PySpark: Replace Punctuations with Space Looping Through Columns - apache-spark

I have the following code running successfully in PySpark:
def pd(data):
df = data
df ='oproblem')
text_col = ['oproblem']
for i in text_col:
df = df.withColumn(i, F.lower(F.col(i)))
df = df.withColumn(i, F.regexp_replace(F.col(i), '[.,#-:;/?!\']', ' '))
return df
But when I add a second column in and try to loop it, it doesn't work:
def pd(data):
df = data
df ='oproblem', 'lca')
text_col = ['oproblem', 'lca']
for i in text_col:
df = df.withColumn(i, F.lower(F.col(i)))
df = df.withColumn(i, F.regexp_replace(F.col(i), '[.,#-:;/?!\']', ' '))
return df
Below is the error I get:
TypeError: 'Column' object is not callable

I think it should be df =['oproblem', 'lca']) instead of df ='oproblem', 'lca').
Better yet for code quality purposes, have the select statement use the text_columns variable, so you only have to change 1 line of code if you need to do this with more columns or if your column names change. Eg,
def pd(data):
df = data
text_col = ['oproblem', 'lca']
df =


Filter dataframe based on groupby sum()

I want to filter my dataframe based on a groupby sum(). I am looking for lines where the amounts for a spesific date, gets to zero.
I have solve this by creating a for loop. I suspect this will reduce performance if the dataframe is large.
It also seems clunky.
newdf = pd.DataFrame()
newdf['name'] = ('leon','eurika','monica','wian')
newdf['surname'] = ('swart','swart','swart','swart')
newdf['birthdate'] = ('14051981','198001','20081012','20100621')
newdf['tdate'] = ('13/05/2015','14/05/2015','15/05/2015', '13/05/2015')
newdf['tamount'] = (100.10, 111.11, 123.45, -100.10)
df = newdf.groupby(['tdate'])[['tamount']].sum().reset_index()
df2 = df.loc[df["tamount"] == 0, "tdate"]
df3 = pd.DataFrame()
for i in df2:
df3 = df3.append(newdf.loc[newdf["tdate"] == i])
print (df3)
The below code is creating an output of the two lines getting to zero when combined on tamount
name surname birthdate tdate tamount
0 leon swart 1981-05-14 13/05/2015 100.1
3 wian swart 2010-06-21 13/05/2015 -100.1
Just use basic numpy :)
import numpy as np
df = newdf.groupby(['tdate'])[['tamount']].sum().reset_index()
dates = df['tdate'][np.where(df['tamount'] == 0)[0]]
newdf[np.isin(newdf['tdate'], dates) == True]
Hope this helps; let me know if you have any questions.

Resetting multi index for a pivot_table to get single line index

I have a dataframe in the following format:
df = pd.DataFrame({'a':['1-Jul', '2-Jul', '3-Jul', '1-Jul', '2-Jul', '3-Jul'], 'b':[1,1,1,2,2,2], 'c':[3,1,2,4,3,2]})
I need the following dataframe:
df_new = pd.DataFrame({'a':['1-Jul', '2-Jul', '3-Jul'], 1:[3, 1, 2], 2:[4,3,2]}).
I have tried the following:
df = df.pivot_table(index = ['a'], columns = ['b'], values = ['c'])
df_new = df.reset_index()
but it doesn't give me the required result. I have tried variations of this to no avail. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
try this one:
df2 = df.groupby('a')['c'].agg(['first','last']).reset_index()
cols_ = df['b'].unique().tolist()
df2.columns = cols_

pandas SettingWithCopyWarning only inside function

With a dataframe like
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(
["2017-01-01 04:45:00", "2017-01-01 04:45:00removeMe"], columns=["col"]
why do I get a SettingWithCopyWarning here
def test_fun(df):
df = df[~df["col"].str.endswith("removeMe")]
df.loc[:, "col"] = pd.to_datetime(df["col"])
return df
df = test_fun(df)
but not if I run it without the function?
df = df[~df["col"].str.endswith("removeMe")]
df.loc[:, "col"] = pd.to_datetime(df["col"])
And how is my function supposed to look like?
In the function, you have df, which when you index it with your boolean array, gives a view of the outside-scope df - then you're trying to additionally index that view, which is why the warning comes in. Without the function, df is just a dataframe that's resized with your index instead (it's not a view).
I would write it as this instead either way:
df["col"] = pd.to_datetime(df["col"], errors='coerce')
return df[~pd.isna(df["col"])]
Found the trick:
def test_fun(df):
df.loc[:] = df[~df["col"].str.endswith("removeMe")] <------- I added the `.loc[:]`
df.loc[:, "col"] = pd.to_datetime(df["col"])
return df
Don't do df = ... in the function.
Instead do df.loc[:] = ... !

