Find owner class of a method in Python - python-3.x

I'm writing decorators, and part of what I need to do is discern whether a function is a function or a method. Is there a way I can find what class a given method is a part of?
e.g. If I was to run this code, what could I write in getOwner to make exampleFunc print something like <class '__main__'.Example>?
class Example:
def method(self):
print("I'm a method")
def exampleFunc(func):
owner = getOwner(func)
test = Example()

If all you need to do is figure out of the thing behaving like a function is a method or a function, that is one purpose of the types module.
import types
def is_method(f):
return type(f) == types.MethodType
In the event that the function-like object is a method, you can find its parent class as follows.
Update Patched for Python3 compatibility.
def method_parent(f):
return f.__self__

If you have a reference to the classes defined in your scope, you'd need to check for each one:
def exampleFunc(f):
class_list = [...]
return any(f in vars(c).values() for c in class_List)
This will return True if function f is an instance method. However, if you wish to return the actual class name:
def exampleFunc(f):
class_list = [...]
for c in class_list:
if f in vars(c).values():
return c.__name__
return 'global function' if 'lambda' not in f.__name__ else 'lambda'
Note that this does not work for __dunder__ methods, and methods that your class inherits. For example,
class A:
def f1(self): pass
class B(A):
def f2(self): pass
mappingproxy({'__doc__': None,
'__module__': '__main__',
'f2': <function __main__.B.f2>})
Note that f1 is not a part of B's mappingproxy.


Check if method is from class without known string

Trying to check if a method is from a class. It's as simple as:
class Foo:
def bar(self):
f = Foo()
ismethod(, Foo) # Should evaluate to true
Syntax like hasattr(Foo(), 'bar') works if you know the method name, and the same with 'bar' in dir(Foo()); howeveer, I need to be able to pass the method object itself as the argument, not like a string as shown here. In my scenario, I need to tell if a method—passed as an argument—is of a specific class.
In other words: How do I tell if an object is a method of a class, without knowing the name of the object?
You need inspect.ismethod:
import inspect
def just_func(a, b):
return a + b
class SomeClass:
def just_method(self, a, b, c):
return a * b + c
obj = SomeClass()
print(inspect.ismethod(just_func)) # False
print(inspect.ismethod(obj.just_method)) # True
Oh sorry, you need to check if it belongs to a particular class, then use:
print('SomeClass' in obj.just_method.__qualname__) # True
print('SomeClass' in just_func.__qualname__) # False
Here's what the function you want might look like:
def ismethod(func, cls):
return cls.__name__ in func.__qualname__ and '.' in func.__qualname__
It actually looks like a duplicate of this.

how to use python decorator with argument?

I would like to define a decorator that will register classes by a name given as an argument of my decorator. I could read from stackoverflow and other sources many examples that show how to derive such (tricky) code but when adapted to my needs my code fails to produce the expected result. Here is the code:
import functools
def register(typ):
def decorator_register(kls):
def wrapper_register(*args, **kwargs):
READERS[typ] = kls
return wrapper_register
return decorator_register
class PDBReader:
class GromacsReader:
This code produces an empty dictionary while I would expect a dictionary with two entries. Would you have any idea about what is wrong with my code ?
Taking arguments (via (...)) and decoration (via #) both result in calls of functions. Each "stage" of taking arguments or decoration maps to one call and thus one nested functions in the decorator definition. register is a three-stage decorator and takes as many calls to trigger its innermost code. Of these,
the first is the argument ((".pdb")),
the second is the class definition (#... class), and
the third is the class call/instantiation (PDBReader(...))
This stage is broken as it does not instantiate the class.
In order to store the class itself in the dictionary, store it at the second stage. As the instances are not to be stored, remove the third stage.
def register(typ): # first stage: file extension
"""Create a decorator to register its target for the given `typ`"""
def decorator_register(kls): # second stage: Reader class
"""Decorator to register its target `kls` for the previously given `typ`"""
READERS[typ] = kls
return kls # <<< return class to preserve it
return decorator_register
Take note that the result of a decorator replaces its target. Thus, you should generally return the target itself or an equivalent object. Since in this case the class is returned immediately, there is no need to use functools.wraps.
def register(typ): # first stage: file extension
"""Create a decorator to register its target for the given `typ`"""
def decorator_register(kls): # second stage: Reader class
"""Decorator to register its target `kls` for the previously given `typ`"""
READERS[typ] = kls
return kls # <<< return class to preserve it
return decorator_register
class PDBReader:
class GromacsReader:
print(READERS) # {'.pdb': <class '__main__.PDBReader'>, '.gro': <class '__main__.GromacsReader'>}
If you don't actually call the code that the decorator is "wrapping" then the "inner" function will not fire, and you will not create an entry inside of READER. However, even if you create instances of PDBReader or GromacsReader, the value inside of READER will be of the classes themselves, not an instance of them.
If you want to do the latter, you have to change wrapper_register to something like this:
def register(typ):
def decorator_register(kls):
def wrapper_register(*args, **kwargs):
READERS[typ] = kls(*args, **kwargs)
return READERS[typ]
return wrapper_register
return decorator_register
I added simple init/repr inside of the classes to visualize it better:
class PDBReader:
def __init__(self, var):
self.var = var
def __repr__(self):
return f"PDBReader({self.var})"
class GromacsReader:
def __init__(self, var):
self.var = var
def __repr__(self):
return f"GromacsReader({self.var})"
And then we initialize some objects:
x = PDBReader("Inside of PDB")
z = GromacsReader("Inside of Gromacs")
print(x) # Output: PDBReader(Inside of PDB)
print(z) # Output: GromacsReader(Inside of Gromacs)
print(READERS) # Output: {'.pdb': PDBReader(Inside of PDB), '.gro': GromacsReader(Inside of Gromacs)}
If you don't want to store the initialized object in READER however, you will still need to return an initialized object, otherwise when you try to initialize the object, it will return None.
You can then simply change wrapper_register to:
def wrapper_register(*args, **kwargs):
READERS[typ] = kls
return kls(*args, **kwargs)

Why does vars(type('', (object,), input_dict)()) not return its variables?

