I have numerous Bokeh Server files in a directory say.. /dir/bokeh/, assume the bokeh servers are called bokeh1.py, bokeh2.py, bokeh3.py
The file structure is like so:
I am deploying them all on flask like so:
for file in os.listdir("/dir/bokeh/"):
if file.endswith('.py'):
argvs = {}
urls = []
for i in files:
argvs[i] = None
host = 'myhost.com'
apps = build_single_handler_applications(files, argvs)
bokeh_tornado = BokehTornado(apps, extra_websocket_origins=["myhost.com"])
bokeh_http = HTTPServer(bokeh_tornado)
sockets, port = bind_sockets("myhost.com", 0)
Then for each bokeh server, I have within flask.py:
def bokeh1():
bokeh_script = server_document("" % port)
return render_template("bokserv.html", bokeh_script=bokeh_script)
The number of bokeh servers I need to deploy could grow quickly. How can I write something that will generate the #app.route for each of the bokehs bokeh1.py, bokeh2.py, bokeh3.py efficiently based on my current setup? The server is being run on Ubuntu
You can create all the functions in a loop:
def serve(name):
def func():
bokeh_script = server_document("" % (port, name))
return render_template("bokserv.html", bokeh_script=bokeh_script)
func.__name__ = name
return func
all_serve_functions = [serve(name) for name in all_names]
I'm new to Openstack and I'm trying to create a tool so that I can launch any number of instances in an Openstack cloud. This was easily done using the nova-client module of openstacksdk.
Now the problem is that I want to make the instances execute a bash script as they are created by adding it as a userdata file, but it doesn't execute. This is confusing because I don't any error or warning message. Does anyone know what could it be?
Important parts of the code
The most important parts of the Python program are the function which gets the cloud info, the one that creates the instances and the main function, . I'll post them here as #Corey told.
Function that allow us to log at cloud with all the credentials needed.
Username and password are not read from env.
def get_nova_credentials_v2():
d = {}
user = ""
password = ""
print("Logging in...")
user = input("Username: ")
password = getpass.getpass(prompt="Password: ", stream=None)
while (user == "" or password == ""):
print("User or password field is empty")
user = input("Username: ")
password = getpass.getpass(prompt="Password: ", stream=None)
d['version'] = '2.65'
d['username'] = user
d['password'] = password
d['project_id'] = os.environ['OS_PROJECT_ID']
d['auth_url'] = os.environ['OS_AUTH_URL']
d['user_domain_name'] = os.environ['OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME']
return d
Then we have the create_server function:
This function creates a server using the info we got from JSON file
def create_server(server):
s = {}
print("Creating "+server['compulsory']['name']+"...")
s['name'] = server['compulsory']['name']
s['image'] = server['compulsory']['os']
s['flavor'] = server['compulsory']['flavor']
s['min_count'] = server['compulsory']['copyNumber']
s['max_count'] = server['compulsory']['copyNumber']
s['userdata'] = server['file']
s['key_name'] = server['compulsory']['keyName']
s['availability_zone'] = server['compulsory']['availabilityZone']
s['nics'] = server['compulsory']['network']
s['userdata'] = server['file']
And now the main function:
Main process: First we create a connection to Openstack using our credentials.
Once connected we cal get_serverdata function to get all instance objects we want to be created.
We check that it is not empty and that we are not trying to create more instances than we are allowed.
Lastly we create the instances and the program finishes.
credentials = get_nova_credentials_v2()
nova = client.Client(**credentials)
instances = get_serverdata()
current_instances = len(nova.servers.list())
if not instances:
print("No instance was writen. Check instances.json file.")
num = 0
for i in instances:
For the rest of the code you can access to this public repo on github.
Thanks a lot!
Problem solved
The problem was the content of the server['file'] as #Corey said. It cannot be the Path to the file where you wrote the data but the content of it or a file type object. In the case of OpenstackSDK it must be base64 encoded but it is not the case in Novaclient.
Thanks a lot to #Corey for all the help! :)
I develop a Python two scripts to transfer lot of data (~120Go) on my vm, with Paramiko.
My vm is on OVH server.
First script transfert ~ 40Go, and the second script ~ 80Go.
Stack :
Python 3.9.1
Paramiko 2.7.2
SCP 0.13.3
On my both scripts, I use this function to setup SSH connection.
def connect():
transport = paramiko.Transport((target_host, target_port))
transport.connect(None, target_username, target_pwd)
sftp_client = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport)
green_print("SSH connected")
return sftp_client, transport
If I create one script which do the two transfer, I'm timeout after 3 hours.
With two distincts script which run in the same time, I'm timeout after 2h30 of transfer.
I already read many many many post on Paramiko, SSH connection, timeout parameter, ClientAliveInterval, etc... But nothing works.
