How can I reset Resharpers formatting options? - resharper

I need to reset Resharpers formatting options to default in order to match the team's settings. However there are other templates, settings etc that I do not wish to reset, as it would take significant time to bring them back.
Is there a way to reset Resharpers formatting settings back to stock, without messing with the other settings?

ReSharper | Manage Options | Select any settings layer | Call the context menu | Reset | Expand Code Styles node | Tick CodeFormatting checkbox | Hit OK


How can I make IntelliJ to show the class variable names even while not hard coding the values

When creating an object in IntelliJ, I want the IDE to show me the class variables prompt even when I am not adding hard coding a value. The default behavior is to show only while hard coding a value. How can I make IntelliJ show me the variables at all times:
You can configure parameter hint options at Settings (Preferences on macOS) | Editor | Inlay Hints | Java | Editor | Inlay Hints | Java | Parameter Hints.
Try enabling the checkboxes and check the Exclude list.

Disable resharper line break in a section of code?

Using inspection, I can easily disable and restore resharper reformatting settings. For instance like this:
// ReSharper disable SuggestVarOrType_BuiltInTypes
int i = 1;
// ReSharper restore SuggestVarOrType_BuiltInTypes
So.. is there any way to do the same to line breaking, so that I can have long lines in special places in my code and still have resharper break the others?
Basically, I guess, I ask for the secret word to put in place of "SuggestVarOrType_BuiltInTypes" above :-)
Try using these comments:
// #formatter:wrap_lines False
{the code block for which you would like to disable wrapping long lines}
// #formatter:wrap_lines restore
By the way, you may find out most of the formatter comments on your own using this way:
select needed code block | hit the Alt+Enter shortcut | hit the "Right arrow" key on the "Format selection" item in the menu to open a submenu | hit "Configure" -> it will open the new window which shows you all formatter settings which affect the code block.
Then you are welcome to change all the settings you like and click on Save as comments button -> you will get everything you need as comments around the code block.

How to disable this AndroidStudio source code display feature?

AndroidStudio has this source code display feature enabled by default that i find extremely distracting. It "compacts" source code by altering it's appearance. Original source code is displayed on mouse-over or expands on click. Screenshot below displays "enhanced" code and original code in a tooltip when mouse is hovered over the original code.
Do you know how this feature is called and how could i disable it? I spent too long already going through all IDE settings unable to find it and get rid of it.
This feature is provided by "Advanced Java Folding". You could disable it or configure folding options in "Settings | Editor | General | Code Folding"

Resharper Intellisense is not showing local variables

I use Resharper with Visual Studio 2017. I've noticed in the last couple days that intellisense is no longer showing local variables (which is very annoying).
In the screenshot below, notice the variable "result" is not listed in the intellisense list. Also notice that I have all the little icons for what to show checked-off.
Is this a feature of ReSharper that needs to be turned back on? Is there a setting somewhere that controls this?
Try unticking "ReSharper | Options | Environment | IntelliSense | Completion Filters | Persist filter state" checkbox. There is a bug report on YouTrack

Not able deselect design mode in Excel

I have an Excel file with many scroll-bars and check-boxes. It works fine in my laptop.
When I use this file in another computer, I am not able to control the objects, it is always in design mode. I am not able to release from design mode. Please help me.
Click on
File Tab | Excel Options | Trust Centre | Trust Centre Setting | ActiveX Settings
Select Prompt me before enabling all controls with minimal restrictions
Also check these two things
Macro Settings (Below ActiveX Settings)
Does your MS Office supports Macros. Which Version does this happen on?
