passing value of RDD to another RDD as variable - Spark #Pyspark [duplicate] - apache-spark

This question already has answers here:
How to get a value from the Row object in Spark Dataframe?
(3 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I am currently exploring how to call big hql files (contains 100 line of an insert into select statement) via sqlContext.
Another thing is, The hqls files are parameterize, so while calling it from sqlContext, I want to pass the parameters as well.
Have gone through loads of blogs and posts, but not found any answers to this.
Another thing I was trying, to store an output of rdd into a variable.
max_date=sqlContext.sql("select max(rec_insert_date) from table")
now want to pass max_date as variable to next rdd
incremetal_data=sqlConext.sql(s"select count(1) from table2 where rec_insert_date > $max_dat")
This is not working , moreover the value for max_date is coming as =
u[row-('20018-05-19 00:00:00')]
now this is not clear how to trim those extra characters.

The sql Context reterns a Dataset[Row]. You can get your value from there with
max_date=sqlContext.sql("select count(rec_insert_date) from table").first()[0]
In Spark 2.0+ using spark Session you can
max_date=spark.sql("select count(rec_insert_date) from table").rdd.first()[0]
to get the underlying rdd from the returned dataframe

Shouldn't you use max(rec_insert_date) instead of count(rec_insert_date)?
You have two options on passing values returned from one query to another:
Use collect, which will trigger computations and assign returned value to a variable
max_date = sqlContext.sql("select max(rec_insert_date) from table").collect()[0][0] # max_date has actual date assigned to it
incremetal_data = sqlConext.sql(s"select count(1) from table2 where rec_insert_date > '{}'".format(max_date))
Another (and better) option is to use Dataframe API
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, lit
incremental_data = sqlContext.table("table2").filter(col("rec_insert_date") > lit(max_date))
Use cross join - it should be avoided if you have more than 1 result from the first query. The advantage is that you don't break the graph of processing, so everything can be optimized by Spark.
max_date_df = sqlContext.sql("select max(rec_insert_date) as max_date from table") # max_date_df is a dataframe with just one row
incremental_data = sqlContext.table("table2").join(max_date_df).filter(col("rec_insert_date") > col("max_date"))
As for you first question how to call large hql files from Spark:
If you're using Spark 1.6 then you need to create a HiveContext
If you're using Spark 2.x then while creating SparkSession you need to enable Hive Support
You can start by inserting im in a sqlContext.sql(...) method, from my experience this usually works and is a nice starting point to rewrite the logic to DataFrames/Datasets API. There may be some issues while running it in your cluster because your queries will be executed by Spark's SQL engine (Catalyst) and won't be passed to Hive.


Delete rows from cassandra table using pyspark or cql query

I have a table with lots of columns, for ex. test_event and also I have another table test in the same keyspace that contains id's of rows I have to delete from test_event.
I tried deleteFromCassandra, but it doesn't works because spark cannot see SparkContext.
I found some solutions used DELETE FROM, but it was written in scala.
After about hundred attempts I finally get confused and asked for your help. Can somebody do it with me step by step?
Take a look on this code:
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext
def main_function():
sql = SQLContext(sc)
tests ="org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra").\
load(keyspace="your keyspace", table="test").where(...)
for test in tests:
delete_sql = "delete from test_event where id = " +'id')
Be aware of deleting one row at a time is not a best practice on spark but the above code is just an example to help you figure out your implementation.
Spark Cassandra Connector (SCC) itself provides only Dataframe API for Python. But there is a pyspark-cassandra package that provides RDD API on top of the SCC, so deletion could be performed as following.
Start pyspark shell with (I've tried with Spark 2.4.3):
bin/pyspark --conf\
--packages anguenot:pyspark-cassandra:2.4.0
and inside read data from one table, and do delete. You need to have source data to have the columns corresponding to the primary key. It could be full primary key, partial primary key, or only partition key - depending on it, Cassandra will use corresponding tombstone type (row/range/partition tombstone).
In my example, table has primary key consisting of one column - that's why I specified only one element in the array:
rdd = sc.cassandraTable("test", "m1")
rdd.deleteFromCassandra("test","m1", keyColumns = ["id"])

What is the best way to join multiple jdbc connection tables in spark?

