How to pause an amazon lex bot? - python-3.x

I would like to pause my Amazon Lex bot from responding to the user. I would like for it to keep listening to the conversation but not have it respond to any of it. I understand it would probably have to be in a lambda function. I'd like to be able to call the bot to answer again or have a variable to switch the bot from paused to responding again. Is this possible?


Getting the poll result from sendPoll telegram bot with Bot business

Get poll result by
Currently not possible in

How can I create a discord bot that will send out notifications about streams?

I need my discord bot written in PYTHON to be able to send a text chat notification about the start of the stream. I tried using webhooks in discord using the IFTTT site, but the alerts come with a huge delay. Can someone throw off some of the code for notification of streams? Thank you in advance
You can use Twitch's Eventsub to recieve a notification when a Stream goes live then modify the payload to match Discord's Webhook format and forward the payload on. Which is essentially what IFTTT does anyway.
Currently EventSub only offers a Webhook Transport. So you need a "Server" that can recieve a HTTP Post from Twitch.
Twitch EventSub is covered here
Discord Webhooks is covered here
If you want your Discord Bot to do it itself, then you generally would not use EventSub as you don't want your Bot process to be directly web accesable, so you'd have to poll the Streams Endpoint of the Helix API periodically and test for the Stream changing from offline to online and do whatever is needed. (Or setup a side process to recieve and internal relay the data)
You would use a Twitch App Access/Client Credentials Token, since this is a server to server request.

How to check if the user has the webchat window open?

I am creating a customer support bot using Ms botframework v4 with nodeJS and directline API 3.0. A customer would talk to the bot and on request, the conversation would be handed over to an agent. If the customer requested to talk to a bot, the customer will wait until the agent becomes available. I want to check if the customer is still active before the agent sends a message to him/her.
wireframe of the bot and the webiste As you can see in the image Jack is in the queue I want to find out a way to check if Jack is still waiting, or he close the window and no longer waiting.
Check out this SO solution I provided. The request is similar to yours in that the OP wants to know how the bot can be notified if a user exits.
The short answer is to use an event listener. Before the window (that houses the web chat instance) is closed, an event is fired. This event is picked up by web chat which sends an activity (message, event, or other) to notify that bot.
From this point, you simply need to forward the notification to the agent that the user has exited the conversation.
Hope of help!

Notification at change of status

I am newbie in programming, so I'm asking to be, let's say, more patient. Thanks.
Now what I want to ask.
So I have a discord bot that check minecraft server status. By checking server status it set for himself Playing status like "Playing x/y players" or "Server unavailable". I want to make notifications when it will send message if status "Server unavailable" changes to "Playing", so users of my discord server get notified when server up. More better will be if notifications will be sent only if server was unavailable for more than X minutes.
One more thing. I do Not ask for sample code, but for directions for what I'm should Google, so I can write code by myself.
Thanks for any help!
Oh btw, bot is written on Node.js.

Microsoft Bot Framework (MBF) - can't get video from Kik channel

I can't get my bot approved on Kik because of the following reason:
Your bot failed to respond to messages of the following types: start-chatting, video
I'll probably fix the start-chatting, but the video part is weird.
In other channels (e.g. Facebook Messenger) my bot intercept the video and can responds to it, but on Kik, it seems like I get no message at all when the user sends a video message.
Anyone familiar with that issue? Any help would be appreciated.
I'm using the Node.Js SDK.
I solved it. My bot service is running on Azure, and after 20 minutes of inactivity, the server is becoming idle and the response is delayed in about 15 seconds.
