How to send File through Websocket along with additional info? - node.js

I'm developing a Web application to send images, videos, etc. to two monitors from an admin interface. I'm using ws in Node.js for the server side. I've implemented selecting images available on the server and external URLs and sending them to the clients, but I also wanted to be able to directly send images selected from the device with a file input. I managed to do it using base64 but I think it's pretty inefficient.
Currently I send a stringified JSON object containing the client to which the resource has to be sent, the kind of resource and the resource itself, parse it in the server and send it to the appropriate client. I know I can set the Websocket binaryType to blob and just send the File object, but then I'd have no way to tell the server which client it has to send it to. I tried using typeson and BSON to accomplish this, but it didn't work.
Are there any other ways to do it?

You can send raw binary data through the WebSocket.
It's quite easy to manage.
One option is to prepend a "magic byte" (an identifier that marks the message as non-JSON). For example, prepend binary messages with the B character.
All the server has to do is test the first character before collecting the binary data (if the magic byte isn't there, it's probably the normal JSON message).
A more serious implementation will attach a header after the magic byte (i.e., file name, total length, position of data being sent etc').
This allows the upload to be resumed on disconnections (send just the parts that weren't acknowledged as received.
Your server will need to split the data into magic byte, header and binary_data before processing. but it's easy enough to accomplish.

Hope this help someone.
According to document you can send either string, Buffer or mix both of them
On Client side:
function uploadFile(e, socket, to) {
let file =[0];
if (!file) {
if (file.size > 10000000) {
alert('File should be smaller than 1MB')
var reader = new FileReader();
var rawData = new ArrayBuffer();
reader.onload = function (e) {
rawData =;
socket.emit("send_message", {
type: 'attachment',
data: rawData
} , (result) => {
alert("Server has received file!")
alert("the File has been transferred.")
on server side:
socket.on('send_message', async (data, cb) => {
if (data.type == 'attachment') {
console.log('Found binary data')
cb("Received file successfully.")
// Process other business...

I am using pure WebSocket without io, where you cannot mix content - either String or Binary. Then my working solution is like this:
import { serialize } from 'bson';
import { Buffer } from 'buffer';
const reader = new FileReader();
let rawData = new ArrayBuffer();
ws = new WebSocket(...)
reader.onload = (e) => {
rawData =;
const bufferData = Buffer.from(rawData);
const bsonData = serialize({ // whatever js Object you need
file: bufferData,
route: 'TRANSFER',
action: 'FILE_UPLOAD',
Then on Node server side, the message is catched and parsed like this:
const dataFromClient = deserialize(wsMessage, {promoteBuffers: true}) // edited
path.join('../server', 'yourfiles', 'yourfile.txt'),
dataFromClient.file, // edited
(err) => {
console.log('ERROR!!!!', err);
The killer is promoteBuffer option in deserialize function.


How to send audio saved as a Buffer, from my api, to my React client and play it?

I've been chasing my tail for two days figuring out how to best approach sending the <Buffer ... > object generated by Google's Text-To-Speech service, from my express-api to my React app. I've come across tons of different opinionated resources that point me in different directions and only potentially "solve" isolated parts of the bigger process. At the end of all of this, while I've learned a lot more about ArrayBuffer, Buffer, binary arrays, etc. yet I still feel just as lost as before in regards to implementation.
At its simplest, all I aim to do is provide one or more strings of text to tts, generate the audio files, send the audio files from my express-api to my react client, and then automatically play the audio in the background on the browser when appropriate.
I am successfully sending and triggering google's tts to generate the audio files. It responds with a <Buffer ...> representing the binary data of the file. It arrives in my express-api endpoint, from there I'm not sure if I should
convert the Buffer to a string and send it to the browser?
send it as a Buffer object to the browser?
set up a websocket using and stream it?
then once it's on the browser,
do I use an <audio /> tag?
should I convert it to something else?
I suppose the problem I'm having is trying to find answers for this results in an information overload consisting of various different answers that have been written over the past 10 years using different approaches and technologies. I really don't know where one starts and the next ends, what's a bad practice, what's a best practice, and moreover what is actually suitable for my case. I could really use some guidance here.
Synthesise function from Google
// returns: <Buffer ff f3 44 c4 ... />
const synthesizeSentence = async (sentence) => {
const request = {
input: { text: sentence },
voice: { languageCode: "en-US", ssmlGender: "NEUTRAL" },
audioConfig: { audioEncoding: "MP3" },
const response = await client.synthesizeSpeech(request);
return response[0].audioContent;
(current shape) of express-api POST endpoint"/generate-story-support", async (req, res) => {
try {
// ? generating the post here for simplicity, eventually the client
// ? would dictate the sentences to send ...
const ttsResponse: any = await"http://localhost:8060/", {
// a resource said to send the response as a string and then convert
// it on the client to an Array buffer? -- no idea if this is a good practice
return res.status(201).send([0].data.toString());
} catch (error) {
console.log("error", error);
return res.status(400).send(`Error: ${error}`);
react client
so post
useEffect(() => {
const fetchData = async () => {
const data = await
// converting it to an ArrayBuffer per another so post
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const encodedData = encoder.encode(;
}, []);
// no idea what to do from here, if this is even the right path :/

