.find() returns empty when used with node.js and mongoose but returns data on mongo shell [duplicate] - node.js

I have tried using find and findOne and both are not returning a document. find is returning an empty array while findOne is returning null. err in both cases in null as well.
Here is my connection:
function connectToDB(){
mongoose.connect("mongodb://localhost/test"); //i have also tried
db = mongoose.connection;
db.on("error", console.error.bind(console, "connection error:"));
db.once("open", function callback(){
Here is my schema:
var fileSchema = mongoose.Schema({
hash: String,
type: String,
extension: String,
size: String,
uploaded: {type:Date, default:(Date.now)},
expires: {type:Date, default:(Date.now()+oneDay)}
var Model = mongoose.model("Model", fileSchema);
And my query is here:
Model.find({},function(err, file) {
I can upload things to the database and see them via RockMongo but I cannot fetch them after. This my first time using MongoDB so I think I'm just missing some of the fundamentals. Any push in the right direction would be great!

The call to mongoose.model establishes the name of the collection the model is tied to, with the default being the pluralized, lower-cased model name. So with your code, that would be 'models'. To use the model with the files collection, change that line to:
var Model = mongoose.model("Model", fileSchema, "files");
var Model = mongoose.model("file", fileSchema);

Simply inorder to avoid pluralization complexity use this:
var Model = mongoose.model("Model", fileSchema, "pure name your db collection");
It's very confusing.[at least for me.]

Had kinda same problem. The solutions above didnt work for me. My app never returns error even if the query is not found. It returns empty array. So i put this in my code:
if(queryResult.length==0) return res.status(404).send("not found");

This issue is probably coming from the fact that you are creating a mongoose model without specifying the name of the collection.
Try changing : const Model = mongoose.model("Model", fileSchema);
To this : const Model = mongoose.model("Model", fileSchema, "NameOfCollection");

const growingUnit= mongoose.model('Growing Unit', growingUnitSchema);
I had a space in 'Growing Unit' on purpose and it always returned empty array. Removing that space to become 'GrowingUnit' was the fix needed in my scenario.
const growingUnit= mongoose.model('Growing Unit', growingUnitSchema);

General "hello world" issues (Sometimes this issue not related to mongoose).
Check if the collection is not really empty (mongoDB atlas screenshot).
Check for small spelling differences (Like listing instead of listings) in your collection queries commands.
Check if you use the correct URI for your connection (For example you are trying to retrieve data from a collection that exists in localhost but use mongoDB cluster (Cloud) -or- any other issue related to Connection String URI).

For me the issue was .skip(value), I was passing page=1 instead of page=0.
As I was having few records, I was getting empty array always.


Cannot fetch data from MongoDB using Mongoose [duplicate]

I have tried using find and findOne and both are not returning a document. find is returning an empty array while findOne is returning null. err in both cases in null as well.
Here is my connection:
function connectToDB(){
mongoose.connect("mongodb://localhost/test"); //i have also tried
db = mongoose.connection;
db.on("error", console.error.bind(console, "connection error:"));
db.once("open", function callback(){
Here is my schema:
var fileSchema = mongoose.Schema({
hash: String,
type: String,
extension: String,
size: String,
uploaded: {type:Date, default:(Date.now)},
expires: {type:Date, default:(Date.now()+oneDay)}
var Model = mongoose.model("Model", fileSchema);
And my query is here:
Model.find({},function(err, file) {
I can upload things to the database and see them via RockMongo but I cannot fetch them after. This my first time using MongoDB so I think I'm just missing some of the fundamentals. Any push in the right direction would be great!
The call to mongoose.model establishes the name of the collection the model is tied to, with the default being the pluralized, lower-cased model name. So with your code, that would be 'models'. To use the model with the files collection, change that line to:
var Model = mongoose.model("Model", fileSchema, "files");
var Model = mongoose.model("file", fileSchema);
Simply inorder to avoid pluralization complexity use this:
var Model = mongoose.model("Model", fileSchema, "pure name your db collection");
It's very confusing.[at least for me.]
Had kinda same problem. The solutions above didnt work for me. My app never returns error even if the query is not found. It returns empty array. So i put this in my code:
if(queryResult.length==0) return res.status(404).send("not found");
This issue is probably coming from the fact that you are creating a mongoose model without specifying the name of the collection.
Try changing : const Model = mongoose.model("Model", fileSchema);
To this : const Model = mongoose.model("Model", fileSchema, "NameOfCollection");
const growingUnit= mongoose.model('Growing Unit', growingUnitSchema);
I had a space in 'Growing Unit' on purpose and it always returned empty array. Removing that space to become 'GrowingUnit' was the fix needed in my scenario.
const growingUnit= mongoose.model('Growing Unit', growingUnitSchema);
General "hello world" issues (Sometimes this issue not related to mongoose).
Check if the collection is not really empty (mongoDB atlas screenshot).
Check for small spelling differences (Like listing instead of listings) in your collection queries commands.
Check if you use the correct URI for your connection (For example you are trying to retrieve data from a collection that exists in localhost but use mongoDB cluster (Cloud) -or- any other issue related to Connection String URI).
For me the issue was .skip(value), I was passing page=1 instead of page=0.
As I was having few records, I was getting empty array always.