To convert dict to class, I wrote the code as follows, and it works well.
output_class = type('', (object,), input_dict)()
However, the created class does not return its attributes by the code below!
>> {}
I solved this problem by using the code below, but I am still confused.
class Struct(object):
def __init__(self, **entries):
output_class = Struct(**input_dict)
>> {'key': 'value'}
I would appreciate it if you could explain why the former does not return its attributes.
It's because in first case (calling type) object of your class has an empty __dict__ and your input_dict content is stored in class variables.
third argument of type() defines class (not object) variables or methods (they are defined by __new__ call not __init__ ).
Simply put, the first and the second code snippets are not the same.
output_class = type('', (object,), input_dict)(),
Has equivalent something like this:
class Struct(object):
def __new__(cls, **entries):
cls = super().__new__()
for k,v in **entries:
setattr(cls, k, v)
return obj
output_class = Struct()
If you want something like:
class Struct(object):
def __init__(self, **entries):
output_class = Struct(**input_dict)
You should define init(). It can look like:
output_class = type('', (object,),
{'__init__': lambda self, inp_d: self.__dict__.update(inp_d)})(input_dict)
If my explanation isn't enough clear I suppose example from here can help:
Pay you attention: a is not inside __init__() method so it's shared between all objects of class X.

Python class method also instance method

I have a class that in principle carries all the information about it in its class body. When instantiated, it receives additional information that together with the class attributes forms a regular instance. My problem now lies in the fact that I need to implement a method which should be called as class method when it is called from a class object but should be called as regular instance method when called from an instance:
e.g. something like
class MyClass(object):
attribs = 1, 2, 3
def myMethod(self, args):
if isclass(self):
"do class stuff"
"do instance stuff"
MyClass.myMethod(2) #should now be called as a class method, e.g. I would normally do #classmethod
MyClass().myMethod(2) #should now be called as instance method
Of course I could declare it as staticmethod and pass either the instance or the class object explicitly, but that seems rather unpythonic and also user unfriendly.
If the methods are to behave differently, you could simply change which one is exposed by that name at initialization time:
class MyCrazyClass:
def magicmeth(cls):
print("I'm a class")
def _magicmeth(self):
print("I'm an instance")
def __init__(self):
self.magicmeth = self._magicmeth
You can define a decorator that works like a regular method when called on an instance, or class method when called on a class. This requires a descriptor:
from functools import partial
class anymethod:
"""Transform a method into both a regular and class method"""
def __init__(self, call):
self.__wrapped__ = call
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if instance is None: # called on class
return partial(self.__wrapped__, owner)
else: # called on instance
return partial(self.__wrapped__, instance)
class Foo:
def bar(first):
print(first) # <class '__main__.Foo'>
Foo().bar() # <__main__.Foo object at 0x106f86610>
Note that this behaviour will not be obvious to most programmers. Only use it if you really need it.

Can I derive from classmethod in Python?

I have a special statemachine implemented in Python, which uses class methods as state representation.
class EntityBlock(Block):
def __init__(self, name):
self._name = name
def stateKeyword1(cls, parserState : ParserState):
def stateWhitespace1(cls, parserState : ParserState):
token = parserState.Token
if isinstance(token, StringToken):
if (token <= "generate"):
parserState.NewToken = GenerateKeyword(token)
parserState.NewBlock = cls(....)
raise TokenParserException("....", token)
raise TokenParserException("....", token)
def stateDelimiter(cls, parserState : ParserState):
Visit GitHub for full source code off pyVHDLParser.
When I debug my parser FSM, I get the statenames printed as:
State: <bound method Package.stateParse of <class 'pyVHDLParser.DocumentModel.Sequential.Package.Package'>>
I would like to get better reports, so I would like to overwrite the default behavior of __repr__ of each bound method object.
Yes, I could write a metaclass or apply a second decorator, but I was questioning myself:
Is it possible to derive from classmethod and have only one decorator called e.g. state?
According to PyCharm's (a collection of dummy code for Python's builtins), classmethod is a class-based decorator.
Yes, you can write your own class that derives from classmethod if you want. It's a bit complicated though. You'll need to implement the descriptor protocol (overriding classmethod's implementation of __get__) so that it returns an instance of another custom class that behaves like a bound method object. Unfortunately, you can't inherit from Python's builtin bound method type (I'm not sure why not).
Probably the best approach then is to wrap one of the normal method objects in an instance of a custom class. I'm not sure how much of the method API you need to replicate though, so that might get a bit complicated. (Do you need your states to be comparable to one another? Do they need to be hashable? Picklable?)
Anyway, here's a bare bones implementation that does the minimum amount necessary to get a working method (plus the new repr):
class MethodWrapper:
def __init__(self, name, method): = name if name is not None else repr(method)
self.method = method
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.method(*args, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
class State(classmethod):
def __init__(self, func): = None
def __set_name__(self, owner, name): = "{}.{}".format(owner.__name__, name)
def __get__(self, owner, instance):
method = super().__get__(owner, instance)
return MethodWrapper(, method)
And a quick demo of it in action:
>>> class Foo:
def foo(cls):
<class '__main__.Foo'>
>>> f = Foo()
<class '__main__.Foo'>
Note that the __set_name__ method used by the State descriptor is only called by Python 3.6. Without that new feature, it would be much more difficult for the descriptor to learn its own name (you might need to make a decorator factory that takes the name as an argument).