Exposing websocket data through an HTTP endpoint

I'm currenty suscribing to a websocket channel in order to get data that I needs to be consumed by clients using a GET endpoint.
Clients don't need to consume the full data stream, just the last message received.
I thought about storing the data in memory or into a database, and using that data to serve said GET requests, but I suspect that's not the right implementation. Any ideas on how it should be done will be appreciated.
EDIT: I'm not asking for code, just for an idea on what patter should I follow, BTW i'm using express.
Websocket code:
const WebSocket = require('ws')
const connection = new WebSocket('wss://')
connection.onopen = function () {
connection.send(JSON.stringify({ action: 'subscribe', book: 'btc_usd', type: 'orders' }))
connection.onmessage = function (message) {
const data = JSON.parse(
if (data.type === 'orders' && data.payload) {
I just stored the data in memory and used that as the return value for my endpoint. write file to user disk

I have a Node.js web app that has a button. When this button is pressed, it gathers data and sends the data to a function. Here is the client code:
$("body").on('click', ".download", function() {
var data = [1,2,3,4,5];
socket.emit('download_data', data);
On the sever side I have a function that gets the data:
socket.on('download_data', function(data){
//create csv and download
I want the socket function to create a CSV file with the generated data and write the file to the users disk. Is this possible?
On the server, generate the content of the CSV file:
csv = '';
data.forEach(row => { // Assuming an array of arrays.
csv += row.join(';') + '\n';
Return the content to the client:
socket.emit('csv_content', csv);
On the client, ask the user to download or open. I am using the file-saver package here.
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver';
const blob = new Blob([content], { type: "text/csv;charset=utf-8" });
saveAs(blob, "data.csv");
Not sure why you are using for this, as you can do the same with a HTTP POST operation.

How to send code written in code editor to server using POST method

I'm working on building a snippet manager app and through the interface you can create new snippets and edit them using a code editor but what I'm stuck at is how can I send the snippet code to my server using POST for it to create a new file for that snippet.
For ex. -
const getUser = async (name) => {
let response = await fetch(`${name}`);
let data = await response.json()
return data;
One solution that I can think of is to parse the code into JSON equivalent that'll contain all the tokens in JSON format but for that I'll have to add parsers for every language and select a parser based on what language the user selected. I'm trying to figure out a way to avoid having to add all the parsers unless there isnt any solution for this.
Another solution I can think of is to generate the file from the frontend and send that file through POST request.
My current stack is Node+React
Using the second solution is working for me right now. I've written the code below for it -"/create", isFileAttached, function(req, res) {
const { file } = req.files;
const saveLocation = `${saveTo}/${file.mimetype.split("/")[1]}`;
const savePath = `${saveLocation}/${}`;
if (!fs.existsSync(saveLocation)) {
fs.mkdirSync(saveLocation, { recursive: true });
fs.writeFile(savePath,, err => {
if (err) throw err;
res.status(200).send({ message: "The file has been saved!" });
With this solution I no longer have to add any parsers, since whatever's written in the files are no longer a concern anymore.

Upload a binary encoded audio file via ajax and save

I have an audio file saved locally that I want to read, upload to a server via ajax and then store on the server. Somewhere along this process the file gets corrupted such that the file that's saved on the server cannot be played.
I'll list simplified bits of code that show the process I'm going through so hopefully it'll be evident where I'm going wrong.
1) After audio is recorded (using getUserMedia and MediaRecorder), a local file is saved:
var audioData = new Blob(chunks, { type: 'audio/webm' });
var fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onloadend = function() {
var buffer = this.result,
uint8Array = new Uint8Array(buffer);
fs.writeFile('path/to/file.webm', uint8Array, { flags: 'w' });
2) Later this local file is read and sent to a server (using the library axios to send the ajax request)
fs.readFile('path/to/file.webm', 'binary', (err, data) => {
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append('file', new Blob([data], {type: 'audio/webm'}), 'file.webm');
axios.put('/upload', formData);
3) The server then handles this request and saves the file
public IActionResult Upload(IFormFile file)
using (var fileStream = new FileStream("path/to/file.webm", FileMode.Create))
The local audio file can be played successfully however the audio file on the server does not play.
I'm not sure if this is helpful information, but here are the first few lines of text I see when I open the local file in a text editor (notepad++):
And the same when I open the one on the server:
So kinda the same... but different. I've tried encoding a myriad of different ways but everything seems to fail. Fingers crossed someone can point me in the right direction here.
The problem was with how I was passing through the file contents from fs.readFile. If I passed a base64 encoded raw buffer from fs.readFile via json, converted that to a byte array on the server and saved that, then I can successfully play it on the server.
fs.readFile('path/to/file.webm', (err, data) => {
axios.put('/upload', { audioData: data.toString('base64') });
public IActionResult Upload([FromBody]UploadViewModel upload)
var audioDataBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(upload.AudioData);
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(audioDataBytes))
using (var fileStream = new FileStream("path/to/file.webm", FileMode.Create))
await memoryStream.CopyToAsync(fileStream);
Actually, this is a problem of character encoding. You are probably mixing UTF-8 and ISO-8859 which causes the file to be corrupted.
You should probably set the charset in the HTML page to the one expected on the server. Or perform preliminary checks on the server if you do not know the charset of the data you will receive.
Converting to base64 will solve the issue because then it will only use characters in the ASCII range.