Mongoose find returns empty array (works fine for other collections)

I have been writing a restful api in nodejs fairly succesfully for the most part. There are two collections in the MongoDB that I am accessing that return empty strings and happen to be the only collections that contain capital letters in their names. When I use MongoClient, I am able to access these collections just fine, so I know that it is not an out of date mongodb driver.
one example is when I try to access a collection called bulkBuds
//bulkBuds model
var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var BulkBudsSchema = new Schema({
sourceLicense: String,
quantity: Number,
strainName: String,
priceProfile: String
mongoose.model('bulkBuds', BulkBudsSchema);
The controller has a bit of excess logic in the query, but a simple find returns an empty string as well.
//bulkBuds controller
var express = require('express'),
router = express.Router(),
mongoose = require('mongoose'),
BulkBuds = mongoose.model('bulkBuds'),
Friends = mongoose.model('Api'),
config = require('../../config/config'),
jwt = require('express-jwt');
module.exports = function (app) {
app.use('/api/bulkBuds/', router);
router.get('/:license', jwt({secret: config.secret}), function (req, res, next) {
Friends.findById(req.user.id, function(err, friend){
if(err) throw err;
if(!friend) res.send("friend does not exist");
if(req.user.username != friend.username) res.send("invalid user");
BulkBuds.find({'storeLicense': req.params.license, 'availableForSale': true},
"sourceLicense quantity strainName priceProfile", function (err, bulkBuds) {
if (err) return next(err);
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
Very difficult to answer without being able to test against your database. But I would try a few things.
refactor {'storeLicense': req.params.license, 'availableForSale': true} to create the object outside of the query, and then console log that object prior to passing it to the query. That will ensure everything is as you expect.
Remove "sourceLicense quantity strainName priceProfile" as the second argument to BulkBuds.find, and replace with an empty object. I usually pass an object as the second param with the following syntax {_id:1,quantity:0} to modify the projection. Your syntax may work, but just in case I would try running the query without to see if that yields any results.
Confirm quantity in your db is indeed a Number and not a String. I know mongoose won't let you insert records that don't validate, not sure about querying. Most likely not the issue, but doesn't hurt to verify.
After creating the Bulkbirds schema try this:
mongoose.model('bulkBuds', BulkBudsSchema, 'bulkBuds');
Another long shot, but perhaps it has something to do with mongoose pluralizing the collection names. Using the above syntax will ensure it's querying the bulkBuds collection.
Once again, difficult to pinpoint without being able to test, but hopefully those ideas help.

Can't find Db in mongodb while using mongoose

The following code, works exactly fine giving the output .
var mongoose=require('mongoose');
var dbUrl='mongodb://localhost:27017/trial1';
//Creating schema
var userSchema=new mongoose.Schema({
var User=mongoose.model('User');
var userOne=new User({name:'Mike'});
console.log('mongoose connected to '+dbUrl);
console.log('connection closed!!!!');
But when I try to search for the db in the connection string (ie)trial1, I am not able to find it, The screen shot is as follows.
Also when I say "use trial1" in mongo shell I'm getting the output as per the following screen shot. Which means the db exists or its been created.
Why am I not able to see that db??
So yes the answer is in the comment of Blakes and also part of answer from Pio.
You don't see the databases because your Mongoose code does not actually create any user in it. When you instantiate your Model User it will create it in memory but not in the database. To insert your user in the database you must call the method save on your instance like this:
var userOne=new User({name:'Mike'});
userOne.save(function(err, user){
if (!err) {
console.log('Now my user is saved in the database');
So if you don't save your user, then in the mongo shell you won't see the databases as it is empty and so does not exists.
what user you use to access the db, maybe the user have no auth on the db.
or, your db url should be this: mongodb://username:password#localhost:27017/trial1.
To display a database with show dbs you need to insert at least one document into one of the db's collection. See more details here.

