Excel Populate table with continuus values - excel-formula

In MS Excel I have one table with few values (i.e. 3, no fix length) and in second table these values has to be repeated lot of time (i.e. 7 times). I do not understand how to provide this with normal Excel formulas/functions.
Table 1:
Table 2 (target table):

how stupid am I. Is used wrong name of function index: the correct is =INDEX(Table1!A$1:A$100; 1; MOD(ROW();COUNTA(Table1!A$1:A$100))+1)
and this is added in each row of table 2


Join two tables with OR logic in PowerQuery

As the title states, I am trying to do a merge of 2 tables. I want a nested joint where the values from the first table are always there and rows matching the second table are added to the first. I believe this is known as the nested join.
Unfortunately, it only allows for 1 key to 1 key matching where as I need it for 1 key in table 1 to 2 keys in table 2
Here is an example
Group 1
Group 2
Other Info
What I want is where "Group = Group 1 OR Group = Group 2" and display the matching row from table 2 nested into Table 1
I looked at the following example but I must be confused by the syntax because it doesn't seem to be working for me.
How to join two tables in PowerQuery with one of many columns matching?
So after further investigation of the answer post I linked earlier, I will add an explanation of it here:
Table.AddColumn(Source, "Name_of_Column",
(Q1) => Table.SelectRows(Query2,
each Q1[Col_from_q1] = [Col_from_q2] or Q1[Col_from_q1] = [2_Col_from_q2]
So this did work for me and it adds an extra column that needs to be expanded to get all the values from the table. What i would add is that I don't know / haven't tested if there are multiple matches and how it treats it, based on nestedjoin, I would assume that it will duplicate rows in the first table.

Power Query: Split table column with multiple cells in the same row

I have a SharePoint list as a datasource in Power Query.
It has a "AttachmentFiles" column, that is a table, in that table i want the values from the column "ServerRelativeURL".
I want to split that column so each value in "ServerRelativeURL"gets its own column.
I can get the values if i use the expand table function, but it will split it into multiple rows, I want to keep it in one row.
I only want one row per unique ID.
I can live with a fixed number of columns as there are usually no more than 3 attachments per ID.
I'm thinking that I can add a custom column that refers to "AttachmentFiles ServerRelativeURL Value(1)" but I don't know how.
Can anybody help?
Try this code:
fn = (x)=> {x, #table({"ServerRelativeUrl"},List.FirstN(List.Zip({{"a".."z"}}), x*2))},
Source = #table({"id", "AttachmentFiles"},{fn(2),fn(3),fn(1)}),
replace = Table.ReplaceValue(Source,0,0,(a,b,c)=>a[ServerRelativeUrl],{"AttachmentFiles"}),
cols = List.Transform({1..List.Max(List.Transform(replace[AttachmentFiles], List.Count))}, each "url"&Text.From(_)),
split = Table.SplitColumn(replace, "AttachmentFiles", (x)=>List.Transform({0..List.Count(x)-1}, each x{_}), cols)
I manged to solve it myself.
I added 3 custom columns like this
CustomColumn1: [AttachmentFiles]{0}
CustomColumn2: [AttachmentFiles]{1}
CustomColumn3: [AttachmentFiles]{2}
And expanded them with only the "ServerRelativeURL" selected.
It would be nice to have a dynamic solution. But this will work fine for now.

power BI or Excel - How to add a custom column based on columns in the pivot table

This is the sample of raw data. It shows the value that each of the property got on a scale of 1-10.
Pivot Table showing count of Value on scale for each property
I want to create a custom column in a pivot table in excel or a matrix in power Bi. This column should be based on the columns in the pivot table and not on the already existing columns in the table.
Eg. I have a table with column labels from 1 to 10 and a Total column. I created a pivot table to show the count of each of these columns. In the example here, Mountain has 162 values of 8, 197 values of 9 and 268 values of 10. My question is I want to create a new custom column which is the sum of just these three values divided by the total count. In this example , it is(162+197+268)/829 = 76%
I am not able to do it. Please help me out
In Power BI you're looking at measures something like this.
SurveyCount := CountRows(MyTable)
CountAllValues := CALCULATE(SurveyCount,ALL(MyTable[Value On A Scale (1-10)]))
Count8Plus := CALCULATE(SurveyCount,MyTable[Value On A Scale (1-10)] >= 8)
Percentage8Plus := DIVIDE(Count8Plus , CountAllValues )
The syntax might need a little tweak but these four should get you close to what you need.

Break ties in RANKX Powerpivot formula

I can rank my data with this formula, which groups by Year, Trust and ID, and ranks the Areas.
[Area], ,1,Dense)
This works fine - unless you have data where the same Area appears more than once in the same group, whereupon it gives all rows the rank of 1. Is there any way to force unique rank values? So two rows that have the same Area would be given the rank of 1 and 2 (in an arbitrary order)? Thank you for your time.
Assuming you don't have duplicate rows in your table, you can add another column as a tie-breaker in your expression.
Suppose your table has an additional column, [Name], that is distinct between your multiple [Area] rows. Then you could write your formula like this:
[Year] = EARLIER([Year]) &&
[Trust] = EARLIER([Trust]) &&
[ID] = EARLIER([ID])),
[Area] & [Name], , 1, Dense)
You can append as many columns as you need to get the tie-breaking done.

Excel pivot table calculated field total returns unexpected value

I have an Excel spreadsheet which has a pivot table on it. The data itself is quite simple, Number of Units and a Discount (percentage from 0 to 100), pivoted on date across the top and customer down the left hand side. Those numbers are straight from a SQL view, so the pivot table source is just:
SELECT * FROM UnitDiscountView
All was looking fine until I attempted to add a calculated field of TotalCost (Each unit will costs £200) to the pivot table:
= (200 *NrUnits ) * ((100-Discount)/100)
The total at the bottom was negative, and vastly more than I was expecting as a number. If I select all the cells, then the sum which appear in the status bar at the bottom is what I would expect, but the Total field at the bottom is over a hundred times bigger, and negative to boot.
I am stumped. I have searched since Friday without finding anything which will help me to solve this. Any pointers on where to start looking for the solution would be greatly appreciated. I should mention that SQL is my forte, not Excel. I haven't used Excel's Pivot tables before last week, so I am probably missing something really obvious.
Calculated fields will work with the totals:
200 * (Sum of NrUnits) * ((100 - [Sum of Discount]) / 100 )
So for your total row, if Sum of Discount is greater than 100 (adding up all the Sums of Discount on the pivot table), the part of your formula (100-Sum of Discount) will be returning a negative number, hence the negative value.
What I normally do is to add another column to the table to the right of the values returned from the query. I will add my formulas there, then do the pivot table on the resized table.
If you have formatted the returned SQL query as a table (or list in Excel 2003), the pivot table source range should even resize by itself.
I found the answer.
Excel was effectively doing this for the total:
= (200 * sum(NrUnits)) * ((100-sum(Discount))/100)
Which isn't even close to what I wanted:
= sum((200-NrUnits) * ((100-Discount) * 100)))
I got round it by changing the SQL from the view to be:
SELECT *, NrUnits*((100-Discount)*100) AS EffectiveUnits
FROM UnitDiscountView
And the Calculated field to:
= EffectiveUnits * 200
