basically replace itself, so to speak. liftCallback just lifts a normal function to my type, while runCallback uses an IORef to convert a Callback to a simple function.
The general structure of the type is:
data T m a = T (a -> m (T m a))
It looks much like this could be isomorphic to some well-known mathematical structure from category theory.
But what is it? Is it a monad or something? An applicative functor? A transformed monad? An arrow, even? Is there a search engine similar Hoogle that lets me search for general patterns like this?
The term you are looking for is free monad transformer. The best place to learn how these work is to read the "Coroutine Pipelines" article in issue 19 of The Monad Reader. Mario Blazevic gives a very lucid description of how this type works, except he calls it the "Coroutine" type.
I wrote up his type in the transformers-free package and then it got merged into the free package, which is its new official home.
Your Callback type is isomorphic to:
type Callback a = forall r . FreeT ((->) a) IO r
To understand free monad transformers, you need to first understand free monads, which are just abstract syntax trees. You give the free monad a functor which defines a single step in the syntax tree, and then it creates a Monad from that Functor that is basically a list of those types of steps. So if you had:
Free ((->) a) r
That would be a syntax tree that accepts zero or more as as input and then returns a value r.
However, usually we want to embed effects or make the next step of the syntax tree dependent on some effect. To do that, we simply promote our free monad to a free monad transformer, which interleaves the base monad between syntax tree steps. In the case of your Callback type, you are interleaving IO in between each input step, so your base monad is IO:
FreeT ((->) a) IO r
The nice thing about free monads is that they are automatically monads for any functor, so we can take advantage of this to use do notation to assemble our syntax tree. For example, I can define an await command that will bind the input within the monad:
import Control.Monad.Trans.Free
await :: (Monad m) => FreeT ((->) a) m a
await = liftF id
Now I have a DSL for writing Callbacks:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Free
printer :: (Show a) => FreeT ((->) a) IO r
printer = forever $ do
a <- await
lift $ print a
Notice that I never had to define the necessary Monad instance. Both FreeT f and Free f are automatically Monads for any functor f, and in this case ((->) a) is our functor, so it automatically does the right thing. That's the magic of category theory!
Also, we never had to define a MonadTrans instance in order to use lift. FreeT f is automatically a monad transformer, given any functor f, so it took care of that for us, too.
Our printer is a suitable Callback, so we can feed it values just by deconstructing the free monad transformer:
feed :: [a] -> FreeT ((->) a) IO r -> IO ()
feed as callback = do
x <- runFreeT callback
case x of
Pure _ -> return ()
Free k -> case as of
[] -> return ()
b:bs -> feed bs (k b)
The actual printing occurs when we bind runFreeT callback, which then gives us the next step in the syntax tree, which we feed the next element of the list.
Let's try it:
>>> feed [1..5] printer
However, you don't even need to write all this up yourself. As Petr pointed out, my pipes library abstracts common streaming patterns like this for you. Your callback is just:
forall r . Consumer a IO r
The way we'd define printer using pipes is:
printer = forever $ do
a <- await
lift $ print a
... and we can feed it a list of values like so:
>>> runEffect $ each [1..5] >-> printer
I designed pipes to encompass a very large range of streaming abstractions like these in such a way that you can always use do notation to build each streaming component. pipes also comes with a wide variety of elegant solutions for things like state and error handling, and bidirectional flow of information, so if you formulate your Callback abstraction in terms of pipes, you tap into a ton of useful machinery for free.
If you want to learn more about pipes, I recommend you read the tutorial.
The general structure of the type looks to me like
data T (~>) a = T (a ~> T (~>) a)
where (~>) = Kleisli m in your terms (an arrow).
Callback itself doesn't look like an instance of any standard Haskell typeclass I can think of, but it is a Contravariant Functor (also known as Cofunctor, misleadingly as it turns out). As it is not included in any of the libraries that come with GHC, there exist several definitions of it on Hackage (use this one), but they all look something like this:
class Contravariant f where
contramap :: (b -> a) -> f a -> f b
-- c.f. fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
instance Contravariant Callback where
contramap f (Callback k) = Callback ((fmap . liftM . contramap) f (f . k))
Is there some more exotic structure from category theory that Callback possesses? I don't know.
I think that this type is very close to what I have heard called a 'Circuit', which is a type of arrow. Ignoring for a moment the IO part (as we can have this just by transforming a Kliesli arrow) the circuit transformer is:
newtype CircuitT a b c = CircuitT { unCircuitT :: a b (c, CircuitT a b c) }
This is basicall an arrow that returns a new arrow to use for the next input each time. All of the common arrow classes (including loop) can be implemented for this arrow transformer as long as the base arrow supports them. Now, all we have to do to make it notionally the same as the type you mention is to get rid of that extra output. This is easily done, and so we find:
Callback a ~=~ CircuitT (Kleisli IO) a ()
As if we look at the right hand side:
CircuitT (Kleisli IO) a () ~=~
(Kliesli IO) a ((), CircuitT (Kleisli IO) a ()) ~=~
a -> IO ((), CircuitT (Kliesli IO) a ())
And from here, you can see how this is similar to Callback a, except we also output a unit value. As the unit value is in a tuple with something else anyway, this really doesn't tell us much, so I would say they're basically the same.
N.B. I used ~=~ for similar but not entirely equivalent to, for some reason. They are very closely similar though, in particular note that we could convert a Callback a into a CircuitT (Kleisli IO) a () and vice-versa.
EDIT: I would also fully agree with the ideas that this is A) a monadic costream (monadic operation expecitng an infinite number of values, I think this means) and B) a consume-only pipe (which is in many ways very similar to the circuit type with no output, or rather output set to (), as such a pipe could also have had output).
Just an observation, your type seems quite related to Consumer p a m appearing in the pipes library (and probably other similar librarties as well):
type Consumer p a = p () a () C
-- A Pipe that consumes values
-- Consumers never respond.
where C is an empty data type and p is an instance of Proxy type class. It consumes values of type a and never produces any (because its output type is empty).
For example, we could convert a Callback into a Consumer:
import Control.Proxy
import Control.Proxy.Synonym
newtype Callback m a = Callback { unCallback :: a -> m (Callback m a) }
-- No values produced, hence the polymorphic return type `r`.
-- We could replace `r` with `C` as well.
consumer :: (Proxy p, Monad m) => Callback m a -> () -> Consumer p a m r
consumer c () = runIdentityP (run c)
run (Callback c) = request () >>= lift . c >>= run
See the tutorial.
(This should have been rather a comment, but it's a bit too long.)