Pandas checks with prefix and more checksum if searched prefix exists or no data

I have below code snippet which works fine.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
prefixes = ['sj00', 'sj12', 'cr00', 'cr08', 'eu00', 'eu50']
df = pd.read_csv('new_hosts', index_col=False, header=None)
df['prefix'] = df[0].str[:4]
df['grp'] = df.groupby('prefix').cumcount()
df = df.pivot(index='grp', columns='prefix', values=0)
df['sj12'] = df['sj12'].str.extract('(\w{2}\d{2}\w\*)', expand=True)
df = df[ prefixes ].dropna(axis=0, how='all').replace(np.nan, '', regex=True)
df = df.rename_axis(None)
Example File new_hosts
Current output:
sj00 sj12 cr00 cr08 eu00 eu50
sj000001 cr000011 crn00001 euk000011 eu5000011
sj000002 cr000012 crn00002 eu0000012 eu5000013
sj000003 cr000013 crn00003 eu0000013 eu5000014
sj000004 cr000014 crn00004 eu0000014 eu5000015
What's expected:
1) As code works fine but as you see the current output the second column don't have any values but still appearing So, how could i have a checksum if a particular column don't have any values then remove that from display.
2) Can we place a check for the prefixes if they exists in the dataframe before processing to avoid the error.
Appreciate any help.
IIUC, before
df = df[ prefixes ].dropna(axis=0, how='all').replace(np.nan, '', regex=True)
you can do:
# remove all empty columns
df = df.dropna(axis=1, how='all')
That would solve your first part. Second part can be reindex?
# select prefixes:
prefixes = ['sj00', 'sj12', 'cr00', 'cr08', 'eu00', 'eu50', 'sh00', 'dt00', 'sh00', 'dt00']
df = df.reindex(prefixes, axis=1).dropna(axis=1, how='all').replace(np.nan, '', regex=True)
Note the axis=1, not axis=0 is identical to what I propose for question 1.
Much thanks to Quang Hoang for the hints on the post, Just for the workaround, i got it working as follows until i get a better answer:
# Select prefixes
prefixes = ['sj00', 'sj12', 'cr00', 'cr08', 'eu00', 'eu50']
df = pd.read_csv('new_hosts', index_col=False, header=None)
df['prefix'] = df[0].str[:4]
df['grp'] = df.groupby('prefix').cumcount()
df = df.pivot(index='grp', columns='prefix', values=0)
df = df[prefixes]
# For column `sj12` only extract the values having `sj12` and a should be a word immediately after that like `sj12[a-z]`
df['sj12'] = df['sj12'].str.extract('(\w{2}\d{2}\w\*)', expand=True)
df.replace('', np.nan, inplace=True)
# Remove the empty columns
df = df.dropna(axis=1, how='all')
# again drop if all values in the row are nan and replace nan to empty for live columns
df = df.dropna(axis=0, how='all').replace(np.nan, '', regex=True)
# drop the index field
df = df.rename_axis(None)

Generating multiple columns dynamically using loop in pyspark dataframe

I have a requirement where I have to generate multiple columns dynamically in pyspark. I have written a similar code as below to accomplish the same.
sc = SparkContext()
sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)
cols = ['a','b','c']
df ="header","true").option("delimiter", "|").csv("C:\\Users\\elkxsnk\\Desktop\\sample.csv")
for i in cols:
df1 = df.withColumn(i,lit('hi'))
However I am missing out columns a and b in the final result. Please help.
Changed the code like below. its working now, but wanted to know if there is a better way of handling it.
cols = ['a','b','c']
cols_add = []
flg_first = 'Y'
df ="header","true").option("delimiter", "|").csv("C:\\Users\\elkxsnk\\Desktop\\sample.csv")
for i in cols:
if flg_first == 'Y':
df1 = df.withColumn(i,lit('hi'))
flg_first = 'N'
else:enter code here
df1 =,lit('hi'))
print('end' + str(df1.columns))