After this time, I have this error
Connexion fermée par l'hôte distant / Connection closed by remote host
Three functions of my script :
def connect():
transport = paramiko.Transport((target_host, target_port))
transport.connect(None, target_username, target_pwd)
sftp_client = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport)
green_print("SSH connected")
return sftp_client, transport
def transfert(sftp, vm, object_path):
parent = os.path.split(object_path)[1]
for path, _, files in os.walk(parent):
sftp.mkdir(os.path.join(vm, path))
for filename in files:
sftp.put(os.path.join(object_path, filename),
os.path.join(vm, path, filename))
def job():
green_print("\nProcess start...")
folder = forfiles_method()
vm, lidar, pos = name_path(folder)
sftp, transport = connect()
transfert(sftp, vm, pos)
minimal reproducible example :
from paramiko.sftp_client import SFTPClient
import paramiko
import os
target_host = 'xx.xx.x.xxx'
target_port = 22
target_username = "xxxxxxx"
target_pwd = 'xxxxxx'
remote_path = "e:/x/" # => on your vm
target_folder = '/folder1' # => on your computer
def connect():
transport = paramiko.Transport((target_host, target_port))
transport.connect(None, target_username, target_pwd)
sftp_client = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport)
return sftp_client, transport
def transfert(sftp, remote_path, object_path):
parent = os.path.split(object_path)[1]
for path, _, files in os.walk(parent):
sftp.mkdir(os.path.join(remote_path, path))
for filename in files:
sftp.put(os.path.join(object_path, filename),
os.path.join(remote_path, path, filename))
def job():
sftp, transport = connect()
transfert(sftp, remote_path, target_folder)
The tree structure of my files, and I want to transfer only the "test" folder which contains more than 120GB.
folder / test
I'm new in Python dev.
If someone have a solution, I take it !
So the solution :
subprocess.run(["winscp.com", "/script=" + cmdFile], shell=True)
If winscp.com is not found like command, insert the path like : C:/Program Files (x86)/WinSCP/winscp.com
Write your commandes line in a txt file, here cmdFile.
Links, which can help you :
Running WinSCP command from Python
From Python run WinSCP commands in console
I am running a script that acts as a server, allows two clients to connect to it, and for one specific client to send a message to the server, the server modifies it, then sends it to the other client.
This appears to work, as the receiving client acknowledges that the input was received and is valid. This is a script that I intend to run continuously.
However, a big issue is that my /tmp/ directory is filling up with directories named _M... (The ellipses representing a random string), that contains python modules (such as cryptography, which, as far as I'm aware, I'm not using), and timezone information (quite literally every timezone that python supports). It seems to be creating them very frequently, but I can't identify what in the process exactly is doing this.
I have created a working cleanup bash script that removes files older than 5 minutes from the directory every 5 minutes, however, I cannot guarantee that when I am duplicating this process for other devices, that the directories will have the same name formatting. Rather than create a unique bash script for each process that I create, I'd rather be able to clean up the directories from within the python script, or even better, to prevent the directories from being created at all.
The problem is, I'm not certain of how this is accomplished, and I do not see anything on SO regarding what is creating these directories, nor how to delete them.
The following is my script
import time, socket, os, sys, re, select
IP = ''
PORT = [3000, 3001]
PID = str(os.getpid())
PIDFILE = "/path/to/pidfile.pid"
client_counter = 0
sockets_list = []
def runCheck():
if os.path.isfile(PIDFILE):
return False
with open(PIDFILE, 'w') as pidfile:
return True
def openSockets():
for i in PORT:
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
s.bind((IP, i))
def receiveMessage(client_socket):
message = client_socket.recv(2048).decode('utf-8')
if not message:
return False
message = str(message)
return message
return False
def fixString(local_string):
return local_string
def main():
clients = {}
print(f'Listening for connections on {IP}:{PORT[0]} and {PORT[1]}...')
client_count = 0
while True:
read_sockets, _, exception_sockets = select.select(sockets_list, [], sockets_list)
for notified_socket in read_sockets:
if notified_socket == sockets_list[0] or notified_socket == sockets_list[1]:
client_socket, client_address = sockets_list[client_count].accept()
client_count = (client_count + 1) % 2
clients[client_socket] = client_socket
print('Accepted new connection from: {}'.format(*client_address))
message = receiveMessage(notified_socket)
if message is False:
message = fixString(message)
for client_socket in clients:
if client_socket != notified_socket:
if message != "N/A":
client_socket.send(bytes(message, "utf-8"))
for notified_socket in exception_sockets:
del clients[notified_socket]
except socket.timeout:
for i in sockets_list:
except Exception as e:
for i in sockets_list:
err_details = str('Error in line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno), type(e).__name__, e)
print("Exception: {}".format(err_details))
if __name__ == "__main__":
if runCheck():
How might I set it up so that the python script will delete the directories it creates in the /tmp/ directory, or better, to not create them in the first place? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
As it would turn out, it is PyInstaller that was generating these files. In the documentation, it states that pyinstaller generates this _MEI directory when creating the executable in single-file mode, and it is supposed to delete it as well, but for some reason it didn't.