I'm trying to migrate a query to pyspark and need to join multiple tables in it. All the tables in question are in Redshift and I'm using the jdbc connector to talk to them.
My problem is how do I do these joins optimally without reading too much data in (i.e. load table and join on key) and without just blatantly using:
spark.sql("""join table1 on x=y join table2 on y=z""")
Is there a way to pushdown the queries to Redshift but still use the Spark df API for writing the logic and also utilizing df from spark context without saving them to Redshift just for the joins?
Please find next some points to consider:
The connector will push-down the specified filters only if there is any filter specified in your Spark code e.g select * from tbl where id > 10000. You can confirm that by yourself, just check the responsible Scala code. Also here is the corresponding test which demonstrates exactly that. The test test("buildWhereClause with multiple filters") tries to verify that the variable expectedWhereClause is equal to whereClause generated by the connector. The generated where clause should be:
|WHERE "test_bool" = true
|AND "test_string" = \'Unicode是樂趣\'
|AND "test_double" > 1000.0
|AND "test_double" < 1.7976931348623157E308
|AND "test_float" >= 1.0
|AND "test_int" <= 43
|AND "test_int" IS NOT NULL
|AND "test_int" IS NULL
which has occurred from the Spark-filters specified above.
The driver supports also column filtering. Meaning it will load only the required columns by pushing down the valid columns to redshift. You can again verify that from the corresponding Scala test("DefaultSource supports simple column filtering") and test("query with pruned and filtered scans").
Although in your case, you haven't specified any filters in your join query hence Spark can not leverage the two previous optimisations. If you are aware of such filters please feel free to apply them though.
Last but not least and as Salim already mentioned, the official Spark connector for redshift can be found here. The Spark connector is built on top of Amazon Redshift JDBC Driver therefore it will try to use it anyway as specified on the connector's code.

Dropping temporary columns in Spark

Im creating a new column in a data frame and use it in subsequent transformations. Latter when I try to drop the new column it breaks the execution. When I look into the execution plan Spark optimize execution plan by removing the whole flow as because Im dropping the column in latter stage. How to drop temporary column without affecting execution plan? - Im using pyspark.
df = df.withColumn('COLUMN_1', "some transformation returns value").withColumn('COLUMN_2',"some transformation returns value")
df = df.withColumn('RESULT',when("some condition", col('COLUMN_1')).otherwise(col('COLUMN_2'))).drop('COLUMN_1','COLUMN_2')
I have tried in spark-shell(using scala) and it's working as expected
I'm using Spark 2.4.4 version and scala 2.11.12.
I have tried the same in Pyspark and refer the attachment. Let me know if this answer helps for you.
With Pyspark

How to translate HiveQL query to corresponding DataFrame operation?

In my usecase, I was using hivecontext inside function. I got error that java.lang nullpointerexception. I realized, it is not possible to use hiveContext inside the map logic. The hivecontext was used to fire a hiveql query to another table (conf). hiveContext.sql(). The query is like this
select config_date, filefilter, family, id from mydb.conf where
id == 178 and config_date < cast("2011-02-04 13:05:41.0" as
timestamp) and family == "drf" order by config_date desc limit 1
I have decided to create a dataframe of this table before the start of the map process in the driver code. And perform dataframe operations inside the map logic. Basically, want to do method calls over dataframe instead of using hivecontext to query.
Is it possible? Can someone help me out here how to replicate this query over dataframe?
Yes, translating your Hive query to Dataset is perfectly possible.
You can just spark.sql(yourQueryHere) or rewrite the query to use Spark SQL's Dataset API.
Just load your Hie table using"mydb.conf") and do the filtering and ordering.
val conf = spark.
select("config_date", "filefilter", "family", "id").
... // you know the rest
You can then join this Dataset with the other and apply joined transformation that will will avoid using hiveContext inside map.

Spark DataFrames: registerTempTable vs not

I just started with DataFrame yesterday and am really liking it so far.
I dont understand one thing though...
(Referring to the example under "Programmatically Specifying the Schema" here:
In this example the dataframe is registered as a table (I am guessing to provide access to SQL queries..?) but the exact same information that is being accessed can also be done by"name").
So question is.. When would you want to register a dataframe as a table instead of just using the given dataframe functions? And is one option more efficient than the other?
The reason to use the registerTempTable( tableName ) method for a DataFrame, is so that in addition to being able to use the Spark-provided methods of a DataFrame, you can also issue SQL queries via the sqlContext.sql( sqlQuery ) method, that use that DataFrame as an SQL table. The tableName parameter specifies the table name to use for that DataFrame in the SQL queries.
val sc: SparkContext = ...
val hc = new HiveContext( sc )
val customerDataFrame = myCodeToCreateOrLoadDataFrame()
customerDataFrame.registerTempTable( "cust" )
val query = """SELECT custId, sum( purchaseAmount ) FROM cust GROUP BY custId"""
val salesPerCustomer: DataFrame = hc.sql( query )
Whether to use SQL or DataFrame methods like select and groupBy is probably largely a matter of preference. My understanding is that the SQL queries get translated into Spark execution plans.
In my case, I found that certain kinds of aggregation and windowing queries that I needed, like computing a running balance per customer, were available in the Hive SQL query language, that I suspect would have been very difficult to do in Spark.
If you want to use SQL, then you most likely will want to create a HiveContext instead of a regular SQLContext. The Hive query language supports a broader range of SQL than available via a plain SQLContext.
It's convenient to load the dataframe into a temp view in a notebook for example, where you can run exploratory queries on the data:
Then in another notebook you can run a sql query and get all the nice integration features that come out of the box e.g. table and graph visualisation etc.
SELECT * FROM myTempView
