BLE sensors pairing and get data - bluetooth

I have this sensors from which I want to get some data over Bluetooth, it's low energy device which isn't discoverable - don't really know how pairing works at all so I need a lot of informations about pairing and everything. Any ideas would be welcome.
They have offcourse official app, but customer want custom app so therefore pairing should be in this custom app.

Bluetooth low energy overview AndroidDeveloperGuide
This guide will help you with creating the logic for connecting and exchanging information from the Sensor.
Please follow all the classes mentioned in the Guide in detail, the various classes' constant variables and methods will give you good knowledge of what sorts of information you can get from the sensor.


Is there way to detect a certain phone from a few feet away

I am trying to build a system with a raspberry pi that allows clients access into a building depending on their membership status. Right now, it uses QR codes, but I want to know if it is possible to add a feature where it uses some technology like NFC or RFID or Bluetooth to detect their phone or RFID card from at least a foot away and confirm they have a membership.
Someone told me I could use RFID, but I am only aware of that being used in short-distance applications, like a card on a hotel door. I am not sure about Bluetooth either, because the phone would have to connect to the pi first, right? Maybe there is something I don't know about. So please offer any suggestions. Thanks
I think bluetooth does good work for tracking user. Since it's the best to handle large distances than NFC and RFID these two technologies are used for low range scenarios, check this link.
In addition, you can check distance(using Proximity and RSSI) and membership status as well. but you need to know how to handle bluetooth connectivity with raspberry pi check this link. as well create an app on that mobile phone to use Bluetooth (depending which OS you're using for Android, iOS).

Interacting with BLE Cycle Trainer

My current is on Flutter using Dart and working with Bluetooth low energy devices. I have the basics up using this library and am able to do the following
1. Search for devices and list
2. Connect to device
3. Retrieve services and read characteristic values
4. Subscribe to changes on characteristics.
In order to interact with device correctly I need to read and write from the correct services/characteristics to read data and set things like resistance on the flywheel
I have used the below link and have started mapping out the services, however although the reading can be worked out. The writing to characteristics is a bit out of my reach.
The question is.
Does any have experience working BLE cycle trainers and could provide
some insight into how to read and manage services and characteristics

BLE device with Apple's HAP

I have a Raspberry Pi that acts as a BLE peripheral. I want to add Apple's HomeKit Accessory Protocol (HAP) to the Raspberry Pi's BLE code, to control the BLE device using Homekit. I would like to avoid implementing HAP over the internet.
The closest resource I found is However, this gist makes it seem like there are many unknowns with that process.
Does anyone know if this is possible? If so, any info or resources would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
As mentioned at under Accessory Developers, you need to first sign up for MFi and then you will get access to all the resources you need in order to implement homekit. All source code you can find publicly online is against Apple's license since they prohibit public redistribution of documentation and source code of implementations.

Read bluetooth pulse on Android

I'm trying to read the pulse of a heart rate monitor bluetooth. Now I connect the device via Bluetooth and see their name, status, etc., but do not know how to read pulses.
I have read that it was easier by smartgattlib library, but neither him. Someone could tell me how or made used the library to read a device smartgattlib?
Thank you
On Android you need to subscribe for notifications on the pulse characteristic.
Please check the bluetooth low energy sample:
On the sample after subscribing for notifications onCharacteristicChanged() callback will be called, you will need to read the pulse data there.
You can use library but before use that, get the detail documentation of heart rate monitor (What all services it host and what all characteristic it has). After knowing the device properties, you can read and write those characteristic. Hope it will help !!!
Sensor Tag
IBM blueMix

TI CC2541 (BLE): Send data (to an Android phone)

I am experimenting with Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) for the purpose of connecting a hardware device to an Android application. My goal is to send a recognizable piece of data to an Android phone.
I am using the keyfob from Texas Instrument's CC2541 Mini-development kit, and am programming it using the IAR Workbench (which I am learning on the fly). My issue is that I cannot figure out what code should be used to send data from the keyfob to the phone.
I understand that this is somewhat vague, but because of the non-disclosure policies of my company I cannot share the code that I am working with. Does anyone have any references to code for the IAR Workbench that will allow the CC2541 to send a piece of data? Right now, I prefer to use GATT if that helps.
Thanks, and please ask me more questions if I need to clarify anything.
Assuming you're working from a pre-existing service profile, there is a function for every service called ServiceName_SetParameter(). Calling that function will change the characteristic value. When the characteristic is read by the phone, it will receive this value. If the characteristic supports notifications, and your phone has registered for notifications on that characteristic, the new value will be transmitted whenever SetParameter is called.
You can implement any proprietary protcol to connect to and interact with your beacon device. It can assume other roles than just the beacon task. It can also listen to and respond to connection attempts thus expanding into a lot more than a regular beacon.
If you study the cc2541 close you realize it is a pretty advanced IO controller that offers a lot of IO signal possibilities. That way you could use the cc2541 as the heart of an IO control application where you measure and control equipment. Mobile apps can then easily connect to your beacon/IO Controller device and interact with the machinery it is hooked up to. As you see, it´s a remarkably versatile system on chip and a cool circuit to learn to program.