Mongoose always returning an empty array NodeJS

I have tried using find and findOne and both are not returning a document. find is returning an empty array while findOne is returning null. err in both cases in null as well.
Here is my connection:
function connectToDB(){
mongoose.connect("mongodb://localhost/test"); //i have also tried
db = mongoose.connection;
db.on("error", console.error.bind(console, "connection error:"));
db.once("open", function callback(){
Here is my schema:
var fileSchema = mongoose.Schema({
hash: String,
type: String,
extension: String,
size: String,
uploaded: {type:Date, default:(Date.now)},
expires: {type:Date, default:(Date.now()+oneDay)}
var Model = mongoose.model("Model", fileSchema);
And my query is here:
Model.find({},function(err, file) {
I can upload things to the database and see them via RockMongo but I cannot fetch them after. This my first time using MongoDB so I think I'm just missing some of the fundamentals. Any push in the right direction would be great!
The call to mongoose.model establishes the name of the collection the model is tied to, with the default being the pluralized, lower-cased model name. So with your code, that would be 'models'. To use the model with the files collection, change that line to:
var Model = mongoose.model("Model", fileSchema, "files");
var Model = mongoose.model("file", fileSchema);
Simply inorder to avoid pluralization complexity use this:
var Model = mongoose.model("Model", fileSchema, "pure name your db collection");
It's very confusing.[at least for me.]
Had kinda same problem. The solutions above didnt work for me. My app never returns error even if the query is not found. It returns empty array. So i put this in my code:
if(queryResult.length==0) return res.status(404).send("not found");
This issue is probably coming from the fact that you are creating a mongoose model without specifying the name of the collection.
Try changing : const Model = mongoose.model("Model", fileSchema);
To this : const Model = mongoose.model("Model", fileSchema, "NameOfCollection");
const growingUnit= mongoose.model('Growing Unit', growingUnitSchema);
I had a space in 'Growing Unit' on purpose and it always returned empty array. Removing that space to become 'GrowingUnit' was the fix needed in my scenario.
const growingUnit= mongoose.model('Growing Unit', growingUnitSchema);
General "hello world" issues (Sometimes this issue not related to mongoose).
Check if the collection is not really empty (mongoDB atlas screenshot).
Check for small spelling differences (Like listing instead of listings) in your collection queries commands.
Check if you use the correct URI for your connection (For example you are trying to retrieve data from a collection that exists in localhost but use mongoDB cluster (Cloud) -or- any other issue related to Connection String URI).
For me the issue was .skip(value), I was passing page=1 instead of page=0.
As I was having few records, I was getting empty array always.

property model of object mongoose is not a function

I'm using Mongoosejs, with MongoDB and Node.js.
I followed some online tutorials and created myself a test app as below, but keep getting the error message "propert model of object mongoose is not a function.
I dont understand what this means and why its erroring since i followed the online tutorials near enough the same.
Here is my code
// MongoDB test app. Getting to know MongoDB via MongooseJS
var mongoose = require ('mongoose'),
Schema = mongoose.Schema;
//Create Schema
var Storydb = new Schema ({
title: String,
body: String,
date: Date
//setup model and pass it schema
mongoose.model = ('Storydb',Storydb);
var StoryModel = mongoose.model ('Storydb');
var story = new StoryModel();
//Insert Data
story.title = 'The Man in the green shirt';
story.body = 'once upon a time, way back';
story.date = Date.now();
if (err) {throw err; }
console.log('saved story');
I've already tested my MongoDB connection. No issues there, and i am able to insert and retrieve data via the Mongo CLI.
I have also tested my Node.js configuration with basic Hello World examples, and no issues with configuration.
Instead of:
//setup model and pass it schema
mongoose.model = ('Storydb',Storydb);
you should do:
//setup model and pass it schema