I am trying to figure out a way to launch Mitmproxy from a python script (which I have done) and save any traffic to a dump file (which i need help with).
By googling, looking at mitmproxy git issues and reading example code, this is what I have so far:
from mitmproxy import proxy, options
from mitmproxy.tools.dump import DumpMaster
from mitmproxy.addons import core
class AddHeader:
def __init__(self):
self.num = 0
def response(self, flow):
self.num = self.num + 1
flow.response.headers["count"] = str(self.num)
addons = [
opts = options.Options(listen_host='', listen_port=8080)
pconf = proxy.config.ProxyConfig(opts)
m = DumpMaster(None)
m.server = proxy.server.ProxyServer(pconf)
# print(m.addons)
# m.addons.add(core.Core())
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Issue is, this creates an error AttributeError: No such option: body_size_limit which seems to be mitigated with master.addons.add(core.Core) but this core addon already exists in DumpMaster so that fires a different error.
Inspecting the addons that are currently loaded by DumpMaster i do see the save to file addon is loaded, but I am not clear how to access that so that any traffic that is going through the proxy, regardless if it is request, response, ws or tcp can be written to a dump file
Here is a redacted list of the addons that are loaded
mitmproxy.addons.streambodies.StreamBodies object at 0x111542da0>
mitmproxy.addons.save.Save object at 0x111542dd8>
mitmproxy.addons.upstream_auth.UpstreamAuth object at 0x111542e10>
just add those 2 lines after opts = options.Options(listen_host='', listen_port=8080)
opts.add_option("body_size_limit", int, 0, "")
opts.add_option("keep_host_header", bool, True, "")
your code snippet already runs a working proxy. However, the option to dump the recorded traffic into a file during runtime (save_stream_file) is part of the Save-Addon which is loaded by default after the DumpMaster instance is created. Therefore, you need to set the save_stream_file option after creating the DumpMaster instance. Took me a while to figure it out as well but this worked for me, saving your output stream to a file named traffic_stream:
from mitmproxy import proxy, options
from mitmproxy.tools.dump import DumpMaster
opts = options.Options(listen_port=8081)
opts.add_option("body_size_limit", int, 0, "")
pconf = proxy.config.ProxyConfig(opts)
m = DumpMaster(None)
m.server = proxy.server.ProxyServer(pconf)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Hope it works for you as well!
I am trying to change the directory of the couch database. I am using a python script to import a csv file to the CouchDB. Script is running ok. Here it is just in case:
from couchdbkit import Server, Database
from couchdbkit.loaders import FileSystemDocsLoader
from csv import DictReader
import sys, subprocess, math, os
def parseDoc(doc):
for k,v in doc.items():
if (isinstance(v,str)):
#print k, v, v.isdigit()
# #see if this string is really an int or a float
if v.isdigit()==True: #int
doc[k] = int(v)
else: #try a float
if math.isnan(float(v))==False:
doc[k] = float(v)
return doc
def upload(db, docs):
del docs
return list()
def uploadFile(fname, dbname):
#connect to the db
theServer = Server()
db = theServer.get_or_create_db(dbname)
#loop on file for upload
reader = DictReader(open(fname, 'rU'), dialect = 'excel')
docs = list()
checkpoint = 100
i = 0
for doc in reader:
newdoc = parseDoc(doc)
if len(docs)%checkpoint==0:
docs = upload(db,docs)
i += 1
print 'Number : %d' %i
#don't forget the last batch
docs = upload(db,docs)
if __name__=='__main__':
x = '/media/volume1/Crimes_-_2001_to_present.csv'
filename = x
dbname = 'test'
uploadFile(filename, dbname)
I saw plenty posts on how to change the directory for appending the database. If I leave the /etc/couchdb/local.ini as it is (original after installation) the script is appending data to the default directory /var/lib/couchdb/1.0.1/. When I modify the local.ini to store the database to another disk:
database_dir = /media/volume1
view_index_dir = /media/volume1
and after the reboot of the CouchDB service I get this error :
restkit.errors.RequestError: socket.error: [Errno 111] Connection refused
I have checked the open sockets (couchdb uses 5984 as default) and it is not opened. But I get no errors when I start CouchDB service.
Any ideas how to fix it ?
I think the error may be due to you have changed the directory location in Local.ini but when you are trying to make new connection to existing database, it cannot find it there.
So move the database_name.couch file to new location which you can put in local.ini and then try to make a connection. I think this should work.